View Full Version : Who is this woman?

Jul 2nd, 2012, 04:36 PM
On the episode "mark of the beast part 2" at 7:32 a woman starts talking. who is she? It was an all male prison so it can't be a prisoner. And the mallers don't seem like the type that would just allow random strangers drive critical parts to the very critical mission all while armed. This is probably nothing but it just bugs me.

Jul 2nd, 2012, 04:50 PM
That was Heidi of Heidi and frank...while it may be an inconsistency within the story..it was a clever way to plug her into the story...much the way in this most recent episode veronica Belmont of numerous of other internet projects made a cameo as the stand in doctor...

Edit; although...last chapter Glenn did mention two brunettes...and I seem to remember a line from scratch about "feed you to the sisters"....hmm

Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:39 PM
sorry must have had to much to drink at the Canada Day bbq I was just at but I cant remeber who heidi and frank are??

Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:53 PM
Yeah I'm confused about the girl but that's a really good catch. As for the " feed you to the sisters" part some people determined that the sisters are the gays in prison. The context that part was said in would make since as scratch said to puck shed feed puck to the sisters if he didn't obey orders and basically if he touched lizzy that scratch would let the sisters touch him . ;)

Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:54 PM
That was Heidi of Heidi and frank...while it may be an inconsistency within the story..it was a clever way to plug her into the story...much the way in this most recent episode veronica Belmont of numerous of other internet projects made a cameo as the stand in doctor...

Edit; although...last chapter Glenn did mention two brunettes...and I seem to remember a line from scratch about "feed you to the sisters"....hmm

"Feed you to the sisters" is in reference to prison "Bull Queers" like in Shawshank Redemption.

As for the woman who spoke, just because Eastern Bay was an all male prison doesn't mean the Mallers didn't promote other females in their ranks. Scratch may be the most notable one, but she probably isn't the only one.

Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:59 PM
"Feed you to the sisters" is in reference to prison "Bull Queers" like in Shawshank Redemption.

As for the woman who spoke, just because Eastern Bay was an all male prison doesn't mean the Mallers didn't promote other females in their ranks. Scratch may be the most notable one, but she probably isn't the only one. This is true as well she could be part of the family or married to someone in the family that was rescued at some point in time.

Jul 2nd, 2012, 06:01 PM
Oooooooh yeeeeea....sisters line makes total sense now. Heh forgot where that was at. ;)

Jul 2nd, 2012, 06:02 PM
This is true as well she could be part of the family or married to someone in the family that was rescued at some point in time.

Also very true. Family relations would pull a great deal of weight with the Mallers and would explain why she wasn't just relegated to slavery.

Jul 2nd, 2012, 10:33 PM
I think just like at the Colony, the people the Mallers find are given a choice. Work for them or die. Dieing means becoming zombie bait or slavery. I believe the woman decided to work for the Mallers. She even says she volunteered for the attack on the stadium.

Jul 2nd, 2012, 10:39 PM
I think just like at the Colony, the people the Mallers find are given a choice. Work for them or die. Dieing means becoming zombie bait or slavery. I believe the woman decided to work for the Mallers. She even says she volunteered for the attack on the stadium.
Where else are you hearing her in the podcast?

Jul 2nd, 2012, 11:20 PM
Just listened to the chapter over again. My bad, no one said they volunteered. They were ordered. A nameless Maller says he wanted to do the supply runs instead.

Still the woman says something like, she "didn't go this far just to go back" which doesn't sound like she was forced attack the stadium.

Jul 4th, 2012, 08:25 PM
sorry Im still not clear who Heidi and Frank are??

Wicked Sid
Jul 4th, 2012, 08:50 PM
sorry Im still not clear who Heidi and Frank are??

Heidi and Frank were simply cameos made by internet celebrities.

Here is the link to their site. (http://www.heidiandfrank.com/f/hf24)

Jul 6th, 2012, 03:20 AM
thanks wicked sid wish someone had just said that when I asked the first time I asked who they were :)