View Full Version : their no detectives!!!

Jul 16th, 2012, 04:39 AM
i re-listened to W-A again for the forth time and came across a few pitfalls, but this one seemed to be the most obvious....
kolani betrayed the tower and called the mallers to attempt a take over but it failed. if micheal, angel, burt etc... were really concerned about finding the traitor all they had to do was question the people on guard that day before the mallers arrived, then bingo one of them left the CB on 18, not that hard to figure out... however this wouldve killed the kolani storyline, which by the way was by far the most intresting in W-A so far.
this isnt going to start a great debate but thought id mention it.

Jul 16th, 2012, 05:38 AM
The focus after the attack became less about who-dun-it, vs rebuilding enough to survive. The most important thing was shoring up defenses against other attacks from Mallers and Zombies. While the...

Jul 16th, 2012, 08:57 AM
We also don't know how long their shifts are per position. If they are only 2-3 hours that's 10-12 people that could have been on guard duty in the 24 hours leading up to the party. That's a lot of people with a lot of fingers to point.

Yup, there were far too many people on duty the day before. Short shifts to let people get ready for the party, so there were too many people to try and single one in particular.

Jul 16th, 2012, 10:11 AM
Dafuq is Kolani?

Jul 16th, 2012, 11:13 AM
Dafuq is Kolani?

I think he meant Coloni.

Jul 16th, 2012, 11:37 AM
I think he meant Coloni.

Dafuk is Colonoscopy?

Jul 16th, 2012, 10:07 PM
Dafuk is Colonoscopy?

Dafug did detectives become possessive? Whose detectives are we talking about?

Loyal Retainer
Jul 16th, 2012, 11:46 PM
Dafuq are all of you talking about in here? This thread is great with its spelling and grammatical errors. The grammar Nazi in me wants to Blitzkieg all of you.

Luna Guardian
Jul 17th, 2012, 12:24 AM

Jul 17th, 2012, 12:45 AM

Als ein Grammatiknazi, finde ich das schoen.

Dafuk is Colonoscopy?

A variation on the standard procedure, which only Kalani can perform. It was a lucrative side-job of his when he wasn't doing Hawaii sight seeing tours. ....Fanfiction possibilities.