View Full Version : Chapter 25 Title and artwork revealed!

Dec 27th, 2011, 09:02 PM
Earlier today Kc posted this on the WA Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=343939582299339&set=a.193321460694486.54749.193315070695125&type=1&ref=nf)

So we have artwork, and a title (Inadequate Strength)....that my friends is enough to start the feeding frenzy of speculation!!!!! Who is that in the artwork?? Why are they at what appears to be the ruins of the arena?? Or is it the Tower?? Who is lacking in strength? Let's hear your thoughts!

Dec 28th, 2011, 09:21 AM
I LOVED the new art!
I figured it was someone combing through the wreckage of the tower for survivors :)

Dec 31st, 2011, 11:02 AM
Earlier today Kc posted this on the WA Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=343939582299339&set=a.193321460694486.54749.193315070695125&type=1&ref=nf)

So we have artwork, and a title (Inadequate Strength)....that my friends is enough to start the feeding frenzy of speculation!!!!! Who is that in the artwork?? Why are they at what appears to be the ruins of the arena?? Or is it the Tower?? Who is lacking in strength? Let's hear your thoughts!

Ugh. The anticipation is killing me! I'm already upset because of the title "Inadequate Strength". Something tells me it's going to be a plethora of bad news for the Tower crew :( </3

Jan 1st, 2012, 06:55 PM
Looks like the wreckage of the Tower, judging by the appearance of the wall (many hotels and apartments have the "segmented" look, but it's hard to describe, and I don't think the Arena totally collapsed if I remember Saul's description of it correctly.) Also, look down and to the left of the person. See that blue plate in the pile of wreckage? Seems like something an apartment building would have. There also appears to be a lampshade above the plate.

I would even go as far as to say that the person shown is Saul (or possibly Viktor, and I'm simply judging by the color of the skin and the ability to walk, which Angel and Burt probably don't have. Also the hair; it appears to be short, but it could also be a long ponytail thrown over their right shoulder. Could it Scratch?).

Also, the person appears to be carrying something. Not a person (which would be a great spoiler to put right in front of everyone) but SOMETHING. It also does not look like any gun I've ever seen. What color was Saul's dog? Because a small-ish black dog would just about fit that shape and size. That's all I can think of, it could be almost anything.

As for the title: I think it refers to the condition of the living Tower people back at the wreckage. One would imagine falling 15 stories - along with the building - would be a pretty draining experience. Maybe they don't have enough strength left to fight off the Mallers that take them prisoner? Or it could also refer to the emotional strength of the people in the helicopter. They might turn around from worry that those they left behind are still alive and being held captive. Hell, it could refer to the number of people in the helicopter - if Fort Irwin has survivors (or zombies, which would be very very bad) already in it they might not be able to fight them off.

All that being said, it is a GREAT picture. I wish I was this good at graphic design.

Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:36 PM
*spoliers* Well so far the Tower was lacking in strength as it collapsed, and the chopper's hydraulic system's strength failed. Plus the... was it a behemoth chasing Saul and Vic? ... it's strength failed. So... there's that.

Ben Hosac
Jan 3rd, 2012, 01:20 AM
Hey, you noticed all that :). I wasn't sure anyone would pick up on it since I imagined the images would mostly be seen as a thumbnail.

Jan 6th, 2012, 12:09 PM
It looks like the mans shadow to me, not carrying something (or someone).

Mar 27th, 2012, 01:11 PM
I just realized that in this chapter art, the Behemoth is supposed to be chasing Saul and Victor right? Where did they get the hummer? I could have sworn they jacked a pick up truck from a deceased Maller.

Mar 27th, 2012, 01:38 PM
I just realized that in this chapter art, the Behemoth is supposed to be chasing Saul and Victor right? Where did they get the hummer? I could have sworn they jacked a pick up truck from a deceased Maller.

In this chapter art I see a lone figure walking among the ruins of the Tower.....

....maybe this is like an ink blot test or something.... ;)

Mar 27th, 2012, 01:55 PM
In this chapter art I see a lone figure walking among the ruins of the Tower.....

....maybe this is like an ink blot test or something.... ;)

Really? Are you looking from a PC or your phone? It really looks like a Behemoth is chasing a Hummer as the vehicle leaps over wreckage while a figure in the back of the vehicle appears to be firing off a single round right into the creatures face/chest area.


Mar 27th, 2012, 02:26 PM
Really? Are you looking from a PC or your phone? It really looks like a Behemoth is chasing a Hummer as the vehicle leaps over wreckage while a figure in the back of the vehicle appears to be firing off a single round right into the creatures face/chest area.


The link this thread is about is part 1, silly person. The picture it goes to is the person walking through the wreckage. :)

I'm pretty sure the picture you're looking at is from Part 2....maybe 3. Either way, you're right. It looks like a hummer and they were supposed to be getting away in a pick up truck is my understanding.

Mar 27th, 2012, 02:44 PM
The link this thread is about is part 1, silly person. The picture it goes to is the person walking through the wreckage. :)

I'm pretty sure the picture you're looking at is from Part 2....maybe 3. Either way, you're right. It looks like a hummer and they were supposed to be getting away in a pick up truck is my understanding.

:/ Wha? Part 1? Like Chapter 25 part 1? There is artwork for each part of the chapter?

I am actually...confused.

So it would actually help for me to click on the link right? This is actually my first time seeing this artwork. Pretty bad ass. Has it been said who that character is?

Mar 27th, 2012, 03:51 PM
:/ Wha? Part 1? Like Chapter 25 part 1? There is artwork for each part of the chapter?

I am actually...confused.

So it would actually help for me to click on the link right? This is actually my first time seeing this artwork. Pretty bad ass. Has it been said who that character is?

Yes, on occasion the artwork is part specific. If you use iTunes you can click through and see them all.

I think it's supposed to be Saul or Victor. The color of the clothing seems to be Saul (fatigue color), but that's the best guess I can muster.