View Full Version : Thoughts on CJ

Jun 20th, 2012, 01:14 PM
So I've been relistening to early Season 3 and I had some new thoughts on CJ I wanted to share and see if anyone else has come to the same conclusions or if this has been previously discussed.

During Kalani's journal reading Samantha talking to Kalani mentions that the ambush on the convey had their best men, one of them was SWAT. It makes sense, CJ is crazy meticulous with planning and all forms of combat.

Why CJ is attracted to Saul
If CJ is SWAT then chances are she was close with the other SWAT member that died during the ambush. Perhaps this other SWAT members was a romantic interest? Good friend? And perhaps Saul reminds CJ of what this other SWAT member was like. I imagine Saul to be pretty brave, I think KC has revealed that to us many times. He's totally SWAT material right?

OK, your thoughts? Or am I just over thinking this? lol

Jun 20th, 2012, 01:21 PM
The only question I'd ask you is if she was romantically involved with a SWAT member on that team, why would she have been lovey dovey and kissy smoochey with Sean? Sean was the original love interest. If she had been into a member of that team that was ambushed, I'd imagine she'd still be torn up and unable to express her emotions very clearly.

Lizzy is the perfect example right after we met her. She was a wreck (from what we're told) for two days after her arrival and Todd's departure from the mortal coil.

I do believe I could stipulate to the rest of your statement though. It would explain why her planning is so rock solid....though not the poor execution. SWAT is usually pretty damn good at both.

Jun 20th, 2012, 02:02 PM
Have we confirmed Sean was the love interest? I always thought his voice sounded much more fatherly or something.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 20th, 2012, 02:04 PM
So I've been relistening to early Season 3 and I had some new thoughts on CJ I wanted to share and see if anyone else has come to the same conclusions or if this has been previously discussed.

During Kalani's journal reading Samantha talking to Kalani mentions that the ambush on the convey had their best men, one of them was SWAT. It makes sense, CJ is crazy meticulous with planning and all forms of combat.

Why CJ is attracted to Saul
If CJ is SWAT then chances are she was close with the other SWAT member that died during the ambush. Perhaps this other SWAT members was a romantic interest? Good friend? And perhaps Saul reminds CJ of what this other SWAT member was like. I imagine Saul to be pretty brave, I think KC has revealed that to us many times. He's totally SWAT material right?

OK, your thoughts? Or am I just over thinking this? lol

I like your theory, but why focus on the un-named SWAT member who was lost with the convoy when you have Sean right at hand. We've seen that CJ and Sean were close, with the hint of intimacy between them. And Sean could just have easily been SWAT too. That would certainly explain why Marcus wanted him for his second-in-command at the Colony.

Jun 20th, 2012, 03:27 PM
I like your theory, but why focus on the un-named SWAT member who was lost with the convoy when you have Sean right at hand. We've seen that CJ and Sean were close, with the hint of intimacy between them. And Sean could just have easily been SWAT too. That would certainly explain why Marcus wanted him for his second-in-command at the Colony.

Valid points. But really... don't you think Sean was a little more fatherly to her? His voice sounded so experienced and calm too. CJ is fairly young isn't she? In her late 20s? Early 30s?

Cabbage Patch
Jun 20th, 2012, 04:42 PM
Valid points. But really... don't you think Sean was a little more fatherly to her? His voice sounded so experienced and calm too. CJ is fairly young isn't she? In her late 20s? Early 30s?

Hard to say. I guess time will tell.

Jun 20th, 2012, 08:22 PM
I think she likes Saul and since Lizzie is alive and he knows it, she is jealous. The tenant comment was meant to hit him as she may now be hurt by him wanting Lizzie.

Jun 21st, 2012, 08:35 AM
I agree with Nik. CJ seems very skilled at administration and planning, but weak on execution. To my way of thinking this speaks to a lack of field experience. I believe this is why she needed Sean. Whether their group was SWAT, LAPD or Correction Officers from the prison, I think CJ needed Sean as a leader on the ground while she handled the big picture admin from Dunbar.

Jun 21st, 2012, 08:56 AM
I agree with Nik. CJ seems very skilled at administration and planning, but weak on execution. To my way of thinking this speaks to a lack of field experience. I believe this is why she needed Sean. Whether their group was SWAT, LAPD or Correction Officers from the prison, I think CJ needed Sean as a leader on the ground while she handled the big picture admin from Dunbar.

Thumbs up

Jun 21st, 2012, 01:36 PM
I agree with Nik. CJ seems very skilled at administration and planning, but weak on execution. To my way of thinking this speaks to a lack of field experience. I believe this is why she needed Sean. Whether their group was SWAT, LAPD or Correction Officers from the prison, I think CJ needed Sean as a leader on the ground while she handled the big picture admin from Dunbar.

This seems applicable as well but...

Just because CJ is 'incredibly' talented at planning doesn't mean she is weak on execution. Her ability to execute the best laid plans might dwindle in comparison to her uncanny planning abilities but that doesn't mean that she can't handle herself decently. I don't imagine every SWAT member is great at every skill. I'm sure on SWAT operations there is still some skilled planner behind the scenes directing the show. CJ is quite comfortable with weapons and combat, she was going to kill Saul but Victor saved him. Yes, she lured out Saul! That's a female tricking and kicking Sauls highly trained military butt. Not that I'm trying to be sexist, but "this Asian chick" just kicked your ass. Not only did someone out smart, and out combat Saul, it was a girl who is much smaller than him. Poor at executing? Lack of experience? I dunno personally.

CJ definitely needed Sean, but she also needed Kalani. Rogue elements don't seem to favour well in this Zombie story, the exception of course being Skittles. Teams and tribes always fair better in disaster moments so CJ needed a lot of people, that still doesn't seem like a logical argument against her being SWAT.

Jun 22nd, 2012, 02:10 AM
I don't get the "weak on execution" argument. She had her folks running the water works, farming, scavenging missions, raiding the National Guard Armory and even scouting ground zero. Really, I don't think the WA tower would have lasted as long without CJ's tower doing their thing.

