View Full Version : Your Own Groundhog Day

Feb 3rd, 2012, 05:50 PM
As it is that time of year (and I'm currently watching the movie) I got to thinking tonight: How would I spend my "Groundhog Day?" Sadly, I know there are some people on this forum that may not be familiar with the concept as the movie is older than you are so here it is:

Bill Murray finds himself trapped in a temporal loop on February 2nd in Punxatawney, PA. At first he relishes in the carefree, no responsibility aspect of his new life. Eventually he comes to despise his existence and inability to break free of the day. He becomes despondent and attempts to kill himself and while successful he still wakes up every morning in the same place, unharmed. He learns specialized skills and helps the town and ultimately makes himself a better more well rounded person before finally breaking free.

Director Harold Ramis said in the DVD commentary that it was about 10 years that Bill Murray was stuck reliving the same day. He has since recanted that and said it was way too short and that it had to be closer to 40 years. Other blogs and (lets be honest....severe nerds) have guessed everywhere from 8 years to 34 years using various calculation methods. But lets make this an easy number.......25 years.

You are stuck reliving the same day for 25 years. What do you do? Where do you go (I know the movie didn't allow the character to leave the town, but no restrictions here)? What skills would you want to learn? What would you want to experience? When do you think you'd mentally break and not be able to take it anymore? Would it be an opportunity or a curse? How hard would it be to go from knowing exactly what was going to happen to suddenly having to live in real time again?

Cabbage Patch
Feb 6th, 2012, 11:12 AM
What a horrible thought! Stuck, seemingly forever, in February 2, with the next episode of WA always 4 days away! I'm not sure how I'd spend the rest of my time, but for at least one loop I'd have to race to Los Angeles, find K.C. and beg, cajole, bribe, or if necessary force him to reveal the rest of the story.

Feb 15th, 2012, 02:50 PM
I am surprised this didn't have more responses.

With the great number of options I don't think I'd eventually lose my sanity. 25 years is not very long when you have the option to travel out of that small ass town.

I'd probably spend the first few days freaking out. I am sure I'd wonder if I was going crazy but eventually take advantage of the situation (hoping this process only takes about a week and a half). One of my constant fears would be wondering when it would all end? When would I wake up and find that the world I had become so accustomed to know, so used to playing God in, would suddenly cease and I would no longer be able to foretell the next moments event?

That fear aside I would definitely find the quickest way to obtain money. It would have to be something where I could wake up and within the first half hour have a ridiculous sum of cash. This way the rest of my day could be spent fulfilling various life-long fantasies: spoiling my daughter's every whim without fear of her becoming spoiled in the future, telling people how I really feel about them, devote an entire day to playing Zelda, seduce a very attractive superficial woman and then shoot her down at the last minute, start a nuclear Armageddon, go mountain climbing, sky diving, scuba diving, exploring great ocean depths in a submersible, impress the masses with my seemingly vast knowledge of the days future events, save lives, end certain lives, and a whole hell of a lot of fearless binge drinking and gluttonous eating.

Nik, you never answered your own question.

Feb 15th, 2012, 03:42 PM
Yes I know I didn't. I was going to let others get in on it first.

Feb 15th, 2012, 04:07 PM
I dunno... same day over and over with Andie McDowell from the 90s. I'll take Bill Murray's spot.

Feb 16th, 2012, 06:03 AM
i'd proly stop going to work and just do what ever i felt like.

Mo Jiwa
Feb 16th, 2012, 07:53 AM
Well, the concept is that although you're living the same day again and again, and each time you can do any actions you like; I'd probably like to relive a day from my past when I was in a situation where I could have the most fun.
But I'd have to think more on what day that would be.

Feb 19th, 2012, 11:48 PM
40 years?!? I guess you'd have to figure even without the love interest/quest, there had to be some sort of metaphysical judgment going on. That might keep you on the road to self improvement instead of causing a nuclear holocaust. The ice sculpture makes sense, creating anything lasting would be so frustrating. You'd lose it all the next repeat.

I'd work on my painting
Read a lot
Learn some languages or at least Japanese.
Try out tattoos
Be really nosy.

I wonder if you exercised you'd end up keeping your increased muscle tone? I mean he kept his piano ability.

Personally, I always thought that I'd sorta enjoy that scenario. You never get old and you never die. Except of course, if you were the type of person to enjoy it, you'd never get the chance.

Feb 19th, 2012, 11:50 PM
i'd proly stop going to work and just do what ever i felt like.

People always think they want to do nothing, but that gets old fast. Sooner or later you'd want to do something.

Feb 20th, 2012, 04:59 PM
exactly, whatever i felt like.