View Full Version : Poor Riley (spoilers) speculation theory

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 04:18 AM
ok so... Riley. poor Riley

ok i think it might be safe to say Riley may very well be Bisexual with heavy lesbian tendancies.

her comment of "i like them tall and blonde" may not be aimed at men, it might be aimed at women, (said during chapter 7 blood sweat and fears part 1)

we have always worked on the assumption Riley was straight. so maybe Riley has a thing for Lizzy, Lizzy is blonde after all and to be fair, Riley seems like a strong woman, so why wouldn't she grab Angel and ride him into the middle of next week, the fact Lizzy and Saul started hooking up almost right away i don't know off the top of my head is Lizzy and Riley were good friends but didn't Riley start drinking heavily after Lizzy and Saul started hooking up.

Besides out of everyone, has anyone ever asked Riley how shes doing, has anyone sat down with her and talked things over with her, how many friends does she actually have, does anyone ever say thank you for the meals she cooks, how taken for granted is she?

it would seem like everyone goes to riley for something but riley never gets anything back, she even had to begin to bitch at micheal saying "a hug isn't always about you"
i belive it was Pegs or Lizzy saying "Riley you can cook, you can shoot, is there anything you can't do?"

maybe in the back of her mind shes thinking "i can't get laid?"

but sexual prefrence and all that aside, my other point of how many people actually stop and say "hey Riley, how are you, do you need a hand prepping dinner, do you wanna talk about anything" the fact people keep taking and taking from Riley = depression and well alcaholic tendancies, once again more an open discussion than anything else.

but maybe when she wandered off into the corn field later on and tried to kill herself or atleast thats what i am assuming she tried to do because after the fall of the tower after everyone has taken and taken and taken from her and not said thank you for the use of her skills etc they all just died, if i was in that situation and wanted a little attention for anything, that would kick me in the teeth without a doubt because if you can't get sex a little attention in some other way for something else your doing would probably go along way but did anyone ever say it?

even Kalani said thanks to Lizzy for listening and she was like "meh i'm a therapist its my job" even though shes not keen on the job she still got a thanks, people say thanks to micheal and datu and burt but i don't think i've ever heard anyone say thanks to Riley for being such a crutial member of the tower who is constantly over looked even when Riley isn't cooking shes chipping in and helping people out the whole time.

May 18th, 2012, 04:24 AM
ok so... Riley. poor Riley

ok i think it might be safe to say Riley may very well be Bisexual with heavy lesbian tendancies.

her comment of "i like them tall and blonde" may not be aimed at men, it might be aimed at women, (said during chapter 7 blood sweat and fears part 1)

we have always worked on the assumption Riley was straight. so maybe Riley has a thing for Lizzy, Lizzy is blonde after all and to be fair, Riley seems like a strong woman, so why wouldn't she grab Angel and ride him into the middle of next week, the fact Lizzy and Saul started hooking up almost right away i don't know off the top of my head is Lizzy and Riley were good friends but didn't Riley start drinking heavily after Lizzy and Saul started hooking up.

Besides out of everyone, has anyone ever asked Riley how shes doing, has anyone sat down with her and talked things over with her, how many friends does she actually have, does anyone ever say thank you for the meals she cooks, how taken for granted is she?

it would seem like everyone goes to riley for something but riley never gets anything back, she even had to begin to bitch at micheal saying "a hug isn't always about you"
i belive it was Pegs or Lizzy saying "Riley you can cook, you can shoot, is there anything you can't do?"

maybe in the back of her mind shes thinking "i can't get laid?"

but sexual prefrence and all that aside, my other point of how many people actually stop and say "hey Riley, how are you, do you need a hand prepping dinner, do you wanna talk about anything" the fact people keep taking and taking from Riley = depression and well alcaholic tendancies, once again more an open discussion than anything else.

but maybe when she wandered off into the corn field later on and tried to kill herself or atleast thats what i am assuming she tried to do because after the fall of the tower after everyone has taken and taken and taken from her and not said thank you for the use of her skills etc they all just died, if i was in that situation and wanted a little attention for anything, that would kick me in the teeth without a doubt because if you can't get sex a little attention in some other way for something else your doing would probably go along way but did anyone ever say it?

even Kalani said thanks to Lizzy for listening and she was like "meh i'm a therapist its my job" even though shes not keen on the job she still got a thanks, people say thanks to micheal and datu and burt but i don't think i've ever heard anyone say thanks to Riley for being such a crutial member of the tower who is constantly over looked even when Riley isn't cooking shes chipping in and helping people out the whole time.

We have? Actually, we've all pretty much agreed right out the gate that Riley was gay.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 04:27 AM
We have? Actually, we've all pretty much agreed right out the gate that Riley was gay.

alright well thats news to me XD but the fact the community has agreed that from the start. but still no sex, no one says thank you and all that, think about it? causes massive alcaholism, the one person you prefer is hooking up with "a guy" just thoughts but there might be something a bit more too it.

May 18th, 2012, 04:30 AM
alright well thats news to me XD but the fact the community has agreed that from the start. but still no sex, no one says thank you and all that, think about it? causes massive alcaholism, the one person you prefer is hooking up with "a guy" just thoughts but there might be something a bit more too it.

I'd like to think that her alcoholism is less about the fact that she's gay--because that would put it in a real negative light--and more about the general hopelessness of the situation as a whole. It's a dire fucking situation, and not everyone has the coping mechanisms to be able to maintain. It's entirely possible that she's always had the problem. We can't rule out the fact that alcoholism is genetic. It's possible that one of her parents was, which would make her genetically predisposed to the disease. I see where you're going with this, but it's such a dark road, I just can't go any further with you. Sorry, mate.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 04:54 AM
I'd like to think that her alcoholism is less about the fact that she's gay--because that would put it in a real negative light--and more about the general hopelessness of the situation as a whole. It's a dire fucking situation, and not everyone has the coping mechanisms to be able to maintain. It's entirely possible that she's always had the problem. We can't rule out the fact that alcoholism is genetic. It's possible that one of her parents was, which would make her genetically predisposed to the disease. I see where you're going with this, but it's such a dark road, I just can't go any further with you. Sorry, mate.

no no i wasn't saying that her alcaholism is completely caused by her sexual prefrence but the worlds going to shit you bend over backwards cooking for a tower full of people who never say thank you etc. take you for granted and not sexual prefrence here but the fact you can't get laid it does stack up on you.

it maybe because of social diffrenced between countrys, but when i've been in america before i've noticed not many people have actively said thank you for something for a service etc, where as here in europe its a bit more heard of (wow i'm really trying not to sound like a complete dick here) so i dunno i just wanted to say that everythin piling up on her did anyone say thanks or offer to sit down and let her get issues off her chest. thats all i'm saying.

i'm not saying her sexual prefrence is to do directly to do with anything but the fact she can't get laid may be causing sexual tension. people when they don't get laid or get extra sexual energy normally go out and do things like work out or go for runs etc but theres only so much of that you can take, no one talks to you, or says thank you are the key things i'm trying to focus on there, i was just saying i suspected something was going on with her sexual prefrence but its not essential to everything else, even if you remove the idea of sex, there is still working and cooking for a whole tower of people with hardly ever hearing a thank you or have someone talking to you about how your coping with things, her friends pegs and lizzy are off chasing after micheal and saul. and infact after lizzy got all pretty for saul riley comes down hammered when latch and scratch are knocking on the door, so theres some connection between that and stress.

May 18th, 2012, 04:54 AM
I'd like to think that her alcoholism is less about the fact that she's gay--because that would put it in a real negative light--and more about the general hopelessness of the situation as a whole. It's a dire fucking situation, and not everyone has the coping mechanisms to be able to maintain. It's entirely possible that she's always had the problem. We can't rule out the fact that alcoholism is genetic. It's possible that one of her parents was, which would make her genetically predisposed to the disease. I see where you're going with this, but it's such a dark road, I just can't go any further with you. Sorry, mate.

I have to agree with you on this entirely and I would add. Riley was clearly depressed and many people self medicate with drugs and alcohol to combat the feelings of depression. Given her current situation and the state of the world and the loss of Angel and Lizzie. Riley has ever reason to be depressed. Hell I'd take up the bottle as well.

May 18th, 2012, 04:59 AM
no no i wasn't saying that her alcaholism is completely caused by her sexual prefrence but the worlds going to shit you bend over backwards cooking for a tower full of people who never say thank you etc. take you for granted and not sexual prefrence here but the fact you can't get laid it does stack up on you.

it maybe because of social diffrenced between countrys, but when i've been in america before i've noticed not many people have actively said thank you for something for a service etc, where as here in europe its a bit more heard of (wow i'm really trying not to sound like a complete dick here) so i dunno i just wanted to say that everythin piling up on her did anyone say thanks or offer to sit down and let her get issues off her chest. thats all i'm saying.

i'm not saying her sexual prefrence is to do directly to do with anything but the fact she can't get laid may be causing sexual tension. people when they don't get laid or get extra sexual energy normally go out and do things like work out or go for runs etc but theres only so much of that you can take, no one talks to you, or says thank you are the key things i'm trying to focus on there, i was just saying i suspected something was going on with her sexual prefrence but its not essential to everything else, even if you remove the idea of sex, there is still working and cooking for a whole tower of people with hardly ever hearing a thank you or have someone talking to you about how your coping with things, her friends pegs and lizzy are off chasing after micheal and saul. and infact after lizzy got all pretty for saul riley comes down hammered when latch and scratch are knocking on the door, so theres some connection between that and stress.