Jun 22nd, 2012, 02:14 AM
I don't get the "weak on execution" argument. She had her folks running the water works, farming, scavenging missions, raiding the National Guard Armory and even scouting ground zero. Really, I don't think the WA tower would have lasted as long without CJ's tower doing their thing.

Agreed. It seems like she has much more training than someone as common as a police officer or something. So I figured it might be SWAT.

Jun 22nd, 2012, 02:23 AM
CJ is a hottie.

Just sayin'

Jun 22nd, 2012, 02:29 AM
It would be funny if it was revealed that she was a Secretary or administrative assistant and she took out Saul with her sweet Billy Blanks Tae-Bo moves. Secretary do have a lot of administration skills, and they do have to anticipate the needs of the office and their bosses. :p

A lot of people are not what they seem, take our man Victor. I don't believe it though. Most likely her job has something related to the prison.

Jun 22nd, 2012, 07:58 AM
It would be funny if it was revealed that she was a Secretary or administrative assistant and she took out Saul with her sweet Billy Blanks Tae-Bo moves. Secretary do have a lot of administration skills, and they do have to anticipate the needs of the office and their bosses. :p

A lot of people are not what they seem, take our man Victor. I don't believe it though. Most likely her job has something related to the prison.

What should have happen was when Saul and Victor were telling what they use to do before the whole ordeal, one of them should have asked CJ what she did before.

Jun 22nd, 2012, 12:49 PM
What should have happen was when Saul and Victor were telling what they use to do before the whole ordeal, one of them should have asked CJ what she did before.

Actually, now that I think about it. When the whole "Kalani is the rat revealed" story is unfolding we do hear Scratch ask specifically "are any of them cops"... Maybe she is looking for CJ?

Jun 22nd, 2012, 12:57 PM
Actually, now that I think about it. When the whole "Kalani is the rat revealed" story is unfolding we do hear Scratch ask specifically "are any of them cops"... Maybe she is looking for CJ?


Jun 22nd, 2012, 01:44 PM
CJ is a hottie.

Just sayin'

Aye! Definitely crush worthy. Sometimes my girlfriend makes fun of me for listening to We're Alive over and over again but then I remind her that CJ reminds me a lot of her and she laughs and smiles.

Jun 22nd, 2012, 01:49 PM
So...just throwing this out there. So we now have evidence of "family" involvement...possible police at the other tower..cj at the center...ink(as far as we know) leaving her behind alone

What if cj was in some sort of witness protection program?

Were that the case, ALL of this could have been solved very early on...would also explain why ink wanted her alive (how he would know who she was I can't explain...but still)

Jun 22nd, 2012, 01:55 PM
So...just throwing this out there. So we now have evidence of "family" involvement...possible police at the other tower..cj at the center...ink(as far as we know) leaving her behind alone

What if cj was in some sort of witness protection program?

Were that the case, ALL of this could have been solved very early on...would also explain why ink wanted her alive (how he would know who she was I can't explain...but still)

I always just figured Ink left CJ alone was because he didn't think he could take her on at the moment. But yea... maybe there is more to it.

The "family" (the criminal syndicate we are beginning to see evidence of) perhaps was taken down by CJ's crew of SWAT or w/e team she is part of. Ink is perhaps part of the family too? He does like to wear dope suits doesn't he. That's pretty "me familia" Italian gangster style. Did we ever conclude that "Tanudo" was an Italian last name?

Jun 22nd, 2012, 02:58 PM
Ya know, I've done a ton of research on character names....and I don't think I ever found anything on tanudo...but I'm not entirely sold on the idea of it being an entirely Italian based mob family...durai is an Indian name..as in India.

And to the CJ bit....i tend to read waaaaaaay to much into things. But honestly, all we lack at this point is a way to tie all the maller issues with Dunbar tower to a central, relevant cause...i can't help but think that still living cause is cj..in some shape or form. If we can't place her in the prison as a guard..and we question her execution ability....and we have a mafia of some sorts. The classic story in this case would be the stool pigeon.

And just how ironic would it be...if cj was a mob rat?

Jun 25th, 2012, 07:49 AM
what about a DA? crooks hate DAs because, well, those guys are the ones that put them away. it could also be why she is great at planning but poor on execution: as a lawyer, she has to be highly intelligent, especially as a DA or ADA, so for her, conceptually, getting the concepts of warfare, especially in the new world, wouldn't be all that hard, but without field experience that would all be for naught as she lacks in execution.

Jun 25th, 2012, 07:51 AM
Agreed. It seems like she has much more training than someone as common as a police officer or something. So I figured it might be SWAT.

could be the nasty guard, which would explain her knowledge of weapons, as well as her knowledge of the national guard armory.

Jun 25th, 2012, 12:54 PM
could be the nasty guard, which would explain her knowledge of weapons, as well as her knowledge of the national guard armory.

I still tend to think CJ is quite OK at executing plans. Like I said before, she could have killed Saul if it wasn't for Victor. How many people have tired to kill Saul and failed? Plus if she has knowledge of weapons and was a guard at the prison then doesn't that give her even more credibility that she can execute plans quite well? At least she would have real experience dealing with cons.

Jun 25th, 2012, 01:47 PM
I still tend to think CJ is quite OK at executing plans. Like I said before, she could have killed Saul if it wasn't for Victor. How many people have tired to kill Saul and failed? Plus if she has knowledge of weapons and was a guard at the prison then doesn't that give her even more credibility that she can execute plans quite well? At least she would have real experience dealing with cons.

i should clarify, nasty guard is slang for national guard.

Jun 25th, 2012, 02:04 PM
i should clarify, nasty guard is slang for national guard.

Lol, really? How did that slang term come about?

Jun 25th, 2012, 10:08 PM
I wan't to know why the tattooed zombie left her to live. He has to know she is still there.

She is smart and has a Sarah Connor type attitude to her. I kind of find it sexy and think Saul might be better off with her IF the baby isn't his. I also think CJ realizes that Saul is the type of person who will take care of his kid and will do everything he can to help them.

That being said, move on over Saul and let me have a chance with some CJ! :)

Jun 25th, 2012, 11:27 PM
o why the tattooed zombie left her to live. He has to know she is still there.

She is smart and has a Sarah Connor type attitude to her. I kind of find it sexy and think Saul might be better off with her IF the baby isn't his. I also think CJ realizes that Saul is the type of person who will take care of his kid and will do everything he can to help them.


It totally hit me as soon as I read "Sarah Conner"...cj was in the mental institution with ink!

Well, I need to work on how that all works out...but hey...its an idea :tinfoil:

Jun 26th, 2012, 12:20 AM
o why the tattooed zombie left her to live. He has to know she is still there.

She is smart and has a Sarah Connor type attitude to her. I kind of find it sexy and think Saul might be better off with her IF the baby isn't his. I also think CJ realizes that Saul is the type of person who will take care of his kid and will do everything he can to help them.


It totally hit me as soon as I read "Sarah Conner"...cj was in the mental institution with ink!

Well, I need to work on how that all works out...but hey...its an idea :tinfoil:

Of course! Fuck that would be sooo awesome if KC some how managed to put fucking time travel into this bish!

Jun 26th, 2012, 01:20 AM
When the Dunbar Tower fell, I had a theory that CJ was in law enforcement and had a hand in putting Bill Roberts/Pinstripe away. When Pinstripe realized that it was CJ he decided to leave her alone after clearing out her tower, like leaving her in her own prison. You know as some sort of revenge. And she did lock herself away in DT, almost like a prison.
It also seems kind of weird that there have been no more attacks at the DT. Pinstripe knows there is at least one survivor. Why not set a trap for CJ or go in for another attack a couple of days later?

Jun 26th, 2012, 03:59 AM
When the Dunbar Tower fell, I had a theory that CJ was in law enforcement and had a hand in putting Bill Roberts/Pinstripe away. When Pinstripe realized that it was CJ he decided to leave her alone after clearing out her tower, like leaving her in her own prison. You know as some sort of revenge. And she did lock herself away in DT, almost like a prison.
It also seems kind of weird that there have been no more attacks at the DT. Pinstripe knows there is at least one survivor. Why not set a trap for CJ or go in for another attack a couple of days later?


Jun 26th, 2012, 05:55 AM
Lol, really? How did that slang term come about?

national guard and reserve have always been kind of looked down on by the active duty. active duty do it all the time, for a living, but national guard and reserve are just part time soldiers, and so have traditionally been looked down upon. alot of that has changed since iraq/afghanistan, but the old names remain. it also stem from traditional branch rivalries and stuff like that.

Jun 26th, 2012, 08:16 AM
Did I mention that CJ was a hottie yet?

I probably did, it's the sort of thing I'd do.

Jun 26th, 2012, 08:21 AM
My thoughts on her are based on something Burt said in the beginning. "The smarter you are in life, the smarter you are in death." I think that Mr Stripes left her alone is he sensed that if she were turned she'd take him on as alpha of the Zombie army. He leaves her alone for pure survival purposes.

CJ is brilliant.

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:18 AM
My thoughts on her are based on something Burt said in the beginning. "The smarter you are in life, the smarter you are in death." I think that Mr Stripes left her alone is he sensed that if she were turned she'd take him on as alpha of the Zombie army. He leaves her alone for pure survival purposes.

CJ is brilliant.

if that's the case, then he should have just outright killed her.

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:20 AM
if that's the case, then he should have just outright killed her.

Maybe he wasn't sure he could?

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:22 AM
My thoughts on her are based on something Burt said in the beginning. "The smarter you are in life, the smarter you are in death." I think that Mr Stripes left her alone is he sensed that if she were turned she'd take him on as alpha of the Zombie army. He leaves her alone for pure survival purposes.

I like where you are headed with this, maybe he has something special planned for her. Perhaps its not ready yet thus he isn't ready to turn her?

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:24 AM
Maybe he wasn't sure he could?

he had a whole city of zombies to pull from, throwing zed at her until she made a mistake would've been small potatoes.

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:28 AM
he had a whole city of zombies to pull from, throwing zed at her until she made a mistake would've been small potatoes.

Why take the risk that the one that finely gets to her bites her and turns her?

His minions are not exactly the smartest things you know? :D

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:28 AM
As much as I want to play along...(and I will, don't get me wrong)

I feel like cj is becoming the new skittles.

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:39 AM
Why take the risk that the one that finely gets to her bites her and turns her?

His minions are not exactly the smartest things you know? :D

let's say she did start to turn, he would undoubtedly have several moments to get o her and kill her. also, the zed are pretty good about capturing when they want to.

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:41 AM
let's say she did start to turn, he would undoubtedly have several moments to get o her and kill her. also, the zed are pretty good about capturing when they want to.

"Sometimes its best to let a sleeping rattlesnake lay." my grandfather taught me that...

Jun 26th, 2012, 11:30 AM
My thoughts on her are based on something Burt said in the beginning. "The smarter you are in life, the smarter you are in death." I think that Mr Stripes left her alone is he sensed that if she were turned she'd take him on as alpha of the Zombie army. He leaves her alone for pure survival purposes.

CJ is brilliant.

This in an interesting idea. I have a couple of thoughts around this.
1.) Pinstripe has not exhibited fear of any person or group till this point. Why now? Why CJ?
2.) If the turned Zs answer to Pinstripe (I don't think we have seen anything to contradict this) I would assume he would want to turn intelligent people such as CJ and utilize them to accomplish whatever his goals are.

Jun 26th, 2012, 12:20 PM
As much as I want to play along...(and I will, don't get me wrong)

I feel like cj is becoming the new skittles.

I kind of get the feeling that somehow CJ and Lizzy will be in danger at the same time and Saul will have to make a decision on who lives and who dies. I think someone made a comment somewhere, I forget where, that out of everyone Saul has it the best, he has his girl, his mom, and his dog. In the end I think Saul will end up losing big.

Or Lizzy ends up dieing and CJ and Saul raise Lizzy's baby. :p

Jun 27th, 2012, 03:24 AM
Couple of things, firstly to re-iterate CJ's hotness, it's important, which is why I mention it again.

Also, I think it was discussed that CJ could have been a guard, did she show ink some kindness?

