View Full Version : Scratch is annoying

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Hi I'm new. I'll post an intro thread later. I just wanted to say that whoever plays Scratch is a terrible actor and her voice is annoying and unconvincing.

I like the podcast though.

Jun 19th, 2012, 12:05 PM
i hate scratch the character, i think the voice acting is great.

Nate Eeez
Jun 19th, 2012, 12:24 PM
This is weird.

Jun 19th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Hi I'm new. I'll post an intro thread later. I just wanted to say that whoever plays Scratch is a terrible actor and her voice is annoying and unconvincing.

Hahah that's a bold and to the point opinion. I have to politely disagree; she is a great actor and plays the part amazing. Her role is to yell and be mean and she does just that, and of course she is annoying, she is a mean, nasty, intolerable human being, and the actor is doing an amazing job getting that across.

Jun 19th, 2012, 01:33 PM
She sounds like a valley girl trying to be tough. Her voice inflection and tone don't match the character, aside from that, the way she emphasizes her lines is terrible. It is the only hole I've found in the casting of the show.

She sounds like Paris Hilton trying to be mean.

Jun 19th, 2012, 01:42 PM
She sounds like a valley girl trying to be tough. Her voice inflection and tone don't match the character, aside from that, the way she emphasizes her lines is terrible. It is the only hole I've found in the casting of the show.

She sounds like Paris Hilton trying to be mean.

You write like Paris Hilton. Save the hate parade for the characters and leave the actors to do their job.

Scott Kenneth DuBois
Jun 19th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Hi I'm new. I'll post an intro thread later. I just wanted to say that whoever plays Scratch is a terrible actor and her voice is annoying and unconvincing.

I like the podcast though.

GeOsiris is welcome to his/her opinion and has every freedom to state how he/she feels. A great majority of us (if not all) agree that he/she is absolutely mistaken. To be honest I'd love to tell you "If it's that much of an issue and you have to insultingly state something like that (showing you have no class, integrity or self respect) then why even bother listening?" but, unlike you, I refuse to disrespect another person nor do I cloak myself with an ancient Egyptian god of the underworld's name. Jenna, as like the entire cast, are talented professionals. Your feeble attempts at insulting those in the forums shows what kind of hypocritical and weak person you are. If you believed you were factually stating what you did about Scratch (and pretending you do not know her name is sad, VERY sad) then you would have just left your statements at that.
Manors GeOsiris, tact and respect... Might help you do something with your life.

Jun 19th, 2012, 08:47 PM
GeOsiris is welcome to his/her opinion and has every freedom to state how he/she feels. A great majority of us (if not all) agree that he/she is absolutely mistaken. To be honest I'd love to tell you "If it's that much of an issue and you have to insultingly state something like that (showing you have no class, integrity or self respect) then why even bother listening?" but, unlike you, I refuse to disrespect another person nor do I cloak myself with an ancient Egyptian god of the underworld's name. Jenna, as like the entire cast, are talented professionals. Your feeble attempts at insulting those in the forums shows what kind of hypocritical and weak person you are. If you believed you were factually stating what you did about Scratch (and pretending you do not know her name is sad, VERY sad) then you would have just left your statements at that.
Manors GeOsiris, tact and respect... Might help you do something with your life.

hmmm, Manors, huh? It's funny how you contradict yourself in your statement. BTW, the word you're looking for is manners, not manors.

White knights are hilarious.

Part of being any type of performer is being ready and able to take criticism. It's not entirely Jennas fault, I think there are some inconsistencies written into her character, there lacks continuity in her characters portrayal and affiliation. This fault is magnified by her over acting, it's so forced and unnatural that it is really funny at times.

You people need to ease up. I've enjoyed the series as a whole, but am entitled to my opinion. If a critic doesn't like a performance of one of your favorite actors and writes a bad review are you going to get butthurt?

Oh well, fanboys will be fanboys I guess. Osiris, you are just plain creepy dude. Don't let my opinion ruin your day.

Lastly, I don't have hard feelings for any of you folks, even the ones who personally insulted me. Its OK to critique a performance or a product, in case you weren't aware, but the personal attacks are bad form.

That being said, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Jun 19th, 2012, 08:53 PM
Yo, I raged. I still think it was a kind of mean thing to say about Jenna, but for the sake of not getting in trouble, I'm sorry. BUT, I did add a smiley to convey that I wasn't trying to be a total dick.

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:04 PM
Yo, I raged. I still think it was a kind of mean thing to say about Jenna, but for the sake of not getting in trouble, I'm sorry. BUT, I did add a smiley to convey that I wasn't trying to be a total dick.

No need to apologize for the sake of not getting in trouble. Im not going to report you as I give zero fucks about this conversation. I just came on here to voice my opinion on what I think is a shitty performance as I'm entitled to.

It's nothing personal, I'm sure this Jenna girl who plays Scratch is a sweet and great person, she's just not a good fit for the character in my opinion.

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:14 PM
No need to apologize for the sake of not getting in trouble. Im not going to report you as I give zero fucks about this conversation. I just came on here to voice my opinion on what I think is a shitty performance as I'm entitled to.

It's nothing personal, I'm sure this Jenna girl who plays Scratch is a sweet and great person, she's just not a good fit for the character in my opinion.

had you said this in your first post. You would not have been met with half the anger you have been...we are all entitled to our opinion here...but when your first post calls one of the most beloved of cast members a bad actress....bad form man

And wait for osiris to do something to piss ya off before you call him a creep...trust me...he can get worse than this...were all friends here...and we will defend our friends...even if they are jerks at times

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:15 PM
had you said this in your first post. You would not have been met with half the anger you have been...we are all entitled to our opinion here...but when your first post calls one of the most beloved of cast members a bad actress....bad form man

And wait for osiris to do something to piss ya off before you call him a creep...trust me...he can get worse than this...were all friends here...and we will defend our friends...even if they are jerks at times

Well said sir!

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:17 PM
You're lucky Osiris left this one to the admins to handle, he is really good at not losing an argument...

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:28 PM
No need to apologize for the sake of not getting in trouble. Im not going to report you as I give zero fucks about this conversation. I just came on here to voice my opinion on what I think is a shitty performance as I'm entitled to.

It's nothing personal, I'm sure this Jenna girl who plays Scratch is a sweet and great person, she's just not a good fit for the character in my opinion.

Link to your Oscar worthy performances or get the fuck out.

Wicked Sid
Jun 19th, 2012, 09:31 PM
Alright, calm down ladies. Keep it to a debate-level conversation and please do not dwell within petty insults or I'll shut this down.

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:32 PM
Oh, no! How will I ever respond!?


Wicked Sid
Jun 19th, 2012, 09:36 PM
It's more a preventative measure.

Jun 19th, 2012, 09:37 PM
Preventing a sandy vagina? Too late, he's got one.

Jun 19th, 2012, 10:05 PM
More I think about it....id vote close this bad boy down..no good can come of this thread.

Loyal Retainer
Jun 19th, 2012, 10:18 PM
May I interject a little levelheaded-ness into this thread? GeOsiris, I don't know if you've listened to the entire podcast or are just starting from the beginning. I'm going to assume you are just starting the podcast. In the first couple of episodes that Scratch appears in I found her acting to be, how should I put this politely, forced. It didn't really seem up to snuff with the other actors and their portrayal of their individual characters. I'm not an actor by any means, but her performance seemed like she was trying to hard and that grated on me. With that said I found later on she fell into her groove and was very convincing. I don't care for her character that much but I think her acting is superb now and very relatable. if you're caught up to the newest episodes I don't know what you're talking about. Just my two cents, take it or leave it.

Jun 19th, 2012, 10:22 PM
More I think about it....id vote close this bad boy down..no good can come of this thread.

Awwww, but I wanted to see this troll's proof of having so much talent that he's an authority on skill, story-telling, and direction. This fucking guy must be like Scorsese, but with the acting chops of DeNiro, the way he talks.

Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who aren't good enough to teach, critique.

Then there's this fucking guy. Not intelligent enough to grasp a complex character as simple as Scratch. It's not like there's a shit ton of depth there, it's all out on Front Street, but this guy needs characters to be entirely one dimensional before he can grasp what is going on. The fact that Scratch doesn't sound like the dumbest fuck alive says a lot about a) how the character is portrayed, b) how the character is written, and c) gives the character the chance to work on more levels with its interactions with the characters in the story. Sorry you don't get that.

Go back to watching Entourage, kid. This is obviously way too sophisticated for you, proof of this is how you approach the story, the characters, and take your frustrations out on the actors like you know anything other than stringing together words of hate, ignorance, and stupidity.

Loyal Retainer
Jun 19th, 2012, 10:25 PM
As soon as I read the title to this thread I knew s/he was going to earn the wrath of Osiris. I haven't even been around all that long but I know better than to bad mouth Scratch. :)

Jun 19th, 2012, 10:29 PM
As soon as I read the title to this thread I knew s/he was going to earn the wrath of Osiris. I haven't even been around all that long but I know better than to bad mouth Scratch. :)

Bullshit. You can bad mouth Scratch all you want, and that's fine. You don't like the character? Go ahead and bash away. But there is no reason to launch personal attacks against the actors for doing their jobs. If you have a problem with the way a character is being portrayed, or the way they say their lines, you put the blame where it belongs. You lay it on the director. It's his/her job to get the performances they need out of the actor, and if Kc thought that he wasn't getting what he wanted out of Jenna, he would have recast a long, long time ago.