I've been in Europe (england/wales) I can say I've seen the same behaviors your stating about the U.S. there. I think its poor upbringing on the part of the person not a statement of the country in general.

Sexual tension... I'm pretty sure there was a large collection of vibrators in the building they are a common item for the problem. I have trouble seeing Riley not taking care of that aspect of her physical well being.

I'm going with depression... for what ails Riley.

May 18th, 2012, 05:00 AM
no no i wasn't saying that her alcaholism is completely caused by her sexual prefrence but the worlds going to shit you bend over backwards cooking for a tower full of people who never say thank you etc. take you for granted and not sexual prefrence here but the fact you can't get laid it does stack up on you.

it maybe because of social diffrenced between countrys, but when i've been in america before i've noticed not many people have actively said thank you for something for a service etc, where as here in europe its a bit more heard of (wow i'm really trying not to sound like a complete dick here) so i dunno i just wanted to say that everythin piling up on her did anyone say thanks or offer to sit down and let her get issues off her chest. thats all i'm saying.

i'm not saying her sexual prefrence is to do directly to do with anything but the fact she can't get laid may be causing sexual tension. people when they don't get laid or get extra sexual energy normally go out and do things like work out or go for runs etc but theres only so much of that you can take, no one talks to you, or says thank you are the key things i'm trying to focus on there, i was just saying i suspected something was going on with her sexual prefrence but its not essential to everything else, even if you remove the idea of sex, there is still working and cooking for a whole tower of people with hardly ever hearing a thank you or have someone talking to you about how your coping with things, her friends pegs and lizzy are off chasing after micheal and saul. and infact after lizzy got all pretty for saul riley comes down hammered when latch and scratch are knocking on the door, so theres some connection between that and stress.

I would say that manners are entirely dependant on who you are around. I know some Americans that are quite polite and some that are selfish douche bags. I can say the same about Canada, Australia, China, France, Egypt, Italy, Greece... anywhere you can think of. I do hear what you're saying though. I think out of all of them Riley is one of the most realistic characters. Don't get me wrong, I can't fucking stand Riley at all, but the fact that she turned to the bottle to cope with the end of the world is probably the most realistic depiction of a survivor that we've seen. She simply just couldn't deal, and I don't think it had a tremendous amount to do with whether or not anyone was thanking her for what she did, or whether she was able to talk to anyone. I think she just reached the end of her rope and started swinging.

This does raise the interesting question about coping mechanisms. So far we've seen alcoholism, criers, hotheads, people that simple freeze up, and people who absolutely batshit crazy. I wonder what else we'll discover now that a new group is in the mix.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 05:07 AM
hmmm yeah you both raise good points about the manners thing, i was honestly trying to not go there but from what people have said in my social circle aorund me and my experiances to the states people have always said the english are very polite, i dunno i just thought there might of been something there, its probably nothing though, i just get the feeling theres something else at work with Riley she does do alot for the group maybe shes working herself to death?

May 18th, 2012, 05:08 AM
. I think out of all of them Riley is one of the most realistic characters. Don't get me wrong, I can't fucking stand Riley at all, but the fact that she turned to the bottle to cope with the end of the world is probably the most realistic depiction of a survivor that we've seen. She simply just couldn't deal, and I don't think it had a tremendous amount to do with whether or not anyone was thanking her for what she did, or whether she was able to talk to anyone. I think she just reached the end of her rope and started swinging.

This does raise the interesting question about coping mechanisms. So far we've seen alcoholism, criers, hotheads, people that simple freeze up, and people who absolutely batshit crazy. I wonder what else we'll discover now that a new group is in the mix.

