View Full Version : Hawaii

Jan 22nd, 2011, 04:33 PM
Maybe this is kind of out of left field but I keep thinking about Kuhlani (or Culani idk) saying that the zombies back in Hawaii were nastier than the ones in LA. If that's true what does that mean? Is it a different strain or type of zombie, were they starving like the ones from the Osland in Chap. 17? Just thinking out loud, lemme know what you think

Jan 22nd, 2011, 10:42 PM
I don't think it means anything. We've had a few different varieties in LA. I think the point of this information was for the listeners to understand that if the Zs can make it there then they are everywhere.

TCM Revolver
Jan 23rd, 2011, 12:17 PM
Or what if they are more Aggressive because their food source is so much more limited than on the main land??

Jan 23rd, 2011, 12:18 PM
That was what I thought initially to. One of the first things I would think about in a Z invasion would be to find an island to be safe on. But then why would Kulani make a point out of saying that they're meaner there? What if the zombies are different in different parts of the world, that would be a really interesting new take on the genre really.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 12:19 PM
Good point Revolver, thats definitely why the swimming zombies from Chap. 17 were so agressive. But Hawaii is really big and Kulani was there right at the beginning of the outbreak, could they have run out of food that fast?

TCM Revolver
Jan 23rd, 2011, 12:34 PM
Good point Revolver, thats definitely why the swimming zombies from Chap. 17 were so agressive. But Hawaii is really big and Kulani was there right at the beginning of the outbreak, could they have run out of food that fast?

Well, my thinking behind it is that there are obvisouly some "intelligent" zombies. If they were aware of the fact their supply is limited they would be aggressive from the start. eehhh??

Jan 23rd, 2011, 02:20 PM
yeah I hadn't thought of it like that, makes a lot of sense. So obviously the zombies starve, any chance we'll eventually see them eat eachother.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 03:15 PM
yeah I hadn't thought of it like that, makes a lot of sense. So obviously the zombies starve, any chance we'll eventually see them eat eachother.

I think they already are. Why else would they collect the dead zombie bodies and take them back to the arena?

Jan 23rd, 2011, 06:06 PM
Let's not forget that they started in LA. It might be that the further from the epicenter, the crazier they become, the virus might mutate from going from one Z to another. Just an idea.

Also have we seen how long the zombies last, like in the movie 28 Day Later they eventually die off. But then again they are not Zs, it's more a mutated RAGE virus.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 06:08 PM
I think they already are. Why else would they collect the dead zombie bodies and take them back to the arena?

I agree, they might be eating each other. I don't think we've heard the last of the ARENA.

Wicked Sid
Jan 23rd, 2011, 06:51 PM
Didn't Skittles say that they were eating each other in 17-3? That's one of the reasons the Normals stay away from the Behemoths, isn't it?

Jan 23rd, 2011, 07:03 PM
Ok, if they're eating eachother at the arena why are they imprisoning people there? Whatever the case we definitely haven't seen the last of the arena

Jan 23rd, 2011, 10:10 PM
Ok, if they're eating eachother at the arena why are they imprisoning people there? Whatever the case we definitely haven't seen the last of the arena

I don't think they were just eating them at the arena. I think that was like horrible zombie sports fun time which is why that chick (I'm so bad with names) that Datu met there was begging him not to watch. If it's just eating that's one thing. She made it seem that much more horrible.

Jan 24th, 2011, 09:30 AM
I think seeing her tore bit by bit would be pretty horrible enough reason for her to tell him not to watch.

Jan 24th, 2011, 10:09 AM
Samantha right?

TCM Revolver
Jan 24th, 2011, 10:16 AM
Samantha right?
It reminded me of the Gladiators of old. Except there is NO way for the normals to win.

Jan 24th, 2011, 11:11 AM
It reminded me of the Gladiators of old. Except there is NO way for the normals to win.


I know this might be off topic, but why not burn down the arena?

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:17 PM
LOL@ "why not just burn down the arena" Good one! I don't think they played with their food. It sounded like they just ripped her apart with the quickness. I think they wait until "daddy" get's home each time before they sit down at the dinner table.

