View Full Version : TV/Movie character zombie squad

May 22nd, 2012, 07:12 PM
In a zombie apocalypse what TV & movie characters (not actors) would you want on your ultimate zombie fighting squad?

I'm thinking:
Maj. Scott McCoy - Delta Force (actually the entire Delta team)
James Braddock - Missing in Action
Walker, Texas Ranger
John Rambo
Dirty Harry Calahan
T-800 - Terminator 2 (kind of hard to bite and turn a machine)
Cameron - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (again hard to turn a machine, plus in the down time I can find out how realistic she is)
John McClane - Die Hard (Yippee-ki-yay, m*****f***er)
Alice - Resident Evil (Also fun to "hang out" with during down time)
Ash - Army of Darkness
Superman - on second thought, wouldn't want a zombie with krytonite to bite him, then there'd be Superzombie.
Tony Stark/Ironman (can't bite through a metal suit & who wouldn't want to party with Tony Stark)
Bob Lee Swagger - Shooter
Bruce Lee - Enter the Dragon
Riddick - Chronicles of Riddick
Snake Plissken - Escape from New York/LA
Col. Mike Kirby - The Green Berets (entire team would be good)
Conner & Duncan MacCloud - Highlander (swords skills would be excellent to behead zombies)
Eugene Tackleberry - Police Academy
Dalton - Roadhouse
Mace Windu - Star Wars: ep.1-3 (just gotta have Sam Jackson on the team)
John Shaft - Shaft (Cause he's a bad mother... Shut yo mouth)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (Need more females on the team)
Optimus Prime - Transformers (cause Transformers are cool)

Who's missing? One catch, the "We're Alive" gang is not available.

May 30th, 2012, 06:59 PM

Dr. "Bones" McCoy (for the healing properties of that little wavey lipstick thing)
Gandalf (because spells, bitch)
R.J. MacCready (flamethrowers and dynamite, fuck yeah)
Beatrix "The Bride" Kiddo (swords > reloading)
Neo (because Neo)
Lloyd Dobler (comic relief)
Ramona Flowers (for hottness)

That'd be my second choice.

My first choice?


Red Shirt
Jun 1st, 2012, 11:40 PM
Harley from Split Second.
The Punisher from the Comic Book.
Ramierez, Connor & Duncan McCloud from Highlander.
Sabine Schmitz (Race car driver, former BMW test driver, Queen of the Nürburgring, helicopter pilot and cute)
Danica Patrick (Race car driver and cute)
Kari Byron (Mindblowingly creative, can weld, great shot and super cute)

That about does it for me.

(The Ladies are real but they are on TV, so that counts, right?)

Cabbage Patch
Jun 2nd, 2012, 12:17 AM
The Mobile Infantry from Starship Troopers (the book version, not the movies),
Hammer's Slammers,
The Imperial Marines from Warhammer 40K,
The Colonial Marines from Aliens (minus that Lieutenant)