I totally agree with this. Her reaction is very realistic. (I'm out of rep for you for a while LOL)

Cabbage Patch
May 18th, 2012, 09:39 AM
Let's not forget that Riley was a drinker before the zombie apocalypse; remember her comment to Burt at the Hospital about competing in archery tournaments while drunk. So not only has she been through this great trauma, but she's already established drinking as her personal escape route.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 09:40 AM
Let's not forget that Riley was a drinker before the zombie apocalypse; remember her comment to Burt at the Hospital about competing in archery tournaments while drunk. So not only has she been through this great trauma, but she's already established drinking as her personal escape route.

oh yeah good point.... oh well gues my theory in principle is flawed, oh well XD

May 18th, 2012, 10:45 AM
You bring up a good point with people never extending a "thank you" or a "How are you doing". Riley's character comes off as very self confident and she is one of the few people who have never shown weakness or froze in desperate situations. This can cause other people to make the assumption that Riley is handling everything with no problems. People mistakenly think that Riley, since she is so strong, doesn't need this simple thoughtfulness. Riley may now be hindered about opening up because she wouldn't want to look weak to the other tower members. I have recently had to learn a lot about depression as a disease rather than an emotion. If I understand all I have read, what Riley is going through is classic depression. I have started interpreting all Riley's actions through the lens of depression.

Cabbage Patch
May 18th, 2012, 11:07 AM
I have started interpreting all Riley's actions through the lens of depression.

That's interesting. Now that she seems to have hit bottom what do you think comes next? And why did she volunteer to stay at Fort Irwin and fight, rather than heading off to a "peaceful life" in Boulder?

May 18th, 2012, 11:10 AM
She said she is tired of running. She can shoot a bow and a gun now she can get training that they could not do effectively in the tower. Wait until she finds out Angel was alive and killed because they left saving her and Hope and Micheal assured her no one could have survived. I would NOT want to be Sgt Cross on that day.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 01:38 PM
She said she is tired of running. She can shoot a bow and a gun now she can get training that they could not do effectively in the tower. Wait until she finds out Angel was alive and killed because they left saving her and Hope and Micheal assured her no one could have survived. I would NOT want to be Sgt Cross on that day.

i rekon Micheal is going to do scratch something feirce, his emotions will really let go, it will all catch up to him, if Riley doesn't hold him back, shes gonna get whats comming to her (scratch that is :p )

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 01:38 PM
You bring up a good point with people never extending a "thank you" or a "How are you doing". Riley's character comes off as very self confident and she is one of the few people who have never shown weakness or froze in desperate situations. This can cause other people to make the assumption that Riley is handling everything with no problems. People mistakenly think that Riley, since she is so strong, doesn't need this simple thoughtfulness. Riley may now be hindered about opening up because she wouldn't want to look weak to the other tower members. I have recently had to learn a lot about depression as a disease rather than an emotion. If I understand all I have read, what Riley is going through is classic depression. I have started interpreting all Riley's actions through the lens of depression.

but yay someone who gets what i mean! thank you mate!

Red Shirt
May 22nd, 2012, 12:48 AM
Sexual tension... I'm pretty sure there was a large collection of vibrators in the building they are a common item for the problem. I have trouble seeing Riley not taking care of that aspect of her physical well being.

As far as I know, regardless of orientation, LGBTQ or strait, "self service" may be effective for physical needs and tension relief for many. However, I posit that in general just isn't as satisfying of an experience unless the intimacy is shared with another.

Secondly, I'm pretty sure that, again regardless of orientation, it's not just about the sex. It is the full package deal. the Togetherness, closeness and having that someone in your life.

May 22nd, 2012, 01:16 AM
Riley is strong, intelligent, and confident. She is also a good person to lean on when times are bad. If someone is in trouble she can spot it and help them. That's one of her strengths and also her biggest weakness. Who does Riley lean on when she has problems? I think this might also be a reason why she drinks too much.

Red Shirt
May 22nd, 2012, 10:20 AM
Riley is strong, intelligent, and confident. She is also a good person to lean on when times are bad. If someone is in trouble she can spot it and help them. That's one of her strengths and also her biggest weakness. Who does Riley lean on when she has problems? I think this might also be a reason why she drinks too much.

Exactly. As has been mentioned, she seems to have a self imposed "I need to be the strong one," kind of thing going on and she also seems to be taken for granted to a degree.

May 22nd, 2012, 11:47 AM
I would say that manners are entirely dependant on who you are around. I know some Americans that are quite polite and some that are selfish douche bags. I can say the same about Canada, Australia, China, France, Egypt, Italy, Greece... anywhere you can think of. I do hear what you're saying though. I think out of all of them Riley is one of the most realistic characters. Don't get me wrong, I can't fucking stand Riley at all, but the fact that she turned to the bottle to cope with the end of the world is probably the most realistic depiction of a survivor that we've seen. She simply just couldn't deal, and I don't think it had a tremendous amount to do with whether or not anyone was thanking her for what she did, or whether she was able to talk to anyone. I think she just reached the end of her rope and started swinging.

