View Full Version : Pantex: The Place Where Kimmet Was

Red Shirt
May 17th, 2012, 04:26 PM
"Hey Puck, when did the Colonel get back from pantex?" Ch. 29 1/3, @ 16:08

At first blush, I thought that it was PANTEX or PANT-EX. -EX is a common suffix for Exercise. like JLFEX (Joint Live Fire Exercise) or CLFEX (Combined Live Fire Exercise). I figured it was some kind of training exercise out in the Box that he was observing.

But then I figured I'd look it up to see what it was. In 20 years in the service, I'd never heard of a PANTEX.

Well, I think there might be a problem:

U.S. D.O.E. Pantex Plant. Pantex Plant is America's only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility. Located on the high plains of the Texas panhandle, 17 miles northeast of Amarillo, Pantex is centered on a 16,000-acre site just north of US Hwy 60 in Carson County.

That's right. Pantex (http://www.pantex.com/) is a nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility.

I think that with the loss of contact with the East Coast, notably the Pentagon, the White House The National Command Authority or anyone that outranks him for that matter, the Colonel just might have some plans of his own.

Hot and glowy plans that involve fallout, 10,000 years of radioactivity and zombies with two heads and three legs.

May 24th, 2012, 07:22 PM
Why has this not been commented on? That is an outstanding find. Highly possible, who knows what all radiation can do to people

May 25th, 2012, 12:39 AM
Hate to burst your bubble but Pantex is upholds a world-wide reputation for its high qualified veterinary pharmaceutical products. Although it is in Holland.

No, really, good spot. Goodbye L.A?

Michael gets to go back against the clock on a rescue?

This thread should be 40 pages long by now!

May 25th, 2012, 11:49 AM
I am glad someone pointed out that abbreviation... I wondered myself, BUT what does that have to do with the cracks in Inglewood? Please no pre-historic crap... I want REAL TANGIBLE happenings, sounds silly when talking about zombies and all, but you get my drift.

I see a bigger battle perhaps from the mallers and the Colonel?

Cabbage Patch
May 25th, 2012, 12:53 PM
Here are some links to background sources:

Nate Eeez
May 25th, 2012, 01:13 PM
Awesome find! Still leaves much to the imagination.

May 25th, 2012, 01:47 PM
I've changed the title of this thread. Now it will let everyone know exactly what it's about and we can generate the conversation this probably deserves.

Red Shirt
May 26th, 2012, 08:31 PM
I've changed the title of this thread. Now it will let everyone know exactly what it's about and we can generate the conversation this probably deserves.

Thanks, I thought better of the title, but realized that I couldn't change it. (Think that it was the result of scouring episodes for time codes and it being, or feeling like 3AM when I posted.)

Frankly, I think that Kimmet is on the up and up... but with the disintegration of the entire chain of command above his position, and presumably the Commander in Chief, he may very well be the "rankingest" person left in the US military. That would actually give him the authority to deploy nuclear weapons.

I've had a look at Pantex on satellite, and it might not even be the nukes he's after, it might be the facility. That place makes high security prisons look like a playground. He might want it to use as a forward base. It is centrally located in the continental US, and relatively easy to get to it seems.

Then again, he may be lying about the loss of contact with the East Coast. With the collapse, maybe what is left of the government has become factional, each with their own ideas on how deal with the threat. His apparent ideas on this might be a bit more direct. And fiery.

May 26th, 2012, 10:51 PM
hmm...thats an interesting idea you've got there. a few of us did mention and discuss the idea of the nuke element, but really when you stop and look at just the facility as a whole...moving some portion of the survivors there does'nt seem like such a bad idea.

the problem with that, in my mind at least. is KC tends to write about what he knows...and while he may know ABOUT pantex, i cant see him moving any portion of the story to that location..which leaves us with the original option.

