View Full Version : Chapter 25- Inadequate Strength part 1

Jan 1st, 2012, 06:39 PM
In just over 12 hours (barring iTunes screwing us over) We're Alive is back. Therefore, it is my pleasure to release the hounds of hell and start the first thread of season 3 analysis!!!

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:03 AM
Great episode. Wonderfully produced and I feel like I've just had a hit of some fantastic narrative narcotics. I'm just going to sit in the dark and be comfortably numb.... :p

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:04 AM
Nice way to start off the New Year. Still a lot of questions to be answered but, it's good to see some people are still around =D

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:12 AM
1st time I have ever been able to listen to a premiere for We're Alive right when it came out. This was great. Is it next monday yet.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:13 AM
1st time I have ever been able to listen to a premiere for We're Alive right when it came out. This was great. Is it next monday yet.

Not quite. You're just gonna have to listen to this over and over again until you get to the point of over analysis....then you'll fit right in! ;)

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:49 AM
Not quite. You're just gonna have to listen to this over and over again until you get to the point of over analysis....then you'll fit right in! ;)

over analyzing? This must have some hidden meaning that contributes to the on going factors that remain in regards to the overall view of the entire being! :)

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:51 AM
over analyzing? This must have some hidden meaning that contributes to the on going factors that remain in regards to the overall view of the entire being! :)

Damnit! Too much thinking ruined my WA high.....now I gotta listen again! ;)

Dr. Hatchet
Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:52 AM
Season 3 is starting, chap. 25 part 1 is out but not on itunes last I checked

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:54 AM
Season 3 is starting, chap. 25 part 1 is out but not on itunes last I checked

Hit refresh friend!!! I got it downloaded.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:00 AM
Monday makes sense again! Welcome back old friend. :yay:

Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:29 AM
Monday makes sense again! Welcome back old friend. :yay:

Pretty sure WA was the only reason not to hate Mondays. I want the next episode now. :D

Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:58 AM
EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Now I stalk the forums for items of goodness for We're Not Dead!

::hides in a bush::

Jan 2nd, 2012, 11:00 AM
Correct me if I am wrong, but did anyone mention Datu's faulty repair as the reason for them having to land? I can't believe we totally missed that?

All in all, a good episode, I especially liked the voiceover flashbacks at the start of the episode, but the slightly faded nature of the people speaking may hint towards them being heard by Burt? If that was the case then we checked in on every cliffhanger except Angel?

Jan 2nd, 2012, 11:11 AM
It's sort of a catch 22. We spoke of Datu's failure in the chatbox, but it didn't make it in here yet.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 11:24 AM
It's sort of a catch 22. We spoke of Datu's failure in the chatbox, but it didn't make it in here yet.

I think you are talking about after the fact? I meant in the discussions of the episode were his repairs are mentioned and the post Season 2 "WHAT NOW" discussions

Daddy Doom Bar
Jan 2nd, 2012, 11:45 AM
Wow, that was awesome. First time I've listened to any episode on day one. Now I find out what having to wait week after week is like...
First time listening in my new Sennheisers as well. Sounded great. Glad it weren't released in the dead of night, either. Being in the UK I was worried I was going to have to wait till tomorrow!
Enjoyed the episode loads. Plenty of everything I've come to love about We're Alive. I really feel sorry for everyone, talk about frying pans and fires. Interested to see what's in store for Burt!

Jan 2nd, 2012, 11:59 AM
Ahh, it feels good to have my We're Alive fix back. Not sure what to say about this episode except it was a nice, slow, lead in for the season. Got us back into the swing of things before everything hits the fan. Love it!

Jan 2nd, 2012, 12:06 PM
I think you are talking about after the fact? I meant in the discussions of the episode were his repairs are mentioned and the post Season 2 "WHAT NOW" discussions

It wasn't a faulty repair until his repair failed mid flight. How were we supposed to know the repair was faulty until it failed? It worked well enough to get them about a half hour from (presumably) ft Irwin.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 12:16 PM
Very good opening to season 3. Im sooooooooo glad Saul is ok. Looking forward to next monday now! But I still cant get used to listening to one at a time lol

Jan 2nd, 2012, 12:23 PM
One thing I noticed when Saul and Victor were walking around was all of the coughing and with limited visibility from the dust as the building had collapsed, but the Mallers looking around at the end of chapter 24 seemed to have good visibility and no problems breathing. This might give us some indication of the timeline between the two sections.

And YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 2nd, 2012, 12:44 PM
It wasn't a faulty repair until his repair failed mid flight. How were we supposed to know the repair was faulty until it failed? It worked well enough to get them about a half hour from (presumably) ft Irwin.

I was trying to say that it was never implied or considered that Datu's repair could be faulty, or that the possibility of a faulty repair would be the reason for them to land, which I considered odd for a group of fans that over(?)-analyse this show to the Nth degree :)

Jan 2nd, 2012, 12:56 PM
good observation. also looking at it from the perspective of the towers collapse should give some indication of the timeline as well.

*strokes beard*.....couple other things.

big ones dont bleed? just going from memory here, but have we ever heard of blood on a behemoth before? regardless of where(physically) it was shot...would it not be expected that a bullet of that caliber would make a visable spray?

saul and victor are not buddies....excellent...shades of angel/kalani dynamic in full effect. but i see this lil bro-down playing out differently than previous.... bro-down. entertaining non the less!

no sense in jumping on datu just yet about shoddy repairs. one cant expect a simple maintenance man to competantly repair a complex hydraulic system. the more important thing for us to search out right now is a rough guess-timate of where this field they set/are setting the bird down at is....doesn't sound to overly safe imho..(somewhere outside ft irwin along the 15)

new zombie intern...steven!

more to come..

Jan 2nd, 2012, 12:56 PM

Okay, so I was totally happy to hear from Saul and Victor. They were the two I wanted to hear from the most since Chapter 24.

It'll be interesting to hear what happens to Michael's group. I assume they're in the middle of nowhere right now. With Riley still unconscious, Michael (and maybe Kelly) is really the only one who can protect the group should a couple of random zombies find them.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 01:49 PM
One thing I noticed when Saul and Victor were walking around was all of the coughing and with limited visibility from the dust as the building had collapsed, but the Mallers looking around at the end of chapter 24 seemed to have good visibility and no problems breathing. This might give us some indication of the timeline between the two sections.

And YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting. I was wondering about that, but that could explain it. Good thinking cupcake!

And isn't anyone else impressed how far the JANITOR'S repair lasted considering he was only going to school for engineering for a few months/years. If anything it takes a lot longer then a few classes to repair some helicopter hydraulic systems. I would imagine that in the real world, a bullet hole in a hydraulic line would need a full on replacement. But yeah, Datu and Kalani could only do so much to repair it considering the equipment and the timeline they had.

Hmm in hindsight, maybe Kalani should have used the repaired helicopter and crashed that one? :D

Jan 2nd, 2012, 02:00 PM
So is it safe to say the 30-40 seconds of nothing but gunfire in the distance are the Mallers exiting stage left or what?

Jan 2nd, 2012, 02:04 PM
So nice to have my life back on track again.

I really enjoyed the episode. There is plenty to re-listen to and discuss. I've noticed the artwork changed! Unless of course we are going to get a piece of artwork for the entire chapter and then a different one for the individual parts. One shows a hummer, one shows a person walking through some rubble, which could be the fallen tower.

I have to give props to cupcakezombie for mentioning the time difference deduced by the ability see, and breathe correctly. It definitely could be giving us an indication of time. Saul and Victor definitely didn't engage any human hostiles in their escape so this could be quite plausible in my eyes.

Poor Datu, why do so many people dislike him? He plays the big heart, somewhat frail character. In my eyes he is a good balance between all the testosterone and bravery we normally see. It does seem as though his repairs didn't last very long, and that wouldn't surprise me. Hydraulics are insanely high pressure systems and to think that he managed to fix the bird with just some stuff he had in his tool box? Pretty amazing they even made it that far.

I was super stoked to hear the Chopper would not be making it all that way to Fort Irwin after all was said and done. Perhaps the others will be able to meet up with them somehow. Gotta give props to KC for throwing out so many new story dynamics. Possible survivors from the tower collapse, possible prisoners taken by the Mallers, possible conflict between Durai and Scratch and the remaining Maller crew, the separation between Saul/Victor and the Chopper crew... WOW! Gonna be an amazing season.

All I ask/beg is that at some point Michael tells us how he escaped the damn water facility!


Jan 2nd, 2012, 02:59 PM
now i need to wait to hear from burt...

Jan 2nd, 2012, 04:05 PM
I was trying to say that it was never implied or considered that Datu's repair could be faulty, or that the possibility of a faulty repair would be the reason for them to land, which I considered odd for a group of fans that over(?)-analyse this show to the Nth degree :)

Ah ha! Now I'm picking up what you're puttin' down. True, I don't recall anyone pointing out tha prospect. And considering his track record......we all shoulda gone to that first.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 06:51 PM
Interesting start, I like this Victor/ Saul combo. Saul has been a handful lately, especially when it comes to the topic of Lizzy, and everyone always walks on eggshells around him. Burt wont call him on his shit, because he's the reason lizzy is out there. Michael and Angel are just trying to keep him out of the way and out of trouble, etc. But Victor, hell yeah, he'll just tell Saul to shove it. If Angel actually is dead, I'll be fine just cause Victor is so badass.

Also no sign of Angel :'( (and Burt n Lizzy). I guess they'll come into play sometime before this chapter ends.

It looks like there are 3 groups. There's the mauler prisoner group, that's probably Lizzy, Angel and Burt, the latter two i'm guessing survived the tower collapse and were captured. And they'll no doubt merge with Victor/ Saul Group in the near future. Then there's the third group of Michael, Datu, Pegs, Riley and the doc. And i'm sure there'll be a big moment halfway through, or maybe near the end of the season where they all meet up again. Probably back in LA.

I guess the how long it will take for the two groups to meet up again will depend on how far away from LA the helicopter group was before they went down. They said they were one hour away from the fort Irwin. From LA it takes about 3 hours to get there by car. If you take out traffic, and increase your average speed, the trip will probably take less than two hours by heli. The other thing is, right before they crash landed, Michael says, hey follow that road, that's the I-15. the 15 runs tangent to LA, so my guess is that's where Michael's group is. Then there's where they landed itself, Michael tells Pegs to land on a grassy patch. There aren't many grassy patches in LA. So its a good guess that they're near the LA national forest that borders the edge of LA. It would be an interesting change of terrain.

So yeah that's everything I got.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 09:48 PM
I feel like I just listened to Sly Stallone, because that was a Cliffhanger! That was a good premier, and I'll definitely be popping that one on replay a couple of times to hear some stuff over.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:32 PM
Loved the episode, loved the cliffhanger.
The callback to the season one opener ('that was then... this is now') suggests this may be the last season. I know KC was debating whether to do the whole 4 season arc he'd originally planned or to truncate it into a three season story. Wondering if this is the proof of a decision being made. If so, that's a shame, as 4 seasons would be just enough deliciousness. 3 feels too abrupt.

I'm thinking that if we don't hear from them in part 2 we aren't going to hear from the Burt/Angel side of the story til at least Chapter 26. Which means we're dealing solely with the chopper going down a ways from Fort Irwin whilst Saul and Victor try to get to the Mallers. It'll be interesting to see if the Mallers finally hook up with the Colony this season and what'll happen if they do.
Can't wait for next week. This is a feeling I remember fondly, the painful waiting.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:48 PM
Loved the episode, loved the cliffhanger.
The callback to the season one opener ('that was then... this is now') suggests this may be the last season. I know KC was debating whether to do the whole 4 season arc he'd originally planned or to truncate it into a three season story. Wondering if this is the proof of a decision being made. If so, that's a shame, as 4 seasons would be just enough deliciousness. 3 feels too abrupt.

I'm thinking that if we don't hear from them in part 2 we aren't going to hear from the Burt/Angel side of the story til at least Chapter 26. Which means we're dealing solely with the chopper going down a ways from Fort Irwin whilst Saul and Victor try to get to the Mallers. It'll be interesting to see if the Mallers finally hook up with the Colony this season and what'll happen if they do.
Can't wait for next week. This is a feeling I remember fondly, the painful waiting.

Well, I thought KC already confirmed seasons 3 & 4 so, did he recently start talking about shortening it to just the 3rd...or maybe it was a ploy to make us believe that there was a 4th season for reasons...reasons I'm not able to think of at the moment O_o.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 03:56 AM
Kc said on the live WND that there will be four seasons.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 08:18 AM
One thing I noticed when Saul and Victor were walking around was all of the coughing and with limited visibility from the dust as the building had collapsed, but the Mallers looking around at the end of chapter 24 seemed to have good visibility and no problems breathing. This might give us some indication of the timeline between the two sections.

Instead of the dust and coughing being an indication of time difference, couldn't they be indications of different locations? Saul and Victor were afraid that the tower would fall on them, but the Mallers seemed like they didn't worry about much. Is it more likely that they are just on opposite sides of the tower.

I guess this requires me to listen to chapter 24 again.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 08:52 AM
Great episode, as ever. Looking forward to my journey home to listen again. And a curse on the mobile version of iTunes!

Just a thought I had. Noone can stand on top of a building and survive its collapse. They collapse at pretty much freefall, which means that you would be falling 9 stories onto a tangled mass of bricks and steel. So my idea...

I relistened to the end of C24 yesterday and it struck me that there was a decent sized pause between anyone actually seeing Angel on the roof and the tower collapsing. The zipwire broke 10 meters from the other tower, which is a couple of minutes walk from the main tower. With a bit of guesswork, that means that there should have been a wire running from where Angel was standing when Burt fell, pretty much down to the ground. I presume that his military time would have included at least one abseil. We can assume that he used the kit that was to be used for zip lining to do the same (Gloves, Some sort of hook and eye harness)

So my theory is that Angel Abseiled like a madman down the tower just prior to collapse and at the bottom was injured by falling masonry as he tried to get away. That leaves us with a seriously injured Burt (if he's mobile in this season I would be surprised) and a possibly lightly injured Angel (To save Burt from the mallers at some stage, leading to some great "Don't think this makes it alright between us" gruffness).

Jan 3rd, 2012, 09:05 AM
Kc said on the live WND that there will be four seasons.
Confirmed. 4 is planned. Unless some disaster or apocalypse happens in the meanwhile.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 09:16 AM
Confirmed. 4 is planned. Unless some disaster or apocalypse happens in the meanwhile.
You meant "in spite of" instead of unless right? ;)

Jan 3rd, 2012, 10:14 AM
God WA how I've missed you.

One thing that's bothering me is this whole behemoth keep up with the truck, how? there slow. The trucks sounds like its going fast. Is it because Victor was laying of the gas from fear of crashing or the stuff on the ground is slowing him down?? Whatever the truck dodges would slow the behemoth down right? Seems strange to me. I like the idea that the who/what is creating them is making improvements. Sounds scary as hell. Or is this just my case of over-analyse :mad:

Jan 3rd, 2012, 11:00 AM
God WA how I've missed you.

One thing that's bothering me is this whole behemoth keep up with the truck, how? there slow. The trucks sounds like its going fast. Is it because Victor was laying of the gas from fear of crashing or the stuff on the ground is slowing him down?? Whatever the truck dodges would slow the behemoth down right? Seems strange to me. I like the idea that the who/what is creating them is making improvements. Sounds scary as hell. Or is this just my case of over-analyse :mad:

no the truck was stuck for a good bit, once they actually got it moving they got away without much trouble. And if it's like an older model truck, it'll take a good 15 seconds to get up to 60

Jan 3rd, 2012, 11:32 AM
Is it because Victor was laying of the gas from fear of crashing or the stuff on the ground is slowing him down??
Yes. Visibility was VERY low and the road where they were sucked. Saul and Victor kept arguing about it. Victor went as fast as he could, without serious risk of hitting something. One impact, all over.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 02:56 PM
I can't imagine how tough it must have been for Vic to drive with Flesh Biter guts smeared on the windshield, a heavy cloud of dust obscuring his already obscured view, and a road littered with dead cars and tower debris, not to mention the Behemoth chasing thier ass. Props to Victor for his driving skills. I was actually gripping my desk tight and holding my breath waiting for the "Oh shi-!" followed by a truck crashing. What with the way Burt just fell into the void of smoke I am not convinced that KC would spare anyone from random disaster.

Great episode! I was glad to see my favorite character was heavily followed through most of it, Saul. Though he is pissing me off with his short sightedness (he should be coaxing Victor to help him rather than brush him off), I can understand his eagerness to get hot on the trail of finding Lizzie.

I'm going to hop on Google mapsh later and follow the 15 pin pointing any grassy fields along the way. I want to get an idea of where Mikey and crew are at.

Those Behemoths have much tougher skin than I thought. Though Saul did shoot it in the chest, where the ribs are. I imagine these creatures have some heavy duty rib cages to take a .50 round. It is possible the round pierced the skin and the creature later bled on the ground. Who knows?

Well, I'm off for now. I'm going to ponder some more about this episode. It answered NONE of the major questions I had at the end of chapter 24, but that's exactly why I love this serial!

