View Full Version : It begins.

Bravo Team Leader
Aug 27th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Chapter One I think that in any story the first chapter is the hardest because you don't really have the characters down or the plot. but i think this story had a very strong start and the characters were solid. I didn't know what to think too early to form a opinion on anything. I actually liked Michael in the beginning. But my opinion changes several times all the way up to the last chapter but I think that Michael is one of the strongest characters dispute his short comings. http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/images/icons/Michael_20.png

Jan 1st, 2012, 07:23 PM
I agree and i feel that the start was very strong. The way michael starts by looking back at how it started.
As if sort of to say "this is what happened" it brings the listener head first into the story and we hit the ground running. Its incredibly effective especially in this kind of story.

Oct 15th, 2012, 04:28 AM
Wow, I just finished part 3 of Chapter 1! This show is pretty awesome! Being a Cavalry Scout in the National Guard, I really love how KC used Soldiers to base the story around. It was nice to see Michael use his experience to put Angel in his place. I also like the variety in the characters' voices, but it's hard for me to distinguish when I'm listening to Michael and when I'm listening to Angel sometimes. Datu cracks me up... am I right that I guessed he is Filipino? My boss isn't here at work for the next three days, so it looks like I'm about to marathon it up!

Oct 15th, 2012, 04:48 AM
Welcome to the fun!

Datu is indeed Filipino. As for distinguishing the voices, I had the same issue initially but found it got easier once I'd become more familiar with the characters.

Have fun with the marathon. :)

Jan 22nd, 2013, 02:52 PM
My girlfriend is a lover of the theatrical arts. She has taking theater in school at the University level for two years and surrounds herself with those either in school still studying and practicing all elements of theater or are in the business and her opinion is that Michael's voice acting is what holds the entire production together. She has small beefs with other characters but she never has anything negative to say about Jim Gleason.

I know a lot less about acting, and even less about voice acting so I never have any issues with any of the dialogue but I would have to say the first few chapters of the story are my favourite!

May 21st, 2015, 02:57 PM
I don't understand what nationality Riley is meant to be? At times she sounds British, German, French and even some sentences sound Africans? Any help?
(Side note: please don't say it's meant to be Australian or I'll have to stop listening lmao)

General Malarky
May 21st, 2015, 04:12 PM
I don't understand what nationality Riley is meant to be? At times she sounds British, German, French and even some sentences sound Africans? Any help?
(Side note: please don't say it's meant to be Australian or I'll have to stop listening lmao)

She's French

May 22nd, 2015, 08:59 PM
Ohh that makes sense now actually! She's a chef, right

General Malarky
May 24th, 2015, 08:33 AM
Ohh that makes sense now actually! She's a chef, right

Yes indeedy