View Full Version : Chinwe (a.k.a C.J.)

Feb 15th, 2012, 02:18 PM
I'm sure to look like an ass if this doesn't pan out, but I'm very confident that this Chinwe is, in fact, the mythical C.J. from the other tower, and wanted to start a new thread to discuss her character. I'm thinking she is going to be the best leader that the group has yet come across, and she will be instrumental in getting our straggling survivor's collective shit together.

I had some other thoughts concerning her which I will enter when I get some time.

Feb 15th, 2012, 05:46 PM
It may be her. But, she seems to have a warped sense of purpose. Once The Other Tower was hit by zombies, she seems to be more preoccupied with keeping tabs on Durai than assisting what is left of humanity survive. Maybe she is working for a higher source that has ensured humanitys survival and Durai is the biggest threat. Maybe she has had a Crissis of confidence even greater than Michael's.

But her most recent action is a break from what we know. She has spent two months observing and avoiding contact. Now instead of avoiding Saul and slipping away, she opted for a poorly staged and executed attack. Of course she may be such a master mind and planner that she intended to get captured.

Feb 15th, 2012, 06:02 PM
If she is really C.J., then she must have been going through a whole lot of shit over the past few months. Imagine having all your friends and associates either dead or captured, all the friends you made who helped you, supported you, fought with you, taught you things--all gone. It would be as if Michael were the only survivor from the Tower and had to continue on his own.

Clearly, she has lost friends to the Mallers, which explains why she is so wary of them. I don't think she trusts anyone from the Tower, either, which probably explains why she has avoided them, also. Arthur--do you know timeline-wise what our guys were doing when the other tower was overrun? I'm trying to get a sense of how long she has been on her own... several weeks at least.

I think she went back to her Tower because she simply had nowhere better to go. Perhaps she grew up in the area and has lived in LA all her life. I'm interested to see what her plans are, or even if she has any more plans. She easily could have ended up hopeless like Samantha, but obviously has much more of a will to live, but I wonder what her aims are beyond just that. Seems like she has just been living day to day.

The black hoodie, the sound proofing, the small firearm all speak to the fact that she has stayed alive this long by relying on stealth. She seems smart enough to know that she isn't going to overpower any large force, so better to stay hidden. The hoodie itself and black/brown clothing speaks to the fact that she is hiding the fact that she is female, most likely because she fears being raped (single girls in post-apocalypic scenarios don't fare too well, after all).

I can't wait to hear her reaction when she finds out that Hope is still alive. I wonder if Kc will include a scene of them catching up on events that transpired since the tower invasion...

Feb 15th, 2012, 06:45 PM
The convoy is hit thevsame day Burt Saul and Lizzy go to get fuel for the generator. Say Mid May. Datu is at the arena July 2 / 3. The Tower was hit about three weeks before that. So I guess about two months.

Feb 16th, 2012, 02:58 AM
Also, I'm not sure the wearing of a hood is the best thing for stealth. Think about it-- your peripheral vision is limited, and you can't hear shit coming up behind you... Maybe she just flipped it up when she got to the farm.

Feb 16th, 2012, 03:34 AM
I'd say the hood up was a plot device only..ment to detract from the fact that she was in fact....a she

Feb 16th, 2012, 09:07 AM
Cw =/= cj

Feb 16th, 2012, 01:10 PM
if we knew her last name we'd have a better idea of wether or not she was in fact cj

Cabbage Patch
Feb 16th, 2012, 03:12 PM
Here's something odd. We know that Chinwe is an asian woman. So when I looked up the etymology of the name Chinwe and I was suprised to find this name listed as coming from the Igbo people of Nigeria. Do a Google search of Chinwe and you'll get a long list of Nigerian celebrities with that name! The closest Chinese variant I could find was Chin Wei, a common compounding of two first-names. This doesn't really mean anything, since the anglicizing of asian names is notoriously tricky. My guess is that KC based this character's name on a real person who used this particular spelling.

Feb 19th, 2012, 04:46 PM
It may be her. But, she seems to have a warped sense of purpose. Once The Other Tower was hit by zombies, she seems to be more preoccupied with keeping tabs on Durai than assisting what is left of humanity survive.

That's a perfectly reasonable reaction to being unable to keep anyone else alive in the past. Doubly so if she was betrayed by someone in the tower, or if someone did something stupid that allowed the tower to be destroyed.

Personality-wise she seems to trust knowledge and planning a lot. That doesn't mean she's had a lot of real world experience.

