View Full Version : Calling on the power of WA Boardies! v. Your Vote Would Be Appreciated

May 23rd, 2012, 10:02 PM
Hey, everybody! Trust-worthy old Osi here, doing something I don't normally do. Asking for your help.

There are a lot of artists out there who struggle their entire careers to catch a break, get exposure, and carve out a slightly bigger niche for themselves. And they don't do it without support. I'd like to ask you all right now, to think about whether or not you like art. Think of that song that you listened to when your boyfriend or girlfriend dumped you, that song that got you through those tough times of loss, grief, and sadness. Think about all those movies that you turn to when you're feeling down and need a pick-me-up. Think about that painting hanging on your wall that captures your imagination and inspires you. Now imagine a world without that painting, movie, or song.

The arts are the most important thing in the world and truly the only thing that separates human beings from animals--well that and opposable thumbs, traffic, and Taco Time. Without support, some artists never get beyond the small walls of the local bar that simply needs something to fill the void between DJs on a Wednesday night. Without support, those dreams can die and the world could be deprived of that next song. The song that might take you in its loving embrace when you're feeling at your absolute worst, lift you up and say "Hey, bitch... it's not so bad."

I'm providing you with a link that will give you the opportunity to help support a band that may just be the one to write that song for you. Chances are they're not going to write it just for you, but I think you get my meaning.

It only takes two seconds out of your day. You're not going to be asked to sign up for anything. You won't be asked for your credit card information. You won't be asked for the soul of your first born. All you have to do is click a link, scroll down a little and click two teeny tiny little buttons. The first button is going to select the band Nee. The second button is "Vote."

Click the link below, vote, and help some kids get a leg up.




I'm not normally one for schilling someone else's wares, but these guys have a really cool sound and I think the music world could use something other than another Brittnay Bieber. Thank you, to everyone who takes the time to read this, and thank you so very much to everyone who chooses to vote. I love you all.

May 23rd, 2012, 10:15 PM

May 23rd, 2012, 10:30 PM
As an added incentive!!! Every member that votes gets one "Get out of Osiris Free" voucher! That's right folks! You vote and you get one free pass to avoid my wrath in the future! If you've been on the board for more than eight minutes, you'll notice that I'm more argumentative than a woman on her period without a bowl of ice cream within a country mile, and quicker to jump into a diatribe than a an atheist confronted by a barrel of born again Christians, so this voucher will come in handy for you at some point. I won't forget you!

May 24th, 2012, 12:33 AM
Done, gimme my pass ya grump!

May 24th, 2012, 01:13 AM

plus, its an rft thing...love the rft. one of the few "papers" i actually read weekly

May 25th, 2012, 07:07 PM
Repped and voucher noted.