Jun 19th, 2012, 10:32 PM
All that said, have your opinion, kid. It doesn't make any difference.

Jun 19th, 2012, 10:46 PM
This is my only issue with this thread...we are discussing an actual person..not a character...thats not what this forum is here for..in my opinion at least. Hate scratch?..cool..do your thing. But KC isn't gonna pull jenna out of the cast just because one dude doesn't like her acting chops....im done here...have fun.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:10 AM
No need to apologize for the sake of not getting in trouble. Im not going to report you as I give zero fucks about this conversation. I just came on here to voice my opinion on what I think is a shitty performance as I'm entitled to.

It's nothing personal, I'm sure this Jenna girl who plays Scratch is a sweet and great person, she's just not a good fit for the character in my opinion.
You should definitely listen to her talk about how she approaches the Scratch role. It'll probably make you understand her motivations. -- There have been times where Kc has directed her character ahead of time. I believe the only instance of Kc revealing a little unknown backstory to an actor was with Jenna.

With that said, sure, your opinion isn't a popular one. You're entitled to it, rightfully so! I still highly recommend you listen to her interviews and give it another perspective listen :)

Edit: Re-reading it though: You can dislike the performance, totally fine, just keep in mind that Jenna is a very hard working gal too. So smacking down her entire career is a tad much. T'is all!

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:23 AM
Hey, GeOsiris, get you!


Jun 20th, 2012, 12:35 AM
Hi I'm new. I'll post an intro thread later. I just wanted to say that whoever plays Scratch is a terrible actor and her voice is annoying and unconvincing.

I like the podcast though.
I think Jenna is an amazingly wonderful actress with courage to take on IMHO the hardest character created by Kc. Further more her natural voice is like honey to my ears. I question your reality if you find her performance as unconvincing, frankly she scares the fucking shit out of me and I'm an old lady.

I'd like to know about your nick of GeOsiris I find it unusual.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:37 AM
I can't find my socks.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:41 AM
I can't find my socks.

If you're sweet to me I'll knit you new ones.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:42 AM
Or I can just buy new ones.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:43 AM
Or I can just buy new ones.

Yes, you could but my socks are sexy. :)

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:43 AM
My bare feet are sexier.

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:46 AM
My bare feet are sexier.

Show me :DFlash me some toe !

Jun 20th, 2012, 12:47 AM
Creepy. :hsugh:

Jun 20th, 2012, 01:13 AM
Creepy. :hsugh:

:D. You're so damn cute. I <3 your evil self!

Jun 20th, 2012, 04:21 AM
hmmm, Manors, huh? It's funny how you contradict yourself in your statement. BTW, the word you're looking for is manners, not manors.

White knights are hilarious.

Part of being any type of performer is being ready and able to take criticism. It's not entirely Jennas fault, I think there are some inconsistencies written into her character, there lacks continuity in her characters portrayal and affiliation. This fault is magnified by her over acting, it's so forced and unnatural that it is really funny at times.

You people need to ease up. I've enjoyed the series as a whole, but am entitled to my opinion. If a critic doesn't like a performance of one of your favorite actors and writes a bad review are you going to get butthurt?

Oh well, fanboys will be fanboys I guess. Osiris, you are just plain creepy dude. Don't let my opinion ruin your day.

Lastly, I don't have hard feelings for any of you folks, even the ones who personally insulted me. Its OK to critique a performance or a product, in case you weren't aware, but the personal attacks are bad form.

That being said, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

you made me laugh. i may disagree with your opinion, but that makes it ok.

Jun 20th, 2012, 07:09 AM
Awwww, but I wanted to see this troll's proof of having so much talent that he's an authority on skill, story-telling, and direction. This fucking guy must be like Scorsese, but with the acting chops of DeNiro, the way he talks.

Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who aren't good enough to teach, critique.

Then there's this fucking guy. Not intelligent enough to grasp a complex character as simple as Scratch. It's not like there's a shit ton of depth there, it's all out on Front Street, but this guy needs characters to be entirely one dimensional before he can grasp what is going on. The fact that Scratch doesn't sound like the dumbest fuck alive says a lot about a) how the character is portrayed, b) how the character is written, and c) gives the character the chance to work on more levels with its interactions with the characters in the story. Sorry you don't get that.