Also Also, I have my suspicions that the baby isn't going to come out of any of this well.

Jun 27th, 2012, 10:42 AM
Couple of things, firstly to re-iterate CJ's hotness, it's important, which is why I mention it again.

Also, I think it was discussed that CJ could have been a guard, did she show ink some kindness?

Also Also, I have my suspicions that the baby isn't going to come out of any of this well.

How do you know she's hot?

why would any prison guard show any inmate kindness ?

I'll keep hoping that Saul and Lizzie's baby survives.

Jun 27th, 2012, 10:46 AM
This in an interesting idea. I have a couple of thoughts around this.
1.) Pinstripe has not exhibited fear of any person or group till this point. Why now? Why CJ?
2.) If the turned Zs answer to Pinstripe (I don't think we have seen anything to contradict this) I would assume he would want to turn intelligent people such as CJ and utilize them to accomplish whatever his goals are.

In the animal kingdom the pack answers to the Alpha as long as the Alpha can hold the pack the Alpha rules the pack. The alpha can be defeated by another alpha.
The Zeds act with pack mentality. We can all agree that Mr Stripes is the baddest mother fucker in the pack at this time and there for is the Alpha. I stand by my idea that CJ might be a person that if turned could take him on and take him down.

Jun 27th, 2012, 10:56 AM
How do you know she's hot? -Because she looks exactly like the actress who played her, and strong women are hot! Obviously Riley is still my number 1.

why would any prison guard show any inmate kindness ? - my good friend was a prison guard, he had to keep his wits about him, but he was often decent to the prisoners, in some cases it was the best way to get the best out of them.

I'll keep hoping that Saul and Lizzie's baby survives. - me too, but I have a worry that the human race is doomed.

Jun 27th, 2012, 11:01 AM
How do you know she's hot? -Because she looks exactly like the actress who played her, and strong women are hot! Obviously Riley is still my number 1.

why would any prison guard show any inmate kindness ? - my good friend was a prison guard, he had to keep his wits about him, but he was often decent to the prisoners, in some cases it was the best way to get the best out of them.

I'll keep hoping that Saul and Lizzie's baby survives. - me too, but I have a worry that the human race is doomed.

How do we know she looks like the actress? Is there new art work for CJ? If so link me please I'm dying to see it I love CJ

I'm not sure it would go over well in an American Prison to be nice to a maximum security prisoner with mental health diagnosis as long as he was and a history of killing people in ugly ways.

Humans are alot tougher then you'd think. We'll survive.

Jun 27th, 2012, 03:45 PM
How do we know she looks like the actress? Is there new art work for CJ? If so link me please I'm dying to see it I love CJ - in my head, she does.

I'm not sure it would go over well in an American Prison to be nice to a maximum security prisoner with mental health diagnosis as long as he was and a history of killing people in ugly ways. - my friend looked after britains most dangerous criminal, not on his own of course, guy called Charles Bronson! Not sure of the spelling. He had a film made about him. Who knows what kindness one might pay, it might not even seem like one to us, but in their world, the smallest thing might be considered a kidness, doesn't have to be much.

Jun 29th, 2012, 12:25 AM
more thought i give to CJ...more i think im gonna go with the "shes from the mental hospital" idea...not so much because i believe it wholeheartedly, but just because someone on here needs to take that angle with it. if you examine the things we know about her with that mindset...it makes sense. her paranoid behaviour, her "breakdown" as mentioned by sean...could the secret files she had stashed in the wall safe be her hospital records?..its def. possible, in this scenario at least...ink leaving her because he recognosed something within her...etc. relisten to her parts with the mindset of "this woman is batshit crazy" and it makes sense...in a weird, kooky sort of way. ;)

Jun 30th, 2012, 01:14 PM
How do you know she's hot? -Because she looks exactly like the actress who played her, and strong women are hot! Obviously Riley is still my number 1.

I don't know. It still sounds like your two-timing Riley for the new hottie on the block. Do the people on the Riley thread know yet? :p

Cabbage Patch
Jun 30th, 2012, 01:48 PM
more thought i give to CJ...more i think im gonna go with the "shes from the mental hospital" idea...not so much because i believe it wholeheartedly, but just because someone on here needs to take that angle with it. if you examine the things we know about her with that mindset...it makes sense. her paranoid behaviour, her "breakdown" as mentioned by sean...could the secret files she had stashed in the wall safe be her hospital records?..its def. possible, in this scenario at least...ink leaving her because he recognosed something within her...etc. relisten to her parts with the mindset of "this woman is batshit crazy" and it makes sense...in a weird, kooky sort of way. ;)

Just a thought that could support the mental health facility worker idea. CJ knows how to fight, which led to speculation she could be a cop or a corrections worker. Mental health workers are commonly trained in unarmed combat in order to protect themselves and control their patients. I was putting together a class on self-defense for health care workers, and every single expert suggested to me was from the mental health field.

Jul 1st, 2012, 05:00 PM
Yeah, I don't think there is anything at all "crazy" about CJ, no way. Having a break down doesn't make you crazy. Shes a pro of some sort, I doubt she's a prison guard, but she may have had some connection with the hospital....I really dont know. She has some experience with weapons as she knows what "mechanical zero" means (armed combat), yet has the confidence for physical combat (takes on Saul)....and she seems to not be a slacker of any any sorts....shes got her shit together, maybe not perfectly but its working for her...My money is on her being current or former military, maybe a reservist like Michael??

Jul 1st, 2012, 05:50 PM
Stranger things have happened...#kalanirunsstairsfast

I'm just making sure we have all the bases covered...i Like the sarah Conner angle

Jul 1st, 2012, 06:56 PM
Hay, I just had a thought. I remember somewhere people were saying she had a thing with Sean from the Colony. What if she had a thing going on with pre-zombie Randy instead. You know the guy Michael got killed or something like that at the water works. It would be a great way for Michael to recount that story. The he would have a death match with CJ for leadership of the clan.

