View Full Version : What is Hopes purpose

Jan 7th, 2012, 10:20 PM
other then the whole Samantha Datu relationship how is hope relevant to the story of we're alive

Wicked Sid
Jan 8th, 2012, 06:19 AM
I'm not sure I understand the question here.

She's another character introduced to the story using the excellent mechanic of the Datu/Samantha interaction. She deepened Datu's character and allowed him to have a link to his lost love interest.

I can take a stab at it and say her purpose is to test the compassion of the characters, seeing who would be quick to abandon a person who needs more attention than someone without a disability.

Jan 9th, 2012, 04:05 PM
She is a metaphor for hope within the characters. Right now hope is blind, but if they fight through it and keep hope, they will do well off.

Jan 9th, 2012, 04:31 PM
other then the whole Samantha Datu relationship how is hope relevant to the story of we're alive

She is Blind Hope. If/when blind Hope dies, the series will be in it's darkest hour. Plus, she represents disabled people, and shows that they too can survive and do their part in an apocalypse scenario.

Jan 11th, 2012, 09:23 AM
She is a zombie shield who can't see it coming. (terrible)

Asking what her purpose is like asking what anyone's purpose is. They are all just trying to survive and keep their loved ones alive. After what happened to Samantha I have no doubt Datu would be willing to sacrifice himself in order to keep Hope alive.

Though having her around does complicate things quite a bit. The jobs she can do safely are very limited. There might be some in the group later on who are like, "Screw this, I'm out!" and would leave her behind. Though after this most recent chapter I very much doubt it.

Jan 11th, 2012, 09:40 AM
hey, everyone should be trying to keep hope alive. get it: keep... hope... alive? lololololololollolololzorz

Feb 20th, 2012, 02:36 PM
I think we need Hope in the podcast. Every character this far has had something to bring to the table in terms of survival - not all of them being military or gunslingers - but still helping out and being resources. They have all been strong and healthy. Hope brings humanity to the table, aswell as bringing her disability - making the group take different paths in their search for survival. She might bring some problems, but it also makes the whole group from the tower more approachable from the listeners perspective. Instead of being an A-team of more or less professionals - they became a group of people.

Feb 28th, 2012, 12:18 AM
It give Datu something to cry about.

Willy Beamen
Mar 19th, 2012, 08:44 PM
Hope is all of us...we can only hear what is going on and we keep the story alive.

Mar 19th, 2012, 09:48 PM
She is fodder for the end of Season 3. The death of Hope will be the sweetest of all tragedies.

May 15th, 2012, 09:30 AM
I think having a blind character in an Audio Drama was helpful to the storytelling. Without her sight, Hope had to rely on her hearing in order to experience what was going on. As an audio drama, the listeners also have to rely on their hearing in order to experience what was going on. I thought this was an interesting parallel, that the listeners could relate to.

For instance, in Chapter 22 - Our Doubts Are Traitors:
When Hope is alone with Pippin in the guard room, she hears someone enter the room followed by shots fired. Although she is present in the scene, she really doesn't know what the assassin is doing. Are they getting ready to leave? Are they pointing the gun at her? This is where the listeners were too. In the cliffhanger episode, we didn't know what the assassin was preparing to do or if the final shots were for Hope.

Also Hope was right there when the shooting took place and, living in the Tower, she would have known the assassin. Yet despite being a witness to everything, she was unable to identify them without a voice to recognize. Meanwhile, the listeners had the same conundrum. We knew the assassin was someone from the Tower, a character we had met before, but we couldn't say who, despite hearing everything that went down in the guard room.
Being blind also helped with the visual elements. If there was some critical visual information that needed to be conveyed, it would make sense for someone to describe it for Hope and thereby it could be described to the listeners.

May 15th, 2012, 09:39 AM
I think having a blind character in an Audio Drama was helpful to the storytelling. Without her sight, Hope had to rely on her hearing in order to experience what was going on. As an audio drama, the listeners also have to rely on their hearing in order to experience what was going on. I thought this was an interesting parallel, that the listeners could relate to.

Being blind also helped with the visual elements. If there was some critical visual information that needed to be conveyed, it would make sense for someone to describe it for Hope and thereby it could be described to the listeners.

Great theory. It does add a ton if the blind character has to describe the scene without actually seeing it. It allows us to feel like we are viewing the world through her

May 24th, 2012, 04:10 PM
She is a metaphor for hope within the characters. Right now hope is blind, but if they fight through it and keep hope, they will do well off.

That's beautiful, man :) I think Hope's purpose is to show the audience where humanity has gone since the fall of society. Remember, this isn't a show about zombies, it's a show about relationships and group interactions. What would you do with Hope or any other "special needs" child/adult in this kind of situation? Throw her to Zed or hold her hand and care for her while teaching her to survive in her new reality?

