View Full Version : the adult beverage thread

May 29th, 2012, 02:34 AM
PSA: underaged drinking is bad..mmmkay.

so a little discussion popped up the other night about beers of choice, being a proper member here..i figured i'd throw up a thread. so go ahead, tell us about the beers you love, beers you hate...hell, why restrict it to simply that..so you like cosmopolitans? go ahead and express that love! this is the spot to do it! the point of this thread is to hopefully help people find new things to try that they may not have otherwise...ill start

im a HUGE fan of sierra navada pale ale, im not much of one for the soft beers..and this ipa(india pale ale) is far from soft. to me, a good beer is something to be enjoyed after a good meal, or after a hard day at the office. a good beer isnt something you should want to drink to the point of excess, rather..its a relaxing way to reflect on life and the finer parts of it..this is what sierra navada pale does for me..to me its a beer for considering the day, the days events, life in general...this pale has quite the bite to it, really some thing you can chew on...in some peoples opinions...literally. but i for one, love it

see, simple as that. so lets hear it!

May 29th, 2012, 02:35 AM
I love Fat Tire ale and good whiskey. But the best mixed drink is Paul Newmen limeaide over crushed ice with 2 fingers of rum in the glass.

May 29th, 2012, 02:42 AM
type of rum?

in many cases, id go with captian private stock..but i do have very specific drink that only works with one rum

in a rocks glass
two fingers sailor jerry rum
top with coke
and a blood orange wedge

magic *poof*

May 29th, 2012, 02:43 AM
Captain Morgan's spiced rum goes with the lime drink

May 29th, 2012, 02:52 AM
a 50/50 margarita 2 cans of condensed frozen limeade put content into a blender. add crushed ice and then fill 1 limeade can with good tequila and the other half full of water add to blender and blend (with the top on) serve and then pray..

May 29th, 2012, 02:58 AM


May 29th, 2012, 03:00 AM
ah guinness..

but whats better than guinness?

irish car bombs

May 29th, 2012, 03:09 AM
On a hot day like it has been here recently I’ll take a San Miguel, Sol, Corona or whatever the pub has. In winter I like to try the guest beers at my local pubs, usually from small breweries (this would be the warm flat stuff). Shorts, single malt, not peaty, at least 10 years old, bit of ice no mixer, happy days.

Guinness is good, but not Guinness Red.

May 29th, 2012, 03:10 AM
ah guinness..

but whats better than guinness?

irish car bombs

Leave it to the Irish... :hsugh:

May 29th, 2012, 06:54 AM
All through college I only drank Rum n Coke, Calico Jack with some Coke, but recently i've been drinking beer a lot more and I actually prefer the taste of crappy lite beers over better dark ones. Coors Lite or Red Dog are my favs

May 29th, 2012, 08:27 AM
angry orchard hard cider, mikes hard limeade, and shock top rasberry wheat. it's like drinking your way through a good meal.

May 29th, 2012, 12:34 PM
I don't have a head for liquor. I always black out after two or three proper drinks.

Typically, when I'm at a party, barbecue, or hang out where I'm drinking just to have fun I'll go with the standard brew; Bud Light or Dos XX. Every now and then I'll buy a case of Stella Artois.

But if I'm at an outdoor restaurant with my girlfriend and just want a beer as a side-kick and fuel my conversation, then I'll order a Blue Moon. They often serve it with a slice of orange but I find that the beer already has a bit of an orange taste to it. That's my casual beer. It is great to drink while in a shaded spot on a sunny day. Here in San Antonio we have a few good beer gardens, so finding a shade spot to avoid the Texas heat isn't that difficult.

If I'm out for an evening of dancing then I typically start immediately with a shot of Don Julio Blanco chilled and chase it with a Stella or Dos XX. No lime, no salt, for both my shot or my beer.

I'll sometimes have a bit of Johnny Walker Black label (two fingers, on the rocks, and a bit of water) or a shot of Blue Label when I'm with my old man. He has the head (and gut) for that stuff, but I can't tolerate it. I usually end up acting like an idiot after a couple of glasses of scotch.

I've tried out a good number of other beers but the above mentioned are what I regularly rotate through with Dos XX being my most common beverage of choice.

May 29th, 2012, 01:31 PM
two words people...Skittle Vodka.

May 29th, 2012, 01:38 PM


Pabst Blue Ribbion


no but really, I'm an equal opportunist beer drinker. I'll give em all a try, but partial to the wheat/hefeweizen beers

May 29th, 2012, 01:55 PM
how did I know pbr would find its way on here? :)

Hero brings up a good point though, I know many times alot of what I end up having depends on the situation im in. After a day of work at the dairy I'll go with a good IPA like the sierra Nevada, or maybe a Guinness...oh, or Newcastle! Lovely stuff right there..
But, if I'm out at the workshop on a summery day...just tinkering around, enjoying myself..its typically Coors light..the stuff just goes down so smooth that it's not like drinking anything at all...so I think environment has a lot to do with how you consume.

May 29th, 2012, 03:11 PM
I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer a Black and Tan. Made with Guinness and Bass.

But the two drinks I do like... Bailey's Irish Creme and Aftershock. But not together.

Dec 17th, 2013, 12:43 AM
digging this one back up. (also transplanting it into the man-cave)

latest of my favorites would be stone brewings smoked porter with vanilla bean...if you like guiness, and your ready to have that like shattered into a billion pieces...find this.

Dec 17th, 2013, 01:57 AM
Sol when it's hot, a nice glass of red with a meal or a brandy in the winter. Nice...

Dec 17th, 2013, 03:03 AM
I can't stomach wine....more importantly, I can't stomach wine the next morning.

and I must say, it amazes me looking back through this thread at my own posts from only a year and a half ago. My beer knowledge was so naive its borderline ridiculous.

if you like Guinness, find a good smoked porter(like the stone one I mentioned up there^)...if you like Newcastle..find an anchor steam by anchor brewing...or a Samuel smith nut brown ale....entire new worlds open up in front of you. Responsible libations are a beautiful thing....really

be safe, but have fun!

Dec 25th, 2013, 12:36 PM
Dalwhinnie /Highland Park 18 year old, Bruchladich (SP)/ Rosebank 19 year old. All single malts. For a pint I quite like Grolsch but prefer a 660ml bottle of Becks. I usually down a good few of them before the fitba (Soccer to our American cousins :) ) so I can hurl abuse at visiting teams/fans and referees :yay:

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :D