View Full Version : Lost-er. "Found" Reference

Jun 14th, 2012, 05:03 PM
Does anyone else feel as though Kc was hinting that We're alive might not end with that reference?
"They would have ruined the ending anyway." made me feel like he was saying "Don't get your hopes up guys- I don't want to ruin anything and this show will end more abruptly than you will be comfortable with.

Jun 17th, 2012, 04:35 AM
So I'm gonna tell a little secret here....i liked the end of lost. Was it a pile of answers?...no. But it was a very meta version of closure...i like it more in retrospect than I did at the time...

And that's my point here. This story will end more abruptly than any of us will want. That's just the nature of things like this...but one I can say relatively for certain...we will not be told three seasons worth of story was more or less a waste. But I think this is the kind of story we will look back on with more fondness in retrospect than we do in the moment...those are the stories that stick with ya a lifetime

Jun 26th, 2012, 09:27 AM
I read it as ''I don't like the end to lost''. Of course, it could mean what you say, but its too far fetched to prove until it actually does or does not happen.
I personally like things that end when they should end, and not to suffer from ''season 6 and onward'' symptom, and i have great hope that this thing will, mainly because its not the gold mine that it need s to be to be dragged on for so very long.
Toddisdead, i like your point about the ending being meta, i just hope its not like Mass Effect 3 meta,an ending where we get a ''wonderful'' exposition about the meaning of life, while giving us zero info about the fate of anyone that we have ever actually cared about.