View Full Version : gentlemen, it's time to grow up

Jul 16th, 2012, 01:06 PM
so i was surfing the internet and found this article (http://artofmanliness.com/2012/02/21/freedom-from-freedom-to/). it's really well written and thoughtful. while anyone can use the information (and i would encourage everyone to read it) it is directed to men specifically. it's located on this site (http://artofmanliness.com/) which is dedicated to all things manly of years gone by, from being a manly man (http://artofmanliness.com/2012/05/13/want-to-feel-like-a-man-then-act-like-one/), to tips (http://artofmanliness.com/category/dress-grooming/) on everything from dressing for a first date to dressing for a job interview to trimming up your moustache, to manly skills (http://artofmanliness.com/category/manly-skills/) with articles like a primer on shotguns to "in praise of the push reel mower" to how to make a slingshot, and much much more including protips for the zompocalypse (http://artofmanliness.com/2011/07/11/how-to-make-a-survival-shotgun/). the articles are often as funny and entertaining as they are informative. there is a lot of good info on being manly men (and no i don't mean muscle bound meat heads) in an age of effeminate, wishy-washy, girly men. i'd suggest every guy who would like an extra dose of testosterone and a little guidance on what to do with that testosterone to check out the site. bring back the men.

Jul 16th, 2012, 01:15 PM
wanna get fit? go old school. (http://artofmanliness.com/2009/08/20/old-school-workout-daily-exercises-for-young-men-from-1883/)

Jul 16th, 2012, 01:21 PM
wanna get fit? go old school. (http://artofmanliness.com/2009/08/20/old-school-workout-daily-exercises-for-young-men-from-1883/)

Men are my favorite people in the whole world .

Jul 16th, 2012, 01:53 PM
so, want to be a tattoo artist? how about a cop? maybe a poet? give it some serious thought, and while you're at it, read these interviewes (http://artofmanliness.com/category/money-career/so-you-want-my-job/)with those in that line of work

Jul 16th, 2012, 02:07 PM
here's some advice (http://artofmanliness.com/category/relationships-family/) on how to handle relationships like a man: from listening, to grieving, to great dates.

the more i look through this site the more irealize that it's not just a few men, it's a place for men from all over to come together and help and support each other.

Jul 16th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I support this..in a very un-emotional, manly way.

Jul 16th, 2012, 09:11 PM
I didn't even read that wall of text you posted, Reaper. It would have taken way to much effort. Almost as much effort as it's taking to write this response, which seems to have potential to wander in its own senseless direction. That is not the case, however. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that this was a personal attack, launched on myself and Todd, because of the nature of the thread title. This assumes that him and myself are the only two gentlemen presently inhabiting these boards. I don't count Rev because he's often a bit of a girl--not at all like me, I never EVER lose my shit like he does--and neither do I consider nikvoodoo to be a gentlesir, mostly because of his girlish locks and figure. In closing, I had a banana split this afternoon and it was quite delicious. I shall endeavour to post pictures of my next dessert in this thread, to help alleviate tensions created by the original poster and his staunch and adamant belief that we should (I'm speaking of us now, Todd) grow up. Further, I will be boycotting the majority of your threads from this point forward.

Good day, sir. Good day.


Luna Guardian
Jul 16th, 2012, 11:16 PM
I see you're returning to your old nickname Os. Also, for someone who critiqued the original wall of text, you post one on your own well enough :D.

Now, back on topic.

I find this site very entertaining, but a bit on the girly side for a burly barbarian like myself. However, it is an excellent start for young boys. Raaargh, raw meat and mead!

Jul 17th, 2012, 01:32 AM
I see you're returning to your old nickname Os. Also, for someone who critiqued the original wall of text, you post one on your own well enough :D.

Now, back on topic.

