View Full Version : Turning and Turners

Jun 27th, 2012, 11:32 PM
Sorry if this has already been discussed, Im new to the forum and have a lot of catching up to do.

Way back at the nest in the stadium, where it's described as having piles of bodies that the zombies use for food, it made me think about why those bodies didn't turn.
If zombies are biting off chunks from these bodies, then why aren't they becoming infected and turning?
If it's because only the living can be turned, this would then reinforce the theories of a virus as viruses need a living host to survive.
One again moving ever further from the traditional zombie fact sheet... not like this is a bad thing...

Also i recently listened to we're not dead 38 talking about 30-1...
Once again, Britt and Nikvoodoo discuss how they predicted pregnancies, mallers picking up transmission from colony etc.
Not like I'd ever question what the amazing guys at WND say, but have you ever considered that KC reads the forums and picks up on the good theories and might actually shape his own story?

So maybe you're not just predicting the story as much as you're moulding it.
If a giant flying squid appears, then we know this is true :-D

Jun 28th, 2012, 12:31 AM
I do read the forums sometimes. But it's more about them predicting it because I leave plausible clues, or at least I want to think so. The plants are there waaaay early on in the story and would be much sloppier if I moulded it to the forum. In other words, Lizzy throwing up started the pregnancy theories, it wasn't in the forums before (at least I don't think... 40k posts and I def don't read them all.)

I like to think that some things are predicted because I made it plausible, but then again there's a lot of other ones that were way wrong.

Jun 28th, 2012, 01:18 AM
Damnit. I read this as "Tunings and Tuners" and got excited thinking we were about to have a guitar thread. Leaving confused and disappointed.

Jun 28th, 2012, 03:03 AM
ya know, ive often had similar thoughts about how we could feasibly be the ones actually writing the story...in a weird way i think that would be genius, but also a sure-fire way to piss off more than half your fan base...thats not happening here, no doubt about that.

and i can say just from having one of the more theory based minds around here, its so incredibly easy to take something as simple as lizzy vomiting and spin it a thousand different ways. hell, at one point i was writing a fan fiction here..and as i wrote it, i found myself theorizing different things within my story..different angles that i never intentionally created. did that change the way i wrote the story? not in the least. could i see how what i wanted to say could be misconstued and spun in ways i never intended? abso-friggin-lutely...thats the tough thing for people like us to keep in mind...we can try to guess what going to happen next...or how the stories being written..whatever. but the simple fact is, we are all individuals..and the stories we tell will hopefully always be different..thats what keeps this entire thing interesting

Jun 28th, 2012, 01:45 PM
If I die tomorrow I can proudly say that KC personally responded to one of my posts.... (BIG HAPPY SMILE)

Sorry KC, by no means was I ever knocking your writing and story telling ability... it was more of a thumbs up for Britt and NickVoodoo :) They reel off theories and predictions all the time and I think it's amazing what they pick up on and how they come to their conclusions.
It's funny, I listened to the whole of WA from Chapter 1 through to Chapter 30 before I started listening to WND, and the small comments and theories they come up with end up being spot on. They pick up on things that I didn't even consider... like guessing where a scene is based from the sound of a door slamming and comparing that with a previous episode from many chapters ago... amazing!
That being said, you are also right that many are WAY off too! :D but I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings.

... so back to my earlier comment, if it is a virus of sorts, this would also explain mutations of the same virus and result in different symptoms (or in this case, different physical differences).
A mutation of the virus would go some way to explain how the "little ones" are now "not so little", but also how the virus effects certain people and their immune systems would help explain why some zombies have completely different physical attributes, like increased muscle tone, flexibility, height and build.
Also viruses are know to lay dormant in certain hosts and they (the host) can then become carriers without showing any signs of infection, like Saul and Tanya.