View Full Version : the engineers should have re-engineered this movie

Jun 8th, 2012, 04:17 PM
seen Prometheus today and to me it sucked, big time. there were a lot of holes in the movie. That is 2 hrs and 4 mins i wont get back. Ridley Scott, did you forget the first alien movie entirely ? Instead of directing movies you should get a job directing traffic. Cause this was an accident. I am glad i didn't go a pay the extra price for IMAX 3-D. I cant believe on how many people actually like this piece of crap. the trailer should have been the whole movie. I was more entertained by that than this. I cant give this a half star and that would be generous.

Jun 9th, 2012, 07:12 AM
The movies getting a above average rating on imdb. 7.8/10. I'll prob see it just because i'm a movie gurue and like seeing everyone. But ill go into it with your mindset and see what I think of it. People are saying it felt like there was 30min of footage missing that would of filled in the blanks it seemed. Did it seem like this?

Jun 9th, 2012, 07:40 AM
this film is to be a "sort" of a prequel for ALIEN, which Ridley Scott directed.

Jun 9th, 2012, 05:01 PM
it seem like he had forgotten that the space jockey in the first alien movie was fused to the set and the bones were bent out. however in this one the space jockey had left and died on board the escape shuttle. the large face hunger look like something from and old Japanese monster flick. plus all the bodies that the space jockey kill where did they go? the canisters if they were suppose to be the eggs found later in the first alien movie, they unscrewed and not open like the eggs in all of the other alien movies. if this was suppose to be a prequel to the original alien movie in my book if fail big time. its like this movie was trying to break away from the whole alien and alien vs predator franchise.

Jun 9th, 2012, 05:19 PM
seen Prometheus today and to me it sucked, big time. there were a lot of holes in the movie. That is 2 hrs and 4 mins i wont get back. Ridley Scott, did you forget the first alien movie entirely ? Instead of directing movies you should get a job directing traffic. Cause this was an accident. I am glad i didn't go a pay the extra price for IMAX 3-D. I cant believe on how many people actually like this piece of crap. the trailer should have been the whole movie. I was more entertained by that than this. I cant give this a half star and that would be generous.

What was wrong with the movie? Plot off, FX not up to par, Jimmy Hoffa cameo?

Jun 9th, 2012, 07:52 PM
What was wrong with the movie? Plot off, FX not up to par, Jimmy Hoffa cameo?
you must not have read the reply. just before your post.

Jun 9th, 2012, 09:10 PM
you must not have read the reply. just before your post.

yeah, weird time warp thing happened or something. Your second post didn't show up on my feed until I rechecked this thread. Maybe Ridley Scott is involved with this one, too.

Jun 10th, 2012, 10:37 PM
plus all the bodies that the space jockey kill where did they go?

You mean the bodies of the people that were on the alien spacecraft that crashed? Where did you expect them to be? The ship crashed so I figure everything went flying. The question is more why didn't David's head move.

the canisters if they were suppose to be the eggs found later in the first alien movie, they unscrewed and not open like the eggs in all of the other alien movies.

Because the eggs in this movie were weapons and had been created to be deployed. The ones that are supposed to have come later were laid, not created in a lab.

Plus, the Space Jockey wasn't the same one that the Nostromo found

Jun 11th, 2012, 02:32 AM
I watched the movie in 3D. I felt like I payed too much. It seemed more like a 2D movie than 3D. Dont expect things to be popping out at you.

Jun 13th, 2012, 11:15 PM
I thought it could have had deeper 3D, but they went subtle depth, not whoosh coming at ya'. Wish I could have seen it in IMAX but it looks like the IMAX projector broke at our cinema.

Evidently ancient, ancient belief systems are the key to the story, like Mesopotamia and Babylon.

Jun 13th, 2012, 11:24 PM
I didn't pay an extra 6.50 per ticket plus have to put up wearing 3D glasses over my own glasses for subtle. I spent half the movie feeling like I was ripped off.

smalls kenobi
Jun 14th, 2012, 02:58 AM
I really enjoyed this movie. My only complaint is that the makeup on the old man was pretty weak.everything else was cool; audio, even the 3D.it was a damn good movie.

