View Full Version : I like How no main charcter went down to get any Surivors

Oct 20th, 2011, 09:07 AM
Migheal said everyone was in the tower and I'm surprised how no
one went up

Oct 20th, 2011, 12:41 PM
His statement seemed a little odd to me. From what I recall, the rest of the survivors tried to escape through the motorpool but got overrun with zombies and were killed or turned. Riley was the only one able to make it back up from the motorpool.

I think he made that statement because the Tower represented all of their efforts to protect themselves, especially considering all the work they put into fortifying/maintaining it. I think to see that Tower collapse with only a handfull of survivors represented that bigger loss- all those efforts that no longer mattered: the generator, the cameras, the garden, not to mention all the other residents they had fought so hard to protect. True, they may have not have been "alive" in the tower when it physically collapsed, but they were lost during the seige that brought down the tower. So I think Michael's comment is more to convey their massive losses on that day, when the Tower collapsed.

Oct 21st, 2011, 12:46 PM
Why do you like that?