View Full Version : Whose baby is it?

Tar Heel Fan
Jul 1st, 2012, 07:49 AM
With the confirmation that Lizzy is pregnant, this past episode raised another important question that might bring important plot relevance. Most of us are probably accepting Saul as the baby-daddy ... but what if he's not?

Our colony escapees did share information about Lizzy that would seem to suggest she was now on the inside with the Maller leadership group. I know she has psychiatric training and can probably very effectively manipulate these folks, but might there be another way she got there?

Knowing the arc of romances so far in this story, I find out hard to believe that this pregnancy thing will play out straightforwardly. I want to believe in happy endings after Z-day and that Saul and Lizzy will get to be the happy family they may have started, but they may have too work to get there.

Here are a couple of theories:
1) The Angel angle:
When they found out Lizzy was pregnant, she had already seen their connection with Angel and claimed him to be the father. This caused them to treat her more gingerly and respectfullyand put her in a place to gain their trust. When Saul comes blazing in to the rescue, he'll hear that it's someone else's kid -one of the Maller peeps -and he'll have a huge dilemma on his hands, one that will not bee made easier by CJ, who came along to help him.

2) The sad scenario:
Lizzy had become Durai's bed-buddy out of a sheer survival calculation, and the Mallers believe it to be Durai's child. It may or may not actually be the case, but Saul deals with the same big dilemma as scenario 1.

3) The twisted scenario:
The Mallers are on the inside of a group who are experimenting with zombies, and they're waiting for the baby to come in order to experiment... Does Saul make it in time?

4) The-I'm-reading-way-too-much-into-this-scenario:
Nuff said - it's Saul's child.

Love to hear any other theories out there!

Jul 1st, 2012, 09:00 AM
I feel it could be 1, but I’m more leaning towards 4.

I don't believe it could be Durai's because Pete said she looked around 3-4 months. And she has def not been there long enough to be pregnant by Durai, and also, when she was still with the group she had signs of being pregnant, like throwing up...ect.

Definitely not number 3

Jul 1st, 2012, 09:11 AM
I'll take number 4.

Jul 1st, 2012, 02:37 PM
It's VEEs'

That guy seems to get around. :p

Jul 1st, 2012, 04:41 PM
yup. #4....there is more to the story of were alive in its entirety to fit and make work some weird twisted angle of whos the daddy...it doesnt serve the story at all, yet what does serve the story is that it is Sauls baby and its enough to deal with what will happen just with that. Like ive mentioned before, I'm thinking the birth of a child which I'm guessing will coincide with the end of season 4 (end of the whole shebang) will wrap up the saul lizzie story yet provide a nice segue to the future of hope and a cure (sauls immunity) for mankind.

My Edit: If Lizzie is in her 2nd trimester already then baby's gonna be a part of the story and not the ending....What chapter is season 3 ending? Is it 36? Then we have a ways to go and my idea will probably happen at end of season 3, not 4.

Jul 3rd, 2012, 04:18 AM
wow the whole saul + lizzy = babie which carries a cure...... thats just blown my mind.... this is a great addition to the story, i doubt very much that anybody in the story will put that together straight away given the fact that neither CJ, Saul or Vic have bothered to follow up on Saul's supposed immunity, but maybe if they rescued lizzy, got to irwin and put two an two together with Tanya not turning and Saul's ability to breath in the mist, then that makes for an exciting climax...

Jul 3rd, 2012, 04:27 AM
It's VEEs'

That guy seems to get around. :p

Do not, under any circumstances, tell Riley, or I'll get the Scratch treatment!!!!

Jul 3rd, 2012, 06:25 AM
Do not, under any circumstances, tell Riley, or I'll get the Scratch treatment!!!!


i'm telling

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:04 AM

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:17 AM

I hate mobile

Jul 11th, 2012, 09:23 AM
I hate mobile


Jul 11th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I hate mobile


i hate babies

Jul 11th, 2012, 06:56 PM
I know I know whose baby it is................ its Lizzys!!!!

Cabbage Patch
Jul 11th, 2012, 08:50 PM
I know I know whose baby it is................ its Lizzys!!!!

So you're saying Lizzy is a hermaphrodite, and she/he is carrying her/his own child? Seems like a stretch to me, but hey, they're living in a post-zombie-apocalypse world; who am I to try and impose my world view.

Jul 12th, 2012, 04:24 AM
I've wanted to say this 10000 times in this thread. Back when she was first puking I said it was Saul's baby and someone poo pooed it saying "No its not they didn't have time for sex they were to busy surviving etc etc etc"

I TOLD YOU SO! bhahahhahaah

If there was 15 minutes of privacy in any place in that tower he would have talked her into it.

awww I feel much better now.