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:20 PM
LOL@ "why not just burn down the arena" Good one! I don't think they played with their food. It sounded like they just ripped her apart with the quickness. I think they wait until "daddy" get's home each time before they sit down at the dinner table.

Do you believe "daddy" is INK?

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:00 PM
I do. He's the only one who matches the description right? He was also the one who got into the other tower and made mincemeat out of everyone.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:02 PM
I forgot that he was the one who set up the ambush and was watching Burt and crew from the roof. Speaking of the Ambush.. I think that was also people from the first tower. Remember Samantha said they lost people in bunches and she mentioned a convoy ambush.

Jan 25th, 2011, 03:04 PM
I'm listening to Purgatory 3/3 and at 8:18 Kalani says "wait" and at 9:01 he's says "don't leave me here. I think I can walk." Hell, by 9:50 he's running like crazy with Angel and Riley. He's helping them get through a door with mad energy. Bastard WAS playing possum! Well, I really can't blame him because it's You vs Me.

Jan 25th, 2011, 05:34 PM
True. And that samantha chick was going to sacrifice him to save herself and datu. Its not like you can blame the dude.

Jan 25th, 2011, 06:52 PM
Well, according to Sam, he was supposed to be next anyway. He had to have been lying there listening the whole time. I just wonder how many times that ploy had saved him before.

Jan 26th, 2011, 06:37 AM
I agree with you guys. Kalani is slimy.

I also wondered how the Zombies where lighting small fires in the arena but not burning the place down. (And HOW they were lighting them). My thought also was a nice Molotav on the roof ought to take care of a bunch of them. Hell, burn down the enitre block while you are at it.

Jan 26th, 2011, 06:53 AM
1 word. 1 shot. 1 solution.

:mad:C L A Y M O R E:mad:

Did Burt only have one at the shop?

Jan 26th, 2011, 08:00 AM
They only took the one for some reason, but he had more in the vault.. hell, he had more of everything in there.

Feb 16th, 2011, 11:10 AM
But if you burn down the arena you send all the zombies scattering like cockroaches. Which may end up bad. They would have to blow it up and drop it on all the creatures. A couple claymores should do this nice.

Feb 16th, 2011, 02:22 PM
But if you burn down the arena you send all the zombies scattering like cockroaches. Which may end up bad. They would have to blow it up and drop it on all the creatures. A couple claymores should do this nice.

To take down an arena with Claymores, you'd probably have to have a few hundred thousand. Claymore's are anti personnel mines and are designed to tear through bodies, not buildings. They'd need a bunch of TNT, or C-4 set at structurally significant locations . If they felt like overachieving, an ampho bomb could do a lot of damage, and if they felt like really doing something different, they could set off a thermite device on the roof and watch it rain down terror on the zombies below.

Wicked Sid
Feb 16th, 2011, 03:05 PM
To take down an arena with Claymores, you'd probably have to have a few hundred thousand. Claymore's are anti personnel mines and are designed to tear through bodies, not buildings. They'd need a bunch of TNT, or C-4 set at structurally significant locations . If they felt like overachieving, an ampho bomb could do a lot of damage, and if they felt like really doing something different, they could set off a thermite device on the roof and watch it rain down terror on the zombies below.

Enough Super-Thermite (Or Nano-Thermite if you want be anal about it) set around the roof's edges could take the place down... But, it is a ton of thermite.

Funny Muffins
Feb 16th, 2011, 03:11 PM
It may just be easier just to get our hotshot pilot Kalani up in a F-16 just to drop that Arena!

Feb 16th, 2011, 03:28 PM
Enough Super-Thermite (Or Nano-Thermite if you want be anal about it) set around the roof's edges could take the place down... But, it is a ton of thermite.

I've watched mythbusters enough to know how impossible it would be for our Tower folks to be effective with any kind of thermite. Especially if you're talking about taking down a building it would be so impractical.

