View Full Version : And So It Begins....

Jul 15th, 2012, 05:57 AM
Here we are again my Zombie Hater team Owners and fans. Another season is upon us. The sweat is starting to bead on our foreheads, the anticipation beginning to turn our stomaches with anxiety. What player will be that sweet pick. Who will put a fantasy team over the top. Who will be that horse that performs every week, who you only swap out on bye and maybe not even then. So who are those magic players. Well lets take a look at some notable men of the gridiron.

Peyton Manning
Who isn't the biggest question this season. When asked is he has anything to prove this season he replied "No." Well I am glad he feels he doesn't but as a fantasy owner I need to see what he has in that arm. But truthfully I think that is the less of the 3 top questions this season for Manning. Number 1....can he take the hits. Bountygate aside, players will be making a go for him. They will not take it easy. Can his body hold up for a season and is that one thing, you as a fantasy manager, are you willing to risk. The second question. How well will he mesh with a new team. Will he take to the system easy. On this I am not too worried. He is a quarterback that makes recievers that are nothing into star players. i will say this with all those questions I can still take a serious look at him for my 3rd reciever.

Adrian Peterson
He just got into a scuffle with some off-duty Houston police. Nevermind the he said he said of this story. We all know Roger Goodell is watching this in court and if Peterson comes out on the short end of the stick I am sure Goodell will measure out some of his own justice. Hell even if Peterson is cleared that may not stop Goodell from coming in and laying out some of his own opinated NFl justice.

Drew Brees would have been on this list if they hadn't finally made a deal with him. And talk about waiting till the last minute. Brees will be the go to leader of the Saints this season with all the problems Bountygate has caused. He will still perform great and will be a go to Qb but the question is...without the leadership of Sean Payton...will this team be aplayoff contender or even a Super Bowl contender. That is the question and can put alot of these players in doubt. At least it will cause a little more thought before pivking a player from "Naw Orleens"

well for tonight that is it I have run out of my no_doz