View Full Version : Preggers Pegs

Sep 29th, 2011, 03:42 PM
Is it just me or is anyone else hoping that Pegs is pregnant? I feel like we can safely assume that Michael and Pegs did it at the beach house in Chap 15. And of all the ladies left, Pegs would be the one to get pregnant. She's always seemed like a weak, vulnerable character who needs constant protection and rescue (although she did develop a lot after shooting Latch).

Sep 29th, 2011, 03:44 PM
ya in that it would be funy xD i would be sorry for the kid

Sep 30th, 2011, 12:05 AM
I just can't get on board with this...we already have one character presumed pregnant...to throw another into the mix would just be drawing to much attention away from the rest of the story...

Sep 30th, 2011, 01:45 AM
I just can't get on board with this...we already have one character presumed pregnant...to throw another into the mix would just be drawing to much attention away from the rest of the story...

Listeners here are assuming that Liz is pregnant based on her socalled "morning sickness" as diagnosed by Dr. Scratch, obgyn and general bad person. I'm not at all onboard with Liz being preggo, since I don't recall Blondie and Saul ever knockin' boots. At least we know Pegs and Michael have.

I agree though, we can only have one (if any) pregnacy going on here for the story's sake. Combining moaning zombies with crying babies might make for a weak season 3 imo.

Oct 1st, 2011, 12:52 PM
I don't think she is. How would that move the plot along?
I can Liz being preggo

Oct 1st, 2011, 01:00 PM
If there had been 15 minutes of privacy in any place in the tower. Can anyone NOT see Saul talking Lizzie into something that might result in a raging case of morning sickness? Its the end of the world, the Zeds are taking over.. humanity's last hope at survival is for folks to breed. My money is on Saul and Blondie.

Oct 4th, 2011, 12:26 AM
Totally agree with yarri..when Tanya arrived at the tower, Saul seemed very anxious for her to meet Lizzie. Now I know, that is simply him wanting his mom to meet his girlfriend...but, that certainly does show the seriousness of their involvement...and we all know what that means...

Oct 4th, 2011, 03:29 PM
I'm gonna speculate that Liz may be preggers. (either by Saul or her boyfriend that became maggot-chow in chapter 1. Remember it's only been weeks, not months in WA time!)
I will say that Pegs seems like a week character and I think she needs to grow a flippin' backbone already! Hell-o-o-o? Zombie Apocalypse? Time to ditch the hang-ups about firearms, stop all the self-induced torture because you shot a slime-ball who wanted to kill you (or worse! remember when Saul and the others met Latch and Scratch?) along with everyone you know or care about and engage in some target practice...:zombie:

Oct 4th, 2011, 04:32 PM
I'm gonna speculate that Liz may be preggers. (either by Saul or her boyfriend that became maggot-chow in chapter 1. Remember it's only been weeks, not months in WA time!)
I will say that Pegs seems like a week character and I think she needs to grow a flippin' backbone already! Hell-o-o-o? Zombie Apocalypse? Time to ditch the hang-ups about firearms, stop all the self-induced torture because you shot a slime-ball who wanted to kill you (or worse! remember when Saul and the others met Latch and Scratch?) along with everyone you know or care about and engage in some target practice...:zombie:

It has been months. WA started in May. It is at least mid August now, more likely late August/early September. Todd is pretty much out of the running.

Oct 4th, 2011, 04:38 PM
It has been months. WA started in May. It is at least mid August now, more likely late August/early September. Todd is pretty much out of the running.

Back to my other idea.. 15minutes and Saul for the win

Oct 4th, 2011, 08:40 PM
....that's right!
I forgot about that! Yup. Saul for sure.

Oct 4th, 2011, 08:46 PM
Umm... Hey. Let's not be negative towards Pegs. She is kind, loving, and can kick ass. Out of everyone in the tower, I think she would make the best mother. She would fight for it til the bitter end, and be the good, positive upbringing a baby would need in a zombie world.
Pegs is an angel, I love her, yadda yadda yadda....

But I don't see this as happening. There is too much happening with Michael at the moment, that I think a baby thrown into his life would eff everything up. Story wise. Plus, if anyone has been hinted at being pregnant, it would be Lizzie. As it has been said above...

Oct 4th, 2011, 11:31 PM
If there had been 15 minutes of privacy in any place in the tower. Can anyone NOT see Saul talking Lizzie into something that might result in a raging case of morning sickness? Its the end of the world, the Zeds are taking over.. humanity's last hope at survival is for folks to breed. My money is on Saul and Blondie.

