View Full Version : Chapter 29- Beyond Our Walls Part 3

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May 16th, 2012, 12:10 PM
OKAY I have been off the forums for a day [and the page number is HUGE] so I've tried to be a good girl and search to see if this has been addressed but I can't find it, so if it has been addressed sorry. [I know it's kinda annoying when people ask the same question over and over]

Can anyone hear what Scratch said to Angel at 14:09
It's like: "But it sure is hard to break ??? huh?

To me it sounds like either God's Eyes or Van Nuys

Which to me makes no sense, God's Eyes? And Van Nuys is a district in LA, so I don't know

May 16th, 2012, 12:23 PM
OKAY I have been off the forums for a day [and the page number is HUGE] so I've tried to be a good girl and search to see if this has been addressed but I can't find it, so if it has been addressed sorry. [I know it's kinda annoying when people ask the same question over and over]

Can anyone hear what Scratch said to Angel at 14:09
It's like: "But it sure is hard to break ??? huh?

To me it sounds like either God's Eyes or Van Nuys

Which to me makes no sense, God's Eyes? And Van Nuys is a district in LA, so I don't know

I didn't relisten to confirm this, but I believe she is likely saying, "It's hard to break family ties"

May 16th, 2012, 12:36 PM
When I listened to this episode My mind went onto a different track concerning The Families, the Rings and the connection between Durai, Scratch and Angel.

First, I think I misinterpreted something Tard mentioned when he said that the fall killed Angel and his body didn't know it yet. This led me to suspect that Angel had either turned or reanimated.

After Scratch and Tard discuss the rings, and how she and Durai also had one, I began to wonder if they belonged to some mysterious race of ..... oh heavens, please, nooo..... vampires or something else like fallen angels or whatever. When Scratch mentioned families I briefly suspected some sort of mob ties. However, Tard had a hard time accepting that Angel could be connected to Scratch and Durai, seemingly based physical appearances. When she talks about his face Tard says that he's not seeing it.

Something Scratch says in 'About Last Night' part 3, when she threatens to feed Tard to the Sisters, sounds strange. Who are the Sisters? Dogs? Witches? Are the Families part of some ancient cult?

What kind of influence or power does Durai weld over prisoners on a jail break (even at the end of the world)? What makes them follow Scratch's orders? Why do they fear her? Think what hardened prisoners would do to a woman.

What did she mean, when Briggs drops a severed arm of a small one in Mark of the Beast, by it being the shape of things to come and Durai knows it?

A few other things:

Does anyone remember someone mentioning Angel wearing a ring in the story?
Did Angel ever SEE Mr Pinstripes? vice verse
What's the deal with wings wrapped around a stone?

May 16th, 2012, 01:55 PM
The building was on fire and collapsing; I don’t think he A) had time to look or B) have another option.

Angle was my favorite out of the 3 soldiers to start and my current top 3 isn’t looking good either: Angle, Kalani and Burt.

Tinsel town stiffs… They will be missed!

Now we need a We're Alive, Hollywood Babble-On mash up podcast.

Travis Sutak
May 16th, 2012, 02:24 PM
29-3 made me mad,sad,happy, and confused all at the same time

May 16th, 2012, 02:32 PM
Something Scratch says in 'About Last Night' part 3, when she threatens to feed Tard to the Sisters, sounds strange. Who are the Sisters? Dogs? Witches? Are the Families part of some ancient cult?

I associated "The Sisters" to a gang of prison rapists. I may be wrong there.

May 16th, 2012, 02:39 PM
Something Scratch says in 'About Last Night' part 3, when she threatens to feed Tard to the Sisters, sounds strange. Who are the Sisters? Dogs? Witches? Are the Families part of some ancient cult?

It's common in pop culture to call a group of homosexuals in prison 'sisters'. Most memorably to me this was the case in Shawshank Redemption.

May 16th, 2012, 04:01 PM
I didn't relisten to confirm this, but I believe she is likely saying, "It's hard to break family ties"

That...would make more sense. Anytime I can't understand a word in the podcast I automatically assume that their is some kind of mysterious KC style trechery afoot.

May 16th, 2012, 04:26 PM
Well good episode. Sorry about that Wraith you should go on the next Were not dead.

Did anyone bring this up Riley did she like Angel, I mean yes there was the hospital rooftop but do we know because KC just killed off angel. How will it / will it affect Riley if she finds out?

Oh I think we all have an idea...*imitates Riley chugging bottle of booze*...*then get's weird looks from everyone...oops*

May 16th, 2012, 04:38 PM
Oh I think we all have an idea...*imitates Riley chugging bottle of booze*...*then get's weird looks from everyone...oops*

I disagree, I see Riley and a lovely 14 inch kitchen knife and Scratch in a locked room. I can see Riley getting her knife skills on... and filleting Scratch's ass.

May 16th, 2012, 04:40 PM
Honestly, Angel's death was shocking, but I'm really not a whole lot surprised, because looking at Shane's Facebook page and seeing how busy he is now, I just didn't think he would have the time I record more episodes. And judging from the activity on Jim Gleason's page, Michael's demise may be in the works as well...

May 16th, 2012, 05:34 PM
Honestly, Angel's death was shocking, but I'm really not a whole lot surprised, because looking at Shane's Facebook page and seeing how busy he is now, I just didn't think he would have the time I record more episodes. And judging from the activity on Jim Gleason's page, Michael's demise may be in the works as well...

They've arranged ways for Jim to record from New Orleans so I wouldn't look too far into that aspect.

May 16th, 2012, 05:58 PM
I disagree, I see Riley and a lovely 14 inch kitchen knife and Scratch in a locked room. I can see Riley getting her knife skills on... and filleting Scratch's ass.

Yarri I love you

you have a beautifully violent streak.

May 16th, 2012, 06:00 PM
Yarri I love you

you have a beautifully violent streak.

awwwwwwwwwwwww thank you!!!! I love you too!

I find Scratch brings out my inner sadist..

Red Shirt
May 16th, 2012, 07:47 PM
I disagree, I see Riley and a lovely 14 inch kitchen knife and Scratch in a locked room. I can see Riley getting her knife skills on... and filleting Scratch's ass.

I still think that Scratch should have her internal organs alphabetized. With her own knives.

May 16th, 2012, 08:42 PM
That was upsetting on how Angel went. He was a good man and he didn't deserve to go by gun. Where is Lizzy? What is with the ring and will Micheal,Riley, and Tania see the others again? Will Burt and Lizzy see the others again.

May 16th, 2012, 09:09 PM
What is with the ring

The ring is a family ring, which is how Scratch was able to identify Angel probably since she, as a relative, would be familiar with the design.

May 16th, 2012, 09:21 PM
I still think that Scratch should have her internal organs alphabetized. With her own knives.

^^^THIS!!! lol

I have a prediction or two...

1. Scratch is going to use Lizzie as a means to extract info from Burt. It's the only thing that makes sense at this point. I mentioned this in my previous post, but I can totally see that psycho dropping her down on her knees in front of Burt and telling him to make a choice. Burt, being himself, won't tell them anything and will just tell Scratch to kill him. We all know that she doesn't like being told what to do, so I think she will use Lizzie to her advantage. Burt already feels guilty about having to force Lizzie out on her own, and I just can't see him being okay with watching her execution.

That being said, others have pointed out that if Burt did break down and tell them where they went, it won't really benefit the Mallers whatsoever...unless they somehow had the upper hand. And think about this...all ways out of LA are blocked, Michael tells us that unless they were flying, no one could have made it out of LA (at least in the direction they were headed). That means unless someone pulls a pilot or piloting skills out of their proverbial hat, or decides to take a coastal route and then somehow make it through inland, I can't possibly see them trying to make it there (at least in a hurry).