Jan 3rd, 2012, 03:11 PM
About the non bloody behemoth...

I could be going way out on a limb here, but a thing of note is victors line after Saul shot the thing. He comments about .50 cal rounds are designed to go through concrete walls (paraphrasing)...what else have we seen go through walls?....dunno...could be a subtle hint

Or I'm reading way too much into things...

Jan 3rd, 2012, 03:39 PM
My spider sense is tingling and I see a Angel/Kalani repeat with Saul & Victor. Though I think this will be entirely more entertaining. Datu in my opinion is a great guy just a little bit of a wuss, but very talented. I agree with a lot of you on his "jigger riggin" of the helo but with the supplies and timeline he did great. Im still praying to Bill Murray that Burt is alive, though obviously injured. If hes actually dead i might cry....key word might. Lol

Jan 3rd, 2012, 04:35 PM
Quick story. I listened to the episode this morning on my iPhone while I work. Loved the the beginning with the sounds of the helicopter and that faint sound of Burt falling. When it was time for Victor and Saul's story, I felt that victors voice sounded over synthesized and speed up. I was thinking this is the worst recording and decided to check what's wrong on my iPhone. Didn't know that the iPhone has a button to speed up music. It was on 2X. So, I place it back on 1X and the sound was great. I felt stupid because I knew it wasn't the production but my stupid phone. :p

Overall, the chapter was great. Can't wait for part 2

Jan 3rd, 2012, 05:50 PM
Instead of the dust and coughing being an indication of time difference, couldn't they be indications of different locations? Saul and Victor were afraid that the tower would fall on them, but the Mallers seemed like they didn't worry about much. Is it more likely that they are just on opposite sides of the tower.

That's what I thought, too. Victor and Saul could have been downwind, and that's why they got a face full of dust and smoke. At one point during the final battle at the end of season two, Michael (or Angel, I can't remember) said that setting fire to the furniture that had been tossed out of the tower's windows wouldn't be a problem because of the wind direction.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 05:55 PM
About the non bloody behemoth...

I could be going way out on a limb here, but a thing of note is victors line after Saul shot the thing. He comments about .50 cal rounds are designed to go through concrete walls (paraphrasing)...what else have we seen go through walls?....dunno...could be a subtle hint

Or I'm reading way too much into things...

I was thinking along the same lines! I posted about it in my thread about the blood. It seems weird, that the behemoths wouldn't have blood, but considering how different they are, it could be another sign that they aren't made from humans.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 05:58 PM
I'm very eager to get the zombies' origin story (or whatever they are), though I suspect that question won't be answered in full until season four. I just hope it's not a "covert government/military program gone horribly wrong" thing. That's been done a million times.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 08:50 PM
Firstly I loved the beginning of this episode. I had a psychotic grin on my face on Monday when it started. I felt like it was Burt's point of view after he fell for the first bit until Michael did his opening, "Nothing used to scare me...". That is my theory at least. So excited that we are BACK!

Okay one strange thing about the Behemoth apparently not bleeding after being hit by a freaking fifty caliber round. In chapter 8, after Angel, Michael, Datu and Riley encounter our first ever Behemoth and those that got away discuss it. Datu claims to have hit it several times in the chest, and Riley says, "I know we were both shaking, but I saw blood, we hit it I am sure". They were wielding 9mm Berettas and Angel had his 5.56mm M16, apparently this produced blood. Unless that Behemoth was defective or already covered in blood, I had a WTF moment when Saul claims to have not seen blood. On the other hand, visibility was complete crap, so I am going to believe that Saul was mistaken.

I felt the Saul and Victor arguing moment really added drama and made the characters quite human. They should work together, they need to work together and begrudgingly, they do, but neither one is happy about it. Constantly bickering when they are both know the best thing is to shut up and keep moving. It is sort of like a buddy cop movie, where the main characters are interesting because of conflicts in their personalities and goals, except I don't see either of these guys being the Danny Glover. I guess Victor is closer to Glover. I need to watch more buddy cop films...

The ending also gave me a tiny wtf. I thought Datu could fix everything! LOL, I just keep hearing Nikvoodoo's voice snarking, "We'll bring in Datu, he can fix everything". So I hope he has snarky comment about that at some point. So much for a meme coming out of that...

Jan 3rd, 2012, 11:17 PM
The ending also gave me a tiny wtf. I thought Datu could fix everything! LOL, I just keep hearing Nikvoodoo's voice snarking, "We'll bring in Datu, he can fix everything". So I hope he has snarky comment about that at some point. So much for a meme coming out of that...

