View Full Version : Bricks-redemable? spoliers up to 31-2

Jul 9th, 2012, 11:29 AM
Is bricks redemable?
1-Bricks is a maller
2- Bricks waited outside the store whike Tar went in the back with lizzy

On the flip side
1-Bricks protects lizzy after scratch arrived at the store and from then on
2- Bricks stopped the torture of burt

What do you think can we redem and trust a man who let creepy tar go into the back of that store with lizzy? Or nit

Jul 9th, 2012, 11:37 AM
He wasn't happy with Tar going with Lizzy and seemed torn between stopping it and allowing it to happen. I don't think he at his heart is a maller I think he's a REALLY big strong guy that's a trained fighter that got taken in by them cause he an rip biters apart with his bare hands.

Jul 9th, 2012, 12:01 PM
Bricks has always struck me as someone who has a good heart but ended up playing the role of "dumb muscle" for other criminals who exploited him. I think he stays with the Mallers because he doesn't think he has anywhere else to go. But if he gets pushed far enough he'll break away and turn on them.
I'll also say that when he was waiting outside the furniture store, he didn't seem to really understand what Tardust was about to do. I don't think he really got it until Scratch showed up.

Jul 10th, 2012, 06:08 AM
I think Bricks is going to be central to the upcoming raid on the colony. I feel like he is being set up as the guy who sacrifices himself to save someone from our crew (probably Lizzie). As much as I want to see Burt smoke Sratch I think it may be bricks who takes her out in a heroic act of self-sacrifice allowing Lizzie and Burt to escape.

Jul 10th, 2012, 09:20 AM

Jul 10th, 2012, 09:33 AM
I think Bricks is going to be central to the upcoming raid on the colony. I feel like he is being set up as the guy who sacrifices himself to save someone from our crew (probably Lizzie). As much as I want to see Burt smoke Sratch I think it may be bricks who takes her out in a heroic act of self-sacrifice allowing Lizzie and Burt to escape.

i think that he will wind up saving lizzy, but he will not die from it.

Jul 10th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Sure. That'll redeem him. WAers are so convoluted.

Jul 10th, 2012, 09:50 PM
Anyone else think Bricks might be an innocent man wrongly convicted and sent to prison?
Bricks reminds me a little of Michael Clark Duncan's character in The Green Mile. A huge guy, not to bright, and wrongly convicted. He probably only stays with the Mallers because he easily gives in to peer pressure and has nowhere else to go.

Jul 11th, 2012, 06:01 AM
Anyone else think Bricks might be an innocent man wrongly convicted and sent to prison?
Bricks reminds me a little of Michael Clark Duncan's character in The Green Mile. A huge guy, not to bright, and wrongly convicted. He probably only stays with the Mallers because he easily gives in to peer pressure and has nowhere else to go.

i don't think so. i think he deserved his sentence, but i think he's a good man at heart. my guess is he got pulled into something by friends and then went to prison for it.

Jul 11th, 2012, 06:56 AM
Bricks, as nice as he is, also has a deep seeded hostility streak in him. He knows he is big, and while he doesn't necessarily like to use that to his advantage, he will.

Think of it this way, how many people in the We're Alive universe have beaten zombies to death by hand? Bricks and Datu and by the sound of it Bricks did it to more than just one to protect Durai. He also ripped/broke a Little one's arm off. He may not have necessarily meant to do whatever he was imprisoned for, but I bet it probably looked like he sure as shit meant to.

Jul 11th, 2012, 08:37 AM
i don't think so. i think he deserved his sentence, but i think he's a good man at heart. my guess is he got pulled into something by friends and then went to prison for it.

You think everyone deserves their sentence. How do you know that Latch wasn't in the wrong place at the wrong time? He was helping that old woman carry her purse

with a hammer.

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:20 AM
You think everyone deserves their sentence. How do you know that Latch wasn't in the wrong place at the wrong time? He was helping that old woman carry her purse

with a hammer.

and from three blocks away, yeah, i'm sure he was being real helpful. i don't automatically assume everyone is guilty; overzealous prosecuters and police have put more than one innocent man in jail, i just don't get the feeling that brix is one of them. he strikes me as someone who has no problems doing the wrong thing to help his friends.

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:26 AM
and from three blocks away, yeah, i'm sure he was being real helpful. i don't automatically assume everyone is guilty; overzealous prosecuters and police have put more than one innocent man in jail, i just don't get the feeling that brix is one of them. he strikes me as someone who has no problems doing the wrong thing to help his friends.

That must make him an insane psychopath with absolutely no scruples, moral compass, or a single shred of decency. He's evil and should be burned alive for his wanton disregard for life! TOWER INQUISITION TEAM ASSEMBLE!

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:29 AM
That must make him an insane psychopath with absolutely no scruples, moral compass, or a single shred of decency. He's evil and should be burned alive for his wanton disregard for life! TOWER INQUISITION TEAM ASSEMBLE!

noooooooooo, that's just scratch. ALL GOOD AND DECENT SURVIVORS ASSEMBLE! that would not include scratch ;)

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:30 AM
noooooooooo, that's just scratch. ALL GOOD AND DECENT SURVIVORS ASSEMBLE! that would not include scratch ;)

It's days like this that find me wanting to wear your skin.

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:33 AM
It's days like this that find me wanting to wear your skin.
Awww, you are so damn adorable when you get all barbaric.

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:34 AM
It's days like this that find me wanting to wear your skin.

Did you recently watch Silence of the Lambs or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something? This is the second reference to skin wearing in the past 24 hours.

And I'd argue it's not so much a Tower Inquisition team assemble...everyone has their point of view. We could say Maller Inquisition team assmble for you with your desire for Scratch to take an eye for an eye with Pegs much in the same way you believe it's hypocritical others want to see Scratch take a long walk off a short plank into a vat of acid....with open wounds....that have been rubbed with salt....caused by a rusty knife....

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:37 AM
It's days like this that find me wanting to wear your skin.

kiss kiss

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:37 AM
Did you recently watch Silence of the Lambs or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something? This is the second reference to skin wearing in the past 24 hours.

And I'd argue it's not so much a Tower Inquisition team assemble...everyone has their point of view. We could say Maller Inquisition team assmble for you with your desire for Scratch to take an eye for an eye with Pegs much in the same way you believe it's hypocritical others want to see Scratch take a long walk off a short plank into a vat of acid....with open wounds....that have been rubbed with salt....caused by a rusty knife....

:hsugh: What movies you been a watching, Nik? And no, wasn't Silence. Been writing the end of the book and the story has sort of spiralled out of control.

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:39 AM
Awww, you are so damn adorable when you get all barbaric.

:naughty: http://smiliesftw.com/x/naughty.gif

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:41 AM
kiss kiss


Jul 11th, 2012, 12:16 PM
why not?? most people are

Aug 3rd, 2012, 06:50 AM
He wasn't happy with Tar going with Lizzy and seemed torn between stopping it and allowing it to happen. I don't think he at his heart is a maller I think he's a REALLY big strong guy that's a trained fighter that got taken in by them cause he an rip biters apart with his bare hands.

That's true, I was listening to it again today, and he does seem between that and "I'm going to love you and hold you and hug, and I'm gonna call you Geroge." Hmmm, I hope that reference didn't go above people's heads.