This does raise the interesting question about coping mechanisms. So far we've seen alcoholism, criers, hotheads, people that simple freeze up, and people who absolutely batshit crazy. I wonder what else we'll discover now that a new group is in the mix.

you and yarri are both making good points, but at the same time, drogon has some valid ideas too. look at it like this: there is this support network going on, the soldiers, including retired ie burt, rely on each other, they speak the same language, they chewed the same dirt, they can speak in a shorthand that lets them acomplish things quickly and effeciently, theoretically. not only that, you have romantic interest, lizzy and saul, michael and pegs, they can rely on each other for confidence in times of stress (ie i need to talk to someone, you're my confidant) then you have the unintentional relationship of relationships, pegs and lizzy are both in romantic relationships so they share a certain bond, along with any of the redshirt females that are in relationships. then you have nationality, with the exception of datu, the rest are presumed to be american, so while she and datu may both be foreigners, datu is from the phillipines (i think) and riley is from france, they speak different languages, and they run in different work circles. datu is a laborer so he shares that with other people who have had jobs in a similar field, meanwhile riley was in the service industry, specifically food preperation. so riley really didn't have much in the way of a support network. now i think that some of her "exile" was self imposed, but that doesn't change the fact that she has had a very tenuous relationship to the rest of the group. now of course, the group has changed and the relationships are kind of reversed.

May 22nd, 2012, 12:03 PM
I think she's going to do a lot better with just her and Michael.

May 22nd, 2012, 12:38 PM
I think she's going to do a lot better with just her and Michael.

well, now, it's not just her and michael; it's her, michael, and the new cast of characters to be introduced during her round of basic, as well as the characters she meets through michael. the game is changing in new and exciting ways, and i can't wait to hear more.

Red Shirt
May 22nd, 2012, 02:13 PM
I'm curious to see how well she is able to handle Basic Training. In the "normal real world" Army basic (at least when I attended) can be a soul crushing meat grinder.

I would think that among some odd 2000 personnel, they would be able to find a few former Drill Sergeants and be able to conduct a viable and effective course. I also wonder how "abbreviated" training is going to be, because much of that training is not just teaching the skill, but also the mental conditioning and instillation of discipline.

If Riley gets a basic training experience like I remember, it's either going to break her or turn out the second coming of Joan of Arc.

May 22nd, 2012, 03:33 PM
I'm hopeful that she drinks herself to death. Definitely one of my least favourite characters.

Cabbage Patch
May 22nd, 2012, 04:39 PM
If Riley gets a basic training experience like I remember, it's either going to break her or turn out the second coming of Joan of Arc.

I don't think that basic training in this world is going to be anything like what we went through. I'm imagining something shorter, less focused on creating a break from your past or inculcating the military ethos, and more focused on the skills required for zombie fighting. I agree with Nik that we're not likely to see much, if any of it as it happens, and there's a good chance Riley won't end up going through the entire program.

For the record, Claire Dodin already did the second coming of Joan of Arc on her episode of Deadliest Warrior. Here's the link: http://www.spike.com/full-episodes/u...eason-3-ep-302

Drogon Malice
May 22nd, 2012, 04:50 PM
wow my thread ex-fucking-sploded

May 22nd, 2012, 05:39 PM
I don't think that basic training in this world is going to be anything like what we went through. I'm imagining something shorter, less focused on creating a break from your past or inculcating the military ethos, and more focused on the skills required for zombie fighting. I agree with Nik that we're not likely to see much, if any of it as it happens, and there's a good chance Riley won't end up going through the entire program.

For the record, Claire Dodin already did the second coming of Joan of Arc on her episode of Deadliest Warrior. Here's the link: http://www.spike.com/full-episodes/u...eason-3-ep-302

The two best representations of Jeanne in cinematic history have been Milla Jovovic (The Messenger) and Jane Wiedlin (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure).

Cabbage Patch
May 22nd, 2012, 06:34 PM
The two best representations of Jeanne in cinematic history have been Milla Jovovic (The Messenger) and Jane Wiedlin (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure).

How did I not know that was Jane Wiedlin playing Joan? And I called myself a Go-Gos fan, for shame.

May 22nd, 2012, 06:35 PM
How did I not know that was Jane Wiedlin playing Joan? And I called myself a Go-Gos fan, for shame.

It's ok, bro. It happens.

P.S. Go-Gos are fucking AWESOME!

Red Shirt
May 22nd, 2012, 09:24 PM
I don't think that basic training in this world is going to be anything like what we went through. I'm imagining something shorter, less focused on creating a break from your past or inculcating the military ethos, and more focused on the skills required for zombie fighting. I agree with Nik that we're not likely to see much, if any of it as it happens, and there's a good chance Riley won't end up going through the entire program.