Are we sure that it is Datu's quick fixes that caused the new leak? Wasn't the helicopter shot at while it was leaving the Tower in chapter 24?

Jan 4th, 2012, 02:18 AM
I really liked the editing in this episode: the far away voices at the beginning to recap and so on. The overall quality is incredible. For a free show, it's amazing. I'm spamming WA to all my friends. Most of them fear they won't understand the story well (non-native speakers), but still.
Writing-wise: season finale on a helicopter, the survivors splitting up, helicopter having trouble... the script reminds me of Lost again (I mean it as a good thing in this case :) ). The helicopter crashing was quite obvious, but still it was nice to hear Michael's voice narrating again.
I see a potential pitfall with Fort Irwin: it might go like the BSG episode when they reach Earth, if you know what I mean, especially if a good part of the season is spent struggling to reach it.

Jan 4th, 2012, 05:22 AM
ahhhhhh, like crack. listened to it on my way into work this morning. too short though, when the episode ended i stopped in the line to get on base, got out of my car, fell to my knees and "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!" they pulled me aside and questioned me for an hour. it was like forty five minutes before they'd let me play the episode, then they understood and sent me on my way. thanks WA.

Jan 4th, 2012, 08:35 AM
I loved the music at the beginning and Michaels quote at the beginning. It is an official tradition now. The past 2 weeks I have been listening to season 1 and 2 over and over. Then Chapter 25 part 1 is over and I had trained myself to expect the next episode. I love/hate the week long waits. Just awesome.

Jan 4th, 2012, 08:42 AM
I am also interested to see if there are any Creatures out where the copter went down. I would think no, unless they are already at Fort Irwin. But story wise, that would be boring. Got to have the Creatures.

Jan 4th, 2012, 11:32 AM
It will certainly be interesting to find out just where the helicopter will have to make it's emergency landing. Since there is no minimum airspeed to which a helicopter has to maintain to stay in the air, nor do we know what Kalani's planned route was to get to Ft. Irwin, it is impossible to determine how far "30 minutes out" translates to in miles. The only geographical reference is that they were now following the I-15, which tells me that the chopper immediately took an easterly route after departing the Tower. Most likely Kalani would have avoided having to climb over either the San Gabriel or San Bernadino mountain ranges, both of which easily top 10000ft (not a good idea in a helicopter). Kalani would also have kept both helicopters at a low altitude just in case of such an emergency and on a route that terrain that a helicopter could land if necessary.

Most likely their route have taken them north though the El Cajon pass which separates the two mountain ranges and also has the I-15 running through it. The question now remains, is Pegs putting the helicopter down in Fontana (aka "Fon-tucky") on the basin side or are they now on the desert side, closer to Barstow? Unfortunately, neither of these places bode well for our survivors, and both send chills down my spine...with or without zombies and/or mallers lurking about.

Btw, I loved Michael's first comment though when Pegs announced the hydraulic leak..."The thing Datu fixed?" What an a-hole.

Anyway, great job WA artists. It's been a long wait but we're all happy you are back. Get to work on the Bert episode. He's probably killed all the mallers by now and I don't want to miss the carnage.

Jan 4th, 2012, 12:19 PM
As far as Saul not seeing blood when he nailed the Behemoth in the chest with the .50 round, I am thinking that it could be because he hit one of the hardest parts of the creature, the rib cage. Either that or the round was strong enough to go right through it. I've seen some gun shot wounds and it's funny but sometimes they just don't bleed. They do all sorts of internal damage but some wounds just don't ooze blood. I think it was Pikepaw who mentioned a previous chapter where Riley, Angel, and Datu encounted the first ever behemoth in which they were certain they wounded it with 5.56 and 9mm rounds. Unless this is a clue that the creatures are still evolving; getting stronger to the point where they can't be killed by conventional weapons. If you look back at the very first time Michael encounters the flesh biters, they move slowly passed his car and appear to have zero intelligence operating instead on natural instincts to attack moving, noisy objects that might be food.
As far as creation theories go, I am still backing aliens, or military experimentation using alien science.

Satanic Mechanic
Jan 4th, 2012, 07:43 PM
Great Episode! the sound effects were really high quality. Man, hearing that gun fight in the distance was chilling. Yeah, I betting a 30 minute helo ride could equate to a long walk.

