View Full Version : The Victor Conspiricy

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 10:12 AM
in short, is Viktor really CIA? he strikes me as someone who knows exactly what he's doing and has other things which need to be done which are more important than mundane tasks. it might also explain his knowledge of the sweat before anyone else Tanya said the colony didn't know about that but Viktor had knowledge? just a random thought

May 18th, 2012, 10:29 AM
in short, is Viktor really CIA? he strikes me as someone who knows exactly what he's doing and has other things which need to be done which are more important than mundane tasks. it might also explain his knowledge of the sweat before anyone else Tanya said the colony didn't know about that but Viktor had knowledge? just a random thought

I don't think that Victor(sp) is a company man. If I remember correctly he was a recon guy for the Colony. So he probably had chance to watch how the zombies worked and learned through hypothesis and observation. His character comes across to me as intelligent so he probably knows more than he is saying but that doesn't make him CIA.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 10:35 AM
i dunno just something about him, like everything is premeditated "what do you do for a living" "i'm an insurance salesmen" almost no hesitatation there its like it was planned, who knows i'm randomly throwing it out there food for thought and speculation really, he just seems to know his shit is all.

May 18th, 2012, 10:50 AM
"what do you do for a living" "i'm an insurance salesmen" almost no hesitatation there its like it was planned,
Or it was the truth. Honestly I think he is similar to Riley in that respect he was a smart dude who saw shit was going crazy and had the good sense to GTFO. He has admitted he doesn't know about guns or MRE's or other things. Would it be better if he was a gardener or something else like Saul said because he is Mexican?
Victor as far as we know now is awesome and Victor-y (Thanks Nik) but not anything more... YET

Cabbage Patch
May 18th, 2012, 11:03 AM
in short, is Viktor really CIA? he strikes me as someone who knows exactly what he's doing and has other things which need to be done which are more important than mundane tasks. it might also explain his knowledge of the sweat before anyone else Tanya said the colony didn't know about that but Viktor had knowledge? just a random thought

I agree that Victor is just too cool a character to be "some insurance saleman that stepped up". I'm thinking Ninja/Forensic Accountant for a crime syndicate, or maybe a wetwork specialist for the Vatican. I think it would be especially interesting if Victor knows Scratch and Durai.

May 18th, 2012, 01:54 PM
I agree there seems to be more to Victor than we know! I'm not sure CIA is the answer, but I don't really have any better ideas. I've always thought Victor acted differently when shit hits than fan as opposed to when it's a casual situation. Listen to his part of the conversation when him and Saul are just chatting. Victor comes off a bit stupid in my opinion. However, when shit gets intense he is mister decisive with quick decisions and correct action. Is he acting stupid, if so why? Also, I could be judging him harshly in those scenarios.

He's an interesting character and is quickly rising on my list of favorite characters!

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 02:00 PM
i just suspect he is CIA or some kind of agent like that, i don't know what it is about him but it get that feeling i've been raised as a soldier and theres something off about his mindset, just because he's CIA doesn't mean he has to know all about guns and shit he could of been in a completely diffrent section but i'm not American so i don't know how that would really work but still i suspect it to be true!

May 18th, 2012, 04:38 PM
Sorry, I missed something... when did we start thinking the Insurance salesman was CIA? Not knocking the theory, just trying to find where that reference would have come from. Color me intrigued.

Drogon Malice
May 19th, 2012, 01:38 AM
Sorry, I missed something... when did we start thinking the Insurance salesman was CIA? Not knocking the theory, just trying to find where that reference would have come from. Color me intrigued.

no distinguished refrence but my authority senses are tingling, something about him seems off he seems to have a bit more infomation, he doesn't have to stick with saul and infact when he wasn't going to split a meal with him he was going to pack up and leave, sure we all get a bit crabby when we're hungry but Viktor has always had this sort of persona about him like he doesn't want to be with anyone, he's got something else more important he needs to be doing, but he stays with people to survive but when he was prepared to leave its like he didn't care about what happened to saul because he would be ok. i don't expect people to get it, my dad was a soldier and he raised me as a soldier so its weird its like i can sense it in peoples voices the number of times i've been out in public and ended up talking to people who were off duty police officers or army reserve soldiers, that six sense is telling me viktor is something more than what he says, he could be NSA, ATF, FBI, or CIA i'm sure there are other agencies out there but he strikes me as someone who is trained.