May 28th, 2012, 10:27 AM
I think she an interesting character addition. I believe the other posters have made some excellent points about her and I agree. However I also think for Datu it provides him with a surrogate daughter in the absence of his family / children.

Jun 5th, 2012, 07:40 PM
She is a metaphor for hope within the characters. Right now hope is blind, but if they fight through it and keep hope, they will do well off.

That's a good answer. All I know when she was in the room when Pippin got whacked, and then there was a pause and that last last shot I said aloud, thought I thought I said it in my head, "What the f*? That sh*t ain't right." And the person in the cube nest to me chuckled and asked what I was listening to. I was glad to find out she wasn't whacked though.

Jun 7th, 2012, 09:27 AM
[One] can live about forty days without food,
About three days without water,
About eight minutes without air,
But only one second without Hope.

Jun 7th, 2012, 12:41 PM
[One] can live about forty days without food,
About three days without water,
About eight minutes without air,
But only one second without Hope.



Jun 7th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I had the voice actor that play hope write on my visitor messages page. Just sayin, i'm that cool. Automatically makes hope my fav character so I do "hope" she plays a huge role down the road somewhere in the story

Cabbage Patch
Jun 7th, 2012, 01:49 PM
Now that we've had the big "time jump", do you think Hope has had time to go to Boulder, have her operation, recover and make it back to Fort Irwin? The jump we made forward is actually longer than the time that Hope has been blind.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 11:34 AM
I don't think she'll have anything to do with Fort Irwin, she's what.. 16, 17? I think with or without getting her eyes fixed she'll end up taking medical training at the facility in Boulder.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 11:52 PM
I don't think she'll have anything to do with Fort Irwin, she's what.. 16, 17? I think with or without getting her eyes fixed she'll end up taking medical training at the facility in Boulder.

And what, if the survivors find out the the viral agent for Zedism works like a mutagen with healing capabilities and it could be used to heal her eyes again?

Aug 23rd, 2012, 11:53 PM
*snip* Sorry, double post ...

Sep 2nd, 2012, 12:11 PM
And what, if the survivors find out the the viral agent for Zedism works like a mutagen with healing capabilities and it could be used to heal her eyes again?

Because any sane person would trust modern medicine over the use of some kind of "mutagen", especially on a child that may a have a repairable optic nerve.
And other than extremely rapid growth, there has been zero sign of of this zombieism being anything other than destructive. (I admit also other than hightened physical abilities).

Sep 2nd, 2012, 11:39 PM
Because any sane person would trust modern medicine over the use of some kind of "mutagen", especially on a child that may a have a repairable optic nerve.
And other than extremely rapid growth, there has been zero sign of of this zombieism being anything other than destructive. (I admit also other than hightened physical abilities).

AND the eyes of Zeds changed - to the worse, not the better. Is Hannah a special Zed???

All the best!

Sep 10th, 2012, 03:19 PM
Haven't heard the new episode yet so don't know if this is covered or not. Occurred to me that along with my previous prediction regarding Hope and how she'll get her eyes fixed (or not) and then take medical training at the medical training facility in Boulder, that if we were to see her again, it may be as part of the medical team that Carl has gone up to Boulder to select and bring back to Ft Irwin????? She may have a few months of medical training already and will assist in some junior position.

Sep 21st, 2012, 12:55 AM
I love Hope's character! It would be really cool to see her have a bigger roll later on. Good theories guys!:)

Oct 25th, 2012, 08:04 AM
I think she shows some of what’s left of humanity is still human. The law of the jungle does rule yet. She maybe less than the best suited to survive and she can be an annoying little girl but we take care of people. Something that Kimmet, mallers and random selfish people struggle with. Carjacking a blind girl and vehicularily challenged guy? The world is going to need all the Hope it can get.

Cabbage Patch
Oct 25th, 2012, 11:55 AM
Here are a couple of areas where I think Hope will play a big role going forward.

Hope is the only person in the story to have spent time in each of the remaining human enclaves, The Other Tower, the Colony, our Tower, Fort Irwin and Boulder. I think an important element of Season 4 is going to be uniting the remaining survivors from each of these places, and that Hope will be a unifying force.

And other than CJ, Hope is the only one left who remembers Skittles back when he was Duncan, and sane. I can definitely see a scenario where Skittles gets captured by our side and Hope, working with Lizzie, bring him back to some semblance of sanity. That's when we'll find out that he used to be a top scientist at Radon Labs who has a lot to contribute to finding the cure to the zombie plague.

Oct 29th, 2012, 10:32 PM
With the eye surgery I believe hope is being set up to replace a character. Maybe Datu, but most likely another female character. Keep in mind that Hope's lack of sight is the only thing keeping her from being truely useful.

Blood & Ice Cream
Oct 31st, 2012, 10:35 AM
Hope = new and improved CJ