View Full Version : Mike's Journal - Think about it

Jan 1st, 2012, 06:35 PM
Just gave the whole series a little listen-through in preparation for S3.

In the beginning of the first chapter of the first episode, Michael makes it pretty clear that he is writing everything then and there.

Also, just because somebody narrates doesn't mean they are still alive. It could just be Michael remembering what they had told him. Nobody ever seems to pop up "in the now" (as in, whenever Michael is writing this). In fact, nothing happens at all "in the now". The only reference to it anywhere is in the first twenty seconds of E1. And Michael seems confused, saying "Maybe if I write it all down it will start to make sense; then again maybe not". So there is something he doesn't understand that happens at some point. Now, I'm not an expert at crowd-sourcing ideas but I do know that figuring things out is a hell of a lot easier when you have two heads instead of one. It might be a stretch, but what if Michael is alone?

I know I'm reading into this a bit, but this show is produced so well it's hard to take anything at face value. It makes all of us that aren't nikvoodo go :mad:

Jan 1st, 2012, 06:52 PM
If its any consolation, that aspect of the show makes me rip my hair out too.

I don't remember when it was I said it on WND (I think it was my first appearance) that At some point the story may cross over from being told through journals to being told real time. The only other time when I think the journals did say something close to real time was Saul in chapter 5 when he was joking about making Michael lunch if he got turned into a zombie on the tanker mission.

Jan 1st, 2012, 07:05 PM
If its any consolation, that aspect of the show makes me rip my hair out too.

I don't remember when it was I said it on WND (I think it was my first appearance) that At some point the story may cross over from being told through journals to being told real time. The only other time when I think the journals did say something close to real time was Saul in chapter 5 when he was joking about making Michael lunch if he got turned into a zombie on the tanker mission.

I think I recall that, but at the time I thought it was just Saul joking around. In tense situations or when they are very nervous, a lot of people have two ways of coping: 1- Get all quiet and silent and keep to yourself or 2- Joke about it and play it off like it's nothing in more of an effort to convince yourself than anyone else. Seemed like Saul was using the second method there.

I'll be giving it another listen anyway, but it seemed like Saul was trying to inject some witty humor into the situation.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 01:42 PM
We have an after-action report being written in third person punctuated with occasional first person naratives to solve multiple mysteries.

The way I listen to it is that Michael is paraphrasing events in an all encompassing journal. He could be writing it as we hear it or rereading that which he already wrote. He is familiar with what happened and the (completed) everyone's journal enteries.

But, when we hear Naration in character voice it is Michael tacking a direct quote from that character's journal. Normally we hear conversation and background sounds. It is only In Character voice do we hear things like "I felt..." "I thought..." "I *completed action* like never before."

I do not remember ever seeing things done this way. I have seen Journal-based, very gothic -- (Dracula). After-action recollection, where it is very heavy on action (Modern -- pickone) without the two page tedious description of the vase of flowers in the room (nearly anything before moving pictures.) Being partially told in first person (World War Z, Band of Brothrs) to try and figure out what the hell happened (Sherlock Holmes).

Might as well take the next step and add editorial comments from the reviewer and minor corrections of the copy editor just prior to galleys. 8 )

Jan 8th, 2012, 01:51 PM
When I first listened to WA I assumed that everyone but Michael would eventually die as he was seeming to be writing down what he could recall and there was no input from anyone else. But then there have been times when I thought Michael would be killed off. I don't think any of the characters are safe from being eaten alive. But I think Michael will see out the majority of the story.

Drogon Malice
Feb 12th, 2012, 06:18 AM
Just gave the whole series a little listen-through in preparation for S3.

In the beginning of the first chapter of the first episode, Michael makes it pretty clear that he is writing everything then and there.

Also, just because somebody narrates doesn't mean they are still alive. It could just be Michael remembering what they had told him. Nobody ever seems to pop up "in the now" (as in, whenever Michael is writing this). In fact, nothing happens at all "in the now". The only reference to it anywhere is in the first twenty seconds of E1. And Michael seems confused, saying "Maybe if I write it all down it will start to make sense; then again maybe not". So there is something he doesn't understand that happens at some point. Now, I'm not an expert at crowd-sourcing ideas but I do know that figuring things out is a hell of a lot easier when you have two heads instead of one. It might be a stretch, but what if Michael is alone?

I know I'm reading into this a bit, but this show is produced so well it's hard to take anything at face value. It makes all of us that aren't nikvoodo go :mad:

i thought the same thing too, i thought he might be alone aswell initially but there was a point where it seemed like the writting "caught up" with life in the tower a little bit in the middle of season 1 somewhere.... i don't recall which episode though