May 19th, 2012, 05:37 AM
Interesting theory. Reaching pretty far, but interesting.

Drogon Malice
May 19th, 2012, 09:27 AM
yeah i understand that i think we should keep listening and see what turns up later on, i don't think the colony would last much longer might see more survivors in LA at some point. the colony knows micheal and his bunch came from LA right? who knows who might turn up tomorrow

May 24th, 2012, 11:49 AM
If Victor is anything other than an insurance salesman he is hiding it very well. CIA or "Secret Agent" types are very often portrayed as very observant, extremely paranoid and very quiet. Victor didn't notice the surviellance device at the gate to the fruit trees, he was very inefficient with the camera during the ground zero walk, and he never is very aggresive with CJ's mind games. Now if he is very good at his job these could be tradecraft to keep people off his scent.

May 24th, 2012, 12:11 PM
One other detail - the LAST thing anyone would voluntarily admit to being in any apocalyptic scenario is an insurance salesman. Zombies would be the least of one's pursuers!!

"Let's look at your policy... Fire, Flood, Act of God... Nope. No zombies. Hey- put down that crossbow!!!"

May 24th, 2012, 01:12 PM
I'm just saying that anyone can be really skilled at something but have a dumb job. Just look at Josh Koscheck, he is a good MMA fighter but his day job is a male nurse... I'm just saying

May 24th, 2012, 01:13 PM
PS. Don't know why I said "I'm just saying" twice.... that was allitle wierd. I'm just saying

May 24th, 2012, 01:23 PM
PS. Don't know why I said "I'm just saying" twice.... that was allitle wierd. I'm just saying

You know you can edit your posts, right? You can go back and make those changes. I, too, am just saying. ;)

May 24th, 2012, 01:39 PM
no distinguished refrence but my authority senses are tingling, something about him seems off he seems to have a bit more infomation, he doesn't have to stick with saul and infact when he wasn't going to split a meal with him he was going to pack up and leave, sure we all get a bit crabby when we're hungry but Viktor has always had this sort of persona about him like he doesn't want to be with anyone, he's got something else more important he needs to be doing, but he stays with people to survive but when he was prepared to leave its like he didn't care about what happened to saul because he would be ok. i don't expect people to get it, my dad was a soldier and he raised me as a soldier so its weird its like i can sense it in peoples voices the number of times i've been out in public and ended up talking to people who were off duty police officers or army reserve soldiers, that six sense is telling me viktor is something more than what he says, he could be NSA, ATF, FBI, or CIA i'm sure there are other agencies out there but he strikes me as someone who is trained.

NSA analyst maybe, BATFE no a federal police organization, but no real security clearance stuff, no reason to lie, FBI pretty much the same thing, some things they do is covert, but they are basically federal police. CIA is not authorized to operate domestically, they operate strictly abroad. anywhere he would've gotten any kind of field level training, it would've included firearms and combat training. i'll say this, my job puts me in contact with a lot of government people, including spooks. vicky dosn't sound like a spook, just someone who is very intelligent. not to say that he couldn't be, unless you work with any of those secret squirrel outfits it's really hard to sound like them, but something just tells me he's not apart of any intelligence agency, just someone who is outstanding in a clutch, but very chill otherwise.

May 24th, 2012, 02:04 PM
You know you can edit your posts, right? You can go back and make those changes. I, too, am just saying. ;)

Or you can
Let Osiris do it for you ;) just saying elohel

Z Sniper
May 24th, 2012, 02:42 PM
Look, I didn't want to give it away but I wouldn't want you to go crazy wondering what Victor does. He wasn't completely lying when he said he was an "insurance salesman", he does after all insure people get into the United States via the Rio Grand,....aka "COYOTE". He does enjoy long walks on the beach, and on his off time he's an avid hunter of the chupacabra. He likes burly woman and fish tacos almost as much as he likes beat-boxing on Santa Monica pier. He's an artist in his own right, forging any fake I.D. you can think of. You can find him selling 'em out of his ice cream cart on Friday nights at the south end of the lake in Echo Park. He is,.....the most interesting man in the world.