Saul and Lizzie FTW

Jul 12th, 2012, 04:42 AM

i'm telling

That's at least one of my balls gone then.

Aug 6th, 2012, 07:48 AM
No Cabbage Patch that is not what I was saying
people keep making a big deal about who the father is and in my point of view is that doesnt matter the baby is lizzys

Aug 6th, 2012, 07:56 AM

Whos is the father? It could be anyone of these people!

Aug 7th, 2012, 07:48 AM

The more I think of it the more I tend towards considering Saul as the father.

The only, in my opinion, valid alternative might be Todd; but that would mean that Lizzy was pregnant right from the beginning in early May; she left The Tower at the end of July and was captured by The Mallers right away. Now, at the beginning of December Lizzy would be at least at the beginning of her third trimester, if I consider Todd as the father. But this would not match with the estimate Saul received as an information. Yet, it was only an estimate, let alone by a man who really did not pay so much attention to Lizzy.

Therefore Todd may be the father; but it is more likely that Saul is the one. This would also add a new "extra special" into a show - a single bloodline of humans spanning three generations within the zombie-apocalypse, which would have kind of a strong symbolical meaning, because mostly we meet people between 20 and 50 years in age with nearly no one being in kind of a family-line (exceptions: Saul and Tany, and maybe, maybe Durai and Scratch, if you consider them being members of a bloodline-based family ...)

Well. We will see. Future will tell.

All the best!

Tar Heel Fan
Aug 21st, 2012, 01:08 PM
So. . . I guess we're going with Theory #4 and I made way too much of it all. It was fun speculating!

Aug 21st, 2012, 10:29 PM
So. . . I guess we're going with Theory #4 and I made way too much of it all. It was fun speculating!

It's cool. Kc gives his audience plenty of room for speculation. So nothing's wrong with that ...

Aug 25th, 2012, 02:47 PM
"The seed is strong". xD
My theory, it won't matter. Kc is going to kill off Saul, Lizzie or the baby before we ca start the celebration properly.
Also we need a good name for the CJ saul possible romance, even though the likely hood is next to 0.
I can't find any combinations that work well.

Sep 3rd, 2012, 01:19 PM
I believe its Todds. It takes a while for the sickness to start and falls well to the days Lizzy were being sick before Tardust tried to have his way with her.

Sep 3rd, 2012, 02:36 PM
I believe its Todds. It takes a while for the sickness to start and falls well to the days Lizzy were being sick before Tardust tried to have his way with her.

Lizzie said it was Saul's baby.

A nice link on when the average time morning sickness starts...


Average is six weeks. Todd had been zombie chow a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time prior to that. The baby is Saul's

Sep 3rd, 2012, 02:57 PM
Yup, this conversation was done long ago

Sep 3rd, 2012, 03:25 PM

Sep 3rd, 2012, 03:49 PM
"The seed is strong". xD
My theory, it won't matter. Kc is going to kill off Saul, Lizzie or the baby before we ca start the celebration properly.
Also we need a good name for the CJ saul possible romance, even though the likely hood is next to 0.
I can't find any combinations that work well.


Sep 3rd, 2012, 03:56 PM

no its not going to be Saul Jr. its baby Bricks, it has a better ring to it.

Sep 3rd, 2012, 04:52 PM
no its not going to be Saul Jr. its baby Bricks, it has a better ring to it.

No not the baby name. It's the name for the relationship for Saul and CJ.

Sep 3rd, 2012, 04:53 PM
No not the baby name. It's the name for the relationship for Saul and CJ. my suggestion... nothing :D

Sep 3rd, 2012, 05:28 PM
No not the baby name. It's the name for the relationship for Saul and CJ.

ohhhhh that teaches me for not reading all the comments.
still like baby bricks

Sep 3rd, 2012, 06:19 PM
ohhhhh that teaches me for not reading all the comments.
still like baby bricks

If she named the baby bricks we'd all throw shit fits wondering ;)

Sep 3rd, 2012, 06:20 PM
If she named the baby bricks we'd all throw shit fits wondering ;)

Maybe, she knew his real name? I always thought Bricks sounded like a David or a Danial.

Sep 3rd, 2012, 06:23 PM
Ah forgive me :) I'm currently on Chapter 26 - 2... Still catching up and yet to hear any confirmations ^^

Sep 3rd, 2012, 06:28 PM
Ah forgive me :) I'm currently on Chapter 26 - 2... Still catching up and yet to hear any confirmations ^^

Tread lightly my friend! Many areas with many spoilers to be had!!

Sep 3rd, 2012, 06:34 PM
Yeah i noticed.. I tend to stay away from anything that could include possible spoilers.. So far so good, until now :P But it's one I'm not too fussed over. Thanks for the heads up though :)