For the record, Claire Dodin already did the second coming of Joan of Arc on her episode of Deadliest Warrior. Here's the link: http://www.spike.com/full-episodes/u...eason-3-ep-302

Those are my suspicions too, that the basic will be an abbreviated affair. I also have a feeling with time for formal training that she will turn out to be one hell of a marksman, even sniper given her background as a world class archer. Sure, Basic Rifle Marksmanship and archery are vastly different but the four basic fundamentals of BRM I'm sure have a close parallel in archery.

Saw that episode, I forgot to mention it though. Quite fitting.

Drogon Malice
May 23rd, 2012, 04:31 AM
introducing the female hawkeye <br />
<br />
you know riley will do bad in basic training i think because shes french she might get alot of ribbing about why shes not running away either she'll break, drink her...

May 23rd, 2012, 04:36 AM

Drogon Malice
May 23rd, 2012, 04:45 AM
basicly riley will take flak for being french during basic training, other soldiers will probably rib her for being french and that she should just run away, this will cause her to either snap the fuck back and break someones nose, end up in prison and still do basic training and come outo as a lance corpral or she'll quit and go kill herself in boulder

i kinda randomly segwayed for reasons unknown to me into the mallers and whats going on with them

May 23rd, 2012, 06:22 AM
i'll make fun of the french all day long (what was the last war the french won? ;)) but if she's jumping in and taking up arms to get MY back, i wouldn't be ribbing her at all through basic. now that's not to say the di won't eat her lunch for being french (you look french, i think i will call you latrine) but i don't think her fellow trainee's will give her flak. just fyi, i was joking up above, but i don't really like the french because when i was in france, they were all very rude to me for like no damn reason. of course, i wouldn't hold that against any frenchman i happen to meet, but i was very unhappy during my stay in france.

Drogon Malice
May 23rd, 2012, 06:42 AM
yeah the french were rude to me during some of my visits to france

May 23rd, 2012, 06:59 AM
yeah the french were rude to me during some of my visits to france

Because you were an American

May 23rd, 2012, 07:01 AM

May 23rd, 2012, 07:05 AM
I was quite anti-French until I went there, I found them to be fine, particularly if I tried to converse in French, even though I'm very bad at it.

Cabbage Patch
May 23rd, 2012, 09:45 AM
I don't think Riley will get much flak for being French during training. Instead I think she'll get mad respect from the other trainees because she's a veteran, who's fought and killed zombies, who's had first-hand experience of the more exotic types, and who survived in enemy territory. I expect that her colleagues are going to mostly be people who came from Boulder, who may have never seen a zombie before, let alone fought them.

May 23rd, 2012, 09:54 AM
Those are my suspicions too, that the basic will be an abbreviated affair. I also have a feeling with time for formal training that she will turn out to be one hell of a marksman, even sniper given her background as a world class archer. Sure, Basic Rifle Marksmanship and archery are vastly different but the four basic fundamentals of BRM I'm sure have a close parallel in archery.

I found taking up archery really helped my accuracy with firearms. Aiming at a spot on the target instead of simply aiming at the target is way more important with archery. This translated well to firearms for me.

May 23rd, 2012, 10:51 AM
I was quite anti-French until I went there, I found them to be fine, particularly if I tried to converse in French, even though I'm very bad at it.

yeah, but you're british. i am an american, and no matter what i did i always got treated like dirt.

Drogon Malice
May 23rd, 2012, 10:51 AM
yeah, but you're british. i am an american, and no matter what i did i always got treated like dirt.

i'd sell my soul to be american mate

May 23rd, 2012, 10:54 AM
I don't think Riley will get much flak for being French during training. Instead I think she'll get mad respect from the other trainees because she's a veteran, who's fought and killed zombies, who's had first-hand experience of the more exotic types, and who survived in enemy territory. I expect that her colleagues are going to mostly be people who came from Boulder, who may have never seen a zombie before, let alone fought them.

i agree, except i think that most of the people in boulder are survivors. not LA survivors, but at least survivors of the zed.