May 24th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Look, I didn't want to give it away but I wouldn't want you to go crazy wondering what Victor does. He wasn't completely lying when he said he was an "insurance salesman", he does after all insure people get into the United States via the Rio Grand,....aka "COYOTE". He does enjoy long walks on the beach, and on his off time he's an avid hunter of the chupacabra. He likes burly woman and fish tacos almost as much as he likes beat-boxing on Santa Monica pier. He's an artist in his own right, forging any fake I.D. you can think of. You can find him selling 'em out of his ice cream cart on Friday nights at the south end of the lake in Echo Park. He is,.....the most interesting man in the world.

You are a very funny, very naughty man. :)

Z Sniper
May 24th, 2012, 02:56 PM
You are a very funny, very naughty man. :)


May 24th, 2012, 02:59 PM
Or you can
Let Osiris do it for you ;) just saying elohel

I need to look at something? Point me to it, bro.

Nate Eeez
May 24th, 2012, 03:45 PM
Look, I didn't want to give it away but I wouldn't want you to go crazy wondering what Victor does. He wasn't completely lying when he said he was an "insurance salesman", he does after all insure people get into the United States via the Rio Grand,....aka "COYOTE". He does enjoy long walks on the beach, and on his off time he's an avid hunter of the chupacabra. He likes burly woman and fish tacos almost as much as he likes beat-boxing on Santa Monica pier. He's an artist in his own right, forging any fake I.D. you can think of. You can find him selling 'em out of his ice cream cart on Friday nights at the south end of the lake in Echo Park. He is,.....the most interesting man in the world.

So Victor may know Scratch and Durai. Helping with some fake IDs. If I recall correctly they have a fair collection of IDs.

May 24th, 2012, 03:48 PM
Look, I didn't want to give it away but I wouldn't want you to go crazy wondering what Victor does. He wasn't completely lying when he said he was an "insurance salesman", he does after all insure people get into the United States via the Rio Grand,....aka "COYOTE". He does enjoy long walks on the beach, and on his off time he's an avid hunter of the chupacabra. He likes burly woman and fish tacos almost as much as he likes beat-boxing on Santa Monica pier. He's an artist in his own right, forging any fake I.D. you can think of. You can find him selling 'em out of his ice cream cart on Friday nights at the south end of the lake in Echo Park. He is,.....the most interesting man in the world.

http://smiliesftw.com/x/roflwtf.gif How'd I miss this?!

Nate Eeez
May 24th, 2012, 04:17 PM
http://smiliesftw.com/x/roflwtf.gif How'd I miss this?!

You were caught up in you on the last post.

May 24th, 2012, 04:21 PM
You were caught up in you on the last post.

Sometimes I just miss shit.

Drogon Malice
Dec 12th, 2012, 01:36 AM
actually the thought of Victor being some kind of gurrilla soldier or smuggler makes a fair bit of sense, the twist on the insurance salesmen gag just then made me think, but i mean, going back to my...

Z Sniper
Dec 14th, 2012, 10:53 PM
Dear Dragon Malice,

Elementary my dear Watson, elementary.

Dec 15th, 2012, 05:20 AM
Dear Dragon Malice,

Elementary my dear Watson, elementary.

Ok, Otto, can you explain it to me then? :-)

Drogon Malice
Dec 15th, 2012, 06:29 AM
Dear Dragon Malice,

Elementary my dear Watson, elementary.

*is speechless*

Z Sniper
Dec 16th, 2012, 12:16 AM
Ok, Otto, can you explain it to me then? :-)

Sorry Seņor SCBUBBA,...no spoilers allowed. Actually, I don't understand it myself!:cool:

Drogon Malice
Dec 16th, 2012, 12:36 AM
just my attempt to try and explain my theory a bit better but i realized I've made a huge mistake Victor didn't get to the colony untill after it was built or so he says......i need a job XDD

Jan 2nd, 2013, 11:28 AM
I think Victor was a Smuggler back in the day. He survived cause he knew how to.

Jan 2nd, 2013, 12:27 PM
I think Victor was a Smuggler back in the day. He survived cause he knew how to.

A "Coyote" (people smuggler) or some other type of smuggler?

Drogon Malice
Jan 3rd, 2013, 05:13 AM
what if.... Victor was really Scottish and no one knew...... just saying... just suppose...

Jan 3rd, 2013, 06:38 AM
what if.... Victor was really Scottish and no one knew...... just saying... just suppose...

