View Full Version : Where was Riley taken?

Apr 4th, 2012, 08:34 PM
Chapter 26, Part 1, 10:20 Cpl. Puck says, "Take the sick one to (the weed?)..."Tanya,"Wee?", Cpl. Puck, "The hospital"

Did Cpl. Puck say, "The weed"? Is this a military term for hospital or infirmary? Anyone think it's some sort of quarantine or execution section?

Apr 4th, 2012, 09:26 PM
maybe it's an acronym of some sort

Cabbage Patch
Apr 4th, 2012, 11:02 PM
It's neither. It's the name of the base hospital at Fort Irwin, "Weed Army Community Hospital". Here's a link to their web site http://www.irwin.amedd.army.mil/homepage.html

Like every Army hospital it's named after somebody, though I don't know just who it was.

Apr 5th, 2012, 09:07 AM
It's neither. It's the name of the base hospital at Fort Irwin, "Weed Army Community Hospital". Here's a link to their web site http://www.irwin.amedd.army.mil/homepage.html

Like every Army hospital it's named after somebody, though I don't know just who it was.

Thanks for clearing that up. Now I can stop speculating that she's is somehow being 'weeded' out.

Apr 5th, 2012, 09:12 AM
Since the thread is here anyway. Who really thinks the hospital is going to be completely benign? I understand they are acting on limited medical staff and she was under surveillance /letting the liquor run out her system but the fact that no one has seen her for 3 days and there has been no update to her condition makes me wonder.

Apr 5th, 2012, 09:57 AM
recovery from alcohol poisoning can take a couple days.

Cabbage Patch
Apr 5th, 2012, 01:03 PM
What's the worst that could have happened to Riley?

She suffered some injury that our heroes didn't notice and that's taking an extended period to heal?

She's being used for medical experiments?

She's stuck in the emergency room, waiting for approval from her health insurance carrier for the services she needs?

She was bitten and has either turned, or is a "slow turner"?

She suffered a psychotic break and is sitting in a padded room screaming "skittles, skittles".

She fell in love with a handsome Army doctor who's taken her away to his (her?) double-wide mobile home to co-habit.

She's sitting in the lobby, healed and ready to go, but the hospital isn't allowed to call anyone to come get her because of "patiant privacy laws".

Apr 5th, 2012, 01:09 PM
What's the worst that could have happened to Riley?

She suffered some injury that our heroes didn't notice and that's taking an extended period to heal?

She's being used for medical experiments?

She's stuck in the emergency room, waiting for approval from her health insurance carrier for the services she needs?

She was bitten and has either turned, or is a "slow turner"?

She suffered a psychotic break and is sitting in a padded room screaming "skittles, skittles".

She fell in love with a handsome Army doctor who's taken her away to his (her?) double-wide mobile home to co-habit.

She's sitting in the lobby, healed and ready to go, but the hospital isn't allowed to call anyone to come get her because of "patiant privacy laws".

being that she doesn't have tricare that fourth one may be a problem. being that it's an army hospital (go government healthcare) she may just be waiting in the emergency room to be seen. the only patient for hours but someone lost her paperwork and no one bothered to have her fill it out again. being that the government requires everything be filled out in triplicate, you may be wondering where the other copies are. well fear not, that whole triplicate thing is bs and the other two copies are shredded immediately after you fill them out. unfortunately for riley.

Apr 5th, 2012, 01:20 PM
LOL, i like those responses.

I cant' really conceive many reasons that she would be detained so long. I'm hoping that nothing sinister is going on. Can anyone answer as to whether or not there would be women at Ft. Irwin? Are we looking at a situation where this is the first time a group of guys are seeing a woman in a while? Ft. Irwin looks like small community so my guess is there were already ladies there. But the movie 28 Days Later keeps popping up in my head.

Maybe they are interrogating her and just holding her until she breaks down and spills all she knows about anything. There is the possibility that she had a mental break down. If she went in to the WEED unconscious then later woke up. She could be freaking out, asking panicked quesions like, "Where am I? How did I get here? Is the world really being over run by zombies?! Did I dream this all up?!"

Apr 5th, 2012, 01:26 PM
women are on every military installation (can't spell today). women have long been highly integrated into the armed forces, with the only exception being combat arms. any combat units their for training would not have women but their support units most certainly would. not only that ft irwin would also have women. now if it was a platoon of infantry that had holed up somewhere then it's possible, but unless the soldiers threw all the women to the zed, ft irwin will still be very mission capable as to preserving the species.

Apr 5th, 2012, 01:30 PM
My guess is that they're psycho evaluating her like Michael hinted at. I think she often assumed the role of "healer" before her drinking days began. ("Healer" meaning the person who talked to someone if they were having a hard time dealing with a situation or needed to work through feelings/vent, etc.) Now, it seems as if she's amidst her own inner struggle. I wonder if part of it is that she spent too much time helping others confront problems, neglected her own inner struggles and is now paying for it. Or maybe she did just have really bad alcohol poisoning, and like reaper239 mentioned, needed some serious time to shake it. I do definitely get a suspicious feeling with the Ft. Irwin crew, though. Hopefully we find out soon! I really want Riley to come out of it and get back to kicking arse with her bow again.

Apr 5th, 2012, 01:50 PM
women are on every military installation (can't spell today). women have long been highly integrated into the armed forces, with the only exception being combat arms. any combat units their for training would not have women but their support units most certainly would. not only that ft irwin would also have women. now if it was a platoon of infantry that had holed up somewhere then it's possible, but unless the soldiers threw all the women to the zed, ft irwin will still be very mission capable as to preserving the species.

Cool beans. I wasn't sure how it worked on a Fort. That actually puts my mind at ease regarding Riley. I very much feared that she was going to be a victim of rape.

Apr 5th, 2012, 10:25 PM
Cool beans. I wasn't sure how it worked on a Fort. That actually puts my mind at ease regarding Riley. I very much feared that she was going to be a victim of rape.

My fear too. That, or she's having DTs

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