May 23rd, 2012, 10:57 AM
i'd sell my soul to be american mate

don't get me wrong, i wouldn't trade being an american for anything, in fact i fault those i met in france for being so rude despite the fact that i was trying my best to speak french and observe local customs, i'm just saying, they don't like americans, so i don't like them. on an individual basis is another story, but for the most part...

in fact, the czech love americans (love american money) they find out your an american and all of a sudden they have the best deals on goochy purses, rolex, all of it. and the belgians absolutely adore americans, in fact in bastogn they have a parade and commemerative 10k march along battle of the bulge front line to honor the americans who died on their land, cool culture, nice people. and the germans were super cool. they were like in between the belgians and the french. with the germans, if they couldn't see you at least trying to respect them and their culture, it was like you weren't even there, but if you didn't act like the stereotypical ignorant american and spoke the language as best you could and respected them as a people, all of a sudden everyone spoke damn near perfect english and was helpful as could be.

Red Shirt
May 23rd, 2012, 01:39 PM
Where in France did you guys go? I haven't had the pleasure of visiting myself, but from what I have read and heard in the big cities like Paris, they do tend to be douchy A-Holes. Out in the country however, I understand that they are a decent and friendly people. My guess is that it really has nothing to do with the country, rather the mindset of the big city.

May 24th, 2012, 07:42 AM
Where in France did you guys go? I haven't had the pleasure of visiting myself, but from what I have read and heard in the big cities like Paris, they do tend to be douchy A-Holes. Out in the country however, I understand that they are a decent and friendly people. My guess is that it really has nothing to do with the country, rather the mindset of the big city.

well now that very well may be. i drove through the french countryside (very beautiful btw) but didn't stop. i spent most of my time in cities.

May 24th, 2012, 07:49 AM
i'd sell my soul to be american mate

Get out of my country!

May 24th, 2012, 08:11 AM
yeah, but you're british. i am an american, and no matter what i did i always got treated like dirt.

A waitress in a restaurant made oink oink pig noises at my wife, to indicate that the item she was pointing to on the menu was pork, it had been translated as Suckling Pig, turned out to be a pork chop, oh how we laughed.

I am British, but we don't generally have that good a relationship with the French.

I've met rude and arrogant gits in London as much as any other city, a lot is about upbringing and manners I think, and that we often expect people to treat us how we treat them, and are let down in that regards.

Drogon Malice
May 24th, 2012, 08:22 AM
A waitress in a restaurant made oink oink pig noises at my wife, to indicate that the item she was pointing to on the menu was pork, it had been translated as Suckling Pig, turned out to be a pork chop, oh how we laughed.

I am British, but we don't generally have that good a relationship with the French.

I've met rude and arrogant gits in London as much as any other city, a lot is about upbringing and manners I think, and that we often expect people to treat us how we treat them, and are let down in that regards.

totally agree Vee!

is it just me or is there alot of us londoners on the forums?

Red Shirt
May 24th, 2012, 09:23 AM
well now that very well may be. i drove through the french countryside (very beautiful btw) but didn't stop. i spent most of my time in cities.

That's the awesome thing about travel. There are beautiful places no matter where you go. The best ones though, are the ones that surprise you. I saw a picture taken in northern Afghanistan that could have easily been mistaken for the Irish countryside. I did a double take and re-read the caption.

Drogon Malice
May 24th, 2012, 09:25 AM
So Riley huh... what a bitch :p

May 24th, 2012, 12:29 PM
So Riley huh... what a bitch :p

I love Riley. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

May 24th, 2012, 10:43 PM
So Riley huh... what a bitch :p

Why? Because she didn't give it up to Angel? Its not her fault everyone knew her "status" except Angel.

Drogon Malice
Jun 3rd, 2012, 10:04 AM
no i only said it to maybe stir up some more chatter on the boards i was away for a week wanted to come back and see the whole thing moved up i don't think riley is a bitch.

Dec 28th, 2012, 04:34 AM
I have been making PG-13 edits of the entire first season so I just finished listening to each episode twice.

Riley is definitely gay, brutally gay, flaming lesbian!

There must be an average of 1 not so subtle hint in every episode. I can't believe I ever doubted it,

The reason she is a bitchy drunk is because everyone else is getting a little something something, and she is frustrated.
It's time for Riley to get a love interest.

Dec 28th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Well...Hope is about to take her bandages off for the first time after the surgery. Maybe she'll take one look at Riley and fall in love. LOL!!! I imagine Riley is a very attractive woman but her mood swings and French accent make her undesirable to me. I know she'd swing my way, regardless of her sexual preference, because she actually thought about sleeping with Angel once. Its just a matter of time and opportunity. Oh...and that applies to most lesbians. If you catch them during a "Dry Spell" they're easy targets.

Dec 28th, 2012, 11:15 AM
Well...Hope is about to take her bandages off for the first time after the surgery. Maybe she'll take one look at Riley and fall in love. LOL!!! I imagine Riley is a very attractive woman but her mood swings and French accent make her undesirable to me. I know she'd swing my way, regardless of her sexual preference, because she actually thought about sleeping with Angel once. Its just a matter of time and opportunity. Oh...and that applies to most lesbians. If you catch them during a "Dry Spell" they're easy targets.

