View Full Version : Infection - Graig DeLouif

Aug 17th, 2011, 10:41 AM
This is a very goos zombie book. reminds me a little bit of We're alive. a charcters are all very good. Anyoe read it?

Aug 17th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Read it a while ago. It was pretty interesting. A lot of recent authors are moving away from the Romeroesque shambling corpse. I wonder if the the WWZ movie will stay true to the book or try to spice it up.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 18th, 2011, 10:10 PM
I thought it was interesting that the action was set in and around Pittsburgh, especially since the author is a Canadian and doesn't seem to have any ties to that place. I think it was meant as an homage to George Romero. My two favorite things, 1) the scene where the infected over-run the police station (that is what it must have felt like when the zombie outbreak happened in "We're Alive") and 2) it demonstrates just how much armored vehicles rock!

Aug 19th, 2011, 06:30 AM
Oh, I also follow him on FaceBook. Infection is getting a sequel and I think the key-hammering is almost done and it is moving toward editting.

"I am now 96,000 words into THE KILLING FLOOR, the sequel to THE INFECTION, and wrapping up the finale. After that the epilogue, then a week or so of tinkering and revisions, then submittal to Permuted Press for publication around the beginning of 2012. Get ready for one hell of a ride through the apocalypse."

And just because I can, I will also say that I really liked the ex-series by peter clines. Ex-patriots should be in print later this year. The next Day-by-Day Armageddon should also be out soon.

I am just a fan passing on fun to other fans. II have no financial stake....

I guess I have been watching stock-channels too much