View Full Version : "...and don't forget Scott Marvin."

Jan 3rd, 2012, 09:15 AM
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Jan 3rd, 2012, 09:17 AM
HA HA! Funny story about that. The announcer didn't make his credit clip originally, so to make things easier, Marv did his own and we put it in. I didn't think anyone remembered that.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 09:19 AM
I remember that too, but can not for the life of me remember what chapter it was.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 10:01 AM

That was the spin I was looking for. But, I feel a FaceBook fanboy protest pettition page firing up in a few weeks if you catch my drift 8 P (LOL)

Scott Marvin was first credited in chapter 5.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 10:05 AM
To quote me. "Death comes to us all. Sometimes at a full sprint...because it's a zombie...and it wants you...do you get it now?..Ok, good....How are you?"

Jan 3rd, 2012, 11:44 AM
Love your stuff, keep it coming.

How am I? Pretty damn sick with some sort of head cold / ear infection. I am leaking so much from places that are not supposed to that if TOWTM or some other kelly-gobbler was after me, they would say oooo, gross and pass me right by and if it is another type from a different Mythos specializing in BRAAAAIIIIINNNNNSSSS, they would skip me also because I lost mine a long time ago.

On an aside note, So, how does it feel to be the world's most proliffic serial killer? Seven Billion is a hard number to beat. Even if we mince words and parse we're alive as the zombies, the body count is still super high. Come to think of it you make Dr. Moreau look like chump change. 8 ) (To paraphrase Tar, I did plan that)

Jan 3rd, 2012, 11:46 AM
Love your stuff, keep it coming.

How am I? Pretty damn sick with some sort of head cold / ear infection. I am leaking so much from places that are not supposed to that if TOWTM or some other kelly-gobbler was after me, they would say oooo, gross and pass me right by and if it is another type from a different Mythos specializing in BRAAAAIIIIINNNNNSSSS, they would skip me also because I lost mine a long time ago.

On an aside note, So, how does it feel to be the world's most proliffic serial killer? Seven Billion is a hard number to beat. Even if we mince words and parse we're alive as the zombies, the body count is still super high. Come to think of it you make Dr. Moreau look like chump change. 8 ) (To paraphrase Tar, I did plan that)

Seven billion... yes. They come and they go. Mostly go.