2. If they are not there already, I think the Mallers are going to take over the colony...if they haven't already. Gatekeeper is the key here. I think Gatekeeper was a Maller they sent to stir up trouble and "oversee" the colony until Durai and Scratch make it there. My evidence? He calls himself by a nickname...sound familiar? Not only that, but he seemed to relish the idea of making Marcus's body look like he'd been attacked...if I remember correctly he chuckles pretty creepily after he says it...so, a creepy dude with a nickname with a penchant for violence. I don't think I'm reaching here.

May 16th, 2012, 09:25 PM
So Angel's dead.
I'm a little surprised that nobody has suggested the appearance of his long lost twin brother in a future episode. :rolleyes:

You know what's sad and I just realized? We're halfway through this season already....6 Chapters in....6 to go....

I'm gonna pull a Datu and cry in the corner....
"Oh look, Datu's crying again."

May 16th, 2012, 11:34 PM
Please enlighten me if I'm wrong but didn't Scratch say to Burt that "It's just us two now" Suggesting Lizzy is already dead....

May 16th, 2012, 11:41 PM
For the record, Scratch could take Riley.


May 16th, 2012, 11:44 PM
For the record, Scratch could take Riley.


Nah.... Riley would own Scratch.... and that's before she found out about Scratch killing Angel......... Scratch would have no chance.

May 17th, 2012, 12:09 AM
Nah.... Riley would own Scratch.... and that's before she found out about Scratch killing Angel......... Scratch would have no chance.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of just how hardcore Scratch is. Don't forget, Riley would be yet another sack of flesh standing between her and her--complete and entirely justified--vengeance on a certain someone who deserves death.

May 17th, 2012, 12:28 AM
awwwwwwwwwwwww thank you!!!! I love you too!

I find Scratch brings out my inner sadist..

And people who say the podcast is bad and want a job on the podcast...probably the frat boys from Breathers: A Zombie's Lament...

May 17th, 2012, 12:28 AM
I respectfully disagree with your assessment of just how hardcore Scratch is. Don't forget, Riley would be yet another sack of flesh standing between her and her--complete and entirely justified--vengeance on a certain someone who deserves death.

Completely justified? How is wanting to kill someone that was acting in self defence justified...?

Also, Riley loved Angel.

May 17th, 2012, 12:47 AM
And people who say the podcast is bad and want a job on the podcast...probably the frat boys from Breathers: A Zombie's Lament...

Yep, and I like your signature.

May 17th, 2012, 01:02 AM
Please enlighten me if I'm wrong but didn't Scratch say to Burt that "It's just us two now" Suggesting Lizzy is already dead....

I believe she said "It's just you now." I'm assuming that Burt knew they also picked up Angel and he may have even heard the gunshot.

Also, Lizzie isn't dead--the last time we've heard from her was just prior to Saul and Victor's Hummer getting hit by the RPG. She screams out "Saul!" as (assuming) she's being driven away from the scene...I believe Scratch had Tar or Bricks get her out of there.

May 17th, 2012, 01:06 AM
I believe she said "It's just you now." I'm assuming that Burt knew they also picked up Angel and he may have even heard the gunshot.

Also, Lizzie isn't dead--the last time we've heard from her was just prior to Saul and Victor's Hummer getting hit by the RPG. She screams out "Saul!" as (assuming) she's being driven away from the scene...I believe Scratch had Tar or Bricks get her out of there.

Yeah, I meant Lizzy being killed after that.

May 17th, 2012, 01:11 AM
Yeah, I meant Lizzy being killed after that.

*shrugs* Until I hear evidence I will assume she's still alive. That's all we can do, right? :cool:

May 17th, 2012, 01:13 AM
*shrugs* Until I hear evidence I will assume she's still alive. That's all we can do, right? :cool:

Yeah, I want her alive. It would suck if Kc ended it like that, leaving Saul hanging. Although, Riley and Angel....

May 17th, 2012, 01:18 AM
Yep, and I like your signature.

Haha, why thank you *Stage whisper: I don't think he has noticed hehehe."

May 17th, 2012, 01:23 AM
Completely justified? How is wanting to kill someone that was acting in self defence justified...?

Also, Riley loved Angel.

Daredevil trust me, there is no getting through his head on Scratch-killed-angel-SO-NOT-OUT-OF-MERCY.

You see Osiris is like Scratch's abused spouse, she beats, kills and Osiris says: "Oh it's okay it was self defense, it was my fault I ran into the door, Angel deserved it for not telling where they are. But Pegs isn't there anymore because she's a dirty hippie and left and *WHACK*"

May 17th, 2012, 01:35 AM
Yeah, I want her alive. It would suck if Kc ended it like that, leaving Saul hanging. Although, Riley and Angel....

I agree, Lizzie is one of my faves.

The whole thing with Riley and Angel breaks me up inside...I mean, Riley and everyone else assumes that he died when the Tower came down, right? Michael tells them so, and that he believes that Burt, Saul and Victor are all dead too, but WE know they are not, and WE KNOW that Scratch offs Angel...

With this in mind, can you imagine how horrible Michael is going to feel if and when they ever find out that the few they left behind may have made it after all?

How awful is it going to be if they ever find out that not only did Angel survive the fall of the Tower, only to end up in the hands of the one person they all hate, and then was shot and killed by that person?

Riley mind go break.

That's the big thing here...Riley thinks he's dead, but none of them know that Scratch is the one that did the deed yet.

May 17th, 2012, 04:16 AM
And people who say the podcast is bad and want a job on the podcast...probably the frat boys from Breathers: A Zombie's Lament...

OMG you are so right!

May 17th, 2012, 04:34 AM
I agree, Lizzie is one of my faves.

The whole thing with Riley and Angel breaks me up inside...I mean, Riley and everyone else assumes that he died when the Tower came down, right? Michael tells them so, and that he believes that Burt, Saul and Victor are all dead too, but WE know they are not, and WE KNOW that Scratch offs Angel...

With this in mind, can you imagine how horrible Michael is going to feel if and when they ever find out that the few they left behind may have made it after all?

How awful is it going to be if they ever find out that not only did Angel survive the fall of the Tower, only to end up in the hands of the one person they all hate, and then was shot and killed by that person?

Riley mind go break.

That's the big thing here...Riley thinks he's dead, but none of them know that Scratch is the one that did the deed yet.

I think that Kc might script Saul and that to some how make contact with Michael then he goes and saves them defying orders because the colonel or whatever rank he was would not risk his peoples lives for a very small group of people. So Michael goes and saves them and then.... I dunno. Maybe he'll go back and the Colonel will be fine with his breaking orders because no one was killed or something..... nah, that's a stretch. Maybe Michael will find out intel that keeps him from being court-martialed. Or something..... I WANT THE ARMY TO GO KICK IN SCRATCHES DOOR... MATTER FACT... HER FACE. I can think of some very very mentally disturbed things that they could do to scratch.... Even I wouldn't want that on my worst enemy.... I want her dead though. Forget all that "Scratch will be undone by her own misdoings" I want Riley to shoot a arrow through her eye.... or a Big one to just destroy her.... rip her to shreds. I'm grateful she killed Angel though, that was nice. She was.. very kind in her manner..... I'm very sad... I'm gonna miss him.

Cabbage Patch
May 17th, 2012, 06:18 AM
Nah.... Riley would own Scratch.... and that's before she found out about Scratch killing Angel......... Scratch would have no chance.

I'll keep my powder dry on the question of Scratch vs. Riley. But Claire Dodin Is a total badass and I would not want to get on her bad side! Check out her appearance on "Deadliest Warrior", where she demonstrates how to use the crossbow and the long sword.

