View Full Version : Victor an insurance salesman? Ah, ah, a bullshneeze

Feb 23rd, 2012, 04:58 PM
No evidence, just a gut feeling. Maybe he was part of a protection racket for the drug lords. Like the redemption of Han solo in the star wars. I do not think an insurance salesman would hrmph (useless) so sarcastically if someone (Pippin) said they were a sales man.

I am not sure if he said "a salesman" or "ah, salesman". When he is met with the same treatment as he gave Pippin, he sure was quick to say he did other things too.

On an aside Rose McGowan is sooo hot and my stomach is much weaker than it was. The blood and wound special effects make me Ill. I guess I will not worry about missing something while reading this site.lol

Feb 23rd, 2012, 06:00 PM
in my continuing effort to be the "yang" to your "Ying"...how about this one.

I pasteurize milk for a living...but I consider myself an artist first. Perhaps victor has a similar situation going on. Selling insurance by day and say...private eye by night. That could also explain his disdain for pippins salesman role...he's surrounded by that type all day and see's how useless they are in the field...kind of a superiority complex of sorts.

Mar 1st, 2012, 06:05 PM
I would think that unless your previous job was a skill that could be useful, what difference does it make what you once did.

All I am saying is, as a Tax Accountant, my current occupation means jack in the zombie apocalypse. So if I was him I would come up with a better lie than insurance salesman/salesman. Actually a drug load would be better when it comes to survival, better access to weapons and other resources.

Mar 1st, 2012, 06:58 PM
All I am saying is, as a Tax Accountant, my current occupation means jack in the zombie apocalypse. So if I was him I would come up with a better lie than insurance salesman/salesman. Actually a drug load would be better when it comes to survival, better access to weapons and other resources.

Perhaps. But when you think of it you as a tax accountant means you have a good head on your shoulders. Not to stereotype, but I'd imagine most criminals would gravitate to worldly possessions at the fall of civilization and end up being caught off guard pillaging vs preparing. Society is no longer standing in the way, so go for broke!

Mar 1st, 2012, 07:15 PM
No evidence, just a gut feeling. Maybe he was part of a protection racket for the drug lords. Like the redemption of Han solo in the star wars. I do not think an insurance salesman would hrmph (useless) so sarcastically if someone (Pippin) said they were a sales man.

I am not sure if he said "a salesman" or "ah, salesman". When he is met with the same treatment as he gave Pippin, he sure was quick to say he did other things too.

On an aside Rose McGowan is sooo hot and my stomach is much weaker than it was. The blood and wound special effects make me Ill. I guess I will not worry about missing something while reading this site.lol

this is the greatest title. of all time.

Z Sniper
Mar 5th, 2012, 09:39 PM
Gentlemen,.....I want a clean fight,.....no hitting below the belt!

Wicked Sid
Mar 6th, 2012, 01:55 PM
I find the 'insurance salesman' job very convincing. He's calm, cool and collected, the only time I didn't like him is when he was bickering with Saul and threatening to ditch him. Just a little too 'Grumpy Old Men' for my tastes.

Look at it this way, he has to sell people on purchasing a kind of bull sneeze idea (not that it doesn't help from time to time), but now he's been able to survive through one extremly militant group and one community-initiated group. I'm pretty sure he knows how to play to peoples' follies quite efficiently, he knows how to fire a gun effectively (that's more than we can say about some people) and that comes from a little natural talent and/or spending a good amount of time at a range.

I don't know, maybe he was actually paranoid about the zombie apocalypse and was prepared to weather hell, but hell hit harder than anyone expected and he just was caught up in the group sweep that we know as the Colony.

Or maybe he's Spider-Man.

Drogon Malice
Jun 3rd, 2012, 10:03 AM
i think victor is CIA but theres no evidence in the WA to support that

Aug 23rd, 2013, 05:45 AM
I still think Victor has a past twist to be revealed As Nikvoodoo said on wnd 54 (where are you?) vic is always around shady dealings. Except, I believe his call about not revealing Angels death at this very moment is the right one, it ha to come out. Saul is usually the bull in the china shop, but his let's cut the bullshneese with CJ was the right call and must be applied to all

Season 4 has to be as much about Mea Culpa as it is taking the fight to he biters.

Oh, and I thought it would have been much funnier if the dude ( Max? ) told Vic he smelled him rather than saw him at the water truck. It would have been a very nice plot twist and classic KC to turn a strength ( against zombies ) to a weakness ( against humans ) and a seemingly trivial item that ties back to past events.

Aug 23rd, 2013, 07:04 AM
Perhaps Victor was a fence and dealt with stolen weapons. I would say he could still claim to be an "insurance salesman" and not technically be lying.

Aug 25th, 2013, 05:37 AM
Can't keep this back any more and do not know if this was speculated in another place.

I think Vic was in on the killing of Sean. He is tortured by that guilt when we first meet him. He did not come clean on that point because, well what's the point. It becomes harder to break that silence and the lie of omission is stuck to. Now, he is really in a bind because he is back with the Colony. Ugh. And with Tanya and CJ. Double Ugh.

Aug 25th, 2013, 11:37 AM
I think Victor is so ashamed of his past that he just won't come clean, but it is what helped him to survive. Victor was a GASP! LIFE INSURANCE SALESMAN! He spends his whole day convincing...

Cabbage Patch
Aug 25th, 2013, 12:34 PM
Sean was killed during the same "wave" attack that Victor spent in the shelter with Michael, Pegs and Kelly. If Victor had any reason to feel guilty it's because he knew the life insurance policy he sold Sean was worthless.

Aug 25th, 2013, 12:50 PM
Really, ok. I have not gone back to relisten to this. I think I remember some background radio chatter. Did you pick it up by recognizing his voice?

Aug 25th, 2013, 01:38 PM
Ok, I hear they got Sean's team... Forgot about that. My gut is still soured. Vic and Fernando were undercover and not doing much in the wave of scavenging. Could be coincidence. But, in we're alive Ville, bad luck is often conspiratorial and orchestrated.

Sep 11th, 2013, 11:21 AM
Ok, we hear gatekeeper and Bixby talking in font of Pegs about the killing of Sean. I just relistened to part 3 of the catalyst. Pegs tells Kelly and Victor that they are going to kill Marcus. She says nothing about Sean. Saul has no real chance to talk about it with Pegs before he bolts the tower on his Lizzy-Quest. So, any info he has comes from Victor.

So, it seems like Victor at least knew that Sean was setup. Was he active in the process or just another lie of omission?

Sep 11th, 2013, 05:15 PM
So, why is Victor so keen on keeping Angel's execution so hush hush? I figure it is because he saw the show down with Scratch and Durai. If he is familiar with the family he will know the whole blood feud will start back up again if another member of the family was to find out.

How well could he get to know the members of the tower in the what, 72 hours or less he is there? One odd behavior is his joke about Burt getting further with Riley than Angel ever had. Almost as if he knows some secrets about her and who goes off the deep end with Angel's execution? Riley.