Jul 21st, 2012, 03:00 PM
I dont really understand the argument that CJ has Poor Execution skills. She does tend to take the backseat when it comes to most missions, more of a, let the other guy handle this, kind of deal. But that could be explained by simple self preservation. Is the argument because she couldn't protect her tower? If so I can understand why that didn't work. When Ink tried to take Michael's tower they barely got out of it alive. I don't think it has anything to do with execution of a plan when I doubt CJ even realized Ink existed at the time.

And I'm not sure about the whole deal with Ink leaving her alone out of some memory of her. And Im not really sure It has something to do with him not thinking he could take her either. Ink is a pretty smart Zombie. And He has been shot before without having much of an effect on him. I think If he wanted he could have Taken CJ. I think like someone mentioned before he left her alone out of some kind of Torment, i think someone said leaving her in her own prison?

Christopher kitto
Sep 5th, 2012, 02:12 PM
I LOVE the character of CJ she survived by herself for months she single handedly ran a fortress and can handle a sword! YAY! This is kind of terrible but if I was saul as soon as I joined the fort I would have been like lizzie,who the hells that? Baby what baby? Im sure its fine.

Sep 5th, 2012, 02:39 PM
Just occurred to me...perhaps she was a hitman for the family like Ink (Bill Roberts) was and that has something to do with why he let her go....well actually prob not....she said that all she had at home was her sword and I'm sure an enforcer would have more than that? Doesn't account for her apparent skills in planning/organizing either...so...okay....I'm sticking with her being prior miltary service, specifically an officer, and can't realy guess anymore as to why he left her, other then they had other targets/things to do...

Christopher kitto
Sep 10th, 2012, 08:02 AM
Mental health workers are commonly trained in unarmed combat in order to protect themselves and control their patients. I was putting together a class on self-defense for health care workers, and every single expert suggested to me was from the mental health field.

True but that wouldn't account for her use of choke holds ( generaly a BJJ thing ) or the fact that she can handle a katana.

Sep 10th, 2012, 09:43 AM
fOR THOSE THINKING THAT cj MIGHT BE SWAT/POLICE, oops caps lock my bad....I think she would have had her service pistol with her and not just a sword at home...just saying.
Ladies, you might not get it but to us guys, we know CJ is hot, lol.
As for her sword it is not a Katana. Saul asks if its some kind of "ancestral sword you got trained on", were CJ replies "Katanas are Japanese, I'm Chinese you ass. I just know how to use it" implying that its not a Japanese Katana. Although the dialogue kind of doesn't make sense as he didn't ask, "is it a Katana". So its neither an ancestral sword or a Katana, but IMHO a sword that she had been trained on. The fact that she can do hand to hand combat and has a sword to me just means that she just has martial arts training....you can get sword training in most major/minor cities...I think it was just a hobby of hers. Although Saul calls her "crazy Katana chick" I don't think it means shes using a katana, he's just bugging/teasing her.
Her use of it it does not show a high degree of skill anyways as she didn't know to avoid thick bone or perform a strike without getting it stuck. She just knows how to use it again probably through some basic martial arts training.

Christopher kitto
Sep 10th, 2012, 12:25 PM
fOR THOSE THINKING THAT cj MIGHT BE SWAT/POLICE, oops caps lock my bad....I think she would have had her service pistol with her and not just a sword at home...just saying.
Ladies, you might not get it but to us guys, we know CJ is hot, lol.
As for her sword it is not a Katana. Saul asks if its some kind of "ancestral sword you got trained on", were CJ replies "Katanas are Japanese, I'm Chinese you ass. I just know how to use it" implying that its not a Japanese Katana. Although the dialogue kind of doesn't make sense as he didn't ask, "is it a Katana". So its neither an ancestral sword or a Katana, but IMHO a sword that she had been trained on. The fact that she can do hand to hand combat and has a sword to me just means that she just has martial arts training....you can get sword training in most major/minor cities...I think it was just a hobby of hers. Although Saul calls her "crazy Katana chick" I don't think it means shes using a katana, he's just bugging/teasing her.
Her use of it it does not show a high degree of skill anyways as she didn't know to avoid thick bone or perform a strike without getting it stuck. She just knows how to use it again probably though some basic martial arts training.

I agree and think that this collectively negates the S.W.A.T and mental Heath background theory's.

Sep 16th, 2012, 01:08 PM
Oh, and for the record, because i want my cookie when they get handedout...if CJ is not a a military officer, then my bets are that she was a school teacher. Not saying why right now but, well there ya go.

Christopher kitto
Sep 16th, 2012, 11:40 PM
Oh, and for the record, because i want my cookie when they get handedout...if CJ is not a a military officer, then my bets are that she was a school teacher. Not saying why right now but, well there ya go.

+1 Internet cookies to you sir!

Also I look forward to the details on your teacher idea.

Sep 20th, 2012, 12:59 PM
CJ is a very contradictory character from my vantage point. I don't care for her. First she's the lone survivor of the first tower, and then she manages to survive and thrive on her own. She doesn't want anyone to join her but she lets people join her. She doesn't trust them, then she does, then she tries to kill them (tanks). Not even going to bring up her reaction to the two colonists they pick up....she's gung ho about the mission at the colony then she wants to keep Saul from rescuing Lizzy. W.T.F.? She makes me dizzy and I don't like her. She is consistently inconsistent. Yes, she can plan. I'll give her that.

Christopher kitto
Sep 26th, 2012, 11:48 AM
CJ is a very contradictory character from my vantage point. I don't care for her. First she's the lone survivor of the first tower, and then she manages to survive and thrive on her own. She doesn't want anyone to join her but she lets people join her. She doesn't trust them, then she does, then she tries to kill them (tanks). Not even going to bring up her reaction to the two colonists they pick up....she's gung ho about the mission at the colony then she wants to keep Saul from rescuing Lizzy. W.T.F.? She makes me dizzy and I don't like her. She is consistently inconsistent. Yes, she can plan. I'll give her that.


Ehh,well anyway . . .
I don't know about the idea that she didn't want people to work with her then did then doesn't trust them etc, she was skeptical because she didn't know them but after they had showed skill and showed they were willing to lay down there lives for her she decided trust them and let them join her. With regards to the mission at the colony it's simple, she wants the sat-phone. She doesn't want Saul to reunite with lizzie, gung ho at first but when she realised that lizzie was definitely there and definitely pregnant she didn't want to pull off the mission as Mutch.