May 17th, 2012, 06:30 AM
I'll keep my powder dry on the question of Scratch vs. Riley. But Claire Dodin Is a total badass and I would not want to get on her bad side! Check out her appearance on "Deadliest Warrior", where she demonstrates how to use the crossbow and the long sword.

which is why I said Riley would use her trusty knife skills on Scratch.. Claire is totally kick ass!

May 17th, 2012, 06:47 AM
Okay. I'm trying to predict how the next chapters will play out. I actually don't have much I am basing this on other than what we've heard, what I am assuming, and how I imagine it would play out. It's not very likely, but perhaps it'll get some gears turning and give some of you delightful people some ideas, or at least that is what I'm hoping.

Righty-O! So I get the impression that we might return back to Saul, Victor, and CJ. Hopefully they will continue on with a plan to rescue Lizzy, while at the same time discussing the colony, Pinstripes, and Ground Zero? In the process of investigating, they run in to Michael and a small unit from Ft. Irwin. There is much merriment and joy had that night as they share the passed events of their lives since being seperated. Michael tries to get some sympathy points about being dumped, but Saul keeps it light hearted. Fortunately, some random act leads them to discovering the Mallers whereabouts. They are currently at the Colony! Michael and the gang scheme a way to create anarchy and rescue Burt and Lizzie.

Either that or he calls in an airstrike and carpet bombs the entire colony. Everyone freaks out and Michael, with fire burning in his eyes, pops a shot off in their heads, killing everyone. He then becomes the king of L.A. after a hand to hand fight with Pinstripes. (as you can tell these last few sentences were complete BS)

But I do think something along the lines of the above mentioned might occur. Perhaps Michael himself won't be with the unit from Ft. Irwin as he is now in a command position, but hopefully somehow Saul and Victor will be able to relay to the soldiers that they are friends of Sgt. Michael Cross.

May 17th, 2012, 07:04 AM
Completely justified? How is wanting to kill someone that was acting in self defence justified...?

Also, Riley loved Angel.

dude, you are better off just letting this go. despite the fact that we now know the war was instigated by the mallers, specifically scratch herself, and not the tower, he still won't admit that pegs was justified and scratch is in the wrong. we've gone round and round on this down to the minutia of the milli-seconds leading to the first syllable uttered during the first contact. he won't listen to reason ;) (nothing but love osiris) nah, but he sticks to his guns, no matter what. there will be no convincing him, because he always has some counter argument.

May 17th, 2012, 07:49 AM
Let's move off the cause of the War/Scratch etc etc. We already had a thread dedicated to it (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?3091-Who-What-was-the-Cause-of-the-War-between-the-Tower-and-Mallers)and it's full of all sorts of arguments and backbiting there so much so it got locked. Lets leave this thread to 29-3 as much as we can.

May 17th, 2012, 08:01 AM
Lets leave this thread to 29-3 as much as we can.

It's my all-time favorite episode *wink* :o

May 17th, 2012, 08:20 AM
Lets leave this thread to 29-3 as much as we can.

*clears throat* As I was saying,

Okay. I'm trying to predict how the next chapters will play out. I actually don't have much I am basing this on other than what we've heard, what I am assuming, and how I imagine it would play out. It's not very likely, but perhaps it'll get some gears turning and give some of you delightful people some ideas, or at least that is what I'm hoping.

Righty-O! So I get the impression that we might return back to Saul, Victor, and CJ. Hopefully they will continue on with a plan to rescue Lizzy, while at the same time discussing the colony, Pinstripes, and Ground Zero? In the process of investigating, they run in to Michael and a small unit from Ft. Irwin. There is much merriment and joy had that night as they share the passed events of their lives since being seperated. Michael tries to get some sympathy points about being dumped, but Saul keeps it light hearted. Fortunately, some random act leads them to discovering the Mallers whereabouts. They are currently at the Colony! Michael and the gang scheme a way to create anarchy and rescue Burt and Lizzie.

Either that or he calls in an airstrike and carpet bombs the entire colony. Everyone freaks out and Michael, with fire burning in his eyes, pops a shot off in their heads, killing everyone. He then becomes the king of L.A. after a hand to hand fight with Pinstripes. (as you can tell these last few sentences were complete BS)

But I do think something along the lines of the above mentioned might occur. Perhaps Michael himself won't be with the unit from Ft. Irwin as he is now in a command position, but hopefully somehow Saul and Victor will be able to relay to the soldiers that they are friends of Sgt. Michael Cross.


May 17th, 2012, 09:16 AM
It's my all-time favorite episode *wink* :o

hmmm......can't imagine why........... ;)

and hero.........smart ass! :p

Red Shirt
May 17th, 2012, 10:34 AM
Also, Riley loved Angel.

Yes, but was it Angel she Loved?

Ch. 25, 2/3 @ 12:26:
"She lost her best friend and the person she loved most in the same month."
"Yeah, but which is which?"

And from waaaay back in the day in Ch. 2, 2/3 @ 8:30
"She has finally shed off some ugly outside world and let her gorgeous blue eyes shine across the table. I think even Riley was taken back by them."

Ch. 7, 1/3 @ 7:28
"Besides, between you and me, I like them tall and blond."
"Like Angel?"
"*scoff* Right, someone like him."

Not to mention, I sensed tension between Riley and Lizzy when Lizzy was bragging and getting a bit girly about Saul's immanent return from Maller recon. (Ch. 6, 3/3 @ 7:46) and again @ 9:02 when Lizzy compliments Riley.

Just sayin'

Okay. I'm trying to predict how the next chapters will play out...

Good luck with that. IMO, Kc's writing and twists are on par with Joss Whedon.

May 17th, 2012, 12:05 PM
Good luck with that. IMO, Kc's writing and twists are on par with Joss Whedon.

Wow. Thanks a True compliment! He's one of my idols.


Cabbage Patch
May 17th, 2012, 12:13 PM

So who's the dude in the photo with KC?

May 17th, 2012, 12:14 PM
So who's the dude in the photo with KC?


May 17th, 2012, 12:16 PM
THE Joss Whedon, creator of Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As well as a bunch of other shit and I think he directed some movie called Avenger or Avenginator?

Red Shirt
May 17th, 2012, 12:22 PM
Wow. Thanks a True compliment! He's one of my idols.

Your welcome, I mean you pulled the literary version of a classic misdirection "nothin' up sleeve, is this your card?" trick after the Colony escape.

I was like, goodie, goodie, :omgomg: Datu will get to meet Hope, owait, wut? His mom? I was as dumfounded as Burt and Angel. O_o

Red Shirt
May 17th, 2012, 12:27 PM
THE Joss Whedon, creator of Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As well as a bunch of other shit and I think he directed some movie called Avenger or Avenginator?

You forgot Angel. He was also writing Buffy, Angel and Firefly simultaneously to boot. If the man has a fault though, it is not staying away from Fox TV. When Dollhouse got put on there, I was like, "Damnit Joss, didn't you learn from your THREE other shows?"

May 17th, 2012, 12:29 PM
You forgot Angel. He was also writing Buffy, Angel and Firefly simultaneously to boot. If the man has a fault though, it is not staying away from Fox TV. When Dollhouse got put on there, I was like, "Damnit Joss, didn't you learn from your THREE other shows?"

I didn't forget anything except Serenity--which all true fans know is merely the season finale of Firefly. I mentioned the good shows.

