View Full Version : Kalani

Feb 20th, 2012, 04:32 AM
I feel Kalani is dead, but there has been murmuring he is alive.

Victor says he finds the helicopter wreckage, but does not say he finds Kalani. His body should be strapped to the seat.

Zombies do not seem to take burnt corpses eg John / Scratch.

Could he be the messed up person found at the end of Season 2?

Here are some hints

I hear something...

No fucking way!


I found what I am looking for. Fade to black

A helicopter pilot

Oh, one other thing. His journals are with Hope. Duh Art we know that.

She is the only one who knows she has them. Angel and Burt are 100 miles away. Michael may not recall the conversation over the radio with everything that is going to occur at fort Irvin

Feb 21st, 2012, 01:06 AM
hmm... she IS the only one who knows she has them, is'nt she?

the question i would have to wonder is, of course she knows angel put something in her bag..but will she think of it enough to investigate?

after all the turbulant action, i for one kinda doubt it. perhaps tanya will "oops" happen to find them..at some point...six chapters from now

and i really hope we dont bring back a burnt up kalani...i mean, its bad enough that he has essentially been painted into a very rat-like corner at this point. i mean really, what would the point be of bringing him back?

ok...scratch gets herself a pilot.
ok...scratch gets to tell him he doesnt get off the hook that easy
ok...he's alive to correct all the damage/blame thats been placed on him.

but really...i hope not. i do like what your doing here though, art. it is worth thinking about

Feb 21st, 2012, 05:38 AM
In addition to what 7odd said ^ IFFF (and that is a big if) Kalani managed to escape he is in NO condition to fly. It was commented that this was the chopper but there is not much left. If he was somehow still holding on albeit horribly burned the mallers would need one heck of a medical team to save him in addition to medical supplies and I don't think Scratch has the resources let alone compassion to try it just for an "I told you so" considering the whole tower revenge plot was not green lighted by Durai in the first place.
I say Mikael is going to do what he did in the first chapters and sleep for a good day or so and Tanya is going to find the journals in Hope's bag, read them and wonder why they were kept away from the other journals which she has now read.

Feb 21st, 2012, 10:30 AM
IF (And a big if) Kalani is the rat, Scratch may rescue him as almost an excuse for going to The Tower. As Durai doesn't know about their little detour, she would need a good reason to have gone there, and getting a Maller from there could be the only excuse she can think of.

Mar 31st, 2012, 11:09 PM
Forever surfing. RIP Kalani. You will be missed.

May 8th, 2012, 05:43 PM
I'm saying that there is a slight and I mean slight possibility that he is alive but I highly dought it. If he is then he is definately with the maulers and if he is found again my the group (Michael, Tanya, Pegs, etc...) then he will not be welcomed very kindly