To me, time is the problem. Even if it wouldn't have taken horndog Saul a whole 15 mins to do the dirty deed, when has he had even three minutes alone with a seduced Liz? She certainly wasn't enamored with the guy in season 1 since she took a big time offense simply because he called her by her pet name. And in season 2, Saul spent most of his time in a comatose state with Burt's gunshot wound THAT PASSED THROUGH A ZOMBIE. That's worse than having an STD. I doubt she would have touched him then (unless he was tied to the bed, which he was). To top it off, Blondie then boots herself out of the tower altogether after found sleeping (and not with Saul) through her watch.

Not that I want this podcast to go the Harlequin romance novel route, but we at least know that Michael & Pegs did the nasty. Maybe Kc will do a flashback in season 3 to tie the Saul & Liz immaculate conception together somehow and bring in a fresh new face into the plot. I'd be cool with that since procreation may be the only way to save humanity from the Zeds as you say.

That is unless Burt remembers he has a nuke stashed somewhere at Locked and Loaded. Then it's look out zombieland.

Oct 5th, 2011, 09:05 AM
To me, time is the problem. Even if it wouldn't have taken horndog Saul a whole 15 mins to do the dirty deed, when has he had even three minutes alone with a seduced Liz? She certainly wasn't enamored with the guy in season 1 since she took a big time offense simply because he called her by her pet name. And in season 2, Saul spent most of his time in a comatose state with Burt's gunshot wound THAT PASSED THROUGH A ZOMBIE. That's worse than having an STD. I doubt she would have touched him then (unless he was tied to the bed, which he was). To top it off, Blondie then boots herself out of the tower altogether after found sleeping (and not with Saul) through her watch.

Not that I want this podcast to go the Harlequin romance novel route, but we at least know that Michael & Pegs did the nasty. Maybe Kc will do a flashback in season 3 to tie the Saul & Liz immaculate conception together somehow and bring in a fresh new face into the plot. I'd be cool with that since procreation may be the only way to save humanity from the Zeds as you say.

That is unless Burt remembers he has a nuke stashed somewhere at Locked and Loaded. Then it's look out zombieland.

Actually, I beg to differ on this. Do you remember the night of games and drinks and dancing right before the first maller attack?
There was some drunken expressions of affection there... on both parts. Hmmm then before that she was making her self pretty for when he got back from spying on the mallers.. Then off when she got gassed by Michael's homemade chloroform. Saul's reaction was SPECTACULAR to her passing out.. I'm sorry and her reaction to his "nickname" I was chalking up to foreplay. He wasn't comatose at all he was awake alot of it hence the comment when woken "no angel I'm tired I don't want to play xbox with you." (not sure of the exact wording so I paraphrased it a bit) I already addressed the bullet in another thread and I'm to tired to do it again there but the short form. Have you ever picked up a freshly fired piece of lead from a gun? Its hot enough to hurt your fingers. I got a blister! Anyway.. I stand again with the theory that Saul is charming enough to seduce Lizzie in some fashion. (pardon the rambling I've had shit for sleep in 2 days)

Oct 5th, 2011, 12:00 PM
Actually, I beg to differ on this. Do you remember the night of games and drinks and dancing right before the first maller attack?
There was some drunken expressions of affection there... on both parts. Hmmm then before that she was making her self pretty for when he got back from spying on the mallers.. Then off when she got gassed by Michael's homemade chloroform. Saul's reaction was SPECTACULAR to her passing out.. I'm sorry and her reaction to his "nickname" I was chalking up to foreplay. He wasn't comatose at all he was awake alot of it hence the comment when woken "no angel I'm tired I don't want to play xbox with you." (not sure of the exact wording so I paraphrased it a bit) I already addressed the bullet in another thread and I'm to tired to do it again there but the short form. Have you ever picked up a freshly fired piece of lead from a gun? Its hot enough to hurt your fingers. I got a blister! Anyway.. I stand again with the theory that Saul is charming enough to seduce Lizzie in some fashion. (pardon the rambling I've had shit for sleep in 2 days)

Yes, I remember the night of games, and especially the drinks. Saul was pretty much shitfaced even BEFORE the party got going. The drunken expressions of affections were made by Bill (to Pegs..."maybe I'll see you later"). And of course by Angel (actually to Michael & Pegs, "If you all don't mind...I'm going to go find Riley. You two have fun, or whatever you two have."). Pegs also also made kind of a pass a Kahlani..."You want to dance?" and of course telling the pilot to "put his hands here", wherever that was. Again, Pegs and Michael appeared to come the closest at intimacy in that chapter.