Big G
May 17th, 2012, 01:11 PM
As it was posted earlier, it would be almost impossible for the mallers to reach fort Irwin if Burt tells them where Michael and company were headed. Even if by some miracle they were able to reach fort Irwin, I don't think they would be able to take it over because lets face it they couldn't take over the tower when all that was defending it was a bunch of civilians, 3 active soldiers and 1 retired marine what makes you think they will have any better luck against a fort being defended by hundreds of soldiers

May 17th, 2012, 01:26 PM
You forgot Angel. He was also writing Buffy, Angel and Firefly simultaneously to boot. If the man has a fault though, it is not staying away from Fox TV. When Dollhouse got put on there, I was like, "Damnit Joss, didn't you learn from your THREE other shows?"

They like him because he generates cash in the longrun--with DVD sales and the like--but they don't understand the market and aren't a patient people. Maybe that's just bitterness on my part--maybe he has backers that can get it green lit, but don't have the juice keep it going. It seems like the people who end up liking Whedon are people who have given up on most, if not all, TV. They have to hear about it by word of mouth. Wish he got a better home somewhere else. Maybe now after the Avengers has blown up gigantic Hulk sized he will.

His only flaw is that as long as he's interested in the show, it's excellent. If he moves on and leaves it in the care of others it suffers. I think he was interested in Firefly the entire time. Gads it was excellent!

May 17th, 2012, 01:32 PM
They like him because he generates cash in the longrun--with DVD sales and the like--but they don't understand the market and aren't a patient people. Maybe that's just bitterness on my part--maybe he has backers that can get it green lit, but don't have the juice keep it going. It seems like the people who end up liking Whedon are people who have given up on most, if not all, TV. They have to hear about it by word of mouth. Wish he got a better home somewhere else. Maybe now after the Avengers has blown up gigantic Hulk sized he will.

His only flaw is that as long as he's interested in the show, it's excellent. If he moves on and leaves it in the care of others it suffers. I think he was interested in Firefly the entire time. Gads it was excellent!

With the massive success of Avengers, he's got a green light for anything he wants to do next. He could go to any studio or network and say 'Firefly, season 2' and the executives would kneel down and unzip his pants.

May 17th, 2012, 02:04 PM
With the massive success of Avengers, he's got a green light for anything he wants to do next. He could go to any studio or network and say 'Firefly, season 2' and the executives would kneel down and unzip his pants.

with as many years as it's been since serenity, i don't think it would be possible to get just those remaining characters back. and what would they do? now that the tams aren't really on the run from the fed anymore, where would the overarching storyline come from? as much as i love firefly, i think the deaths of book and wash were clear signs that the series is done. without them, the whole chemistry of the show would be off. unless he went back and did like, lost chronicles or something, added more time leading up to serenity.

May 17th, 2012, 02:15 PM
with as many years as it's been since serenity, i don't think it would be possible to get just those remaining characters back. and what would they do? now that the tams aren't really on the run from the fed anymore, where would the overarching storyline come from? as much as i love firefly, i think the deaths of book and wash were clear signs that the series is done. without them, the whole chemistry of the show would be off. unless he went back and did like, lost chronicles or something, added more time leading up to serenity.

Not necessarily. Whedon has said from the beginning that none of his characters are ever safe, no matter how much they are loved. He's killed off main characters before and carried on. I'd just love to see what Mal & Co. are up to these days.

Cabbage Patch
May 17th, 2012, 03:16 PM
With the massive success of Avengers, he's got a green light for anything he wants to do next.

Clearly Joss needs to do "We're Alive" the movie. Or whatever new project KC has waiting in the wings. Can you imagine those two, working together?

Red Shirt
May 17th, 2012, 03:51 PM
Clearly Joss needs to do "We're Alive" the movie. Or whatever new project KC has waiting in the wings. Can you imagine those two, working together?

*shudders* Maybe that pic was taken at that meeting.

Joss is the only one I would trust with WA the anything. He personally knows what it is like to get dicked over on 'creative control.'

May 17th, 2012, 04:14 PM
Not necessarily. Whedon has said from the beginning that none of his characters are ever safe, no matter how much they are loved. He's killed off main characters before and carried on. I'd just love to see what Mal & Co. are up to these days.

I love JW, but I still have trouble forgiving him for killing Wash. ALAN TWO DICKS!!!! COME BACK!!!!

Red Shirt
May 17th, 2012, 04:34 PM
Not necessarily. Whedon has said from the beginning that none of his characters are ever safe, no matter how much they are loved. He's killed off main characters before and carried on. I'd just love to see what Mal & Co. are up to these days.

How could I forget this, it just went up on Blastr ~ a week ago:

Tara, Wesley and 13 other Joss Whedon deaths that broke our hearts (http://blastr.com/2012/05/15-most-heartbreaking-jos.php) [Some Spoilers, BTW]

Which one made you cry?

(I know, I'm sorry. I'm not helping with the derailing of this thread. I blame Kc. Post a pic of Joss in a place like this and what did you expect to happen? Then again, I brought him up first...)

May 17th, 2012, 04:53 PM
I don't know why everyone is all happy that Angel didn't tell the Mallers that the tower folks went to Ft Irwin. If Angel gave them that info the Mallers would have to travel just shy of 200 miles of Zombie infested, car clogged roads. If the Mallers were that stupid to try They'd loose plenty of people to the desert and dehydration. Then upon arriving at Ft. Irwin the rag tag army of exprisoners armed with whatever they were able to scrounge would have to take on a larger force of well trained highly efficient soldiers from the US Army.

To be sure Angel did right by his freinds by not letting the Mallers know where the Tower guys went since Angel wasn't privy to what awaited them when they got to Irwin. But the reality is that Angel didn't save the remnants of the Tower, he unintentionally saved the lives of the Mallers.

Well (I think) that we were proud because Angel did not know that it was zombie infested car clogged. That was discovered after the tower fell. So to Angel they had a chanc eof getting there if he told them. If he new what lay between LA and Barstow he may have let them go.

May 17th, 2012, 05:06 PM
Well no matter which side of the bread she butters, she loves(ed) Angel. They had an epic bromance, he may not be the cheese to her Macaroni.

But they are:
-the Protaganist to his Johnny Gat.
-the ron to his harry
-the nathan drake to his sully.

I put it that way because these are characters we know that would fight and get even for the loss of the other.

May 17th, 2012, 05:13 PM
How could I forget this, it just went up on Blastr ~ a week ago:

Tara, Wesley and 13 other Joss Whedon deaths that broke our hearts (http://blastr.com/2012/05/15-most-heartbreaking-jos.php) [Some Spoilers, BTW]

Which one made you cry?

(I know, I'm sorry. I'm not helping with the derailing of this thread. I blame Kc. Post a pic of Joss in a place like this and what did you expect to happen? Then again, I brought him up first...)

Joyce in 'The Body' [which was the episode after 'I Was Made To Love You' and arguably the best episode of season 5] and Buffy in 'The Gift'.

May 17th, 2012, 06:08 PM
Sigh...dammit i tried to redirect the thread but...Osiris went and blew it all to hell.


May 17th, 2012, 06:12 PM
Yeah, I do that.

May 17th, 2012, 07:50 PM
Well (I think) that we were proud because Angel did not know that it was zombie infested car clogged. That was discovered after the tower fell. So to Angel they had a chanc eof getting there if he told them. If he new what lay between LA and Barstow he may have let them go.

It isn't so much Pride of Angel for not ratting out the Tower guys... My beef is with the people that think that by not telling the Mallers where the they were heading he somehow saved their lives. Don't get me wrong, I like that Angel didn't tell Scratch and his loyalty should be comended but he in no way saved the lives of the Tower survivors. Even if the Mallers got to Ft. Irwin unscathed They would have gotten their asses handed to them on the road to the main base (I bet they wouldn't have made it to the cool painted rocks at Ft. Irwin).

