View Full Version : Death of the Zune?

Apr 26th, 2012, 08:24 PM
I've read a couple of reports that Microsoft is going to "kill off" the Zune software, and its hardware as a by-stander of this, during E3 when it announces a new music service called "Woodstock." I thought I heard something about this on Tech News Today. But I still can't figure out if they'll just let the old Zune software run on its own, without reaching into the Microsoft Cloud for verification or if all us Zune owners will have to switch over to Woodstock.
I saw that Zune Passes will eventually be carried over to the new service (actually that's speculation from the articles, so far), but I want to know if my old Zune mp3 player will work with this Woodstock thing. I really don't want to buy a new player because this one has been with me for several years now, and you can't find a good mp3 player with all the features and storage like the one I have (I went for the biggest hard drive that Microsoft would pack in there).
At the very least, I'm hoping that whatever Microsoft ends up doing stays compatible with my Zune player AND lets me continue downloading/searching/playing various podcasts.

And before anyone says it, I ain't buying an Ipod.

Apr 26th, 2012, 09:08 PM
Know anything about Windows Phone 7? Is it going by the way side like Zune? I found We're Alive when I upgraded from my flip phone to a WP7 a year ago. Hate to know MS is going to drop it.

Apr 27th, 2012, 11:48 AM
And before anyone says it, I ain't buying an Ipod.

Buy an iPhone, or iPad.

*Sorry, just had to say it.

Apr 27th, 2012, 12:04 PM
My iPod is awesome. Would not trade it for all the tea in India.

However, I would probably trade it for an iPad.

Apr 27th, 2012, 02:25 PM
My iPod is awesome. Would not trade it for all the tea in India.
However, I would probably trade it for an iPad.

I've got the Original iPod - Mac only, fire wire, grey-scale display and the physical wheel that spins.
Id never trade it, not even for an iPad.

Apr 27th, 2012, 04:08 PM
Well color me annoyed...

Apr 28th, 2012, 08:02 AM
Well color me annoyed...

me, too. Microsoft sometimes does things half-heartedly and it pisses me off. I still remember how the "HD wars" went down.

I didn't hear or read anything on how Zune's replacement works in regard to the Windows Phone, but I presume that Microsoft will still support it for the near future.

Apr 30th, 2012, 11:30 AM
hmm..well the more i hear/read about this it doesnt seem to be an entirely bad thing. by the sounds of it hydrasoft(microsofts many headed hydra) is working toward creating a spotify competitor..and while im sure the zune software as we know it may go away...who knows, this may be a good thing.

and im starting to think i could care less how the replacement works on windowsphone...i honestly use the zune on my windowsphone rarely at best, and i think that may be part of the thinking at m.s. ..finally putting all the pieces under the name most people know and enjoy......x box

Apr 30th, 2012, 12:12 PM
Know anything about Windows Phone 7? Is it going by the way side like Zune? I found We're Alive when I upgraded from my flip phone to a WP7 a year ago. Hate to know MS is going to drop it.

I wouldn't fret too much about the Windows Phone. Rumors kicking about are that most, if not all WP7 phones will get an update to WP8. Since 8 uses the same metro interface as WP7, I can't imagine the basic hardware requirements being much different than the spec requirements MS put forth for WP7.

As for "Woodstock," it looks like it's an effort to de-brand Zune (since they aren't making the players anymore) and integrate the new music player in Win 8 more.

Apr 30th, 2012, 12:15 PM
I wouldn't fret too much about the Windows Phone. Rumors kicking about are that most, if not all WP7 phones will get an update to WP8. Since 8 uses the same metro interface as WP7, I can't imagine the basic hardware requirements being much different than the spec requirements MS put forth for WP7.

As for "Woodstock," it looks like it's an effort to de-brand Zune (since they aren't making the players anymore) and integrate the new music player in Win 8 more.

that seems exactly whats happening. gearing more toward a "x box music" type thing vs zune..a name most everyone associates with fail..whereas x box is win...not all bad..and im doubtful
we zune users will be thrown to the wolves...that would just be stupid on their part.

Apr 30th, 2012, 01:16 PM
and im doubtful we zune users will be thrown to the wolves...that would just be stupid on their part.

That's funny. I always have a feeling that I am thrown out to the wolves. I have a tendency to back the losing format. It's amazing that XBox hasn't collapsed, because everything else I get behind seems to fail.

As you and and ComradeNarf point out, I shouldn't fret but one) it's good to bring up awareness for everyone and two) I really shouldn't worry about my Zune hardware losing total support. Here's to hoping that this Woodstock thing works with the hardware.

Apr 30th, 2012, 01:21 PM
That's funny. I always have a feeling that I am thrown out to the wolves. I have a tendency to back the losing format. It's amazing that XBox hasn't collapsed, because everything else I get behind seems to fail.

As you and and ComradeNarf point out, I shouldn't fret but one) it's good to bring up awareness for everyone and two) I really shouldn't worry about my Zune hardware losing total support. Here's to hoping that this Woodstock thing works with the hardware.

the hardware im not so sure about..perhaps with the windowsphone...but the zune players will probly die..which does make me sad...but who does'nt love new toys?

and this is probly what m.s. should have done from the beginning...get behind the one platform thats been a success..and like you ive been supporting zune since...hell, year one i believe so i know the frustration all to well

Jun 11th, 2012, 08:37 PM
So E3 debuts the death of the zune by renaming it Xbox Music. Uh... okay. It still looks like Zune to me, though. So, my fears are temporarily alleviated.

Jun 11th, 2012, 08:44 PM
Yea man...pretty much just looks like a renaming and a lil fresh up on the graphics...im actually kind of excited about it the more I read.

Red Shirt
Jun 11th, 2012, 09:44 PM
Well, so long as it continues to support the device... I have nothing to fear. Besides, I already have my Zune software installed on my computer, abandoning it only means no more updates. Sending out an "update" to cripple or erase itself I think is kinda illegal. I also seem to remember that when an software is declared as "abandoned," it is in a sense in the public domain and IP copyright is voided.

Buy an iPhone, or iPad.

*Sorry, just had to say it.

I won't argue with you there Kc, as much fun as it is to poke fun at Apple, I have to concede that they do produce fine electronic device. However, when I was in the market for a portable media device ~4 years ago, I compared the two from the selection available and with a larger & higher resolution screen for nearly half the price, the Zune was the winner.

Jun 12th, 2012, 10:54 AM

"buy an iPad"