Name-wise; I'd have expected to have been written Chin Wei

Feb 19th, 2012, 05:51 PM
CP, you and others doing the name thing. Before 7odd beats me to it...

Change the spellng a bit we could get Jin Wei Which could be translated into Towering Ferry Boat.

Feb 21st, 2012, 11:02 PM
CP, you and others doing the name thing. Before 7odd beats me to it...

Change the spellng a bit we could get Jin Wei Which could be translated into Towering Ferry Boat.

**imagining a TOWERING ferry boat**

Feb 25th, 2012, 03:13 AM
CP, you and others doing the name thing. Before 7odd beats me to it...

Change the spellng a bit we could get Jin Wei Which could be translated into Towering Ferry Boat.

heh...i totally forgot to do my research, sir! good thing ive been having trouble sleeping this week

yea. patch is correct, chinwe is a name of nigerian origin meaning "god owns" and heres a fun little site i found during my search


some interesting "correct the dots" type material there. but im quite sure its largely nonsense. but back to the subject at hand....so we have a character who is described as asian, yet has a nigerian name? something is not quite adding up here...more information needed before i beat this into the ground

some interesting tidbits as of now could be the connection between the characters and their names so far. mainly the way so many names have either some type of pseudo-religious meaning..or imply a born leader by namesake alone. i know, most any name can devolve into one or the other of these traits,but ...ill admit i do often wonder just how much forethought KC actually did put into the names he chose for the characters. thats one thing i will for sure be asking about when this is all over with.

Feb 25th, 2012, 07:00 AM
some interesting tidbits as of now could be the connection between the characters and their names so far. mainly the way so many names have either some type of pseudo-religious meaning..or imply a born leader by namesake alone. i know, most any name can devolve into one or the other of these traits,but ...ill admit i do often wonder just how much forethought KC actually did put into the names he chose for the characters. thats one thing i will for sure be asking about when this is all over with.

Well, it IS an apocalypse!

Cabbage Patch
Feb 25th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Last Summer, on the "If you could add one new character" thread, I proposed adding, "A lone surviving correctional officer from Eastern Bay. He could have been gathering intel on the Mallers all this time, with a goal of recapturing the inmates, or rescuing some of the Maller's slaves." Now we have Chinwe, who we're speculating may have been a correctional officer, and who has been gathering intel on the Mallers. Coincidence...?

Feb 25th, 2012, 12:26 PM
She doesn't seem to interested in freeing the slaves, but yeah, that sounds like she fills the part. Glad someone will finally have some info...

I figure they will all meet up again at ground zero.

Feb 25th, 2012, 05:36 PM
She doesn't seem to interested in freeing the slaves, but yeah, that sounds like she fills the part. Glad someone will finally have some info...

I figure they will all meet up again at ground zero.

I don't know if they'll all meet up there, but I definitely think that Chinwe has some serious intel concerning ground zero... that was were her boys were heading when they got ambushed, right? (assuming, yes, that she is of the other tower, etc)

I'm guessing that she--or someone in her group--had some great theories concerning how the whole apocalypse got started, and perhaps started on some inroads into researching a 'cure', or at least more answers. Didn't Samantha tell Datu that her group had figured out the zombie-smell thing within the first week? If they were that far ahead of our guys, then in the couple of months before they got hit, they must have come up with some juicy information about ground zero and the nature of the zombie disease in general.

I'm sure Chinwei has some fat folder in her little safe labelled GROUND ZERO or something. My little predictive money is still on it being a mutant-rabies thing, and that Tanya is going to be instrumental in coming up with a cure, given that she is a vet, after all...

Feb 27th, 2012, 10:35 PM
My little predictive money is still on it being a mutant-rabies thing, and that Tanya is going to be instrumental in coming up with a cure, given that she is a vet, after all...

Rabies doesn't fit the bill in terms of the body mutations--although, it could be a part of the puzzle. Given that this is way beyond what science can do now, it's either an evil genius (an antichrist figure) trying to create a "perfect society" or aliens. I wonder if I'll call bs on the reason behind it all if we get a glimpse of the science. Assuming we get a glimpse.

Feb 28th, 2012, 01:13 AM
i have a feeling your both just on the cusp of being right. and i do agree that the file chinwe(CJ) has on ground zero would be a seriously awesome thing to hear about. we need to bring that damn ground zero thread back frome the grave, my brain is a churnin now! but yea, cj is all, like, cool...and stuff...