View Full Version : In memory of ...

Jun 12th, 2012, 04:23 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but Angel was my favorite character. He may have started off as a whiney b*tch in the beginning, but he really grew as a leader; I think he had great potential.

On a side note, I really want to know more about connection to Scratch and who the 'Families' are. My guess is..Mafia, or some kind of criminal syndicate. That was also a real badass middle finger to Scratch.

I'm listening to the series from the beginning again to cherish all my favorite moments. Long live Angel! :)

Jul 2nd, 2012, 08:30 PM
yea I feel the same way. I just wonder if we ever going to hear what was in angle's journal,and if we do are we going to hear from the man himself?

Jul 2nd, 2012, 08:40 PM
yea I feel the same way. I just wonder if we ever going to hear what was in angle's journal,and if we do are we going to hear from the man himself?

We already heard the contents of Angel's journal. It was the story about the trip to the Fueling Station and the Reserve base to get the MRE's with Kalani. I may be the minority here (and this will be such a shocker) but I don't think Angel has anything more to contribute to the story.

The only thing I can't reason out at the moment is how do we hear what happened during the attack on the Tower since we don't have a journal to account for it (like hearing his conversations with Stephen. Those wouldn't have been broadcast over the radio.) ?

Jul 2nd, 2012, 09:01 PM
we haven't heard why Angel didn't like the mallers. remember when Latch and Scratch came to the tower and Angel just wanted to kill them. And Burt was surprise that response came from Angel. He might have written in his journal why he hated Scratch. This just popped into my head. what if, Angel's dad was the cousin that raped Scratch. or maybe it was Angle's brother (if he had one.)

Jul 2nd, 2012, 09:10 PM
We already heard the contents of Angel's journal. It was the story about the trip to the Fueling Station and the Reserve base to get the MRE's with Kalani. I may be the minority here (and this will be such a shocker) but I don't think Angel has anything more to contribute to the story.

His background story with Scratch and the family still needs to be revealed so he will still contribute. And he will also come into play again when or if the other members find out about his death....emotionally

Jul 2nd, 2012, 10:33 PM
Ra1th cried for days after.

Jul 2nd, 2012, 10:55 PM
Unlike kalani's back story where we heard details because he was trying to cover his ass. I don't believe we will hear details from angels perspective about his ties with the family unless he hid the details somewhere to be found later if he died. Which would be in his stuff in the helicopter which would have been found already by Michael and co. Or burned in the tower remains where sal may have checked with no results because he stated nothing was interesting tell now to speak of. I'll just say again it's going to come from another source then himself unless theres hidden treasure somewhere.

Jul 3rd, 2012, 07:12 AM
i think it's more likely that we'll here from scratch about their history. in fact, i'm thinking that, somehow, scratch winds up spilling her guts to our heros. unless we hear from bricks who gets it from scratch.

Jul 4th, 2012, 11:13 AM
i think it's more likely that we'll here from scratch about their history. in fact, i'm thinking that, somehow, scratch winds up spilling her guts to our heros. unless we hear from bricks who gets it from scratch.

yup, so far the revelations to the family have been from Scratch and I'm thinking thats where were going to hear any more of it from. I think she'll be in a position again, like she was with Lizzie to speak of her past because it related to the present (Liz having a baby), and again I think she'll be talking about Angle to someone (Burt maybe) or Lizzie again, or heck, even Micheal if they meet up again and their not shooting at each other...?

Although listening again, Bricks seems to know something about Scratchs past as well but feels its out of line for him to say. But wether its general knowledge shared between the mallers or just to Bricks because he's heard things...idn.

Jul 17th, 2012, 04:50 PM
any chance angel switched with someone else who is in way worse shape?
so he can make a nice A-HA return?!

Jul 17th, 2012, 05:59 PM
any chance angel switched with someone else who is in way worse shape?
so he can make a nice A-HA return?!

Not even the slimmest chance in hell. Kc confirmed Angel as the now faceless corpse created by Scratch.

Burnsville Kit
Jul 17th, 2012, 06:41 PM
I'll agree that Angel started out as a seemingly spoiled ROTC Lt. who had no experience. But, from the start I liked him - there was the shot that he'd grow. And grow he did! I'm surprised that he survived his fall at the end of 25 for as long as he did, even with the Colony's doctors working on him. I want to hear more from him. Maybe one of the doctors working on him talked with him & we'll find out details? Maybe Scratch will try to break Burt further by revealing the family history of our "squeaky clean" lieutenant?
Maybe Michael will be looking through the journals & find something. I can't wait!

Jul 18th, 2012, 09:53 AM
dang that bums me out, because I feel so much more could
be done with him, but i remember the show has an arc to go
follow. I liked that he started out as an annoying nerd to a
pretty cool dude, but then that was it. I think what bugged me
is that he was gone so long from the story his death (since i listen to the show
in real time and don't go back to older eps) it was very sudden and
lukewarm, nonetheless, if it's for the good of the story...

Jul 21st, 2012, 01:43 PM
I'll be one of the first to admit that Angel wasn't one of my favorite characters but I'm still going to miss him. Not hearing his voice anymore is going to be weird. At least when the tower fell you had that little spark of hope when Scratch found the body. I dunno its kinda bumming me out. :(

Aug 5th, 2012, 01:12 PM
I'll be one of the first to admit that Angel wasn't one of my favorite characters but I'm still going to miss him. Not hearing his voice anymore is going to be weird. At least when the tower fell you had that little spark of hope when Scratch found the body. I dunno its kinda bumming me out. :(

Nearly the same here. His final action was just amazing. I felt very sorry for him - what he went through ... A tragic hero in the classic sense, isn't he?

