View Full Version : Dissappointed in Skittles

Mar 20th, 2012, 09:56 PM
There was a part of me that wanted to believe that Skittles was a High functioning Autistic. But now that we know that at one point he was a (we assume) fully mentally stable person I am a little sad to find that out. It also kind of wrecked a theory I had regarding the zombies only taking "healthy" humans to play with or turn, which is why Skittles (screw Duncan... Duncan is dead) has been able to survive, because he was never a good specimen.

Sort of like how Predator in the, AVP movie (I am crying a bit inside that I remember this movie) wouldn't kill the guy with the heart condition. No challenge or pay off to killing someone who is considered weak.

But that is just me. Skittles has always been Skittles in my heart.

Cabbage Patch
Mar 21st, 2012, 11:09 AM
This does raise a tantalizing possibility. If the zombies only took "healthy" humans to turn are there pockets of survivors who are special needs or otherwise unacceptable to the zombies?

One place that comes to mind to me is Patton State Hospital, which is located in San Bernardino, about 65 miles east of the Tower. It's a fortress-like mental health facility in which the state houses people who've been involuntarily committed for mental health issues. Imagine the initial wave of zombies sweeping through the facility, killing or turning the security and medical staff, but leaving the residents behind unmolested. I'd love to see someone tell the tale of that group of survivors!

Mar 21st, 2012, 01:17 PM
Great. As if the world isn't crazy enough already.