Victor as "The Highlander"? Oh I like that....

There can be only one.... Victor!!!

Jan 3rd, 2013, 08:26 AM
or William-Wallace-style: "FREEDOM reloaded!" sound of a rifle being shot

Jan 3rd, 2013, 01:12 PM
I think Victor was a Smuggler back in the day. He survived cause he knew how to.

He brought people across the border.. I would not think he was a drug smuggler cause he is a decent guy from what I have taken from his character. A kind of Han Solo type..

Z Sniper
Jan 3rd, 2013, 09:16 PM
A Scottsican,....NOW THAT would be quite the accent!

Jan 3rd, 2013, 10:39 PM
A Scottsican,....NOW THAT would be quite the accent!

Kind of like Sean Connery's Russian accent in Hunt for Red Oktober or Patrick Stewart's French accent Star Trek Next Generation.

Jan 3rd, 2013, 10:59 PM
i dunno just something about him, like everything is premeditated "what do you do for a living" "i'm an insurance salesmen" almost no hesitatation there its like it was planned, who knows i'm randomly throwing it out there food for thought and speculation really, he just seems to know his shit is all.

I see the potential for a spin-off prequel.

Code Name :The Insurance Salesman
Alles klar pendejo?

Drogon Malice
Jan 4th, 2013, 01:50 AM
(the following is meant as comedy and is not meant to insult anyone in anyway)

so the new theory, a Scottish bloke named Derrek decides to go to America after one night of being Scottish and getting hammered, while hammered he manages to successfully travel to the states buy a plane ticket etc, he comes around with absolutely 0% hang over (being Scottish after all) and realizes he's not in Scotland, instantly becoming riddled with fear he heads to the local watering hole and downs a bottle of tequila where he goes and blacks out in the bathroom, when a couple of locals walk in and see him on the floor, also being drunk they throw on a fake mustache and a sombrero and prop him up inside a one of the stand, the out break occurs and as we all know tequila changes people, so the Scotsman wakes up and staggers to the mirror, and now believes he's Mexican

job done.

lol again just kidding around with that, no offense is meant by it, i still hold that victor is some kind of spy with like copious levels of guns and a bat mobile at his disposal

Otto, your the man!

(edit: i know I'm gonna get some stick for this LOL)

Jan 4th, 2013, 04:15 AM
(the following is meant as comedy and is not meant to insult anyone in anyway)

so the new theory, a Scottish bloke named Derrek decides to go to America after one night of being Scottish and getting hammered, while hammered he manages to successfully travel to the states buy a plane ticket etc, he comes around with absolutely 0% hang over (being Scottish after all) and realizes he's not in Scotland, instantly becoming riddled with fear he heads to the local watering hole and downs a bottle of tequila where he goes and blacks out in the bathroom, when a couple of locals walk in and see him on the floor, also being drunk they throw on a fake mustache and a sombrero and prop him up inside a one of the stand, the out break occurs and as we all know tequila changes people, so the Scotsman wakes up and staggers to the mirror, and now believes he's Mexican

job done.

lol again just kidding around with that, no offense is meant by it, i still hold that victor is some kind of spy with like copious levels of guns and a bat mobile at his disposal

Otto, your the man!

Wow, Drogon Malice, I knew tequila could mess with someone's brain, but didn't realize it had *that* much power.... What sort of tequila do you think they served our Highland Mexican friend?

May 31st, 2013, 04:54 AM
LOL! I love these threads, especially concerning one of my "new" favorite characters, Victor. I was pretty much sold on me liking him and rooting for his survival when he and Saul were doing surviellance on the garden and he picked up "Lord of the Flies" to read. I was like, Oh, yes...people who read need to survive! That, and he's hilarious. Gotta love that sarcasm and deadpan way of his.

Do I believe he's CIA or some other such thing? I'm going out on a limb and going to say that I kind of don't want him to be subversive like that...I kind of like to think of him as a normal, hardworking guy working a few jobs (He says he was an insurance salesman "among other things"), going home, having a beer with some homemade enchiladas (those things are great!) and like reading a book and maybe watching a "football" game before going to bed. (That's football as in soccer, btw)

Then the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan and he just goes into survival mode, he just makes up his mind that he's not going to die like this, and gets all badass. I also think that he probably just learned through observation how to avoid the zombies and learned that cologne is an effective way to throw those beasts off his scent long enough for a feasible escape (he was Recon, after all).

