View Full Version : Could skittles have suffered a traumatic head injury

May 9th, 2012, 01:41 PM
Listening to the chapter of exposition on Kahlani I remembered back to Kahlani, Angel, and Skittles in the water tower, why didn't Skittles recognize and say something about Kahlani, I could understand Kahlani keeping silent, because he wouldn't want to out himself, but how could Skittles forget?

May 9th, 2012, 04:09 PM
Listening to the chapter of exposition on Kahlani I remembered back to Kahlani, Angel, and Skittles in the water tower, why didn't Skittles recognize and say something about Kahlani, I could understand Kahlani keeping silent, because he wouldn't want to out himself, but how could Skittles forget?

head injury or PTSD... being six inches from watching your BFF(s) get turned into zombie chow might have had a mind altering affect on Skittles :D

May 9th, 2012, 04:11 PM
What Yarri said. Also, Skittles was just bat-shit crazy to begin with.

May 9th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Listening to the chapter of exposition on Kahlani I remembered back to Kahlani, Angel, and Skittles in the water tower, why didn't Skittles recognize and say something about Kahlani, I could understand Kahlani keeping silent, because he wouldn't want to out himself, but how could Skittles forget?

Skittles did say that he remembered Kalani and it was Kalani who said that he didn't know Skittles.
From Kalani's journals it seems like it was PTSD, he might not have been really stable due to the ZA but once he let TOWtM in (I am guessing by accident) he was pushed over the edge.

May 10th, 2012, 11:37 AM
I think it is most likely psychological; letting Pinstripes in and in turn causing the death of 30 people -most of which were your friends- has got to be mentally scarring. He did recognise Kalani but it seemed to be in his sub-conscious memory because he couldn't quite grasp the memory. What I find interesting is that he remembers the events of the attack because a lot of the time it is the events like that which people block out but instead he didn't recognise things like his own name.

May 10th, 2012, 05:11 PM
Im guessing he did reconize him, he just had to high PDSD for it to sink in within the short time period

May 11th, 2012, 12:07 AM
I believe it is suggested in the story that he found the zombie hq at the stadium. So he led the survivors of CJ's tower on a rescue mission. So in his mind, he caused the total destruction of his tower. Which he probably did.