Liz's only interaction with Saul that night (before the mallers crashed party) was when she helped pry the guy from the dance floor. Her comment to him when he suggested that they go lay down together was "Yeah maybe. But you'll be cuddling will be a bucket before me." Not very romantic. A shame, since this may have been his best (and only) shot at Liz. Saul blew it.

Regarding the chloroform incident. His reaction might have been spectacular to her passing out...but are you saying Saul is into date rape? He does have a boyish ego about him, and if he did find time to pound Liz, he would have no doubt beat his chest about it to his crew. The Tower, the mallers and the Zeds would all know about his conquest. I think that is how he rolls.

Burt (the munitions expert) even he thought Saul might be infected after the double shooting. The zombie virus or whatever is highly contagious and transmitted in the blood, and whether he was unconscious, conscious and tied to the bed or playing xBox with Angel in his dreams, Saul was probably was off limits for Liz during his rehab. Certainly, if she was turned off by him drunk, she wouldn't have taken the chance having sex if infection was a possibility.

Still, the Saul-Liz, Michael-Pegs relationships can easily be hemmed up by the writers in season 3. And if anyone is preggo, we should know very soon.

Get some sleep there yarri.

Oct 5th, 2011, 06:38 PM
Yes, I remember the night of games, and especially the drinks. Saul was pretty much shitfaced even BEFORE the party got going. The drunken expressions of affections were made by Bill (to Pegs..."maybe I'll see you later"). And of course by Angel (actually to Michael & Pegs, "If you all don't mind...I'm going to go find Riley. You two have fun, or whatever you two have."). Pegs also also made kind of a pass a Kahlani..."You want to dance?" and of course telling the pilot to "put his hands here", wherever that was. Again, Pegs and Michael appeared to come the closest at intimacy in that chapter.

Liz's only interaction with Saul that night (before the mallers crashed party) was when she helped pry the guy from the dance floor. Her comment to him when he suggested that they go lay down together was "Yeah maybe. But you'll be cuddling will be a bucket before me." Not very romantic. A shame, since this may have been his best (and only) shot at Liz. Saul blew it.

Regarding the chloroform incident. His reaction might have been spectacular to her passing out...but are you saying Saul is into date rape? He does have a boyish ego about him, and if he did find time to pound Liz, he would have no doubt beat his chest about it to his crew. The Tower, the mallers and the Zeds would all know about his conquest. I think that is how he rolls.

Burt (the munitions expert) even he thought Saul might be infected after the double shooting. The zombie virus or whatever is highly contagious and transmitted in the blood, and whether he was unconscious, conscious and tied to the bed or playing xBox with Angel in his dreams, Saul was probably was off limits for Liz during his rehab. Certainly, if she was turned off by him drunk, she wouldn't have taken the chance having sex if infection was a possibility.

Still, the Saul-Liz, Michael-Pegs relationships can easily be hemmed up by the writers in season 3. And if anyone is preggo, we should know very soon.

Get some sleep there yarri.

Where in anything I said can you get "date rape" ? I find that really gross and weird btw that you would come up with that. EW Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.. I know I was not that tired to imply that ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!
There was much more going on with them then what was in our faces. and Lizzie spent more time with Saul then anyone else by directly caring for him after he was shot as no one else wanted the job. Lizzie worked her self into exhaustion keeping him fed entertained and cared for.. Burt isn't a medic or even close btw.. please do remember she refused to let Saul burn after he got shot during the attack by the "Munitions expert" Everyone else was up for letting him die. You got to care about someone to fight like that for them. His own friends Angel and Michael were up for letting him burn with the building and Lizzie refused to leave him. Kelly stepped into to protect him so Lizzie could fight the fire.

I stand by what I said.. his "infection" was more likely due to the barbaric methods implied with his surgery rather then the ZED virus.
IMO K.c. is the master of the understatement when it comes to emotional interaction between characters something I've always found tasteful

further more ! (btw thank you for the good argument its been along time since I got to do this)

Saul talks alot of smack when he's with his buddies like any very young man but if he really REALLY cares about someone he would never "kiss and tell" he has honor, and kindness. Lizzie was more then a friend to him that was indicated when his momma came to the tower and he wanted to introduce her to Lizzie.

