View Full Version : Pete: Meaningful death coming soon...

Jun 22nd, 2012, 10:25 AM
Anyone else get the sense that Pete is about to get "washed away" pretty soon? However, I bet it will be a meaningful death, meaning he delays distracts zombies so the rest of the group can get away. I just feel as this would be appropriate and noone would really suffer from his loss.

Or maybe he is an very clever but evil new recruit of the Maulers that is going to sabotage everything and bring the story spiraling downwards. O_o

Jun 22nd, 2012, 10:39 AM
It's hard to figure out what Pete's purpose is. So I'm not going to speak on that at the moment.

But as to the second half of your stuff let's remember one piece of important information: Cj says she believes Glenn and Pete. This means on some level she trusts them.

Cj also trusted Kalani.


Jun 22nd, 2012, 10:58 AM
I stand by my prediction...Pete will die doing something assinine...like singing Hannah Montana or something ;)


Jun 25th, 2012, 10:26 AM
I stand by my prediction...Pete will die doing something assinine...like singing Hannah Montana or something ;)


i doubt it, i think... OH, crack pot theory. need to go.

Jun 25th, 2012, 10:01 PM
Pete just screams Red Shirt. You know, the guy in the red shirt always died on Star Trek.

@nikvoodoo I'm not sure CJ ever really trusted Kalani, she didn't really even have time to get to know him. Someone was watching him all the time. I think something is going on with him, because he is being a total dick, and before he seemed pretty nice when he was running his store.

Maybe he will go out with a bang, but I don't seem him being around to much longer. I don't trust him.

Jun 26th, 2012, 03:34 PM
Pete just screams Red Shirt. You know, the guy in the red shirt always died on Star Trek.

@nikvoodoo I'm not sure CJ ever really trusted Kalani, she didn't really even have time to get to know him. Someone was watching him all the time. I think something is going on with him, because he is being a total dick, and before he seemed pretty nice when he was running his store.

Maybe he will go out with a bang, but I don't seem him being around to much longer. I don't trust him.

All true, and the guy doing his voice acting isn't really cool O_o

Jun 30th, 2012, 03:25 AM
For some reason, I'm more inclined to think that Glenn will die, not Pete; perhaps by saving Victor from certain death. It would be meaningful, and somehow just feel right, because of how Victor saved Glenn's life when his group left him to die. I don't know, it would just seem a much more interesting death than one concerning Pete.

Jun 30th, 2012, 06:06 AM
The character, Pete, seems pretty cool to me. I think he's more like the clueless goofy guy who always gets the abuse but unwittingly saves the day by picking up a shiny rock that turns out to be the final clue to a mystery. Kind of like Scooby Doo and Shaggy.

Jun 30th, 2012, 07:35 AM
Yeah I like Pete and all but I just can't get over who the voice actor is lol, whenever I hear him talk I just picture him with a PSP or DS in his hands writing a review