View Full Version : Zombie Kitty

mr boom95
Jan 31st, 2012, 02:59 AM
In the Latest episode of we're alive we hear the return of a character long thought to be dead... No it's not Lizzy's ex boyfriend Todd
It's Pegs Cat Mr. Whiskers

The Cat was found when Saul and Victor when were looking around the Other building opposite from the Tower. He was feasting on a a rat that Victor shooed of a corpse. Saul goes on to pat her and they go on their merry way and the cat follows them to Victors dismay and that is all we hear of them for this episode.

Now is this just a one time cameo or will he be a companion for Saul and Victor. Personally I think he will be following Saul and Vicky for some time to come

Everyone please post what you think will happen to the mysterious Mr. Whiskers.

Z Sniper
Jan 31st, 2012, 08:39 PM
Personally I think he will be following Saul and Vicky for some time to come


Jan 31st, 2012, 09:39 PM
Personally I think he will be following Saul and Vicky for some time to come


But we love you Vicky <3 lol j/k

Personally, I love that fricken cat. All hail Zombie Scissor Kitty!

mr boom95
Feb 1st, 2012, 03:40 AM
I am imagining a I Am Legend like situation.
Saul and Vicky travelling through destroyed LA to find Lizzy and the Maulers with Mr. Whiskers following along with them

Test subject 9
Feb 1st, 2012, 03:42 PM
It a nice image but I don't think that the cat will not be sticking around for long. If zombie Kitty is the same one skittles saw get away from a behemoth then he knows how to live on his own.

Feb 4th, 2012, 10:39 AM
i think the kitty will be like skittles. here for a moment, then gone, then back... and will at some point, probably do or cause something epic.

or zombie kitty is one of ink's disguises?

Test subject 9
Feb 4th, 2012, 06:22 PM
How would that work? Ink as a cat that would be crazy.

Feb 6th, 2012, 12:18 PM
Well, I am pretty pissed at Saul. He should know very well, that zombie kitty is not going to bite his shit. He should of picked up the cat. It is not like where he and Victor go there wont be any mice / rats. Is it some Freudian thing like that is Peg's cat?

Number 2! He has not made any comment about Lady that I can recall. His mom, yes. His dog, no. One last little tidbit that has been out there since season 1 is that Saul was teaching Lady how to track. Could have been any trick, but it was track. So, in my mind track becomes important and stored away. The problem my thoery currently has is that the only ones who explicitly know about the tracking are Lady, Saul, Burt, Lizzy. Lady may have mentioned something to Mr. Whisker's too, but who knows. Anyway, Lady is at Irwin, Saul is in LA, Mr whiskers is holding down the old fort and Burt and Lizzy are MIA.

We have a dog and a cat. If a Behemoth picks up a baseball bat, I am outta here... 8 )

Feb 6th, 2012, 12:22 PM
We have a dog and a cat. If a Behemoth picks up a baseball bat, I am outta here... 8 )
I see what you did there ;) ---

Feb 6th, 2012, 12:31 PM
I actually was getting into it when I heard it. The Incredibly Journey gets a facelift like Pride and Prejudice. But, I never liked gorillas.

I do not think it would work, because I am pretty sure IncJrn is not public domain. Zombies do not work so good in the Arctic, so Call of the wild, Kazan and Bree son of Kanzan are not easy options either.

Feb 8th, 2012, 12:41 PM
thanks for the name drop kc! even if it wasnt intentional, i almost shat myself when i heard zomebiekittie mentioned :)

Feb 8th, 2012, 03:45 PM
Personally I think he will be following Saul and Vicky for some time to come


:DOkay, if you insist, Victoria:D

By the way, what if Mr. Whiskers is a Mrs. Whiskers and that's why she's fat? Hmmmm?

Feb 10th, 2012, 11:08 AM
Whoa! Apparently cats can make you crazy, like no bullsheets but for the really realz. Scope out this article I came across:

How Your Cat is Making You Crazy (http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/03/how-your-cat-is-making-you-crazy/8873/1/)

The Gist: cats excrete a parasite in their feces that could potentially be "controlling" you. It's radical to think about but if you read the article it doesn't seem that far fetched. And although these parasites may be altering your brain connections (I think of the parasites from Futurama that infected Fry's brain and made him smart) they aren't really puppeteering you. But now this title of this thread takes on a whole new meaning! Zombie Kitty, or more aptly, Kitty who carries the zombie inducing parasite!

Feb 12th, 2012, 09:43 AM
More zombie kitty! Saul & Vic are jerks to run that cat off, especially since he serves as an early-zombie-warning system.

(I think of the parasites from Futurama that infected Fry's brain and made him smart)

Leela: You're not gonna eat a sandwich from a truck stop men's room are you?
Fry: Eh, what's the worst thing that could happen?

bathroom egg salad

toilet sandwich

I just like to say it.

JahMas Roozell
Feb 27th, 2012, 12:57 PM
last little tidbit that has been out there since season 1 is that Saul was teaching Lady how to track. Could have been any trick, but it was track. So, in my mind track becomes important and stored away.

I thought lady was trained to follow a scent (Ep 5-1 @ 15:50 ). Slightly different? (I'm not an expert) but I think could come in handy later.

Feb 27th, 2012, 01:43 PM
yeah but