IMO, Victor is just a home-grown badass mutha****er. And there's nothing wrong with that. I think We're Alive already has plenty of secrets and conspiracies that still need to be unravelled and exposed.

But if I'm wrong...then that's okay too! That's part of the reason this show is so awesome :)

Z Sniper
Jun 3rd, 2013, 02:29 PM
Home-Grown Badass Mutha****er is my maiden name,....along with Velasquez-Montoya-Serrano-Chile-Grande-Y-Picoso!

Jun 4th, 2013, 02:19 PM
I agree with Zombeh-Kitteh. VICTOR IS ROCKY BALBOA! Running though the streets of his town, eating raw eggs Stabbing Zombies in the eye.

Victor was just a insurance salesman who never lived up to his potential because he never pushed himself hard enough. BUT when everything hits the fan he realizes that there are no more second chances in his life. He must give 110% NOW! The harder he pushes himself the more potential he realizes that he has.

VICTOR JUST WANTS TO GO THE DISTANCE! and get a little strange on the side.

I salute you Victor! The Most intersting fictional podcast character in the world!

Jun 4th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Home-Grown Badass Mutha****er is my maiden name,....along with Velasquez-Montoya-Serrano-Chile-Grande-Y-Picoso!

You are definitely the must Bad Ass Pastel painter I know!

You don't get to be a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America without pushing a few boundaries.

Z Sniper
Jun 7th, 2013, 01:58 AM
I agree with Zombeh-Kitteh. VICTOR IS ROCKY BALBOA! Running though the streets of his town, eating raw eggs Stabbing Zombies in the eye.

Victor was just a insurance salesman who never lived up to his potential because he never pushed himself hard enough. BUT when everything hits the fan he realizes that there are no more second chances in his life. He must give 110% NOW! The harder he pushes himself the more potential he realizes that he has.

VICTOR JUST WANTS TO GO THE DISTANCE! and get a little strange on the side.

I salute you Victor! The Most intersting fictional podcast character in the world!

I raise a mighty goblet to you my friend,....a toast to you,...the sanest person on this forum!

Z Sniper
Jun 7th, 2013, 01:59 AM
You are definitely the must Bad Ass Pastel painter I know!

You don't get to be a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America without pushing a few boundaries.

I'm so tough,....I EAT PASTELS FOR BREAKFAST! lol

Jun 7th, 2013, 09:20 AM
I'm so tough,....I EAT PASTELS FOR BREAKFAST! lol

And then poops masterpieces.

Jun 7th, 2013, 09:21 AM
Victor is the only non-delphin being who knows the correct question to the answer "42." He defines the meaning of awesomeness better than the Oxford dictionary.

Jun 7th, 2013, 09:50 AM
He's also short.

Jun 7th, 2013, 10:08 AM
He's also short.

If this is the case, I hope for season 4 that Kelly's feelings towards him will not be best described by this video:


Cabbage Patch
Jun 7th, 2013, 01:49 PM
Victor is the only non-delphin being who knows the correct question to the answer "42." He defines the meaning of awesomeness better than the Oxford dictionary.

Victor is immune to the effects of the Empathy Gun; he's tough enough to feel your pain and still choke the life out of you.

Jun 7th, 2013, 05:14 PM
And then poops masterpieces.

FOUND IT! http://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/FC79T9UGX3LREBG.jpeg

Jun 7th, 2013, 05:22 PM
FOUND IT! http://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/FC79T9UGX3LREBG.jpeg

FUCK. I just about lost my shit.

Jun 8th, 2013, 01:45 AM
Victor is immune to the effects of the Empathy Gun; he's tough enough to feel your pain and still choke the life out of you.

+1 Cannot rep you at the moment again.

Z Sniper
Jun 10th, 2013, 12:00 PM
And then poops masterpieces.

My secret is out!! lol

Z Sniper
Jun 10th, 2013, 12:05 PM
If this is the case, I hope for season 4 that Kelly's feelings towards him will not be best described by this video:


That is some funny shit!

Z Sniper
Jun 10th, 2013, 12:07 PM
FUCK. I just about lost my shit.

Ditto that!

Jun 11th, 2013, 05:39 AM
Dont worry victor will save the day he is always saving everyones asses go victor!!!