View Full Version : Give me some love!

Sep 25th, 2011, 09:14 PM
I know there was romance between Lizzie and Saul, but I wanna see more. Honestly, Saul kinda annoys me, so he and Lizzie don't really wow me. As you may know, I'm a Pegs fan, and I wanna see more of her and Michael's story. This isn't a criticism of Kc's work, but of Michael's hard-ass-ness. If Michael and Pegs would get a lot more romantic, I think it would add something new and awesome to the story. I think it would be really sweet if Michael would smack a few more guys with a shovel, but that's about the most romantic thing he has done. Am I the only one who feels this way, or is just cuz I'm a huge sap for cheesy romantic movies?

Sep 25th, 2011, 09:34 PM
The latter. While I personally don't think romance is dead.....uh.....they got a shit ton more to worry about than candle lit dinners of spam and long walks on the beach with zombies chasing after them.

I like the way that their relationship shakes out. It feels natural to have a woman who wears her heart on her sleeve to be prying into the heart and soul of a guy who doesn't outwardly project either on a regular basis (horrible generalization I realize...we know Michael has both). As I've been saying for months since their relationship status changed from "It's complicated" to ......uh.....ok well it's still complicated.....Pegs is going to be the one who ferrets information out of Michael because she will be the only one who will be able to put him into a position of vulnerability. Pegs will be the reason we discover the origins of Randy and what happened at the Pumping Station.

If a new relationship does form, and it's with Kelly.....beware. Humanizing her even further could make the twist even more painful for the audience if she gets revealed as the rat. Same with Riley/Angel. If they end up together I'd wager Riley to be the rat. Relationships can be used in dastardly ways to gain trust, confidence, and then you kick yourself for not seeing it (ie. Amy at the Colony). And we all know that Kc character is as dastardly as they come!

Sep 25th, 2011, 09:50 PM
I want more emotional scenes from Michael. It is character to be tough, and I expect that. But it wouldn't hurt to throw in some moments between Pegs and him that loosened him up a bit. And I really hope Kelly isn't that next relationship, if there is one. I still think she is the rat, and I wouldn't be happy if she got that role. But then again, who amongst the surviving tower members could she be with? It would be an interesting way to get reveal the rat though.

I'm looking at this from a completely not story friendly way, but I still wanna see it.

Oct 22nd, 2011, 04:36 PM
I think Pegs is hiding something. I know it.