Go back to watching Entourage, kid. This is obviously way too sophisticated for you, proof of this is how you approach the story, the characters, and take your frustrations out on the actors like you know anything other than stringing together words of hate, ignorance, and stupidity.

Again with the personal attacks. You know nothing about me, you're just butt-hurt that I am not as in love with your fantasy girl as you are. I get that you are the president of her stalker---errrr, fan club. I also get that you have an ethereal connection to your fantasy soul mate-goddess, but I'm not the fanboi type like you are. I'm rational and know the difference between good, great and terrible performances.

I'm probably the first to come on here with a god honest critique of her terrible acting in this role, and you (as well as others) act as if I told you that your wife is ugly. Get a life, that's what these forums are for. For the record, I never bashed her body of work as I know nothing of her except for this role. To bring her work ethic, personality, or anything other than her work in this series into this is emotional nonsense.

Finally, to all of my detractors, your personal attacks only serve to make you look childish and I don't give a shit if you don't like me or my opinions. So get used to it because I am here to stay and will probably continue to rub you the wrong way as I am not one to kiss ass. If you don't like it, stay the fuck out of my fucking threads.

Jun 20th, 2012, 07:21 AM
Again with the personal attacks. You know nothing about me, you're just butt-hurt that I am not as in love with your fantasy girl as you are. I get that you are the president of her stalker---errrr, fan club. I also get that you have an ethereal connection to your fantasy soul mate-goddess, but I'm not the fanboi type like you are. I'm rational and know the difference between good, great and terrible performances.

I'm probably the first to come on here with a god honest critique of her terrible acting in this role, and you (as well as others) act as if I told you that your wife is ugly. Get a life, that's what these forums are for. For the record, I never bashed her body of work as I know nothing of her except for this role. To bring her work ethic, personality, or anything other than her work in this series into this is emotional nonsense.

Finally, to all of my detractors, your personal attacks only serve to make you look childish and I don't give a shit if you don't like me or my opinions. So get used to it because I am here to stay and will probably continue to rub you the wrong way as I am not one to kiss ass. If you don't like it, stay the fuck out of my fucking threads.


Jun 20th, 2012, 07:21 AM
*snip* I question your reality if you find her performance as unconvincing, frankly she scares the fucking shit out of me and I'm an old lady.

I'd like to know about your nick of GeOsiris I find it unusual.

Ok, so you being an old lady should make you harder to scare? That's reasonable.

Again, I am not challenging the character itself or the character's actions; in the contrary, I love the concept of Scratch and I like her development, motives and lack of remorse. My gripe is with the poor voice acting.

As for my name, it's a bit complicated. It's a portmanteau of sorts which has deep meaning in my life.

Jun 20th, 2012, 07:39 AM
Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the performances given in the production. Everyone is also entitled to disagree with that person's opinion. If you want to argue a point, keep it civil. If this thread continues down the path it is heading, it will be closed.

Jun 20th, 2012, 07:49 AM
It’s all quite funny really, wanted lots of fuss and attention, got it:


Jun 20th, 2012, 07:56 AM
It’s all quite funny really, wanted lots of fuss and attention, got it:


No, not really, but thanks for playing.

Jun 20th, 2012, 08:02 AM
No, not really, but thanks for playing.


Jun 20th, 2012, 09:52 AM
This is the shittiest thread I've read on here yet. Obvious troll is obvious.

Jun 20th, 2012, 09:57 AM
Again with the personal attacks. You know nothing about me, you're just butt-hurt that I am not as in love with your fantasy girl as you are. I get that you are the president of her stalker---errrr, fan club. I also get that you have an ethereal connection to your fantasy soul mate-goddess, but I'm not the fanboi type like you are. I'm rational and know the difference between good, great and terrible performances.

I'm probably the first to come on here with a god honest critique of her terrible acting in this role, and you (as well as others) act as if I told you that your wife is ugly. Get a life, that's what these forums are for. For the record, I never bashed her body of work as I know nothing of her except for this role. To bring her work ethic, personality, or anything other than her work in this series into this is emotional nonsense.

Finally, to all of my detractors, your personal attacks only serve to make you look childish and I don't give a shit if you don't like me or my opinions. So get used to it because I am here to stay and will probably continue to rub you the wrong way as I am not one to kiss ass. If you don't like it, stay the fuck out of my fucking threads.

Oh you mad.

New member joins, tells members what they should really be doing here.

You can stay, or you can go, it doesn't matter. The truth is this:

You have no clue what you are talking about.
You aren't as smart as you think you are, troll.

Jun 20th, 2012, 09:57 AM

Jun 20th, 2012, 10:18 AM


This thread

See what I did there? I'm over it. And this thread is closed. Punishments will be handled by the staff as necessary.