Aug 7th, 2012, 07:48 PM
I'm thinking maybe, maybe when Riley finds out what happened to Angel
she's going to have a one on one with Scratch.

Aug 9th, 2012, 08:52 AM
I can not say that Angel was a favorite until the Angel/Kalani near death experience. Angel to me was an annoying kid that went to college, got commissioned, and thought he was entitled to...

Aug 9th, 2012, 06:52 PM
All jokes aside... I really loved Angel and Kalani's adventures and wanted nothing more than to hear them continue on and on.

Aug 9th, 2012, 07:08 PM
Here's my "Ode to Angel" if you will. Angel came from a corrupt environment of mafiosi, and crime, and yet he managed to go against the grain, and become something positive. An officer in the military, although not a great one at first, he earns the respect of his peers and and becomes an outstanding example of what an officer should be. When Michael left for the hostage exchange, he left the tower in Angel's hands. And when the tower came under attack Angel was responsible for its defense. Considering the overwhelming odds, the tower faced, Angel mounted an exceptional defense, and when that wasn't enough. He and his most loyal "soldiers" went down with the ship. He sacrificed himself so his friends could live. He died defending his home. He's a casualty of war, and a stark reminder of its cost.

The officer we'd come to know as Angel didn't survive the fall. He died in the collapse of the tower. What survived was his past self. The one that defied and resisted the family he'd been born into. This past version of Angel now surrounded by the darkness he'd fought so hard to escape, dies doing what he's always done, resisting his birthright.

Aug 9th, 2012, 07:56 PM
Here's my "Ode to Angel" if you will. Angel came from a corrupt environment of mafiosi, and crime, and yet he managed to go against the grain, and become something positive. An officer in the military, although not a great one at first, he earns the respect of his peers and and becomes an outstanding example of what an officer should be. When Michael left for the hostage exchange, he left the tower in Angel's hands. And when the tower came under attack Angel was responsible for its defense. Considering the overwhelming odds, the tower faced, Angel mounted an exceptional defense, and when that wasn't enough. He and his most loyal "soldiers" went down with the ship. He sacrificed himself so his friends could live. He died defending his home. He's a casualty of war, and a stark reminder of its cost.

The officer we'd come to know as Angel didn't survive the fall. He died in the collapse of the tower. What survived was his past self. The one that defied and resisted the family he'd been born into. This past version of Angel now surrounded by the darkness he'd fought so hard to escape, dies doing what he's always done, resisting his birthright.

Let us all have a moment of silence.

Aug 9th, 2012, 10:26 PM
Here's my "Ode to Angel" ...

Very well spoken, Sir, very well.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 12:54 PM
RIP "Bricks." We hardly new ye.

Sep 23rd, 2012, 07:20 PM
i know i dont make like any post or additions anywhere but got my laptop finally so yeah i just wanted to post this

a mighty wall from a house of bricks has fallen. May no one argue that this wall was a sign of hope and in the end fell a hero. the past is buried never to be seen what he stood for is what is left in the rubble.

i know its late to put that but i wrote it when it happened so yeah tell me what u think

Oct 21st, 2012, 11:37 AM
i dont know about you guys but my favorite characters are burt, M. Cross and Brick was cool too . angel wasn't my favorite character but i'll miss him because he was a major character in we're alive

May 8th, 2013, 11:07 PM
Unlike kalani's back story where we heard details because he was trying to cover his ass. I don't believe we will hear details from angels perspective about his ties with the family unless he hid the details somewhere to be found later if he died. Which would be in his stuff in the helicopter which would have been found already by Michael and co. Or burned in the tower remains where sal may have checked with no results because he stated nothing was interesting tell now to speak of. I'll just say again it's going to come from another source then himself unless theres hidden treasure somewhere.

Kulani wasn't just covering his ass. He was trying to save his daughter.

May 9th, 2013, 03:25 PM
I want to hear Brick's backstory, I bet a woman wanted her husband dead so she set it up so Her husband would come home while she was getting naked fro Bricks , the husband attacked & Bricks killed him.

May 17th, 2013, 11:30 PM
I've got to hear more about the Family. I mean, why have Angel survive the fall of the Tower, just to die in the hospital? Hopefully there is more to it than a plot tool to create a fission between Durai and Scratch. Although, I'm pretty sure that Scratch is the only Family member left. Maybe Burt can torture it out of her while he takes off pieces of her.

Aug 17th, 2013, 08:14 AM
I really ended up loving Angel, particularly his doomed love for Riley. Also, his final scene was amazing - unlike everyone else, he didn't blame the good guys for his condition, he accepted responsibility and manned up, and was defiant even though he was doomed.

Aug 17th, 2013, 04:32 PM
I've got to hear more about the Family. I mean, why have Angel survive the fall of the Tower, just to die in the hospital? Hopefully there is more to it than a plot tool to create a fission between Durai and Scratch. Although, I'm pretty sure that Scratch is the only Family member left. Maybe Burt can torture it out of her while he takes off pieces of her.

Yeah, I don't think Burt gives a flying fuk about Scratch and The Family. Like me, he just wants her dead and buried. Throw in a quicky skull-fuk in between and all will be well in the world.

Aug 17th, 2013, 08:34 PM
Angel personified the Family's code about never hurting another family member, he just applied it to the tower instead of the mafia.

Sep 4th, 2013, 08:12 AM
Speaking of Angel, where is Ra1th?! I haven't seen him anywhere.