View Full Version : Are these Zombies or Infected?

Sep 4th, 2011, 09:19 PM
Are they Zombies or Infected?
A zombie is a reanimated corpse (dies and comes back to life)
They walk slow
are hard to kill
eat flesh
Brain dead and can not think
The only way you can become a zombie is if you are biten
They can only be killed by destroying the brain or spinal cord

An Infected never dies but is it is mutated.
They do not eat flesh but just kill
They run
They can think and can do things like set traps
You can shoot them anywhere and they will most likely die, or morph into something worse
One can become infected by air, water, blood transfusion
Mainly they are really psychotic raging people

These are some of the things that tell them apart
Tell me what you think about this and start posting
Please forgive any spelling or gammer I have dyslexia so sorry

Sep 6th, 2011, 07:48 PM
In WA, the "zombies" remind me alot of the infected in the movie 28 days later, but in the remake of Dawn of the dead there were fast zombie ( or zoombies) the WA zombies do eat dead people, we saw examples in the arena.
and dont worry too much about the spelling and grammer, Ive got dislexia too and actually couldnt read or write at all untill a couple of years ago, just as long as you can get your point across thats all that matters

Sep 7th, 2011, 01:25 AM
They seem more like a hybrid than anything else. We haven't got much backstory to back up either end though =/

Sep 7th, 2011, 04:50 AM
Anything that doesn't feel pain and kills and eats things is a zombie in my books.

Sep 8th, 2011, 06:32 PM
They are not reanimated corpses, they are infected, the problem is that the term Zombie is used loosely in fiction. In WA as a reference term is OK because you know what everyone is talking about, but by definition they are not Zombies.
agreed, I think I only did half my point in my post but it was along the same lines as you, I appricate your post