May 17th, 2012, 10:50 PM
I don't like how Angel died. I don't like that he EVEN died. I HAVE NEVER BEEN LIKE THIS BEFORE! When characters die - - even characters I like - - in everything else, I don't care as much. Don't get me wrong, I hate when my favorite character dies. But Angel isn't even my favorite character and I weep'd man tears over his death.

I wish he didn't have to die like that. Granted, he still died well protecting his friends to the end. My favorite angel moment was with Kalani in fighting the behemoth.

KC... man... you sure know how to do amazing direction. Despite limitations of the radio style (and yet... it has unlimited potential), you make me care about these characters, this story. It's moments like these, man, where I simultaneously love you and hate you. It's a complicated feeling. O_o I hope you stay in this industry and one day make it big to be writing/directing/producing stories in theater, film, TV, and more audio podcasts. It's a rare ability to make me care about fictional characters.

May 18th, 2012, 12:57 AM
*shudders* Maybe that pic was taken at that meeting.

Joss is the only one I would trust with WA the anything. He personally knows what it is like to get dicked over on 'creative control.'

Uh.. *Cough* Kc *Cough*

May 18th, 2012, 01:52 AM
I don't like how Angel died. I don't like that he EVEN died. I HAVE NEVER BEEN LIKE THIS BEFORE! When characters die - - even characters I like - - in everything else, I don't care as much. Don't get me wrong, I hate when my favorite character dies. But Angel isn't even my favorite character and I weep'd man tears over his death.

I wish he didn't have to die like that. Granted, he still died well protecting his friends to the end. My favorite angel moment was with Kalani in fighting the behemoth.

KC... man... you sure know how to do amazing direction. Despite limitations of the radio style (and yet... it has unlimited potential), you make me care about these characters, this story. It's moments like these, man, where I simultaneously love you and hate you. It's a complicated feeling. O_o I hope you stay in this industry and one day make it big to be writing/directing/producing stories in theater, film, TV, and more audio podcasts. It's a rare ability to make me care about fictional characters.

YES! Behemoth brawl love! :love: It has one of my favourite Angel lines. :( Everybody always guesses wrong though.

May 18th, 2012, 03:20 AM
there has to be more to Angels death than this ! why did Kc keep him alive after last seasons finale so he coudl have a five minute chat with Scrath - doesnt make sense:mad:

May 18th, 2012, 03:21 AM
there has to be more to Angels death than this ! why did Kc keep him alive after last seasons finale so he coudl have a five minute chat with Scrath - doesnt make sense:mad:

I agree with you, but please spell better.

May 18th, 2012, 04:28 AM
Obviously Shouldersmalone is terribly upset about Angel but I have faith in KC that the story will unfold so we get that shock and awe, I don't want KC to ever get the feeling that he should have to change the story line to suite the outcry of listeners, this isn't star wars episode 1, and He isn't George Lucas. That wasn't meant as an insult by any means. I have full faith in the storyteller. I came to the realization that the story is really damn good and I was distraught about Angel dying just shows how much indepth this story goes and ill be tuned in again to see how this masterpiece evolves. I still miss Angel though.....:)

May 18th, 2012, 06:57 AM
OK. So, who does everyone think the 2nd person was that Scratch referred to before the tower fell? The consensus is that it could be Hannah. After all, Kalani was with with choppers when the group went to make the exchange. We don't know for sure if it was her that was shot or not. Kalani seemed to think it was, but there was no confirmation.

Could it be that the Mallers picked up Skittles? The only thing is, I'm not sure why she'd refer to Skittles as being a member of the Tower. He was a resident of CJ's tower. But, only had brief interaction with the members of the 2nd tower.

I guess I'm just trying to figure out if Burt and Lizzy have any help where they are. I wouldn't think that Hannah would be a major help to them. But, maybe I'm wrong. I would think that Skittles could be. But, not if he's suspected of being "with" the Tower group. He'd be detained, or at least guarded ... like Hannah would be, if he was the 2nd person Scratch was talking about. If the 2nd person is Hannah or Skittles I'd think they'd be restricted as to how much help they could give either Burt or Lizzy.

May 18th, 2012, 08:53 AM
This was a thought from a fellow member (and coworker of mine) Lvmetndr (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/member.php?1482-Lvmetndr): she believes, and I agree, that Scratch will not bother torturing Burt, a former Marine and current badass. She'll likely torture Lizzie in front of Burt and thereby cause him to confess and spill the whereabouts of Michael and the rest.

I'm thinking that Scratch also kept Lizzie alive because she knows Lizzie is preggers. She may have suspected it earlier when she was keeping Lizzie alive as a bargaining chip, but now that they are in the company of doctors, they can check her blood or urine to see if she actually is pregnant. The question is, what will Scratch do if she learns that Michael is at Ft. Irwin. Will they give up on chasing them down, send a scouting party, or possibly try radio contact?

May 18th, 2012, 09:39 AM
Love her or Hate her....Scratch is a survivor and a Control Freak....

Neither of those personality traits are known to be associated with individuals that let things go....or ever give up....

As far as Angel....I don't wanna see him die....But if that is how Sgt. Wayland says Angel went to meet our "Ranger" God....All I can say is...The Lt. Conducted himself Admirably (He kept his mouth shut)....He was then...and Always will be Hooah In my book....

Just my .02


May 18th, 2012, 12:22 PM
OK. So, who does everyone think the 2nd person was that Scratch referred to before the tower fell? The consensus is that it could be Hannah. After all, Kalani was with with choppers when the group went to make the exchange. We don't know for sure if it was her that was shot or not. Kalani seemed to think it was, but there was no confirmation.

Could it be that the Mallers picked up Skittles? The only thing is, I'm not sure why she'd refer to Skittles as being a member of the Tower. He was a resident of CJ's tower. But, only had brief interaction with the members of the 2nd tower.

I guess I'm just trying to figure out if Burt and Lizzy have any help where they are. I wouldn't think that Hannah would be a major help to them. But, maybe I'm wrong. I would think that Skittles could be. But, not if he's suspected of being "with" the Tower group. He'd be detained, or at least guarded ... like Hannah would be, if he was the 2nd person Scratch was talking about. If the 2nd person is Hannah or Skittles I'd think they'd be restricted as to how much help they could give either Burt or Lizzy.

I think it's Lizzie. I had a thread on theories (and i cannot get it to link on this thing) "Hannah Dead or Alive?" Where I picked through Tar's line in the season 2 finale when he and Scratch are discussing Pippin infront of Lizzie. Tar saus something to the effect of "Fine, ifthey make the exchange SHE tells them, never liked him anyhow." Which leads me to beilieve that SHE is Hannah, be cause Hannah would be able to know that Pippin was a maller.

However this does lead to one question: How much does Lizzie know? When they return from the colony the tower has already set thier sites on Ft. Irwin so did she know before she left?

May 18th, 2012, 01:31 PM
I think it's Lizzie. I had a thread on theories (and i cannot get it to link on this thing) "Hannah Dead or Alive?" Where I picked through Tar's line in the season 2 finale when he and Scratch are discussing Pippin infront of Lizzie. Tar saus something to the effect of "Fine, ifthey make the exchange SHE tells them, never liked him anyhow." Which leads me to beilieve that SHE is Hannah, be cause Hannah would be able to know that Pippin was a maller.

My interpretation on Tar's line was that he was referring to Lizzie as "she". At that point in the story Scratch and company were waiting on the tower folk to either exchange Lizzie for Pegs or be blown to smithereens. Why would Tar make that comment when they're talking in front of Lizzie at that moment? Hannah knows/knew who Pippin is/was regardless of Scratch and Tar talking about him in front of Lizzie.

