View Full Version : Worst zombie book ever?

Sep 27th, 2011, 08:06 AM
There are a few stinkers out there, but by far the worst I've read is Mira Grant's Feed. I'm sure I'll catch some flak for this, but I'm amazed at how many people gave it good reviews. The protagonist was boring, the plot was boring, the supporting characters were boring, and the details went on ad nauseam. I trudged through the book always expecting it to get interesting and it finally did; about 450 pages in. And that was when the protagonist died. The only character even slightly interesting was the brother (and I don't remember his name either). Any other stinkers out there that you've read?

Sep 27th, 2011, 12:25 PM
You might wanna peg this as having some spoilers. I'm definitely not gonna read Feed now that I know the end...

Sep 27th, 2011, 01:34 PM
I still wanna at least check out the Feed. I don't wanna spend my money on it now though. Is it really that bad? Maybe it just wasn't to your particular liking, all the good feedback that series has gotten has to say something.

Oct 10th, 2011, 11:18 PM
The Living Dead 2 was absolutely horrible.

I bought that shit from B&N; basically a collection of several short stories from several authors.

Shit sucked ASS. One was talkin bout Necrophilia, another didn't even mention zombies once, it was like a bar fight where they hid the body and that was it.

I will correct if it is no the right book- pretty sure it was Living Dead 2 tho

Apr 26th, 2012, 04:53 PM
I'd have to say that the biggest let down as far as zombooks go would either be Pride and Prejudice & Zombies or Monster Island/Planet/Nation series by David Wellington. They were awful.

Jul 8th, 2012, 07:39 PM
Brian Keene - City of the Dead and The Rising. I thought these were really bad. some of the characters i felt they were too stereotyped to pathetically bad.

Jul 9th, 2012, 04:08 AM
The Living Dead 2 was absolutely horrible.

I bought that shit from B&N; basically a collection of several short stories from several authors.

Shit sucked ASS. One was talkin bout Necrophilia, another didn't even mention zombies once, it was like a bar fight where they hid the body and that was it.

I will correct if it is no the right book- pretty sure it was Living Dead 2 tho

i was looking at that too. i got the living dead 1 anthology so i was intrigued when i saw the second. kinda glad i went with dead space: martyr now

Aug 30th, 2012, 10:43 PM
oh there is another bad one called Zone One by Colson Whitehead. it sucked. book just did not stay on track.

Sep 4th, 2012, 05:08 PM
The Last sentence of Rise Again ruined the whole book for me.

I am also apparently the only one here that thinks World War Z is wildly overrated

Sep 5th, 2012, 05:04 AM
The Last sentence of Rise Again ruined the whole book for me.

I am also apparently the only one here that thinks World War Z is wildly overrated

i wouldn't say wildly overrated, but i think it is a little over hyped. i enjoyed it for the most part, but it wasn't as good as i expected.

Sep 26th, 2012, 09:58 AM
Wasnt a World War Z fan. Started it and never finished.

Sep 27th, 2012, 11:20 AM
doom. seriously read them and your jaw will drop. Besides having stilted dialogue, there's nasty pedo overtones in the latter books and they delve into the realm of complete nonsense.

Sep 27th, 2012, 11:50 AM
doom. seriously read them and your jaw will drop. Besides having stilted dialogue, there's nasty pedo overtones in the latter books and they delve into the realm of complete nonsense.

holy crap dude, i loved the doom books. the first one was the best, and while the rest got a little out there, i still enjoyed the read. and what pedo overtones?

Sep 28th, 2012, 08:59 AM
Reaper - the very last book was the worst. Remember the 14 year old girl that Fly had a kinda sorta thing for/with? Well, the writer goes into insane detail about her breasts when Fly is looking at her in cryogenic freeze. I was entirely creeped out by the whole thing, to the point where it's suck with me like 15+ years later lol

Sep 28th, 2012, 11:09 AM
When I heard King was doing zombies I almost died of zombie bliss... And then it came out.....Worse disappointment in 400 pages.

Sep 28th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Cell could have been a lot better. In typical King fashion, the book really petered out in its third act and the end was just atrocious. But darned if the first half of the book didn't have me gripping my seat.

I used to listen to the audio book version while driving to shoots and I had gotten so hooked that I would leave 30 minutes earlier and just sit in my car listening to it.

Sep 28th, 2012, 07:27 PM
I am also apparently the only one here that thinks World War Z is wildly overrated

I couldn't even finish World War Z. It just got so repetitive. Several times I thought I was reading that same chapter over and over again.

Sep 28th, 2012, 09:15 PM
I couldn't even finish World War Z. It just got so repetitive. Several times I thought I was reading that same chapter over and over again.

I'm wondering if it could be that World War Z is just better in audiobook form. The abridged audiobook was in a radio drama format and it was absolutely amazing! Alan Alda, Mark Hamill and a bunch of other very incredible actors. I've never actually tried reading the book, but I'm willing to bet that nothing will hold a candle to the audiobook version!

