View Full Version : Day in the life of a WA survivor

Nov 17th, 2011, 07:51 PM
I just finished season one and two about a week ago. I thought it sucked that the only time you learned a residents name is when they died basically when they died. Well anyway now that the nameless ones at the WA tower are dead what do you think everyone did all day? Or maybe at least their jobs.

First one that comes to mind is cooking duty. I know Riley and Pegs each had a turn, which makes me believe that jobs at the tower were on some sort of rotation. So I guess some of the nameless resident pulled cooking duty.

Guard duty, everyone did that. Seems to be a single person job though. It would probably help if this were a two person job. People wouldn't be dosing off as often with the late night shifts and it could have kept the spy from reporting to the Mallers.

Lets see there's the person who carries fuel from the tanker to the generator. That seems to be an all day job depending on how much power the people in the tower use. Something to think about also is if the water is shut off most likely the natural gas lines are down too, so they must be cooking with electrical burners.

Then theirs the person the goes to everyone's room to fill the toilet water tank so it can flush. Yuck. I wonder if anyone in the main cast pulled latrine duty.

People in the motor pool armored the cars they had as best they could. They made a point of it the first chapter and I just assumed that they just kept doing it untill the fall of the tower.

So anyone know of any other things the survivors did in the tower?

Nov 17th, 2011, 08:44 PM
Scavenging groups would have been a major duty.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 17th, 2011, 09:21 PM
There was the garden (back before it dried up), Riley's "store", and Burt's armory. And who could forget Datu and his infamous tools.

Nov 17th, 2011, 11:49 PM
There was the garden (back before it dried up), Riley's "store", and Burt's armory. And who could forget Datu and his infamous tools.

I believe what Gene was getting at was what were the red shirt people doing. We know no one was helping Pegs except for Leopold and he wasn't very helpful at all. No one would be able to help Burt because he would want to be exclusively in control of the armory (only he and Michael had keys or something like that). I also think Riley's shop was exclusively Riley's.

Nov 18th, 2011, 06:56 AM
I believe what Gene was getting at was what were the red shirt people doing. We know no one was helping Pegs except for Leopold and he wasn't very helpful at all. No one would be able to help Burt because he would want to be exclusively in control of the armory (only he and Michael had keys or something like that). I also think Riley's shop was exclusively Riley's.

well, there was the store, armory, and maintanence. none of our main characters existed in a bubble, so it stands to reason that, though i don't think it was ever mentioned, some red shirts were involved in all of those areas. i also think that there would've been lots of red shirt activity in the motor pool, and there would've had to be some sort of janitorial staff, just like sweeping and clearing debris or whatever,helping keep the place liveable.

Nov 18th, 2011, 09:00 AM
In Chapter 4 - Rules and Regulations, Michael mentioned Riley meeting with her crew, so she must have had some help.

Kelly also worked in Laundry Service at the Colony. It's possible they had something similar at the Tower too.

Nov 22nd, 2011, 06:57 PM
Kelly also worked in Laundry Service at the Colony. It's possible they had something similar at the Tower too.

I just re-listened to Chapter 7 and Kelly does complain about laundry detail at the Tower.