View Full Version : Reaper's Corner Gets a Pip Boy

Oct 21st, 2011, 12:13 PM
i normally let some time build between posts but i am very excited about this. i hope it's obvious, but i'll say it anyway: i am a huge fallout fan. i nerdgasm to that game. i also have an itouch (as wrong as that sounds) so when i found an app called "Pip Clock" i was intrigued.


i regularly check the app store for anything and everything relating to my hobbies, obbsessions, passions, etc. i check for things relating to my favorite games, guns, and music. i found this app and saw that it was $0.99 and when i looked through the preview pictures and reviews, i thought it looked really good so i checked it out. awesome. blow out some walls and put on some 50's music in the background and you're in the game. i used to work at a place that made aircraft parts, and when fallout 3 came out, i took some of my free time and made a mount for my itouch that sat on my arm and looked kind of like a pip boy (nerdgasm (i'll have to post pictures at some point (of me having a nerdgasm))). so i found this app and for halloween i dressed up like a wastelander with my hack boy mounted to my wrist and i was happier than a tornado in a trailer park.


so the first thing you see when you open the app is ^that thing which slides open like some nuclear storm cellar. as soon as those slide apart it takes you to the dashboard which shows the date, time, and (assuming you have some kind of internet connection) your location and the weather. for me it shows, "Ruins of Aberdeen Maryland's Wasteland." here's the kicker with regards to the weather: it gives it to you in a post-apocalyptic fashion. for instance, here is what it says for my weather "Radio-active clouds covering 26.5% of the skies with light breeze. Low fallout humidity, with no toxic rain alert. moderately cold atmosphere, danger of frostbite. poisonous fog not detected." how cool is that.


assuming you have sounds and eyecandies turned on, it'll give you a tube buzzing every now and then as the screen shimmers and every so often the edges of the screen will emit sparks. when you hit the home button it takes you to the main hud screen. the main hud has six buttons: dashboard which takes you back to the screen above, weather which gives you a more detailed weather report, day/night which gives you info about the day/night cycle sunrise sunset and moon phase, network which lets you get fallout themed news and check how many people are on the pip clock, settings which should be obvious, and help which is like the users manual. the three buttons at the bottom are: light which gives you three different "flashlight" settings kind of like turning on your pip boy light in the game, home which takes you to the main hud, and lock which lets you lock the screen.

there's a few more secret functions to be had here, but just know that this app is more than worth a dollar. it is fantastic, and a lot of fun 10/10

Nov 27th, 2012, 08:57 PM
Dude! I'm a huge Fallout fan (and the Grandfather of the post-apocalyptic computer game genre: Wasteland) so I don't know how I missed this....

Thanks for posting the review here on WA!

Sin Angel
Jan 18th, 2014, 04:28 PM
*squeals jumping up and down almost hitting myself in my face in my excitement* I love you two!! Fallout is the best game EVER! I have a super addiction to it, especially number 3, and would love to get this. Thanks for pointing this out to me and us fans we appreciate it!!