View Full Version : Bill 'Ink' Roberts at Eastern Bay

May 21st, 2012, 09:07 PM
I re-listened to "The Two Things" part 3 and noticed a couple of things about Bill "Ink" Roberts when the newscaster talks about him.

He was convicted a full YEAR prior to the star of 'It Begins' Was he being held at Eastern Bay During this time?
He was being re-located to a mental health facility prior to the out break. He could have been caught in an attack.
The newscaster mentions, 'The family was devastated' Victim's family or some other 'family'?

May 21st, 2012, 09:33 PM
I didn't think about the "Family" comment until you brought it up. I think that is a good point because I was never really clear on what that comment meant.

May 22nd, 2012, 06:31 AM
For the family part. If it was a newscast reporting they wouldn't use the term "family" in anything but a blood related "family". I'm just guessing. But also, they could of just recieved all the information from a middle source and it could all be fraud...For all we know he could of been going through tests at the prison and he was being moved to a mental clinic because the tests went wrong and gave him mental damage