However this does lead to one question: How much does Lizzie know? When they return from the colony the tower has already set thier sites on Ft. Irwin so did she know before she left?

It's my opinion that Lizzie doesn't know for sure where they are going and Scratch believes her. This is why I think Scratch's line of "It's just you now, and we have all the time in the world." means that Burt is the only left that they picked up from the remains of the tower. I haven't seen this stated before, though I might have missed it, but I think Scratch picked up three people from the tower. She says she recognized Angel because of the ring in his pocket, but at the end of chapter 24 there is no indication and not enough time for them to find the ring in the pocket. Scratch says "put him with the old man, I found what I was looking for", to me this implies that she found what she was looking for and to put this other person with the old man (Burt). My guess is that they also found Kalani, but he died. She makes the comment of "...we have all the time in the world." because Kalani and Angel were on borrowed time and have already died, but since Burt is seemingly healthy they have plenty of time to "go to work on him".

I've always felt like they found three people after the tower collapse, but my suspicions became stronger when I listened to the newest episode. I don't have any ideas or speculation on why it's important Kalani or potentially another person was found by Scratch in addition to Angel and Burt. It's just a thought I've had and wanted to share.

I'm with others that have said Scratch will probably use Lizzie to persuade Burt to speak.

May 18th, 2012, 06:13 PM
even tho i didnt like angel much.. i am upset that he was killed off.. i dont understand why an it is getting to me... second thing! i am so upset with the whole michael and peggs BS they need to stay together!!!!!! and if michael and riley "plot" turns up then i will not be too happy with that either.. on top of all of this..... where the heck is saul and vick? i really miss saul! he is the best.. and what has happened to lizzy? we havent heard from her in quite sime time! hope she is doing ok :-)
well im out for now! check back later

Red Shirt
May 18th, 2012, 06:50 PM
Uh.. *Cough* Kc *Cough*

Well, I meant outside the obvious.

After another listen through I picked up on another detail besides the "THE Family" detail I mentioned earlier.

At 8:58, Scratch says: "He's still one of us. One of the families. Plural families.

I think that it is possible that Durai; Scratch and Latch; and Angel are from different Blood Families or family lines of the same distantly related progenitor.
THE Family is, shall we say an association of sorts between them, an agreement to work toward a common goal.

I posit that this is why Durai didn't/doesn't use his last name and Scratch and Latch are (were) using nicknames. To hide their lineage. Maybe there was a falling out among the bloodlines. Maybe that dispute had to do with launching the Apocalypse.

14:15 "Your Daddy would be so proud." (Not our) I think that Scratch and Angel may be cousins.

Bigger question is, who else is "Family?"

(Maybe there are twelve blood lines and there is a council and together they decide the fate of..... WOOOOO! Grab your hats! :tinfoil:)

May 18th, 2012, 07:01 PM
Well, I meant outside the obvious.

After another listen through I picked up on another detail besides the "THE Family" detail I mentioned earlier.

At 8:58, Scratch says: "He's still one of us. One of the families. Plural families.

I think that it is possible that Durai; Scratch and Latch; and Angel are from different Blood Families or family lines of the same distantly related progenitor.
THE Family is, shall we say an association of sorts between them, an agreement to work toward a common goal.

I posit that this is why Durai didn't/doesn't use his last name and Scratch and Latch are (were) using nicknames. To hide their lineage. Maybe there was a falling out among the bloodlines. Maybe that dispute had to do with launching the Apocalypse.

14:15 "Your Daddy would be so proud." (Not our) I think that Scratch and Angel may be cousins.

Bigger question is, who else is "Family?"

(Maybe there are twelve blood lines and there is a council and together they decide the fate of..... WOOOOO! Grab your hats! :tinfoil:)

The way Scratch was talking made me think that she was still all goody goody with the Families and Angel wasn't.

May 19th, 2012, 07:30 AM
I know I'm not adding anything original here...but son of a bitch. Angel was my favorite too and I've been waiting all season for him to come back. That wasn't exactly what I had mind though! I'm just gonna assume Shane wasn't wanting or was unable to return to the role though as surely KC wouldn't have been nutty enough to off the best character in this story. Damn, now I don't know who to root for! Most of the other tower crew vaguely annoy me. Oh well, there's always Riley and Burt I guess.

May 19th, 2012, 07:35 AM
I know I'm not adding anything original here...but son of a bitch. Angel was my favorite too and I've been waiting all season for him to come back. That wasn't exactly what I had mind though! I'm just gonna assume Shane wasn't wanting or was unable to return to the role though as surely KC wouldn't have been nutty enough to off the best character in this story. Damn, now I don't know who to root for! Most of the other tower crew vaguely annoy me. Oh well, there's always Riley and Burt I guess.

I don't think Kc would have changed the story purely on Shane's inability to do it. It's possible but I don't think so.

May 19th, 2012, 07:38 AM
Seriously, guys he fell from how many stories? He was dead the minute he was left behind. I'm sad too, but it was a brilliant death, bad ass right to the bitter end.

May 19th, 2012, 07:40 AM
Seriously, guys he fell from how many stories? He was dead the minute he was left behind. I'm sad too, but it was a brilliant death, bad ass right to the bitter end.

Not necessarily, Tar dust said that Angel was rappelling down a metal grating and could possibly have made it..... if the tanker wasn't below it.

May 19th, 2012, 07:42 AM
Not necessarily, Tar dust said that Angel was rappelling down a metal grating and could possibly have made it..... if the tanker wasn't below it.

True, but back when they left him it wasn't looking good. Angel was such a bad ass.

May 19th, 2012, 07:44 AM
True, but back when they left him it wasn't looking good. Angel was such a bad ass.


May 19th, 2012, 08:39 AM
Seriously, guys he fell from how many stories? He was dead the minute he was left behind. I'm sad too, but it was a brilliant death, bad ass right to the bitter end.

I hear you there yarri, but there was an implied...survival there at the end of the last season. Enough so that I was like, "ok, that's pretty big but clearly Angel isn't really dead." It felt very open ended, not just from a standpoint of KC keeping us guessing, but as in it was expected he would probably be back. Plus why keep him alive just to kill him off again in such a flat fashion unless there were some behind the scenes issues there? The relationshp between Riley and him never even had a chance to arrive at any sort of satisfying narrative conclusion either.

Hopefully, if it is a case of Shane Salk not being available to reprise the role, things between him and KC are still kosher as I do have to give the guy much respect for being one of the cocreators and favorite voices even though he seems to have stepped away from the show.

May 19th, 2012, 09:07 AM
I hear you there yarri, but there was an implied...survival there at the end of the last season. Enough so that I was like, "ok, that's pretty big but clearly Angel isn't really dead." It felt very open ended, not just from a standpoint of KC keeping us guessing, but as in it was expected he would probably be back. Plus why keep him alive just to kill him off again in such a flat fashion unless there were some behind the scenes issues there? The relationshp between Riley and him never even had a chance to arrive at any sort of satisfying narrative conclusion either.

Hopefully, if it is a case of Shane Salk not being available to reprise the role, things between him and KC are still kosher as I do have to give the guy much respect for being one of the cocreators and favorite voices even though he seems to have stepped away from the show.

I always felt the implication of survival was slim at best. The relationship between Riley and Angel I never felt was meant to go further then it did. The abruptness of his death lent a bittersweet element to the ending for me as a listener and I suspect it will further the character development of Riley.

Shane and Kc's relationship isn't my business. I'm eternally grateful that I'm allowed to frequent this forum and be a member of such an amazing place and a listener of an equally amazing story.

