View Full Version : Where would the tower be if Lizzy hadn't been kicked out?

Aug 10th, 2011, 03:05 PM
I was listened to Chapter 24 today at work and I was wondering to myself where the story would be if Lizzy was not kicked out of the tower?

Key Factors that would of helped the tower…
- They would not of wasted 2 days searching for Lizzy
- They would not of wasted time searching for Saul
- Saul would not of runoff, he would of stuck around and helped
- The Maulers would have no blackmailing material on the tower
- ? The tower would not have been attacked ?

So, I believe if Lizzy had not left that the tower would have found and repaired each helicopter days before they had in Chapter 24. At the hospital they would have had 1-2 days to explore before the arena was destroyed. They would not have been attacked in the hospital. I believe that if Lizzy did not leave that all of the tower members would be on their way right now to Fort Irwin.
What do you guys think?

Aug 10th, 2011, 03:27 PM
I was listened to Chapter 24 today at work and I was wondering to myself where the story would be if Lizzy was not kicked out of the tower?

Key Factors that would of helped the tower…
- They would not of wasted 2 days searching for Lizzy
- They would not of wasted time searching for Saul
- Saul would not of runoff, he would of stuck around and helped
- The Maulers would have no blackmailing material on the tower
- ? The tower would not have been attacked ?

So, I believe if Lizzy had not left that the tower would have found and repaired each helicopter days before they had in Chapter 24. At the hospital they would have had 1-2 days to explore before the arena was destroyed. They would not have been attacked in the hospital. I believe that if Lizzy did not leave that all of the tower members would be on their way right now to Fort Irwin.
What do you guys think?

As I am currently working on a production about Albert Einstein, I start off by saying, "Wonderful new postulate!"

I am not sure your high end of 2 days is the amount of time that elapsed between chapters 20-24. Definitely 1 day because Saul and Burt slept at LAX overnight after they found the Jolly Green Giant. The real factor in this equation is whether or not Datu would have been able to make it out to LAX on the first day or not. If he couldn't, the time lines falls into place (pretty much) exactly as it did. The repairs would take Datu as long as they took him, he can't go faster or slower.

I'm not exactly sure how much time was "wasted" looking for Lizzy. The only person who seemed to strike out on their own on that Mission was Burt and he wasn't missed. In fact, no one even knew he was gone. When he was out with Saul (and I may be remembering incorrectly, but I don't have time to relisten to Chapter 20 right now). Every other search party seemed to be doing it in conjunction with the Tower's other missions (finding helicopters and supplies for the road and what not). Seems that the helicopter locating would have taken as long as it did anyway (except maybe LAX and the Jolly Green Giant. That might have happened quicker). Finding the Bell would be just as difficult as it was for James and Jakob anyway.

The Mallers....correction....Scratch had always intended on attacking the Tower. I think the situation that presented itself became a nice little extra nugget of happy for her because it allowed her to isolate the weakest of the Tower vs. her best. But I'm pretty sure there was always the intent to destroy the Tower, otherwise I'm sure it would have become a larger conversation piece that after the Arena debacle she said "Oh yeah, btw we gonna go blow dem tower folk up."

It's an interesting thought...I think I'll mull it over a little bit more and maybe come back with a different answer later.

Aug 10th, 2011, 07:24 PM
I'm not exactly sure how much time was "wasted" looking for Lizzy. The only person who seemed to strike out on their own on that Mission was Burt and he wasn't missed. In fact, no one even knew he was gone. When he was out with Saul (and I may be remembering incorrectly, but I don't have time to relisten to Chapter 20 right now). Every other search party seemed to be doing it in conjunction with the Tower's other missions (finding helicopters and supplies for the road and what not). Seems that the helicopter locating would have taken as long as it did anyway (except maybe LAX and the Jolly Green Giant. That might have happened quicker). Finding the Bell would be just as difficult as it was for James and Jakob anyway.

Wern't Burt and Saul out looking for her for a good chunk of time before heading to the airport to look for the helicopter? It seemed they were at the furniture store, ect, for atleast a half-days time.

Aug 11th, 2011, 07:39 AM
it seemed like they were at the furniture store for a long time because we kept switching back and forth between the past and present, however it probably wasn't more than 15-20 minutes at most. regarding wether things would have been different i think they definitely would because scratch planned her attack around them being lured out to "make the trade" though she obviously knew that they wouldn't actually make the trade.i think the attack would've happened, at most, a day later. under those circumstances i think they would be in the process of loading up to leave when the attack happened and they would've moved up their timeline, then left. the chopper on the tower would've been shot down. but that's just my guess.

Aug 13th, 2011, 02:00 PM
it seemed like they were at the furniture store for a long time because we kept switching back and forth between the past and present, however it probably wasn't more than 15-20 minutes at most. regarding wether things would have been different i think they definitely would because scratch planned her attack around them being lured out to "make the trade" though she obviously knew that they wouldn't actually make the trade.i think the attack would've happened, at most, a day later. under those circumstances i think they would be in the process of loading up to leave when the attack happened and they would've moved up their timeline, then left. the chopper on the tower would've been shot down. but that's just my guess.

That is true, but maybe there was time spent searching even before the furniture store