Sep 28th, 2012, 11:19 PM
The audio-book of WWZ is an incredible piece of fine audio-art ...
I think WWZ - either you like it or you hate it. It is very "documentary style", thus I can imagine that people may not like it. It is not the classic story around a bunch of heroes or survivors telling "their" story; it is just a collection of many small bits and pieces describing the start, evolution and ending of the zombie-apocalypse from many different perspectives ... Therefore you don't have the climax-scheme or whatnot ... Just consider WA not being told around Michael and friends, but WA being told in a way that each chapter would be all about one specific and different journal ...
Anyway: WWZ - I enjoyed them both, and I am not so surprised that Paramount and Brad Pitt have so much trouble making the movie, because WWZ is not about one story, but about many small ones ...

Oct 1st, 2012, 05:59 PM
Reaper - the very last book was the worst. Remember the 14 year old girl that Fly had a kinda sorta thing for/with? Well, the writer goes into insane detail about her breasts when Fly is looking at her in cryogenic freeze. I was entirely creeped out by the whole thing, to the point where it's suck with me like 15+ years later lol

ok, point well taken, that was a bit disturbing

Oct 3rd, 2012, 09:14 AM
It has nothing to do with the Audio or Book form of WWZ, it's horribly written and researched. Each character sounds the same, and when he has any story that deals with the military it's obvious that he couldn't even be bothered to look at Wikipedia even let alone talk to someone who was in the military. The Military jargon is completly wrong, no one in the Military has ever refered to grenades as "'nades", the tactics are wrong (ie The Battle of Yonkers) and the way that the chain of command works is wrong. The military has plans on how to aid civilian authorities in an outbreak of non-fictional diseases and could have erred on the side of treating the zombie outbreak like a flu pandemic but it is borderline offensive to think that the Military is so insanely incompetent that it would treat the infected like the Russians pouring out of the Fulda Gap (if a higher-up told some Joe to build a fighting position with overhead cover to defend against Zombies he'd be told to "fuck-off"). I'm pretty sure Brooks hasn't even watched a war movie he was so off base about things.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 12:27 PM
Leedo, you raise a good point. While I still enjoyed the audio book and found many of the characters and circumstances to be interesting, the battle of yonkers was very unbelievable.

I've always said that Romero slow moving zombies could NEVER take over the world, for the sole reason that the military is just too good. Even if there was 4 million zombies coming all at once, they would be four million DEAD zombies. Also, I don't feel as though the military would resort to flechettes and explosives, simply because it would be an unnecessary destruction of the landscape, as well as collateral damage (although I really did enjoy hearing Mark Hamill!).

But the Redecker plan gave me chills - the voice acting and sentiment were wonderful, as well as the man in the wheelchair on the neighborhood watch team. Alan Alda also did a wonderful job voice acting and there were so many stories told from so many perspectives that I couldn't help but be entertained, even on my third listening. It's one of the few zombie tales that come close to WA in terms of character enjoyment and storyline.

Dec 11th, 2013, 08:44 PM
i am good with getting the suggestions as there are many new titles i am awaring of that was not know to me before but now i am well known with them and going to have a read one by one

Oct 4th, 2018, 06:00 AM
Merci les gars, maintenant je sais avec certitude quel livre je ne lirai pas avec certitude. En passant, je vous conseille de lire une thèse https://lathese.com/, je pense que vous l'aimerez beaucoup.

Nov 8th, 2018, 07:29 PM
I still wanna in any event look at the Feed. I don't wanna spend my cash on it now however. Is it extremely that awful? Possibly it simply wasn't to your specific loving, all the great input that arrangement has gotten needs to state something.

Nov 13th, 2018, 12:23 AM
It has nothing to do with the Audio or Book form of WWZ, it's horribly written and researched. Each character sounds the same, and when he has any story that deals with the military it's obvious that he couldn't even be bothered to look at Wikipedia even let alone talk to someone who was in the military. The Military jargon is completly wrong, no one in the Military has ever refered to grenades as "'nades", the tactics are wrong (ie The Battle of Yonkers) and the way that the chain of command works is wrong. The military has plans on how to aid civilian authorities in an outbreak of non-fictional diseases and could have erred on the side of treating the zombie outbreak like a flu pandemic but it is borderline offensive to think that the Military is so insanely incompetent that it would treat the infected like the Russians pouring out of the Fulda Gap (if a higher-up told some Joe to build a fighting position with overhead cover to defend against Zombies he'd be told to "fuck-off"). I'm pretty sure Brooks hasn't even watched a war movie he was so off base about things.

I agree with you that it is the worst book about zombies. I have already written a review for this book, you can read it, because it is verified by the company that is recommended here - https://essayexplorer.com/blog/essay-types/ - it is the site that shows which types of essays exist and also checks reviews on the books. So if you will read my reviews you can know what book is worst!