Oct 6th, 2011, 11:37 PM

I certainly apologize to you or anyone that might have been offended by my "date rape" comment. It was totally meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Weird too, yes, but the wife thinks I'm a little strange just because I'm always visiting a forum about a zombie apocalypse. I just tell her it is a story of survival. Which it is, only it has zombies doing the apocalypse part.

Of course you are right that Saul's "infection" was from the bullet and not Tommy's zombie blood. But at the time Burt shot him up to the point where he got the meds he needed to heal, nobody knew if he was staying human or turning zed. I really don't think he and Liz were fooling around at any time during his recovery or before she left the Tower.
I do have a soft spot in my heart for Saul. If he has truly found love Kc will no doubt bring it all together for the both of them in season 3 for sure. I'm just not jumping on the Liz is pregnant bandwagon. And I also agree with you that Kc so far has understated some of these relationships and when he does get into them, he does it with good taste. As I said before, no Harlequin novel for me.

Oct 7th, 2011, 12:14 AM
I know this was brought up in other threads but it bears repeating here: Tanya has opened up the possibility for Saul to be infected with her story about extended turning.

I know yarri is adamant that it was piss poor surgical cleanliness but to ignore that tid bit of Tanya foreshadowing is unwise in my opinion. But let's not turn this thread into that.

But on topic, for me it's Lizzy only.

Oct 7th, 2011, 11:17 AM
I know this was brought up in other threads but it bears repeating here: Tanya has opened up the possibility for Saul to be infected with her story about extended turning.

I know yarri is adamant that it was piss poor surgical cleanliness but to ignore that tid bit of Tanya foreshadowing is unwise in my opinion. But let's not turn this thread into that.

But on topic, for me it's Lizzy only.

I haven't ignored it in the least. Kc can be quite evil when it comes to a plot twist and that was a fairly blatant neon red sign from Tanya. I don't think Kc would ever be so obvious. As writers go, usually I can see what's coming a head in a story. I can't do that with Kc.

Oct 7th, 2011, 11:20 AM

I certainly apologize to you or anyone that might have been offended by my "date rape" comment. It was totally meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Weird too, yes, but the wife thinks I'm a little strange just because I'm always visiting a forum about a zombie apocalypse. I just tell her it is a story of survival. Which it is, only it has zombies doing the apocalypse part.

Of course you are right that Saul's "infection" was from the bullet and not Tommy's zombie blood. But at the time Burt shot him up to the point where he got the meds he needed to heal, nobody knew if he was staying human or turning zed. I really don't think he and Liz were fooling around at any time during his recovery or before she left the Tower.
I do have a soft spot in my heart for Saul. If he has truly found love Kc will no doubt bring it all together for the both of them in season 3 for sure. I'm just not jumping on the Liz is pregnant bandwagon. And I also agree with you that Kc so far has understated some of these relationships and when he does get into them, he does it with good taste. As I said before, no Harlequin novel for me.

Burt, you didn't offend me just grossed me out. :D
I'm not a fan of trashy novels either. So far every relationship that's come up has been delightfully understated which is something anyone that's ever watched a TV show can tell you doesn't happen much anymore. I think its quite classy and causes alot of thinking and theorizing from all of us which for me is half the pleasure of the pod cast. .

If she (Lizzie) is or isn't pregnant. It doesn't matter cause ultimately what ever happens is going to be interesting.

Oct 17th, 2011, 06:22 AM
I haven't ignored it in the least. Kc can be quite evil when it comes to a plot twist and that was a fairly blatant neon red sign from Tanya. I don't think Kc would ever be so obvious. As writers go, usually I can see what's coming a head in a story. I can't do that with Kc.

the thing i think about with the whole "tanya foreshadowing sauls infection" thing is..kc already foreshadowed the arrival of tanya by bringing her into the story..i think by us even considering possible foreshadowing parameters on saul being infected...mission accomplished...

Oct 17th, 2011, 10:31 AM
Maybe i missed it in the thread so far, but... what about the "will you stay with me..i get nightmares." They coulda got something goin on. Would Saul really have said the "why don't we go lay down..." line unless he had some president set from a prior moment of fun time? He doesn't seem like enough of a doosh to do that.

