View Full Version : CBRN Suits

Jun 13th, 2012, 11:15 AM
I dont know if this has been talked about or not, or if it was ever considered in the script drafts and just left out for story sake, but a light bulb popped up above my head at about 1am this morning and I wish I had some way to contact Saul, Victor, Micheal, and CJ. So here it goes...

Outdoors/Hunting stores these days sell many products designed to prevent human scent from escaping. Products such as Scent-Lock, Dead Downwind, Scentblocker, etc. These would be perfect for use knowing that the zombies of the story are attraced to human scent. Even the Post Exchange/Base Exchange sometimes carry these lines of clothes. Ok.. so if they don't have access to them then CBRN suits should also work. The suits are used when in a nuclear, chemical, or biological environment and are lined with activated charcoal. They also contain human scent. You know this if you ever spent 3+ days wearing them. You sweat like crazy, but noone smells you. I wonder why once they figured out the "sweat bombs" worked that they didn't put it together.

Just a thought. Sure would be one fine way to sit somewhere with your rifle picking off zombies or mallers and when they started getting close lock the door and sit quietly and not have to worry about them smelling you and trying to get through the door.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 13th, 2012, 11:32 AM
Cool thought! I'd hate to be the one who had to field test the idea.

Jun 13th, 2012, 11:36 AM
Cool thought! I'd hate to be the one who had to field test the idea.

The Mallers have a bunch of slaves....perhaps they could test it for us and let us know how it works out!

Red Shirt
Jun 13th, 2012, 11:36 PM
Outdoors/Hunting stores these days sell many products designed to prevent human scent from escaping. Products such as Scent-Lock, Dead Downwind, Scentblocker, etc. These would be perfect for use knowing that the zombies of the story are attraced to human scent. Even the Post Exchange/Base Exchange sometimes carry these lines of clothes. Ok.. so if they don't have access to them then CBRN suits should also work. The suits are used when in a nuclear, chemical, or biological environment and are lined with activated charcoal. They also contain human scent. You know this if you ever spent 3+ days wearing them. You sweat like crazy, but noone smells you. I wonder why once they figured out the "sweat bombs" worked that they didn't put it together.

Good idea. Very good idea. In fact, if you were on my post-apocalypse zombie team and this came up, I would support trying it out. However, my suspicions are that it wouldn't work. When Riley watched the footage of the test, she pointed out that the zombies reactions (drooling) was dog-like. How dog like are they? They sure can detect scents well, but how well? Bloodhound well?


They didn't show the result in that clip, but with all that preparation, including a dummy scent, the Bloodhound STILL found him.
(Episode #148; 2010 #10, "Hair of the Dog")

Again, good idea. In that scenario though I'd want to test it somehow before committing to using it.

Jun 14th, 2012, 11:20 AM
I dont think that something that used to be human, or is modeled on a human, would have the nose of a blood hound, but ya never know. Those descenting soaps and sprays and stuff are used for deer/elk type hunting, again, not the same nose as a blood hound. It would be easy enough to test.. find yourself a "red shirt" and have him suit up and go over to another building. If the zombies come and he makes it back it worked. If they come and you hear screams and then dude comes out as a zombie wearing the CBRN suit then you know it failed. I still think it would be worth a shot even if you couldn't test it. Ya just never know.