View Full Version : So what is it with Pegs and the other groups?

Dec 13th, 2011, 09:35 AM
All of this is circumstantial but it does fit a pattern <br />
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She starts off a timid mouse, but in chapter 12 she is a burgeoning Laura Croft. Jumping from balcony to balcony multiple stories up. She...

Dec 13th, 2011, 09:52 AM
I think the Marcus thing has more to do with being able to identify the one english word contained in a mountain of spanish "gibberish." People who listen to others speaking a foreign language will pick out the words they understand.

And she got Mchael's gun once he was incapacitated and their lives were in danger. She didn't have one until then. I think the thing I take most of the changes we've seen in pegs is she's become aware of the changes in reality and becoming more proactive in her place. She's not allowing others to dictate to her as much as she did before. And good on her for that. She's becoming an invaluable member of the "tower" with these changes.

Dec 14th, 2011, 08:32 AM
Good points Nick. I have to relisten. My memmory is that I hear her manipulate a rifle. But, maybe that is just bleed over from when she does it in the car as they leave to tower to find a doc. <br />

Wicked Sid
Dec 14th, 2011, 07:45 PM
If Pegs was some kind of extraordinary badass, then she really wouldn't have had the reoccurring nightmares about Murdering John (Latch) in cold blood.


Dec 14th, 2011, 07:48 PM
If Pegs was some kind of extraordinary badass, then she really wouldn't have had the reoccurring nightmares about Murdering John (Latch) in cold blood.


Pzzzzzzzzzzzt :P It was self defense. Pegs was only defending herself, Michael and the tower from a home invasion.

Dec 21st, 2011, 11:07 AM
in the state of florida... arizona... new mexico... texas... montana... hell wisconsin, that is clear cut self defense.

Jan 7th, 2012, 08:32 AM
I'm very late on this but you sir are thinking what I've been saying for a long time. Pegs has been there from the beginning but she's the one &quot;original&quot; Tower resident we know the least about. Since...

Jan 18th, 2012, 09:30 PM
Nice thread.Thanks for sharing.

Jan 19th, 2012, 09:37 AM
concering the "Pegs is more than meets the eye" thought process
some of the change in characters is them overcoming some insane events that just never seem to go away. it makes them a new person. so much gets thrown at you (in the case of a story of survival) and you either rise to the challenge or give up and die. add a love interest and it goes even further. Pegs is different but i'm still not convinced that she is some rogue agent just waiting to strike.

Travis Sutak
May 16th, 2012, 07:43 PM
Could it be that pegs has repressed memories that might have been there in the beginning but she never revealed it to anyone that would explain her change in attitude after killing latch and to explain the dreams it could be pegs repressed memories all coming back to her as for her change in attitude could be because in the beginning she might have wanted michael to see her as needy because she liked him from the beginning.