or not

damn, i hate trying to guess what someone else is thinking...eh...here we go

the positives of a place like that is obvious...its built up tighter than a damn prison, as it should be. as americans the one thing we need to be the most protective over is our weapons of mass destruction..those are by far more deadly than a hundred loons and serial killers, since it only takes one person to wipe out hundreds of thousands. you also have the advantage of being at perhaps the site of one of the most powerful of weapons one could have against ANY enemy...

but theirin lies the problem... if you make your weapons distribution center your home base, what if absolute catastrophe strikes. you find yourself and your community of thousands surrounded...by thousands. thousands of enemies ...that want nothing more than to EAT you..by placing yourself so close to the enemy, you have effectivly neutralized your greatest asset....i dunno man, i would have a hard time figuring thats an entirely sound plan.

still...i really like the idea..way to think outside the box for sure..love seeing posts like this!

May 26th, 2012, 11:02 PM
The whole Pantex is a Nuke assembly/disassembly plant discussion took place on the Chapter 29 part 1 thread. Chogidog first posted a link with the correct spelling
Pantex maybe?
http://www.pantex.com/about/index.htm followed by a few mentions of nuking L.A. Starting with comment number 54.
Puck sound's depressed about the state of things and hints that things are either really really bad or are about to get really really worse....
3) He returns from Pantex, a nuclear weapons (dis)assembly plant.....
1) Are nukes being planned?....

The discussion just didn't get very far.

May 26th, 2012, 11:16 PM
Yea man..i def wasn't calling him out about that..and while I like the idea of using a nuke site as a "home base" if you will...pucks comments as you mentioned do lead one to thing of more ominous things...

Red Shirt
May 27th, 2012, 03:14 PM
The whole Pantex is a Nuke assembly/disassembly plant discussion took place on the Chapter 29 part 1 thread. Chogidog first posted a link with the correct spelling followed by a few mentions of nuking L.A. Starting with comment number 54.
The discussion just didn't get very far.

Hmm, that's bizarre. Even though I'm a newbie, I was here for that episode. In fact, I think that might have been my first or second regularly scheduled episode. How I missed that in the episode looking for timestamps and missed those posts is beyond me. As I posted above, I found the reference to Pantex in 3/3.

I would like however to address how he may have got there:

The Distance (http://www.geobytes.com/CityDistanceTool.htm) from Ft. Irwin to Amarillo TX is 834 miles. (round trip of 1668 miles.)

The UH-60L Blackhawk has a range of 1380 miles and that's with ESSS stub wings and external tanks
CH-47L Chinook, 450 miles.
CH-46 Sea Knight, 633 miles.
CH-53E Super Stallion, 621 miles. (AKA Super Jolly Green Giant.)
S-61R, HH-3E Jolly Green Giant, HH-3F Pelican all have a range of 779 miles.
Only the Blackhawk has the range and that is still a one way trip.

However, if they flew out of Boulder instead, 382 miles, 764 round trip, both the Blackhawk ESSS and the S-61R/HH-3E/F could make the trip (the S-61R would be coasting on fumes though) But, with those aircraft you can only bring troops. Granted, with the S-61R/HH-3E/F you could bring a lot, maybe even bikes, I still don't think it is that good of an idea.

Now, the C-130H (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_C-130_Hercules#Specifications_.28C-130H.29) has a range of 2,360 miles and the C-130J (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_C-130J_Super_Hercules#Specifications_.28C-130J.29) has a range of 3,262 miles. They can carry in the range of 21 to 22.5 (short) tons of cargo. Both are JATO (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JATO) capable for short runways. (hint, hint) They can carry:
92 passengers (128 for C-130J-30) or
64 airborne troops (92 for C-130J-30) or
6 pallets (8 pallets for C-130J-30) or
74 litter patients with 2 medical personnel (97 litters for C-130J-30) or
2–3 Humvees, or 1 LAV III(with turret removed) or
1-2 M113 armored personnel carriers
The cargo (weight) capacity also indicates the possibility that they could carry one Stryker, though I couldn't find verification of that.