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:35 PM
fOR THOSE THINKING THAT cj MIGHT BE SWAT/POLICE, oops caps lock my bad....I think she would have had her service pistol with her and not just a sword at home...just saying.
Ladies, you might not get it but to us guys, we know CJ is hot, lol.
As for her sword it is not a Katana. Saul asks if its some kind of "ancestral sword you got trained on", were CJ replies "Katanas are Japanese, I'm Chinese you ass. I just know how to use it" implying that its not a Japanese Katana. Although the dialogue kind of doesn't make sense as he didn't ask, "is it a Katana". So its neither an ancestral sword or a Katana, but IMHO a sword that she had been trained on. The fact that she can do hand to hand combat and has a sword to me just means that she just has martial arts training....you can get sword training in most major/minor cities...I think it was just a hobby of hers. Although Saul calls her "crazy Katana chick" I don't think it means shes using a katana, he's just bugging/teasing her.
Her use of it it does not show a high degree of skill anyways as she didn't know to avoid thick bone or perform a strike without getting it stuck. She just knows how to use it again probably through some basic martial arts training.

I'm pretty sure that the sword IS a katana, it's CJ who suggests the word katana, Saul never mentions it.
It reads to me that Saul is asking if it's an ancestral weapon and CJ is (in other words) saying "No, you FOOL, this is a katana, which is Japanese. I'm Chinese! That means it's not my ancestral weapon, I just know how to bleedin' use it!"

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:36 PM
CJ is a very contradictory character from my vantage point. I don't care for her. First she's the lone survivor of the first tower, and then she manages to survive and thrive on her own. She doesn't want anyone to join her but she lets people join her. She doesn't trust them, then she does, then she tries to kill them (tanks). Not even going to bring up her reaction to the two colonists they pick up....she's gung ho about the mission at the colony then she wants to keep Saul from rescuing Lizzy. W.T.F.? She makes me dizzy and I don't like her. She is consistently inconsistent. Yes, she can plan. I'll give her that.

...she likes showing her boobs off :D

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:28 AM
"You came here when she was so close?" Only CJ could think of these things with her femoral artery split open.
I also loved her morphine high voice "Oh get a room!" but then you remember the wound and it makes it even worse.
For someone so smart to be able to be on the radio planning while drugged she has to know what the end result of a tourniquet is. :/

Nov 6th, 2012, 01:21 PM
I think CJ is just a control freak. If I wrote the story I would make her the only child of a ex-Navy seal who treated her like a son. Dad would have taught her to hunt fish & fight. I guess she made her living as a martial arts instructor at her father's Dojo.

Nov 6th, 2012, 07:33 PM
My previous opinion still stands even after the last episode. I don't like CJ and I hope she bleeds out.

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:13 AM
My latest thought on CJ is that she's pretty much done at this point. She's either knocked out on morphine in the hospital when the attack commences on the Colony in Chapter 35 or she's in the SWAT van going out the gate and into the teeth of the attack.

I mostly want her to be driving the van packed full of explosives to shred the wave of baddies swarming in on the Colony. (cue Slim Pickens riding the bomb in Dr Strangelove....)

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:56 AM
CJ is a tragic character.

I think that two statements are true:
(Quote from Casino Royale): Why is it that people who can't take advice always insist on giving it?

Respectively, this one is a more suitable paraphrase: Why is it that people who make good plans eventually don't stick to it?

Nov 27th, 2012, 06:09 PM
My thoughts on CJ. She is going to survive. She will have something to do with the next season. the reason I say this? She can no longer destroy her own plans.
CJ has the potential to be a great leader, and if she survives this fight she can continue making plans, putting people into motion, and not doing something dumb to screw it up herself. She isn't able to execute her plans leaving people with better records than hers do all of the dirty work. she can continue with her legendary planing, but won't be able to execute much of them. Therefore fixing her piss poor execution problem.:)

Nov 27th, 2012, 06:14 PM
My thoughts on CJ. She is going to survive. She will have something to do with the next season. the reason I say this? She can no longer destroy her own plans.
CJ has the potential to be a great leader, and if she survives this fight she can continue making plans, putting people into motion, and not doing something dumb to screw it up herself. She isn't able to execute her plans leaving people with better records than hers do all of the dirty work. she can continue with her legendary planing, but won't be able to execute much of them. Therefore fixing her piss poor execution problem.:)

I tend to agree with your reasoning on this. Personally, I would love to see her in Season 4. It'll be really interesting to see how she manages to make it out, though...

A thought just sparked in my mind. Scratch is one of the few living people who had close contact with TOWTM. He and his minions had her dead to rights but didn't finish her off. I wonder if we'll have something similar in the Colony in the finale? Hmmm...

Nov 27th, 2012, 06:29 PM
I tend to agree with your reasoning on this. Personally, I would love to see her in Season 4. It'll be really interesting to see how she manages to make it out, though...

A thought just sparked in my mind. Scratch is one of the few living people who had close contact with TOWTM. He and his minions had her dead to rights but didn't finish her off. I wonder if we'll have something similar in the Colony in the finale? Hmmm...

Well right now she is hold up in the hospital with Lizzy and the injured. We all know that Saul is not going anywhere without Lizzy. I can see CJ pulling the "you owe me" card on him, or the hospital could be where they hide. Get enough people in there and (if the two big guys are down) it is a place that is easier to defend than the entire colony.

Nov 27th, 2012, 06:36 PM
Well right now she is hold up in the hospital with Lizzy and the injured. We all know that Saul is not going anywhere without Lizzy. I can see CJ pulling the "you owe me" card on him, or the hospital could be where they hide. Get enough people in there and (if the two big guys are down) it is a place that is easier to defend than the entire colony.

Damn fine point. The hospital could be (if Lizzie stays there it will be) the fall back point once the walls are breached/become indefensible. So CJ will be in the vicinity for whatever cavalry arrives... If it arrives at all....

