View Full Version : Does anybody else want Skittles to be a main character?

May 14th, 2012, 05:04 PM
I want to see who else here on the We're Alive wiki wants Skittles to be a main character, as I do.

May 14th, 2012, 05:34 PM
Ehhh. I don't think as a main character. He does a great job at being a small helper role. I think he is far to wacked out to be a main character. The group would in no way trust him with anything and he would just get in the way. I could also see him being a reason for a major screw up if he moved into the main character role.

May 14th, 2012, 07:14 PM
Please never let this happen. But it's a cool idea.

May 14th, 2012, 08:40 PM
Ehhh. I don't think as a main character. He does a great job at being a small helper role. I think he is far to wacked out to be a main character. The group would in no way trust him with anything and he would just get in the way. I could also see him being a reason for a major screw up if he moved into the main character role.

That is pretty much my point. Comic relief, (Sorta) Angel and (I forget who)
Learned one hell of a lot from him.

Bottom line; He doesn't have to be a main character, but I wanna see more of him.

May 14th, 2012, 09:10 PM
Yeah I believe that he could come around now and again to give valuable information. He did help Angel and Kalani a ton. So I definitely could see him coming around more to give useful information.

May 14th, 2012, 09:23 PM
Hell yeah!!! That would be one of the best episodes ever for me!

May 15th, 2012, 07:24 AM
Hell yeah!!! That would be one of the best episodes ever for me!

Me and my friend were just talking about that.


May 15th, 2012, 08:16 AM
Maybe KC could implement a "fun" episode. Where it just follows a day in the life of Skittles. Would add alot of comic relief and maybe give some useful information

May 16th, 2012, 06:07 PM
maybe kc could implement a "fun" episode. Where it just follows a day in the life of skittles. Would add alot of comic relief and maybe give some useful information

May 24th, 2012, 10:17 AM
Maybe KC could implement a "fun" episode. Where it just follows a day in the life of Skittles. Would add alot of comic relief and maybe give some useful information

That would probably be one of the funniest episodes EVER.

Jun 26th, 2012, 12:01 PM
In Chapter 27, Part 3, when CJ finds Duncan cowaring and now stuttering (obviously extremely traumatized by what he had seen), he says this..."All of them gone, they're gone, they left me. I was right there, they didn't look at me. I was right there". Then he takes off saying "I'm going to find them". I think that Duncan had it in his mind that if he let in the zombies they would let him become one. This is a part of the mental disorder that I think he had which through this trauma has finally and fully now expressed itself into the Skittles we know and love. CJ also thinks that he let in Mr Ink., which would corroborate my idea. Something else a little later on made me consider this as well but I forget right now what that was....

I know that Skittles is singing a different tune now, as in it sure does not seem like he wants to be a zombie. But I think the fact that his mind snapped and he's not really the same person that he was before completely plays into that, and now he's running off his basic instict for survival.

Jun 26th, 2012, 12:49 PM
In Chapter 27, Part 3, when CJ finds Duncan cowaring and now stuttering (obviously extremely traumatized by what he had seen), he says this..."All of them gone, they're gone, they left me. I was right there, they didn't look at me. I was right there". Then he takes off saying "I'm going to find them". I think that Duncan had it in his mind that if he let in the zombies they would let him become one. This is a part of the mental disorder that I think he had which through this trauma has finally and fully now expressed itself into the Skittles we know and love. CJ also thinks that he let in Mr Ink., which would corroborate my idea. Something else a little later on made me consider this as well but I forget right now what that was....

I know that Skittles is singing a different tune now, as in it sure does not seem like he wants to be a zombie. But I think the fact that his mind snapped and he's not really the same person that he was before completely plays into that, and now he's running off his basic instict for survival.

see i don't think so. i think that when skittles made the first comment that they left him, he was refering to the zed, but during the second comment he was talking about the captured residents. have you ever listened to someone with a nervous disorder, or someone who is panicked? they don't talk very clearly. in order to have any kind of idea of what they're saying, you have to know some of their history because the sentence itslf will tell you the context in which it is meant to be taken. in other words, we know that duncan was a freindly guy, and we suspect that he was loyal to his fellow survivors, so we can infer that when he said "all of the gone, they're gone" he was talking about the survivors, because he wouldn't care if the zed were gone since he didn't like them. however in the second part of that line he was talking about the zed because they took his friends and not him, indicating that there was something wrong with him. then when he said "i'm going to find them" he was talking about his friends since he would actually want to find them.