View Full Version : The Kalani/Datu Connection

Apr 4th, 2012, 12:25 PM
I'm going to preface this by saying "No, I don't believe Datu is one of the Mallers."

A post by 'loydmilligan' in Chapter 28 Part 1 discussion thread prompted me to consider something about Datu and Kalani that I hadn't put together, even after hearing the episode and making the discovery that Kalani was, in fact, The Rat. I found myself asking questions, and for the first time in a long time, felt genuinely involved in the story.

The question that has me most perplexed is: Why didn't Datu come forward about Kalani's absence during the time that the armoury's alarm went off?

I know Datu was 'distracted' by his favourite CD, but that doesn't excuse his lack of attention to the tiny, insignificant detail of Kalani NOT being in the car beside him and the two of them NOT driving away from The Tower. Did he completely and totally gap out and think that the two of them were whipping down the freeway, wind blowing in his hair, waving at hot bitches in sports cars as they went? Was he dropped on his head as a child and is now mildly retarded?

No, I can't get behind either of those theories. I have to believe that Datu knew who Kalani really was. Now, that isn't to say that Datu is one of the Mallers or a cohort of either Scratch or Durai. No, what I'm saying is that Kalani got to Datu, either during or shortly after their time together at The Stadium, begging him to help get his daughter back. Or at the very least, not to turn him in until he can 'figure this whole thing out... could you do that for me, man?' Datu being the kind of guy he seems to be--a half-wit with a soft heart--may very well have said he would help.

Granted, I can't track all of Datu's movements during the previous season, but I'm almost certain there will be moments in the story which find Datu in unexplained absences during or before pivotal moments in the story. I'm really going to have to sit down and marathon the series to 'confirm' any of that.


Apr 4th, 2012, 12:47 PM
kalani left a tell all journal about what happened, why wouldn't he include and explain datu's involvement? also datu thought kalani was talking to michael and coming right back, and i doubt that really questioned datu too hard as to what happened. i think it's also possible that he confided in datu at a later time, but i don't think that datu was "in on it" at the time it happened.

Apr 4th, 2012, 12:58 PM
kalani left a tell all journal about what happened, why wouldn't he include and explain datu's involvement? also datu thought kalani was talking to michael and coming right back, and i doubt that really questioned datu too hard as to what happened. i think it's also possible that he confided in datu at a later time, but i don't think that datu was "in on it" at the time it happened.

Perhaps, Kalani was protecting Datu. He wasn't a prick, he was just trying to get his daughter back. You only name names when you want to take someone down with you. I don't think he would have wanted to ruin Datu's chances of survival by saying "Oh, and by the way, Datu helped me so... you know... if you want to burn his ass you totally can now. PEACE OUT BITCHES." He could have confided in Datu at any time leaving him to simply play the duck and avoid raising suspicion. To say that Datu believed Kalani left to talk to Michael is the same as saying Datu was covering for Kalani. That's the point of the cover, Datu gives Kalani an alibi either by physically being with him or providing false information as to his actions and/or whereabouts.

I really like the idea that Kalani and Datu had a bond that pitted the two of them alone against the Mallers, plotting and scheming to get Kalani's daughter back. Sure, they fucked it all up and almost got everyone killed, but the power struggle in The Tower would have played a big factor with regards to either of them coming forward and saying 'Hey, we need to go rescue this chick from the Mallers... they sent me here to spy on you, but I'd still appreciate your help getting her back'. It would have ended with one or both of them being chucked out the front door. I mean, we all heard what happened to Lizzy.

Apr 4th, 2012, 02:02 PM
I've had similar thoughts..while I've always felt that we didn't hear everything that happened in the arena, this last flashback section has (for the most part) proven otherwise. Now the main thing I look to is after the war, when datu and kalani were the most adamant about leaving...that little bit can be taken two ways(in my mind at least)

Datu knew of kalanis situation..and was a confidant of sorts..as has been suggested

Datu did not know the situation..and had they actually left..kalani would have confided in him at that point.