Wicked Sid
Feb 16th, 2011, 03:35 PM
I've watched mythbusters enough to know how impossible it would be for our Tower folks to be effective with any kind of thermite. Especially if you're talking about taking down a building it would be so impractical.

Besides, where are you even going to find That much thermite?

Feb 16th, 2011, 03:40 PM
Besides, where are you even going to find That much thermite?

If you find the recipe you could make it. But without the internet available, good luck.

Feb 17th, 2011, 05:02 PM
I'm pretty sure Kalani mentioned that the Zombies in HI were not as aggresive as the ones in LA... I remember thinking back to Burt when he said that the Zombie version of a person is a little like how they were in life, like the dude with the name tag being a smarter zombie, and I've been to LA and people there are a bit like how they are in any big city a little over aggresive. In HI you'd have to be a real prick not to be a little mellow and calm with the total surrondings, and that makes for a less aggresive zombie.

IDK I got to go back and listen again but that's my thought.

Feb 18th, 2011, 12:57 AM
I'm pretty sure Kalani mentioned that the Zombies in HI were not as aggresive as the ones in LA... I remember thinking back to Burt when he said that the Zombie version of a person is a little like how they were in life, like the dude with the name tag being a smarter zombie, and I've been to LA and people there are a bit like how they are in any big city a little over aggresive. In HI you'd have to be a real prick not to be a little mellow and calm with the total surrondings, and that makes for a less aggresive zombie.

IDK I got to go back and listen again but that's my thought.

The quote you were looking for came from Chapter 11 part 2 around the 2 minute mark. Kalani actually says the Hawaiian version were meaner than the ones in L.A. I guess that means the it's not so great to live in paradise because when you die and become a zombie, you'll just be angry about it.

Feb 24th, 2011, 07:59 PM
Maybe this is kind of out of left field but I keep thinking about Kuhlani (or Culani idk) saying that the zombies back in Hawaii were nastier than the ones in LA. If that's true what does that mean?
I'm taking that with a big grain of salt. My pet theory is that Kalani was a mental patient too which is why Skittles recognized him. I can't think of any other reason for Kalani to deny knowing Skittles when it's established they were both at the other tower.

Feb 24th, 2011, 08:27 PM
I'm taking that with a big grain of salt. My pet theory is that Kalani was a mental patient too which is why Skittles recognized him. I can't think of any other reason for Kalani to deny knowing Skittles when it's established they were both at the other tower.

Oh....I don't know about that....when was it established Kalani and Skittles were in the Other Tower? hmm...

Feb 24th, 2011, 09:08 PM
I'm taking that with a big grain of salt. My pet theory is that Kalani was a mental patient too which is why Skittles recognized him. I can't think of any other reason for Kalani to deny knowing Skittles when it's established they were both at the other tower.

Interesting theory. But, Kalani seems a bit too stable for that.

Kalani probably never noticed him. He said he was there for only a few days before the other tower was hit by Inky. He also said he arrived after the scavenger party got ambushed. But Skittles who was there for longer (i'm assuming), probably noticed him as one of the new people (i'm sure most people give a quick lookover of the new people, whereas the new people have alot more to take in when they first get there).

Feb 24th, 2011, 09:35 PM
Once again, just because we think Skittles was in the Other Tower, that has never been confirmed. Skittles could be from anywhere. With the information we have now, yes it does seem to point to Skittles being from the Other Tower.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't somewhere else where all his friends were killed. Skittles could very well have seen Kalani being dragged into the arena from whatever vantage point he was hiding in.

Feb 25th, 2011, 07:43 AM
Didn't Skittles tell them he was there and he saw all his friends die??

Feb 25th, 2011, 07:49 AM
He said he saw the "Colored One" and that he saw "them" eat his friends. He never said where he was at the time. Chapter 9-1 starting around the 4 minute mark. He continues it into the beginning of 9-2 before he runs off.