Jan 5th, 2012, 07:04 AM
I was wondering about the "recap" at the beginning of the chapter. Was that supposed to be from one of the survivors point of view or was it just like a memory fog type situation? The way it sounded muffled made me think someone inside the chopper was listening, like a semiconscious Riley, or a headphones wearing Peggs. Who was hearing that?

Jan 5th, 2012, 02:06 PM
Most likely their route have taken them north though the El Cajon pass which separates the two mountain ranges and also has the I-15 running through it. The question now remains, is Pegs putting the helicopter down in Fontana (aka "Fon-tucky") on the basin side or are they now on the desert side, closer to Barstow? Unfortunately, neither of these places bode well for our survivors, and both send chills down my spine...with or without zombies and/or mallers lurking about.

I like how you tracked the route. Awesome job. Though I'm wondering if they are following a route planned by Kalani or if they are just using the GPS? Do the helicopters use a different type of GPS or did they high jack one from a car? Anywho, following the 15 to Fort Irwin I saw there was a this funny little pinpoint in Barstow that just read, "Field". It is off to the right of the 15/40 split; in Kennedy High School's backyard. How cool would it be for them to land in the baseball field of a high school? I'm wondering if the school would have survivors or flesh biters locked inside. Craziness. Well, wondering what will happen to the helicopter crew has me on edge. There are just too many possibilities--Sherlock would need more evidence to reach a conclusion!

Jan 5th, 2012, 02:08 PM
from what i heard, they were just following the highway. no real reason not to, and easier to not get lost.

Jan 5th, 2012, 02:40 PM
from what i heard, they were just following the highway. no real reason not to, and easier to not get lost.

I relistened and it sounds like a combination of the two; Michael says that the GPS says "to stay heading in that direction for a while" and a moment later he says "down there that big road down there is the 15, follow that." Makes me wonder if the GPS was for a ground based vehicle and plotted a course on the freeways.

I'm really hoping they crash landed in that baseball field behind Kennedy High School in Barstow.

Jan 5th, 2012, 06:14 PM
Am I the only one who heard or thought that they heard this?
In the opening scene when Burt is going over to the other building where the other Helicopter is and Burt falls, You hear Burts voice from a distance, like in Chapter 24, except then you hear Tanya, Michael and Kelly arguing from a distance as well. If they're both from a distance then maybe a third party was listening.... or maybe the perspective just changed from Michael and that to Burt after he fell. We didn't hear Burt making noise, so we don't know.

Jan 5th, 2012, 07:13 PM
I relistened and it sounds like a combination of the two; Michael says that the GPS says "to stay heading in that direction for a while" and a moment later he says "down there that big road down there is the 15, follow that." Makes me wonder if the GPS was for a ground based vehicle and plotted a course on the freeways.

I'm really hoping they crash landed in that baseball field behind Kennedy High School in Barstow.

I kind of find it a little unbelievable that a GPS would work with any reliability this long after the apocalypse. GPS sats and receiving stations go through considerable calibration all the time to keep them correct. Following a magnetic heading through the onboard instrumentation on the other hand would still be reliable. But the best idea would be to visually follow the I-15 at a relatively low level, but also have someone co-piloting to help Pegs find her way. It's not easy trying to fly and keep lookout at the same time. Who knows, maybe they would see some survivors.

Jan 5th, 2012, 07:44 PM
I kind of find it a little unbelievable that a GPS would work with any reliability this long after the apocalypse. GPS sats and receiving stations go through considerable calibration all the time to keep them correct. Following a magnetic heading through the onboard instrumentation on the other hand would still be reliable. But the best idea would be to visually follow the I-15 at a relatively low level, but also have someone co-piloting to help Pegs find her way. It's not easy trying to fly and keep lookout at the same time. Who knows, maybe they would see some survivors.
GPS Satellites will last long after we are gone.

Jan 6th, 2012, 06:35 AM
i don't know about that, satallites require a ground control team to help guide them and keep them online. once that's gone and there's no more power, the satallites wouldn't know to make course corrections and after a while would just drop out of the sky. i think. man i sound like a wet blanket.

Jan 6th, 2012, 07:08 AM
Am I the only one who heard or thought that they heard this?
In the opening scene when Burt is going over to the other building where the other Helicopter is and Burt falls, You hear Burts voice from a distance, like in Chapter 24, except then you hear Tanya, Michael and Kelly arguing from a distance as well. If they're both from a distance then maybe a third party was listening.... or maybe the perspective just changed from Michael and that to Burt after he fell. We didn't hear Burt making noise, so we don't know.