May 19th, 2012, 10:00 AM
The implication of survival is in the viewers head. When you think about it from what happened...there should be no real expectation he survived. We assumed he had. We were right. But he was barely alive when he was found. He was barely alive when he just saw him....not too much changed from 24 till now.

May 19th, 2012, 05:44 PM
The implication of survival is in the viewers head. When you think about it from what happened...there should be no real expectation he survived. We assumed he had. We were right. But he was barely alive when he was found. He was barely alive when he just saw him....not too much changed from 24 till now.

In the story it has only been a week or so.... right? Not much time has passed since the end of season 2, so not much could change.

May 19th, 2012, 06:11 PM
In the story it has only been a week or so.... right? Not much time has passed since the end of season 2, so not much could change.

I think less than a week. Michael and crew spent one night in a field, three or so nights in holding waiting for kimmet, one more after they decided to go to boulder. Not to say that the hospital scene with Angel happened in the same time frame as Michael's story...

May 19th, 2012, 06:43 PM
I think less than a week. Michael and crew spent one night in a field, three or so nights in holding waiting for kimmet, one more after they decided to go to boulder. Not to say that the hospital scene with Angel happened in the same time frame as Michael's story...

Yeah, for all we know, this is three months later and after the ending Michael and Saul burst in and save Burt and murder Scratch....... One can hope.

May 19th, 2012, 07:38 PM
Nobody is going to murder Scratch. I don't know where you crazy kids come up with these ideas. :hsugh:

May 19th, 2012, 07:47 PM

I heard this and thought of Scratch.....

May 19th, 2012, 11:44 PM
I always think of Billy Joel when I think of Scratch. Goes together like bacon and breathing.

May 21st, 2012, 06:32 PM
:mad: I Cant believe what I heard on this episode I rarely comment on the story line because its been so good by KC but what was this one about? I can't
believe they killed off Angel and have Burt still alive. I knew they were still alive but hell, not in the Mallers hands. Damn it I cant believe it I wanted them to come back, when I heard that chapter while I was driving I felt so mad I looked for a fight that night to blow off the steam. Didnt work well. I listen to this religiously and recruited at least a dozen other listeners and we all agree that was a move to close off the story line. I would've hoped they all met up togather group by group till and back at the safe zone. I hope Saul, Victor, and CJ can team up good aand quick enough to rescure the hurt burt again.
I do appriciate and comments or suggestions you might want to throw back. And if you read these actors or (Podcast) We're not dead you tell those actors and writers to not end it till season 10 or so.

May 21st, 2012, 09:18 PM
Nobody is going to murder Scratch. I don't know where you crazy kids come up with these ideas. :hsugh:

No she'll catch a couple from Shirley that were launched in self defense. Then Burt will say "Ding Dong the witch is dead". Then Saul will say "Damn Burt you just got the congressional medal of UGLY!!" (misquote of Rafterman from Full Metal Jacket)

May 21st, 2012, 09:28 PM
:mad: I Cant believe what I heard on this episode I rarely comment on the story line because its been so good by KC but what was this one about? I can't
believe they killed off Angel and have Burt still alive. I knew they were still alive but hell, not in the Mallers hands. Damn it I cant believe it I wanted them to come back, when I heard that chapter while I was driving I felt so mad I looked for a fight that night to blow off the steam. Didnt work well. I listen to this religiously and recruited at least a dozen other listeners and we all agree that was a move to close off the story line. I would've hoped they all met up togather group by group till and back at the safe zone. I hope Saul, Victor, and CJ can team up good aand quick enough to rescure the hurt burt again.
I do appriciate and comments or suggestions you might want to throw back. And if you read these actors or (Podcast) We're not dead you tell those actors and writers to not end it till season 10 or so.

In my recollection Zombie stories don't have a happy ride off into the sunset ending. You should start bracing yourself and maybe really studying the end of Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, or any other zombie story.

May 22nd, 2012, 01:03 AM
In some ways the death of Angel seems necessary. Life expectancy in the WA world must be pretty short, so there will probably be more favourites shuffling off this mortal coil sooner rather than later, except Riley of course (if her new love interest, his name is Vee, is ever written in he’ll make sure she’s ok).

May 22nd, 2012, 01:05 AM
In some ways the death of Angel seems necessary. Life expectancy in the WA world must be pretty short, so there will probably be more favourites shuffling off this mortal coil sooner rather than later, except Riley of course (if her new love interest, his name is Vee, is ever written in he’ll make sure she’s ok).

Congratulations, does she know yet?

May 22nd, 2012, 01:14 AM
Congratulations, does she know yet?

Sadly not :mad:

May 23rd, 2012, 12:36 PM
Sadly not :mad:


May 23rd, 2012, 05:06 PM
By being crumbled to the point of being an "it" more than a human being, being broken to the point of only being able to write things out, and then being shot in the face? He died a prisoner, he didn't get a blaze of glory like kalani or bill

Not a blaze of Glory? What do you mean! That mow-foe did a instant repell down a metal cable into a freakin burning tanker... AND LIVED... long enough to get to that scene.

Bad ass.

May 23rd, 2012, 05:38 PM
Not a blaze of Glory? What do you mean! That mow-foe did a instant repell down a metal cable into a freakin burning tanker... AND LIVED... long enough to get to that scene.

Bad ass.
Thank you my feelings exactly

May 23rd, 2012, 06:58 PM
36 pages? Cheesus Crust... cliffs? Anyone?

May 24th, 2012, 02:11 AM
Not a blaze of Glory? What do you mean! That mow-foe did a instant repell down a metal cable into a freakin burning tanker... AND LIVED... long enough to get to that scene.

Bad ass.

And, He died giving a final F you to Scratch. Blaze of Glory Indeed

May 24th, 2012, 02:36 AM
Towards the end of his life my Grandfather, who I adored, became very ill, leukemia. He was 76 and spent the last days of his life in a hospital bed. He’d survived WWII, a tank reclamation officer. He and his colleagues went back over enemy lines to try and get broken down and damaged tanks back for repair. He wouldn’t talk about it any more than that and I can only imagine some of the horrors he must have seen. When he returned from the war he went down the mines, as most people from that part of South Wales tended to have to do. A shaft collapsed, he survived, but left one of his legs behind. It didn’t affect him that much, he had to work above ground, but he still did 50 sit ups, 50 press ups and, surprisingly, 50 star jumps (with his prosthetic on) every morning, until he was 74. He was a strong man, who loved life. I remember him getting into a fight in the pub in his late 60’s, against a 20 year old, the 20 year old didn’t stand a chance.

The reason I’m telling you this is because the scene with Angel, his exit, reminds me of the Grandfathers final moments. He couldn’t speak but wanted to tell his children something, so they hurriedly found a piece of cardboard, torn off a box, and a pen. On it he wrote, “The End”, and then he died.

Very few of us get to go out in a blaze of glory, the most we can really hope for is a little dignity.

May 24th, 2012, 03:43 AM
Towards the end of his life my Grandfather, who I adored, became very ill, leukemia. He was 76 and spent the last days of his life in a hospital bed. He’d survived WWII, a tank reclamation officer. He and his colleagues went back over enemy lines to try and get broken down and damaged tanks back for repair. He wouldn’t talk about it any more than that and I can only imagine some of the horrors he must have seen. When he returned from the war he went down the mines, as most people from that part of South Wales tended to have to do. A shaft collapsed, he survived, but left one of his legs behind. It didn’t affect him that much, he had to work above ground, but he still did 50 sit ups, 50 press ups and, surprisingly, 50 star jumps (with his prosthetic on) every morning, until he was 74. He was a strong man, who loved life. I remember him getting into a fight in the pub in his late 60’s, against a 20 year old, the 20 year old didn’t stand a chance.