Jun 14th, 2012, 04:17 AM
I loved the Alien movies (except 4, it was crappy!). But I did NOT hate Prometheus. It was said in most interviews it is NOT A PREQUEL technically. It takes place before the first Alien movie in time, but they did not agree it was a prequel in theory. Not sure why. Can't remember. Thus, I went in with no expectations other than to see what life was like in btwn us and Ripley meeting the mama Alien. I did not pick it apart like I did movie 4, cuz it did not suck near as bad. Sorry, it didn't. Prometheus was beautiful to look at, which I expect from Ridley Scott. Dark, depressing, creepy and dripping with goo, per usual. Agreed they did not get everything "right" for prequel status. I did not care much towards the last half as I was too freakin horrified by the c-section scene (Im a tokophobe!). Also those "engineers" creeped me out alittle all white, angry and BIG AS HELL! Cherlize Theron was a total beotch in it; I wanted to punch her out. LOVED Michael Fassbender and Guy Pearce together. So, agreed it was not Alien calibre at all. Few things can be. Perhaps Ridley Scott and all great directors should have learned from George Lucas that you just can't go backwards and be inaccurate or SUCK unless you are on the Scy-Fy channel.

Jun 14th, 2012, 04:21 AM
I enjoyed most of it too, honestly. But again, I went in thinking "ok, not a true prequel" because of the interviews the directors gave, so I was less tainted I think. It was visually STUNNING to watch. Not all the acting was great and some plot parts were absurd, but I was ok with that. That c-section scene screwed me up hardcore. Im a tokophobe. NOT ok. LOL

Jun 15th, 2012, 08:37 PM
What did you think of the ANDROID (.not.robot)? I couldn't figure out what his internal life was like. Probably the point I guess--to make him ambiguous. he seemed to have some feelings and resentments. He would often compare himself more favorably to humans; but with Weyland as his maker you could see why he'd think less of humans. Once he was free of his horrible maker he seemed happier--or maybe just wanted to appear non-threatening.

Do you think the Engineer at the beginning was the same sort as the one at the end? They seemed different somehow to me. Like, different sects. Why were they all male? They seemed like a sort of angel under direction--or in rebellion. I thought maybe they were the David's of another race.

Jun 16th, 2012, 12:07 PM
Creators v Destroyers

You have folks who like to build things and then you have folks that like to f*** stuff up. Same way with Engineers.

Jun 24th, 2012, 08:10 PM
You guys should check out KC's take on the movie on his other podcast "The Drive Home."

Jun 27th, 2012, 10:12 PM
What was wrong with the movie? Plot off, FX not up to par, Jimmy Hoffa cameo?

The wrong is the trailer it has a full movie since in their trailer. That actually the climax of the whole story. The trailer shown a lot of since that was they wrong.

Jun 28th, 2012, 07:41 PM
You guys should check out KC's take on the movie on his other podcast "The Drive Home."

I just noticed it was up. I really like hearing his take. In this case he made some good points and some errors of observation. Was the other guy his brother?

People who say it's full of holes generally point to:

The Space Jockey ~ it was a different one and the planet was a different planet. I .was. disappointed it contained a humanoid.
David ~ He was under orders from Weyland that were in direct conflict with the purpose of the mission and the safety of the people. He was communicating with Weyland while Weyland was in stasis. In that scene he was turned away from the camera with the headset on. His posture was all drawn up at this time and he was almost bowing as he responded. This was set up by showing he was able to watch the Doctor's dreams and how she became aware of him in her dream. Asimovs rules for robots are really unenforceable in the real world.
The Geologist getting lost ~ His pups sent information to the ship not to him and the ship lost contact with them during the storm. Also, the "tobacco" he was sucking up in his suit might not have been tobacco.
The Eggs being different ~ Like I said, since it wasn't a prequel, it wasn't bound to be exactly the same. I found I accepted that once I knew the Engineer didn't die in the chair. I was curious about the differences.
The Biologist ~ His actions did beggar belief. But then Kane coming back to look into the opened egg (that just screamed it was responding to his presence which in nature tends to be bad) in the first Alien did also and I thought it was meant to be a call back to it.
People not being able to zig or zag when under a falling ship ~ I dunno, it was a pretty big ship. There should have been more dust though.
The C-Section ~ Actually, the thing that bothered me with that was the fact that the machine came equipped with forceps though it had only been programmed for a male.

When David and the Doctor flew away I turned away and turned to my husband and said "That's the story I want to follow"--not the one of the xenomorph coming back to earth so I was happy for that ending.

Man, it's just that Lindelof has a history of making mysteries that are more compelling and complex than the answers.