What we hear in 25 is pretty much what we heard at the end of 24. The difference was perspective. I thought about this in two ways.

1) It is just a mood setting thing. Ramping into Season 3.
2) We all know that this is an audio drama. Sound is critical and ment to be there. In 24 we hear as if we are with Michael/Tanya. In 25 we hear it as if we are elsewhere. But where? It is not Saul and Victor. We hear them next and the copter sounds is very different. Angel? Maybe that is what Angel hears. This alerts him that he needs to find a new ride out of Dodge ASAP. Burt? Not only is he in a different location, he is in a different condition. Hearing is the last thing to go and the first thing to come back. Be it sleep, concussion or drunken haze blackouts.

If it is not mood setting and was entered in someone's Log it is again argues for Burt to have survived.

Jan 6th, 2012, 09:59 AM
What we hear in 25 is pretty much what we heard at the end of 24. The difference was perspective. I thought about this in two ways.

1) It is just a mood setting thing. Ramping into Season 3.
2) We all know that this is an audio drama. Sound is critical and ment to be there. In 24 we hear as if we are with Michael/Tanya. In 25 we hear it as if we are elsewhere. But where? It is not Saul and Victor. We hear them next and the copter sounds is very different. Angel? Maybe that is what Angel hears. This alerts him that he needs to find a new ride out of Dodge ASAP. Burt? Not only is he in a different location, he is in a different condition. Hearing is the last thing to go and the first thing to come back. Be it sleep, concussion or drunken haze blackouts.

If it is not mood setting and was entered in someone's Log it is again argues for Burt to have survived.

I was thinking the same thing about it being a mood setting for the season but with Kc you can't always be sure. Another point of view someone mentioned earlier was Riley's, being unconscious and hearing thing fuzzy, but I don't care much for this point of view. It could also be Michael remembering how screwed things are/were, being that its his voice we hear first.

Jan 6th, 2012, 07:14 PM
I was thinking the same thing about it being a mood setting for the season but with Kc you can't always be sure. Another point of view someone mentioned earlier was Riley's, being unconscious and hearing thing fuzzy, but I don't care much for this point of view. It could also be Michael remembering how screwed things are/were, being that its his voice we hear first.
Rliey was within the helicopter so the voices and the helicopter would have sounded closer and louder and same if it was Michael.

Jan 8th, 2012, 10:40 AM
it is really great having WA back but I think I am going to need to listen to it a few more times, I found it kind of confusing the whole Saul and Victor portion had trouble hearing parts of the conversation they were having, it could be just my sound system but with a few more listens I should be good and ready for part 2

Jan 8th, 2012, 07:28 PM
I'm glad they set it in a different perspective to be honest i totally forgot about saul and victor after they were hit with the rpg
heh the rest of 24 was sooo intense i was thinking too much about the poor people in the tower :/ and what kind of car do you guys think
victor was able to get?

Jan 9th, 2012, 04:39 AM
I'm glad they set it in a different perspective to be honest i totally forgot about saul and victor after they were hit with the rpg
heh the rest of 24 was sooo intense i was thinking too much about the poor people in the tower :/ and what kind of car do you guys think
victor was able to get?

Pretty sure its a pick up truck. The same one they straight messed up in chapter 24. Had

Has anyone mentioned the hilarity of victor inquiring about the maller's leg when he reaches the truck?

Jan 15th, 2012, 04:20 PM
Noticed something as I was doing the recap that probably not much, but as Victor and Saul were driving away from the behemoth they hit something and got blood on the windscreen and later Saul mentions that his Picc line nearly came out. It is really probably nothing, but just something I noticed

Jan 16th, 2012, 05:18 AM
Noticed something as I was doing the recap that probably not much, but as Victor and Saul were driving away from the behemoth they hit something and got blood on the windscreen and later Saul mentions that his Picc line nearly came out. It is really probably nothing, but just something I noticed

I never thought of that! Good ears. Let us just remember, when Tommy was turning he was becoming very irratible and had what some of us call a 'tude.

Mar 26th, 2022, 08:38 AM
I am doing a full relisten. KC, did you edit this one? After Datu is crying and says "we need the dog over here" there is a very loud word that sounds like STOP and feels really out of place...