Neither of those really make a ton of sense to me..from a logic standpoint. But, I'm not in that situation..so who knows how the mind works under those circumstances...i think we may be trying to make mountains of mole-hills here..but that's the fun part, right?

Apr 4th, 2012, 02:11 PM
I've had similar thoughts..while I've always felt that we didn't hear everything that happened in the arena, this last flashback section has (for the most part) proven otherwise. Now the main thing I look to is after the war, when datu and kalani were the most adamant about leaving...that little bit can be taken two ways(in my mind at least)

Datu knew of kalanis situation..and was a confidant of sorts..as has been suggested

Datu did not know the situation..and had they actually left..kalani would have confided in him at that point.

Neither of those really make a ton of sense to me..from a logic standpoint. But, I'm not in that situation..so who knows how the mind works under those circumstances...i think we may be trying to make mountains of mole-hills here..but that's the fun part, right?

It makes sense if you consider that Kalani and Datu--by all rights--should be dead right now. They were lucky to have been rescued when they were and that sort of near death experience develops some pretty strange bonds between individuals that lead to some very strange behaviour. I don't think you're far off with the assumption that either of them knew what was coming. Though it strikes me as a bad move to rush away from conflict and then tell your companion 'oh... by the way...'

I feel that if Datu was aware of who Kalani was and why he was there, this was knowledge prior to the events of the War.

And why the fuck do I keep calling it the stadium?

Apr 4th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Same reason I think of surfing...none

And that's why I would like to believe datu knew beforehand..kalani may have been a prick at that time..but I couldn't see him dragging datu into a rescue mission like that considering what all had taken place since they met..thats a bit much

Apr 4th, 2012, 02:20 PM
Same reason I think of surfing...none

And that's why I would like to believe datu knew beforehand..kalani may have been a prick at that time..but I couldn't see him dragging datu into a rescue mission like that considering what all had taken place since they met..thats a bit much

I like to believe that Datu was the one convincing Kalani to find a way to solve the problem without handing over the tower on a silver platter. He didn't do a very good job, but at least he tried.

Apr 4th, 2012, 02:22 PM
Maybe I'm just a bad judge of character, but somehow I don't see Datu being able to hold something like that in without showing a change in his demeanor around others. I feel like he'd be really nervous and give off a suspicious air if he was to hold in something that big. Either that, or he'd eventually spill the beans because he couldn't handle being that dishonest. Although, at the beginning, he did come off to me as a people-pleaser, so maybe if Kalani gave him a certain amount of respect and praise that the others didn't seem to offer, I suppose it is a possibility. My gut tells me that Datu knowing isn't likely, though. He came off as being too blissfully oblivious when the Pippin shooting went down.

Apr 4th, 2012, 02:38 PM
I guess that's the main thing I keep looking at when I think of datu...second only to skittles, he's he character everybody seems to want to make into something he's not..i have trouble engaging the crackpot mind about him for that reason..just not that interesting..to me at least.

Apr 4th, 2012, 04:15 PM
Maybe I'm just a bad judge of character, but somehow I don't see Datu being able to hold something like that in without showing a change in his demeanor around others. I feel like he'd be really nervous and give off a suspicious air if he was to hold in something that big. Either that, or he'd eventually spill the beans because he couldn't handle being that dishonest. Although, at the beginning, he did come off to me as a people-pleaser, so maybe if Kalani gave him a certain amount of respect and praise that the others didn't seem to offer, I suppose it is a possibility. My gut tells me that Datu knowing isn't likely, though. He came off as being too blissfully oblivious when the Pippin shooting went down.

It's funny. That's one of the reasons that it seems to fit as far as I'm concerened. He's always been sort of 'off'. Maybe he wasn't necessarily trying to hide his intentions, but to me he's always been a relatively shifty character that I've never really trusted. But I see what you're saying. Good point.