The reason I’m telling you this is because the scene with Angel, his exit, reminds me of the Grandfathers final moments. He couldn’t speak but wanted to tell his children something, so they hurriedly found a piece of cardboard, torn off a box, and a pen. On it he wrote, “The End”, and then he died.

Very few of us get to go out in a blaze of glory, the most we can really hope for is a little dignity.

I'm both sorry for your loss and proud of your grandfather for his awesome last line

May 24th, 2012, 03:48 AM
I'm both sorry for your loss and proud of your grandfather for his awesome last line

Thanks, was a while ago now, but i think of him often.

The scene with Angel seemed very 'right' to me I guess.

May 24th, 2012, 05:53 AM
36 pages? Cheesus Crust... cliffs? Anyone?

I'm with you. I haven't seen this much activity on one episode is a while. Makes ya wonder what the next chapter will bring.

May 24th, 2012, 06:38 AM

This is so cool.

May 24th, 2012, 06:53 AM
Okay, so a few minutes in to the recap of WND I was suddenly struck with a notion: Kimmet mentions how they lost contact with other pockets of civilization, other Forts, after those Forts made the poor decision to not euthanize their flesh biting foes. Instead those Forts held on to the belief that a cure would be found and they could save the people that had been turned. It was their mistake.

Now Kimmet is faced with a similar situation. He has Tanya. Although she hasn't turned, I don't know if he's willing to take the chance. It could be that the moment they obtain all the information they need from her, she could be executed.

May 24th, 2012, 06:56 AM
I don't want to be harsh, but if i were Kimmet, she'd already be dead.

May 24th, 2012, 07:08 AM
Okay, so a few minutes in to the recap of WND I was suddenly struck with a notion: Kimmet mentions how they lost contact with other pockets of civilization, other Forts, after those Forts made the poor decision to not euthanize their flesh biting foes. Instead those Forts held on to the belief that a cure would be found and they could save the people that had been turned. It was their mistake.

Now Kimmet is faced with a similar situation. He has Tanya. Although she hasn't turned, I don't know if he's willing to take the chance. It could be that the moment they obtain all the information they need from her, she could be executed.

If it were me she'd be a lab rat,its an opportunity to study the disease as it progresses. I'd give her mercy in the end.

May 24th, 2012, 11:30 AM
37 pages?!!???. Holy moly is this a record of some kind? On the subject of Tanya I think she is on a very limited time budget. She should ask for some paper and write down everything she knows. This would allow her some more time because people usually write slower than they talk. Then Kimmet and the rest would have to take some time to read it and try and comprehend it. If Tanya is clever it could be written in such a way that she has to be questioned and asked to explain further. This would build some compassion (maybe) and hopefully she wouldn't turn.

May 24th, 2012, 11:39 AM
37 pages?!!???. Holy moly is this a record of some kind? On the subject of Tanya I think she is on a very limited time budget. She should ask for some paper and write down everything she knows. This would allow her some more time because people usually write slower than they talk. Then Kimmet and the rest would have to take some time to read it and try and comprehend it. If Tanya is clever it could be written in such a way that she has to be questioned and asked to explain further. This would build some compassion (maybe) and hopefully she wouldn't turn.

But Michael would then just interrupt her half way through demanding what she had already written, then she would die and that would be that.

May 25th, 2012, 11:46 AM
ok first... ANGEL is DEAD??? sort of felt it coming...

I know we all thought BERT was the one to die from the Season 2 finale, glad he did not...

As for the Colonel, I think he is a little drunk with power in more ways than one... I think of Patton at the beginning of WWII, chomping at the bit and does not care who is pisses off and wants to fight and kill anyone who stands in his way. SO I think this COlonel is not all "good".

Riley is still my FAV, love she has been written in to stay at the base and I hope she meets Scratch so she can add some accessories to her chest with her bow or M16!!!

Boulder - now here is an enigma, will it be apple pies and Sunday picnics? Or can someone say WORK CAMP!

May 28th, 2012, 04:58 PM
there was an implied...survival there at the end of the last season. Enough so that I was like, "ok, that's pretty big but clearly Angel isn't really dead." It felt very open ended, not just from a standpoint of KC keeping us guessing, but as in it was expected he would probably be back.

We were definitely given a glimmer of hope at the end of Season 2. We were allowed to speculate on how Angel could have survived the Tower collapse and, as always, until you see the body, it's hard to say for sure if someone is dead (See Michael's Water Works escapade, CJ and Hope). Now we learn Angel did survive and our theories were right! Angel will be back and Ra1th will again assert that he will rise to lead our intrepid group of survivors! Only then he gets shot by Scratch, and his death is undeniably confirmed by KC. What an emotional roller coaster! And I so wanted him and Riley to finally hook up.

So why did we get dragged along on this crazy ride? Well, KC does love to toy with his listeners, but his final scene did give us insight into Angel's past connections with Scratch and family.

May 29th, 2012, 12:13 AM
We were definitely given a glimmer of hope at the end of Season 2. We were allowed to speculate on how Angel could have survived the Tower collapse and, as always, until you see the body, it's hard to say for sure if someone is dead (See Michael's Water Works escapade, CJ and Hope). Now we learn Angel did survive and our theories were right! Angel will be back and Ra1th will again assert that he will rise to lead our intrepid group of survivors! Only then he gets shot by Scratch, and his death is undeniably confirmed by KC. What an emotional roller coaster! And I so wanted him and Riley to finally hook up.

So why did we get dragged along on this crazy ride? Well, KC does love to toy with his listeners, but his final scene did give us insight into Angel's past connections with Scratch and family.

That scene also told us Lizzy and Burt were still alive, so, there's that....

May 29th, 2012, 03:35 PM
Okay, so a few minutes in to the recap of WND I was suddenly struck with a notion: Kimmet mentions how they lost contact with other pockets of civilization, other Forts, after those Forts made the poor decision to not euthanize their flesh biting foes. Instead those Forts held on to the belief that a cure would be found and they could save the people that had been turned. It was their mistake.

Now Kimmet is faced with a similar situation. He has Tanya. Although she hasn't turned, I don't know if he's willing to take the chance. It could be that the moment they obtain all the information they need from her, she could be executed.

I think this Kimmet is actually a pretty smart dude. I think he will see the potential in Tanya and deal with it all very smartly and safely. He's a reasonable man and can make good sense of the circumstances. Tanya and Michael were able to get through to him as he decided that she can stay, for now. The situation is completely different from the other locations. On the whole I think the other locations were dealing with many turned people as opposed to the one potential threat Kimmet has which hasn't turned.

Jun 7th, 2012, 06:09 AM
Has anyone considered that the ring Angel was wearing would be a Gypsy family ring? Or am I completely wrong in this?

Jun 7th, 2012, 09:38 AM
Well no one is right or wrong about anything yet as all we have are whatever facts that have been given including statements like "its an heirloom" "he was born with it", what it looks like, and references to families and his dad...any more then that is all speculation.

Jun 7th, 2012, 09:41 AM
Well no one is right or wrong about anything yet as all we have are whatever facts that have been given including statements like "its an heirloom" "he was born with it", what it looks like, and references to families and his dad...any more then that is all speculation.

love your user name.

Jun 7th, 2012, 10:02 AM
love your user name.

haha...I know I stole it from Rob Zombie the musician, but my name is Rob, and this is all about zombies, sooooo.....i didn't care that I stole it lol and thanks.

May 10th, 2015, 04:24 PM
Nooooo!!!! Angel!! I had sort of gotten used to the main characters cheating death, and expected him and Burt to pop up and rescue Saul at some point. Well, he went out a hero. Good for you, A T.