Nov 27th, 2012, 07:02 PM
Hey, now CJ has a score to settle with Scratch. Garsh that lady is gonna get it from a list of people one day!:yay:

Nov 27th, 2012, 07:19 PM
Hey, now CJ has a score to settle with Scratch. Garsh that lady is gonna get it from a list of people one day!:yay:

Too right! I think we ought to start a betting pool on who is gonna eventually put Scratch down. And an over-under on which episode it happens in....

I think you've given me a great idea, my friend.... :cool:

Nov 27th, 2012, 07:22 PM
Too right! I think we ought to start a betting pool on who is gonna eventually put Scratch down. And an over-under on which episode it happens in....

I think you've given me a great idea, my friend.... :cool:

Start it up man! I'd throw my lot in!

Nov 27th, 2012, 07:33 PM
Start it up man! I'd throw my lot in!

Idea thread for the Scratch pool is up: http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?3872

Help me out with some ideas.... :-)

Jan 2nd, 2013, 07:10 AM
Ran across this little beauty today and thought of CJ:


It's called "The Apokatana" and is made by Zombie Tools (http://zombietools.net/tools/). They have a pretty cool selection of blades over there.

Anyway, to give you an idea of what CJ might have been able to accomplish, check out this vid of the Apokatana in action (skip to the 2:46 mark to see the really good stuff...)


(No beer was harmed in the making of this video - I think)

Jan 3rd, 2013, 08:49 AM
Ran across this little beauty today and thought of CJ:


It's called "The Apokatana" and is made by Zombie Tools (http://zombietools.net/tools/). They have a pretty cool selection of blades over there.

Anyway, to give you an idea of what CJ might have been able to accomplish, check out this vid of the Apokatana in action (skip to the 2:46 mark to see the really good stuff...)


(No beer was harmed in the making of this video - I think)

It was Pabst, so you're right. No Beer was harmed in the making of this video.

Jan 14th, 2013, 11:44 PM
I would like to bring back the CJ as prior military angle. Did anyone else catch how she responded to Bixby(?) calling her ma'am by saying, "It's C.J., not ma'am?" Sort of reminded me of Michael's, "Don't call me sir. I work for a living." I hear that same comment from EVERY enlisted person I know, when called 'sir' or 'ma'am.'

Jan 15th, 2013, 04:03 AM
I would like to bring back the CJ as prior military angle. Did anyone else catch how she responded to Bixby(?) calling her ma'am by saying, "It's C.J., not ma'am?" Sort of reminded me of Michael's, "Don't call me sir. I work for a living." I hear that same comment from EVERY enlisted person I know, when called 'sir' or 'ma'am.'

I thought that at first too (lots of work with current and prior enlisted in my past). But then I recall how all of my friends/in-laws from the Northeastern and West coast US react to the Southern tradition of putting ma'am and sir into conversation (for politeness and respect). A lot of them think I'm calling them old (or at least they did until they got used to me saying it) when I say it and they try to correct me kinda like CJ in that exchange.

There is just something about CJ that leans me away from the prior military angle. Hard to put my finger on it at the moment...

Feb 16th, 2013, 12:42 AM
Bossy Asian women who has the hots for sol. Also has trust issues

Feb 17th, 2013, 11:33 AM
Ok, she might be bossy but if you think about it - everyone leaned on her from her original group, right?

That tends to make someone bossy. If you need everyone pulling their weight...and someone doesn't cause they're just plain lazy, you gotta get a little tough.

I think that scbubbe is right, she wasn't military - at least that's not the impression I get. Perhaps the SWAT theory is correct. She's obviously is a good planner (and i imagine that not even SWAT can execute even the best laid plans rigth after Z Day). Although the intelligent, forward thinking, tough part of her might just be because shes an awesome Chinese girl. :)

Feb 17th, 2013, 12:25 PM
I still totaly think she is military. Either a counterpart to Michael or to Angel, but leaning more towards Angel. I think she was an officer, thus her excellent planning ability while her execution we all know is lacking. It's an NCO's job to execute. Season 4 we'll see the excellent planning ability of CJ coupled with Michael's ability to get the job done. I think her saying "it's CJ, not ma'am" is just her getting on from the past and moving forward and not wanting to be treated 'special' but for what she brings to the table.

Feb 17th, 2013, 08:36 PM
Wow. In most of the Asian households or even on the streets or at work, I have seen the WOMAN be the boss. I have met some Asian bully husbands but from everything I have seen, this is just a stereotype. Mainly, the "bullies" have been from the older generations...but most of the men 50 and under seem to have the wife as the boss.

Feb 17th, 2013, 10:42 PM
Ran across this little beauty today and thought of CJ:


It's called "The Apokatana" and is made by Zombie Tools (http://zombietools.net/tools/). They have a pretty cool selection of blades over there.

Anyway, to give you an idea of what CJ might have been able to accomplish, check out this vid of the Apokatana in action (skip to the 2:46 mark to see the really good stuff...)


(No beer was harmed in the making of this video - I think)

All I saw was the picture of the sword and holy shit I want one.

Feb 18th, 2013, 04:27 AM
All I saw was the picture of the sword and holy shit I want one.

I know, right?!?! Did you check out the other "tools" they offer for helping to survive Z-Day? I'll take one of each please...

Especially this one:


Feb 18th, 2013, 07:53 AM
I know, right?!?! Did you check out the other "tools" they offer for helping to survive Z-Day? I'll take one of each please...

Especially this one:


Sweet baby Jesus, where can I get five of these!?

Feb 18th, 2013, 08:33 AM
Sweet baby Jesus, where can I get five of these!?

Right here: http://zombietools.net/tools/

But you're gonna have to wait a bit... They seem to have a backlog on orders right now. :mad:

Feb 18th, 2013, 03:24 PM
Right here: http://zombietools.net/tools/

But you're gonna have to wait a bit... They seem to have a backlog on orders right now. :mad:

They certainly have some interesting looking "tools." I'm curious what grade of steel they use for their swords. I could be looking for a new sword . . .

Feb 18th, 2013, 05:11 PM
They certainly have some interesting looking "tools." I'm curious what grade of steel they use for their swords. I could be looking for a new sword . . .