There are a few options for landing, all would require a flyover to determine the feasibility/safety:
Tradewind Airport in South Amarillo, about 15 miles west of PX. Probably overrun.
Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport in West Amarillo, 8-9 miles west of PX. Possible viable option.
Stamps Field south of Panhandle, about 8-9 miles east of PX, another possible option.
Panhandle-Carson County Airport north-east of Panhandle, about 9-10 miles east of PX. The town of Panhandle seems to be a relatively small one, but they would need to fight their way through to get to PX.
However, a review of the satellite image and Google Street view revealed a better option. On US60, between the over pass for road FM1912 and road FM2373 is a 6.8 mile stretch of open, flat road and straight road. I say land right on the damn highway. You could practically roll right up to the front door.

There are no other overpasses and power lines only cross in three places at the west end of this stretch. Assuming that evacuees stayed on I-40/I-40bus/US66 (Yeah baby!)(East-West) or used I-27 (South) or US87/287 (North) US60 MIGHT be open. It also seems that the eastbound side would be safer to land on as well.

(For the super curious, FROM: 35.251586, -101.653351 TO: 35.286539, -101.540703. Power lines cross at: 35.256935, -101.635954 (HV, local); 35.260452, -101.625284 (local); 35.262646, -101.618181 (local, stoplights))

I think that the operation would be a touch and go landing, only slowing enough to drop vehicles and personnel. Take off again and "orbit," waiting for pickup. This would work even better if Kimmet has access to a AC-130 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_AC-130) gunship or two to provide air cover during the operation. Depending on the flight path and number of aircraft, the cut at County Road 7 could be used to turn around.

This may have been one of the "Special Ops" missions that Kimmet mentioned.

Well, how about that. I only meant this to throw out a few details, not turn in to a tactical planning session, but there you go.

May 27th, 2012, 04:13 PM
Either way, very awesome info...gives us quite a bit to think about..good work sir!

May 27th, 2012, 04:33 PM
Great info again!

"However, a review of the satellite image and Google Street view revealed a better option. On US60, between the over pass for road FM1912 and road FM2373 is a 6.8 mile stretch of open, flat road and straight road. I say land right on the damn highway. You could practically roll right up to the front door."

Maybe alittle in depth haha, but I like it

Red Shirt
May 28th, 2012, 02:21 PM
Great info again! Maybe alittle in depth haha, but I like it

Thanks, I kinda do that some times. I've been noodling a couple ideas about it for a day or two... Then when I got around to authoring it, one thing led to another...

Red Shirt
Jun 14th, 2012, 10:42 PM
I was reading on SlashDot about the recently returned SpaceX Dragon Capsuleand clicked through to learn more about their forthcoming Grasshopper Reusable Launch Vehicle.

One thing lead to another and I found my self reading a PDF titled "Draft Environmental Assessment for Issuing an Experimental Permit to SpaceX for Operation of the Grasshopper Vehicle at the McGregor Test Site, Texas (http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/media/20110922%20SpaceX%20Grasshopper%20Draft%20EA.Final .pdf)." Whatever, right? Checkout page 14, it shows a satellite image of the McGregor Test Site. For a closer look, I pulled it up on Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=McLennan,+TX&hl=en&ll=31.397092,-97.44607&spn=0.040368,0.084543&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.409448,86.572266&oq=mcle&hnear=McLennan,+Texas&t=h&z=14).

Apparently those hexagonal lozenge sections are launch test complexes. Just like the ones just outside the Pantex main facility (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=35.309592,-101.572208&spn=0.019296,0.042272&t=h&z=15).

I'm going to assume that these are Cold War era AEC/DOE standardized testing facilities and are scattered all over the country. Pantex also, so far as I know isn't just dismantling warheads, they are also part of the modernization program. The US arsenal is getting smaller but the remainders are getting upgraded. Makes sense for Pantex to have a rocket testing facility nearby.

So maybe, just maybe, Kimmet isn't after JUST a Nuclear Device, he could also be after launch vehicle parts.

Jun 14th, 2012, 10:55 PM
A:..bingo. That's what my brain is thinking as well...assuming your saying launching anything, not just nukes.

B: if your into space-x...we may have just become best friends...