Pegs could be pregnant. They are now on their way (in my mind...) to Fort Irwin. Maybe there is a force of people still there. She could ride out her prego-ness there. And then it could be showing the differences between trying to survive and re-birth the world from 2 different perspectives (out in the field vs in a safe haven).

Sadly, the double prego issue could easily be solved thru the story line and things not going to well for Momma-Liz. No prenatal, running around, stress, zombies... 9 months and then keeping the infant safe after that? We already had the rape-isode w/ Tar, who's to say it doesn't get more shocking by the loss of a child. (damn, i don't even feel like theorizing on that).

Oct 27th, 2011, 02:21 PM
I've read through a lot of the replies but I still think Pegs might be pregnant.

Agree that Saul and Lizzy could have done it, but there just wasn't a lot of opportunity in season 1 or 2. Also, with Lizzy being kidnapped, I'd give that baby a very slim chance for survival.

But I think Pegs' character could develop a lot from being pregnant. I didn't really like her from the start. She was weak, whiny, clingy and putting everyone in danger. When she killed Latch, it was a huge turning point for her. I think if Pegs had a baby to protect, she'd turn into a total badass in order to protect her unborn child.

Protecting Michael was her motivation for killing Latch, how much more would she do to protect a baby that belongs to her and Michael?

All I know is that I'm a family studies major and I freakin' love babies. Someone, anyone, better get pregnant this next season.

Nov 18th, 2011, 03:17 AM
Someone, anyone, better get pregnant this next season.

Seriously though, I'm thinking that Pegs might be pregnant... But not with Michael.
Think about it. Pegs is the week and innocent little girl that needs someone to hold her hand just to jump 6 ft (A little less than one of me) onto a roof of a hummer.
And remember how when the Tower folk got into the tower, just after lizzy came in, and Angel leads Michael to the room that Saul and himself had stayed in. Was it just me or did the way Angel said "Saul and I, stayed in here last night" sound a little suss, I'm thinking one of them did something with someone else or.... Each other..... I don't think they're Homosexuals though..... And remember after that when Michael zonked out? Well, Maybe some hanky panky went down then?

Jan 9th, 2012, 02:24 PM
It makes sense that Lizzy would be pregnant.
1. Scratch said I have TWO people you want when she only had Lizzy.
2. Lizzy was throwing up a bunch. Sometimes those are your first signs of pregnancy.
3.Plus, that's why Scratch didn't kill her. It's one thing to kill a person but it's another to kill someone who is carrying a child. Anybody else agree???
4.Another reason is that Scratch didn't want Tar and the other guy... touching her, so to speak.
5.It also explains why she suddenly changed her mind about killing her. Just giving something to think about...

what do you guys think??? Anyone else have reasons why or why not she would be? She would have 8-9 months depending on how long she has been pregnant for anything big to happen so we might have to wait a while to find out.

Mar 29th, 2012, 06:53 PM
It makes sense that Lizzy would be pregnant.
1. Scratch said I have TWO people you want when she only had Lizzy.
2. Lizzy was throwing up a bunch. Sometimes those are your first signs of pregnancy.
3.Plus, that's why Scratch didn't kill her. It's one thing to kill a person but it's another to kill someone who is carrying a child. Anybody else agree???
4.Another reason is that Scratch didn't want Tar and the other guy... touching her, so to speak.
5.It also explains why she suddenly changed her mind about killing her. Just giving something to think about...

what do you guys think??? Anyone else have reasons why or why not she would be? She would have 8-9 months depending on how long she has been pregnant for anything big to happen so we might have to wait a while to find out.

On points 3, 4, and 5, I think you give Scratch waaaayyy too much credit. She has been nothing but evil, cunning, and self-serving from the moment she entered the story. I don't doubt for a second that she would kill a pregnant women.

And until I hear otherwise, I'm still sticking to my guns that Pegs is preggo based on the fact that I know she and Michael did it.

And if the throwing up that Lizzy did is referring to her almost rape scene with Tar, I doubt that was morning sickness. It seemed to be much more of a stress reaction. I'd have to relisten, but I don't remember consistent mentions of tummy troubles.

All in all, loving season three now that things have picked up and connections are being made! =D

Jun 20th, 2012, 08:53 PM
I gracefully bow out. BUT YAY FOR SOMEONE BEING PREGNANT!!!! =D