Riley is not interested in a love affair at the moment - she has to solve Zeno's arrow paradox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno%27s_paradoxes#The_arrow_paradox) first.



Side note: The dicussion about Riley's orientation left aside - I wonder what she will do when she watches Angel's last moments on video tape...

Dec 28th, 2012, 11:26 AM
Riley is not interested in a love affair at the moment - she has to solve Zeno's arrow paradox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno%27s_paradoxes#The_arrow_paradox) first.



Side note: The dicussion about Riley's orientation left aside - I wonder what she will do when she watches Angel's last moments on video tape...

Give the arrow to the Bailiff?

Dec 28th, 2012, 11:48 AM
Give the arrow to the Bailiff?

Hm, with regards to the uncertainty principle, I guess it depends.

Dec 28th, 2012, 04:28 PM
Hm, with regards to the uncertainty principle, I guess it depends.

I've never really been sure about that. But let's not even open that box...

Dec 31st, 2012, 12:21 AM
Hm, with regards to the uncertainty principle, I guess it depends.

Ah, the Planck length will turn his paradox into a single doc.

Dec 31st, 2012, 07:48 AM
Ah, the Planck length will turn his paradox into a single doc.

Well, unless you possess a Heisenberg compensator, I guess. :yay:

Dec 31st, 2012, 09:22 AM
Well, unless you possess a Heisenberg compensator, I guess. :yay:

Hmmm, all I have is this damn cat!

Wait a second!!! I've just discovered Mr Whiskers' role in all this.... If only I can finish typing this before the gov't can interc.......................

Dec 31st, 2012, 11:27 AM
Hmmm, all I have is this damn cat!

Wait a second!!! I've just discovered Mr Whiskers' role in all this.... If only I can finish typing this before the gov't can interc.......................

Mr Whiskers does not like Mr Schroedinger, *nuff said. :p

Dec 31st, 2012, 09:24 PM
ok so... Riley. poor Riley

ok i think it might be safe to say Riley may very well be Bisexual with heavy lesbian tendancies.

her comment of "i like them tall and blonde" may not be aimed at men, it might be aimed at women, (said during chapter 7 blood sweat and fears part 1)

we have always worked on the assumption Riley was straight. so maybe Riley has a thing for Lizzy, Lizzy is blonde after all and to be fair, Riley seems like a strong woman, so why wouldn't she grab Angel and ride him into the middle of next week, the fact Lizzy and Saul started hooking up almost right away i don't know off the top of my head is Lizzy and Riley were good friends but didn't Riley start drinking heavily after Lizzy and Saul started hooking up.

Besides out of everyone, has anyone ever asked Riley how shes doing, has anyone sat down with her and talked things over with her, how many friends does she actually have, does anyone ever say thank you for the meals she cooks, how taken for granted is she?

it would seem like everyone goes to riley for something but riley never gets anything back, she even had to begin to bitch at micheal saying "a hug isn't always about you"
i belive it was Pegs or Lizzy saying "Riley you can cook, you can shoot, is there anything you can't do?"

maybe in the back of her mind shes thinking "i can't get laid?"

but sexual prefrence and all that aside, my other point of how many people actually stop and say "hey Riley, how are you, do you need a hand prepping dinner, do you wanna talk about anything" the fact people keep taking and taking from Riley = depression and well alcaholic tendancies, once again more an open discussion than anything else.

but maybe when she wandered off into the corn field later on and tried to kill herself or atleast thats what i am assuming she tried to do because after the fall of the tower after everyone has taken and taken and taken from her and not said thank you for the use of her skills etc they all just died, if i was in that situation and wanted a little attention for anything, that would kick me in the teeth without a doubt because if you can't get sex a little attention in some other way for something else your doing would probably go along way but did anyone ever say it?

even Kalani said thanks to Lizzy for listening and she was like "meh i'm a therapist its my job" even though shes not keen on the job she still got a thanks, people say thanks to micheal and datu and burt but i don't think i've ever heard anyone say thanks to Riley for being such a crutial member of the tower who is constantly over looked even when Riley isn't cooking shes chipping in and helping people out the whole time.

didnt i already say this about Riley? that she bi.

Drogon Malice
Jan 2nd, 2013, 03:17 AM
didnt i already say this about Riley? that she bi.

fuck if i know i can hardly remember what i did last week and i'm too lazy to re-read all this stuff