Feb 25th, 2011, 08:17 AM
time for a Relisten Challenge. hehehe!
Pretty soon we're going to have an "I told you so" thread. AS the story progresses, we'll be able to look back and see who had the correct or closest predictions. LOL

Feb 25th, 2011, 08:23 AM
time for a Relisten Challenge. hehehe!
Pretty soon we're going to have an "I told you so" thread. AS the story progresses, we'll be able to look back and see who had the correct or closest predictions. LOL

I don't think we'll need a thread...People will jump into whatever conversation they had put their predictions on and scream from the highest hill top to the lowest valley their I told you so's. Though it would be kinda fun....hmmm....

Feb 25th, 2011, 10:40 AM
What would be cool is the person with enough "ITYS" would get a character named after them. LOL! I nice "Red Shirt" charater. ROFL!!!

Apr 1st, 2011, 09:54 PM
Let's not forget that they started in LA. It might be that the further from the epicenter, the crazier they become, the virus might mutate from going from one Z to another. Just an idea.

Also have we seen how long the zombies last, like in the movie 28 Day Later they eventually die off. But then again they are not Zs, it's more a mutated RAGE virus.
StepLaugh, LA was one "epicenter" other cities were hit simultaneously. So it could just mean that whatever started the Zeds could have had different mutations.

Apr 2nd, 2011, 09:39 PM
Maybe this is kind of out of left field but I keep thinking about Kuhlani (or Culani idk) saying that the zombies back in Hawaii were nastier than the ones in LA. If that's true what does that mean?

So, they were meaner than the ones tearing people apart for fun?
I'd like to have more of an idea of what he meant!

Apr 3rd, 2011, 04:06 AM
I think they already are. Why else would they collect the dead zombie bodies and take them back to the arena?

dead zombie orgy...of course!

Apr 3rd, 2011, 07:18 AM
Or what if they are more Aggressive because their food source is so much more limited than on the main land??

My thoughts exactly. The food source is extremely limited until they migrated to the main land. Which we don't know if it's possible. I mean, we know they can swim but how long until they realize they need to go to the main land and how far could they go after they finally realized?

Apr 4th, 2011, 06:59 PM
My thoughts exactly. The food source is extremely limited until they migrated to the main land. Which we don't know if it's possible. I mean, we know they can swim but how long until they realize they need to go to the main land and how far could they go after they finally realized?

I think that is kind of understating the size and population of Hawaii a little bit, it is bigger than a lot of other states and I'm sure the zombie folk ate pretty well for quite a while there

Apr 5th, 2011, 01:33 PM
I agree, I think Kalani was stating their very nature was/is different than what he's encountered in LA.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 29th, 2011, 07:56 PM
I think that is kind of understating the size and population of Hawaii a little bit, it is bigger than a lot of other states and I'm sure the zombie folk ate pretty well for quite a while there

Keep in mind that the City of Los Angeles (excluding the suburbs) has more than three times the population of Hawaii, and LA was over-run the first day of the outbreak. I think there's a good chance that islands like Oahu would have been over-run just as quickly. But the LA zombies spread outward from "ground zero", into the LA suburbs (Bell Army Reserve Center) and then into more distant areas like Orange County (the Colony). It was that outward rush that probably accounts for the relative absence of zombies downtown when the survivors came out of hiding. On an island there's no place for the zombies to go once they've either turned or eaten everybody. No food supply, no where to go, no wonder the Hawaiian zombies were aggressive.

Oct 17th, 2011, 06:03 AM
wow. this thread is kind of all over the place...
i would tend to agree with cabbage. the isolation of an island could make the zombies of hawaii seem more agressive and nasty...simply because...what the hell else do they have to do?..surf? i dont think so..even with the larger islands...they're still islands...places to run will be limited for sure. until i stopped to think about it, i would have chalked this part of the story up to kalani telling the story to suit his need. but there may in fact be more truth to this than most things he's said...

somebody mentioned his relation to skittles as a fellow mental patient...while in an alternate telling of the story, this would be a flat out awesome twist (imagine if kalani was totally nuts, but he spent enough time studying helicopters to be a compotent pilot, simply from training manuals!) but probly not...although, a thing to think about...he did say three survived the trip over.....hm?