I find this site very entertaining, but a bit on the girly side for a burly barbarian like myself. However, it is an excellent start for young boys. Raaargh, raw meat and mead!

remember back in the day, when we would compare manly stories? ah good times..

nostalgia just aint what it used to be

Jul 17th, 2012, 01:55 AM
I didn't even read that wall of text you posted, Reaper. It would have taken way to much effort. Almost as much effort as it's taking to write this response, which seems to have potential to wander in its own senseless direction. That is not the case, however. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that this was a personal attack, launched on myself and Todd, because of the nature of the thread title. This assumes that him and myself are the only two gentlemen presently inhabiting these boards. I don't count Rev because he's often a bit of a girl--not at all like me, I never EVER lose my shit like he does--and neither do I consider nikvoodoo to be a gentlesir, mostly because of his girlish locks and figure. In closing, I had a banana split this afternoon and it was quite delicious. I shall endeavour to post pictures of my next dessert in this thread, to help alleviate tensions created by the original poster and his staunch and adamant belief that we should (I'm speaking of us now, Todd) grow up. Further, I will be boycotting the majority of your threads from this point forward.

Good day, sir. Good day.


i see my friend (^ this guy) has mentioned his concerns..while i for one understand where he is coming from...i think the important question in my mind is:
if im a gentleman now....what am i to grow up into?

being a man is something your just born into...not all of us can do manly things...like, grow beards, play football, put out fires, wrestle beavers, then wrestle with each other, maybe jump out of a tree into a swarming hornets nest, have your body covered with hornet stingers...then go chop wood for that bitchin' log cabin you built over the weekend with nothing but the buck teeth of the beaver from earlier in this paragraph, thats right. in the time its taken you to read these words, ive got me some beaver teefs...right here in my hands..

yup. cant teach that. and a gentleman, well now!! take that^ times eleven!!!!1111ty...and your perhaps on your way to understanding the truly glorious bastards that we "gentlemen" can be...next time, consult us...we are here to help!!


Luna Guardian
Jul 17th, 2012, 02:00 AM
remember back in the day, when we would compare manly stories? ah good times..

nostalgia just aint what it used to be

We'll get back to that soon my friend. The glorious days of old shall return again, riding a flaming lion, chest bare and roaring their challenge to the wind

Jul 17th, 2012, 07:46 AM
cuz you wnna feel like a REAL MAN! (http://artofmanliness.com/2009/04/06/7-exercises-to-make-you-look-and-feel-like-a-man/)


for some reason, i imagine some super hyper muscle bound dude yelling at me when i read this article. anyone else? good stuff though.

Jul 17th, 2012, 02:24 PM
i see my friend (^ this guy) has mentioned his concerns..while i for one understand where he is coming from...i think the important question in my mind is:
if im a gentleman now....what am i to grow up into?

being a man is something your just born into...not all of us can do manly things...like, grow beards, play football, put out fires, wrestle beavers, then wrestle with each other, maybe jump out of a tree into a swarming hornets nest, have your body covered with hornet stingers...then go chop wood for that bitchin' log cabin you built over the weekend with nothing but the buck teeth of the beaver from earlier in this paragraph, thats right. in the time its taken you to read these words, ive got me some beaver teefs...right here in my hands..

yup. cant teach that. and a gentleman, well now!! take that^ times eleven!!!!1111ty...and your perhaps on your way to understanding the truly glorious bastards that we "gentlemen" can be...next time, consult us...we are here to help!!


Just like back in the day.

Jul 17th, 2012, 02:25 PM
i see you're returning to your old nickname os. Also, for someone who critiqued the original wall of text, you post one on your own well enough :d.

Now, back on topic.

I find this site very entertaining, but a bit on the girly side for a burly barbarian like myself. However, it is an excellent start for young boys. Raaargh, raw meat and mead!

i don't have time to read all that shit!

Jul 18th, 2012, 12:44 PM
For all those of you needing a helping hand and some extra energy on your quest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs .
But seriously the whole point of that article was that you should have more positive freedom. That includes the freedom to shake of the expectations society has for men. Neither I or many others are ever going to be the types of men that wrestle wild beasts with our bear hands (no pun intended) while making spice racks. But that does not mean we cannot mature morally and become gentlemen, just the same as those with more traditional skills. Pip pip!