From their FAQ:

Do you guys actually make these blades?
Yup, we do everything in our shop in Missoula, Montana using American made steel and aluminum. Here’s our basic process:

1) We cut the basic sword shape out of bars of quality 5160 spring steel. 5160 is one of the best steels to use for longer blades like ours as it is more durable and less prone to breakage than other steels (like cheap stainless).

2) For some of our blade models, we will then heat and hammer the blade into shape.

3) We grind the blade to within 20% of its final edge, and give the blade its “distal taper,” the gradual reduction of blade material from its handle to its point, which reduces weight and gives it its balance.

4) We then heat the blade to just above 1500 degrees and quench it in oil. This hardens the blade. We then put the blades in a tempering kiln to take them back up to around 450 degrees, which tempers it, or returns flexibility to the blade. The blade is then cleaned and polished.

5) Next, we cut our basic handle shapes from T6 aluminum, we attach the handle with steel pins, and then sculpt the handle to its final shape using grinders and files.

6) Finally, the blade is spattered with a beeswax/tar concoction and painted with ferric chloride acid which etches a pattern into the blade.

Feb 19th, 2013, 12:03 AM
And perhaps Saul reminds CJ of what this other SWAT member was like. I imagine Saul to be pretty brave, I think KC has revealed that to us many times. He's totally SWAT material right?

Feb 19th, 2013, 08:21 AM
This is my personal thinking as to why with almost 99.99% certainty that CJ was not SWAT.
Samantha had mentioned in conversation that as they had lost some of their best guys in the ambush, that “one of them was even SWAT”. Now if that were the case then we would know for sure that CJ was also SWAT. Being SWAT members, they would have known each other, or at least the male would have known about CJ. A female making SWAT is pretty rare and wouldn’t go unnoticed. It would have been plain to see for all that they knew each other, unless the SWAT guy promised not to say anything, but that doesn’t make much sense either. She may have the tactical skills found in a SWAT officer but I think CJ had no previous affiliation with anyone else in her tower, and that would include SWAT.

Feb 19th, 2013, 09:16 AM
This is my personal thinking as to why with almost 99.99% certainty that CJ was not SWAT.
Samantha had mentioned in conversation that as they had lost some of their best guys in the ambush, that “one of them was even SWAT”. Now if that were the case then we would know for sure that CJ was also SWAT. Being SWAT members, they would have known each other, or at least the male would have known about CJ. A female making SWAT is pretty rare and wouldn’t go unnoticed. It would have been plain to see for all that they knew each other, unless the SWAT guy promised not to say anything, but that doesn’t make much sense either. She may have the tactical skills found in a SWAT officer but I think CJ had no previous affiliation with anyone else in her tower, and that would include SWAT.

I'm pretty sure CJ wasn't SWAT also. I get the feeling she is pretty young and if she were SWAT she would most likely be an "operator". This would require her to have a lot of experience in training in a shoot house. This training necessarily involves instruction and application of both single and team room clearing technique/procedure. As we found out at he Colony, CJ hasn't had any instruction/training in room clearing (poor red shirt girl...)

So, going with that line of thinking, I'm gonna say she's not SWAT. Or if she is, then she must have just gotten the job.

My best guess would be that she had a desk/planning job with LA police or a federal agency. This explains how she might be connected to some SWAT folks and how she would know where to get the crap ton of tactical and prep gear she has.

Mar 7th, 2013, 01:33 PM
When the Dunbar Tower fell, I had a theory that CJ was in law enforcement and had a hand in putting Bill Roberts/Pinstripe away. When Pinstripe realized that it was CJ he decided to leave her alone after clearing out her tower, like leaving her in her own prison. You know as some sort of revenge. And she did lock herself away in DT, almost like a prison.
It also seems kind of weird that there have been no more attacks at the DT. Pinstripe knows there is at least one survivor. Why not set a trap for CJ or go in for another attack a couple of days later?

I like that angle. Man. That would be some stuff. But if that is true, why didn't she recognize him. A guy with a face full of tattoos tends to stay with you.

As an aside. Who do you think CJ will hook up with in Season 4? Saul and Blondie are reunited, so who are we looking at as an eligible bachelor? Probably Robbins, Carl, or Muldoon. I think Puck and Riley are going to end up knocking boots.

Mar 8th, 2013, 12:40 PM
I like that angle. Man. That would be some stuff. But if that is true, why didn't she recognize him. A guy with a face full of tattoos tends to stay with you.

As an aside. Who do you think CJ will hook up with in Season 4? Saul and Blondie are reunited, so who are we looking at as an eligible bachelor? Probably Robbins, Carl, or Muldoon. I think Puck and Riley are going to end up knocking boots.

Let me correct that last part. I just listened to the last bit of Chapter 36. Riley is gay, or at least bisexual and had a thing for Lizzy.

Feb 26th, 2016, 07:54 AM
Granted I'm close to a thousand years late on this thread, but give me a break - I'm relatively new. First of - 7oddisdead - you blew my mind in a few of your posts.....I needed to sit in a corner & rock back & forth for a while just to regain my ability to spell my name. Awesome, awesome contributions, brother!

Just wanted to say that in my eyes - there is no way CJ was in any kind of law enforcement. With that being said - that doesn't mean she passionately longed to......I think, for one reason or another - she was unable to attain her dreams of becoming some one in the law enforcement field......just the fact that she has no knowledge on how to clear a room brings me to this assumption.....

I do believe CJ was a person who never got acknowledgement (from her parents, most likely) - and was constantly trying to prove her worth to them.....& now that they are most likely gone - she's trying to prove it to herself.....

May 27th, 2016, 07:50 PM
CJ is a character that we as the fans could definitely use more background on. I think a mini-episode or a short comic would handle this very well.

Jun 3rd, 2019, 01:07 AM
I like your theory, but why focus on the un-named SWAT member who was lost with the convoy when you have Sean right at hand. We've seen that CJ and Sean were close, with the hint of intimacy between them. And Sean could just have easily been SWAT too. That would certainly explain why Marcus wanted him for his second-in-command at the Colony.