Apr 4th, 2012, 04:16 PM
I guess that's the main thing I keep looking at when I think of datu...second only to skittles, he's he character everybody seems to want to make into something he's not..i have trouble engaging the crackpot mind about him for that reason..just not that interesting..to me at least.

Crackpot would imply outlandish. This theory isn't THAT far out into the Verse that it warrants a crackpot label. Suggesting that he's the mastermind behind the events would have been.

Apr 4th, 2012, 04:39 PM
Even so...i can't make him something he's not. From the most outlandish of theories to even simple buddystuff like this..i just can't shake the feeling that he's not that type of character

Apr 4th, 2012, 04:40 PM
Even so...i can't make him something he's not. From the most outlandish of theories to even simple buddystuff like this..i just can't shake the feeling that he's not that type of character

I feel the same way when people talk about how evil Scratch is. <3

Apr 4th, 2012, 05:04 PM
Despite my long advocacy of Datu being the rat, I don't think there is any way Datu could account for the missing time of Kalani.

From the point the alarm is tripped to the final shot and Kalani's escape it was 50 seconds. If you knew Kalani was going up to talk to Michael before you left how could you possibly know how long that conversation was? There's no way at all. If Kalani made it up and back down in a reasonable amount of time there's no way to account for it. We also don't know how the question was framed to Datu. Michael knows Datu can't account for his whereabouts the entire time because Michael knows Kalani spoke to him in the room with Tanya. He would be looking for a time estimate between when he left and when he arrived in the basement.

50 seconds is not that noticeable of a time to be absent. Especially not a big fat guy walking upstairs. Those extra 50 seconds could be accounted for on the way up vs. the way down.

Apr 4th, 2012, 05:11 PM
Ever seen a fat man climb stairs? That's a whole lot of running for him to do. It starts me thinking that he didn't act alone, regardless of what the journal entry says. Just because he wrote it down, doesn't make it true. Take any given page out of the Bible and you can see that.

Apr 4th, 2012, 06:13 PM
Ever seen a fat man climb stairs? That's a whole lot of running for him to do. It starts me thinking that he didn't act alone, regardless of what the journal entry says. Just because he wrote it down, doesn't make it true. Take any given page out of the Bible and you can see that.

But remember that Kalani did mention that he timed it out, so that he knew how long it would take to get up and back I guess. I agree with the thoughts of Nik that depending on how the questions were put to Datu he would have covered without realising. And being in the carpool with a CD playing would cover any sounds from above. All Kalani has to do is come in quite calmly and say lets get this show on the road and they would have left.
I do think the Michael should have thought more about the timing of Kalani and Datu leaving the Tower, but if both of them said that they didn't hear anything, and Michael not thinking about the timing, then it was an easy cover with no real effort on Kalani's part.

If we are wrong I am happy with the crow eating (especially as I am one of the people currrently dishing it out), but I just don't see Datu being able to do it. He is too open with who he is and how he is feeling.

Apr 4th, 2012, 06:18 PM
But remember that Kalani did mention that he timed it out, so that he knew how long it would take to get up and back I guess. I agree with the thoughts of Nik that depending on how the questions were put to Datu he would have covered without realising. And being in the carpool with a CD playing would cover any sounds from above. All Kalani has to do is come in quite calmly and say lets get this show on the road and they would have left.
I do think the Michael should have thought more about the timing of Kalani and Datu leaving the Tower, but if both of them said that they didn't hear anything, and Michael not thinking about the timing, then it was an easy cover with no real effort on Kalani's part.

If we are wrong I am happy with the crow eating (especially as I am one of the people currrently dishing it out), but I just don't see Datu being able to do it. He is too open with who he is and how he is feeling.

I see no need to feed crow to anyone when it comes to theories. If someone is thinking critically about something relating to the time line of events or character behaviour then that's a great thing, in my opinion. I'm currently going back over everything from Kalani's introduction forward hoping to find either a connection or solid evidence of a lack of collusion.